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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Raw 2/16/04 - Jazz & Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus & Victoria


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Raw 2/16/04 - Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels :y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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ECW Hostile City Showdown '94 - Cactus Jack vs Sabu


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Dec 6, 2010
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Delirious vs Player Dos - CHIKARA: The Mint Condition


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw 24/04/2000 - The Rock & Chris Jericho vs. Triple H (w/Stephanie & Vince) & Chris Benoit

Benoit starts off with Jericho and gets in the first shots then whips him but Jericho comes back with an elbow. Jericho goes for a whip, Benoit reverses him into a corner and goes for a suplex but Jericho flips out of it. Benoit and Jericho exchange stiff chops but Benoit rakes the face to get the advantage. Benoit goes for a whip, Jericho reverses him into a corner and comes off the ropes with the bulldog and Shane makes a fair two count. Rock tags in and works Benoit over then whips him but Benoit ducks a clothesline and comes back with chops. Benoit hits a headbutt and charges at Rock but Rock tosses him over the ropes then dares Triple H to come in. Triple H slowly starts to head in but that allows Benoit to come back in the ring and nail Rock from behind. Triple H tags in and hammers away on Rock in a corner when Rock starts to fight back. Rock goes for a whip but Triple H reverses it and hits the high knee for a fair two count and Triple H yells at Shane for not counting fast. Triple H stomps Rock down in a corner and chokes him with his boot then Benoit tags in but eats a clothesline. Jericho gets the tag and goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and Triple H nails Jericho from behind. Jericho turns and pops Triple H off the apron but Benoit flapjacks him into the top rope then hits a snap suplex. Triple H tags back in then draws Rock in to distract Shane while Benoit chops away on Jericho in his corner. Triple H stomps Jericho down then hits a vertical suplex and follows up with a kneedrop to the face for two. Benoit tags in and Jericho makes a brief rally but Triple H holds Jericho for a chop from Benoit to stop it. Benoit whips Jericho into a running clothesline for a two count then tags Triple H back in to take over. Jericho rams Triple H into the turnbuckles and starts fighting back then whips him but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster for a two count. Triple H whips Jericho but Jericho comes back with a flying forearm. Both men crawl to the their corners and Triple H tags Benoit while Shane let Jericho make the hot tag to Rock. Rock hammers Benoit with right hands then brings Triple H in the ring the hard way and hits the Smackdown. Rock drills Triple H with a DDT then turns toward Benoit on the apron but Benoit responds with a headbutt. Jericho nails Benoit with the springboard dropkick then goes out and the two of them duke it out on the floor. In the ring Rock hits Triple H with the Rock Bottom and covers but Shane is busy with Stephanie on the apron so Rock goes over and drops Shane with a right hand. Vince comes in the ring but Rock turns and catches him and Vince tries to flee from the ring but Rock cuts off his escape. Benoit comes back in and nails Rock then goes for a whip but Rock counters with the spinebuster. Rock readies himself for the People’s Elbow but Vince kicks Rock in the forbidden zone! Triple H hits the Pedigree and the three count is academic. *** Pretty good fast-paced main event.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Backlash 2000 - WWF Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg (w/Tori)

Debra is your special guest announcer, slurring through the intros. Vicodin and Texans don't mix. The DX’ers come out first and as usual Road Dogg delivers his rhyming on the mic promising to win the titles. E&C then appear while JR takes a moment to mention that Steve Austin has not yet arrived to the building. Edge locks up with X-Pac to start and X-Pac goes into a headlock when Edge powers out of it into a wristlock but X-Pac uses the ropes to flip into an armdrag. Both men lockup again and Edge applies a headlock, X-Pac shoves him into the ropes but Edge hits a shoulderblock. Edge comes off the ropes and X-Pac leapfrogs him but Edge hits a spinning heel kick and X-Pac angrily rolls out to the floor. Road Dogg tries to settle his partner down and X-Pac climbs back in the ring and spits into Edge’s face before tagging in Road Dogg. Both men feel each other out before Road Dogg gets in the first shots then whips Edge but misses a clothesline and Edge hits the headscissors. Edge follows up with a clothesline before he tags in Chrsitian and whips Road Dogg into a corner. Edge drops to the mat and Christian launches off him into the crossbody on Road Dogg then throws Road Dogg to the mat and tees off on him before covering for a two count. Road Dogg jabs the eyes then tags in X-Pac who exchanges punches with Christian. X-Pac whips Christian and comes off the ropes himself but runs into a powerslam. Christian throws X-Pac into a corner then goes up and hits the count-along punches. Road Dogg comes over and rams Christian into the top rope and X-Pac comes out with a clothesline. X-Pac throws Christian through the ropes to the floor and Road Dogg whips him into the steps. X-Pac throws Christian back in the ring and Road Dogg covers him for a two count without a tag. Road Dogg applies a front facelock, trying to keep Christian from tagging out as Christian inches his way toward his corner. X-Pac distracts the referee just as Christian makes the tag to Edge and the referee and the referee orders Edge back out while the DX’ers double-team Christian in a corner. Tori chokes Christian from the floor setting him up for the Bronco Buster from X-Pac. Road Dogg tags in and snapmares Christian to the mat then kicks him in the back twice for a near fall. Road Dogg applies a chinlock and Christian fights out of it then comes off the ropes but Road Dogg hits the juke ‘n’ jive punches, including the big right. Road Dogg follows up with the shake, rattle ‘n kneedrop but Edge breaks up the pin. Christian starts fighting back and whips Road Dogg but both men hit each other with crossbodies. X-Pac comes in to keep Christian from reaching his corner and the referee orders him back to his corner, allowing Edge to climb to the top rope and hit a diving headbutt on Road Dogg. Edge pops X-Pac through the ropes while Christian covers Road Dogg but only gets two. X-Pac tags in and both DX’ers go for a suplex but Chrisitan flips out of it into a double Slop Drop then manages to make the hot tag to Edge. Edge takes it to both men and goes to whip X-Pac who reverses it and goes for a leapfrog but Edge catches him into a powerbomb. Road Dogg saves it and sets Edge up for a pump handle slam when Christian pulls him off looking for the Unprettier but Road Dogg shoves him into a spin kick from X-Pac. Edge spears Road Dogg but Tori hops on the apron and grabs Edge by the hair, holding him for X-Pac. X-Pac charges at Edge with a right hand but Edge ducks and X-Pac nails Tori. Edge rolls X-Pac up but only gets a two count and Road Dogg goes out to the apron and hits a pescado on Christian on the floor before he can nail Tori with the Slop Drop. In the ring X-Pac hits the X-Factor on Edge and covers him but the referee is distracted on the floor when Christian brings the ring bell in the ring and cracks X-Pac in the head with it! Christian covers X-Pac and gets the three to retain the titles. ***1/2 Excellent, hot opener.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Backlash 2000 - WWF Light-Heavyweight Title: Dean Malenko vs. Scottie II Hottie

So even though Malenko already regained the title on Smackdown we still get this nice rubber match. Scotty comes out first to a great reaction and even dances with Lillian Garcia before Malenko makes his way out to some great heel heat. Scotty gets in the first shots and works Malenko over in a corner then whips him into an elbow and whips him again into a backdrop. Scotty hits a clothesline for two count then goes for another whip, Malenko counters and goes for a powerbomb but Scotty coutners that into an armdrag and hits a dropkick for another two count. Scotty goes for a whip, Malenko reverses him into a corner but Scotty lifts himself over him and hits a suplex. Scotty moonwalks across the ring but that allows Malenko to nail him from behind. Malenko goes for a whip, Scotty reverses him into a corner and goes for a monkey flip which Malenko counters with an Atomic Drop but Scotty blocks it and pops Malenko with a right hand. Scotty whips Malenko then comes off the ropes looking for the bulldog but Malenko cuts him down with a clothesline. Scotty crawls out to the apron but Malenko rams him into the turnbuckle then goes out and rams Scotty into the apron before throwing him back in the ring. Malenko props Scotty in a corner and kicks away at his knee but Scotty reverses and unloads on him. The referee tries to separate them then Malenko dropkicks Scotty in the knee. Malenko then works over Scotty’s knee with a standing anklelock and series of elbowdrops then goes out and wraps Scotty’s leg around the ringpost twice. Malenko goes back in and applies another standing leglock and Scotty tries to counter with an enzuigiri but Malenko ducks it and elbowdrops the bad knee. Malenko follows up with a kneedrop then goes into a grapevine and tries to use the ropes for leverage but the referee catches him and orders a break. Malenko kicks away at Scotty’s bad leg then follows up with a kneebreaker when Scotty comes back with and enzuigiri. Scotty starts to fight back and goes for a whip but Malenko reverses him hard into the turnbuckles then slams his knee into the mat. Malenko hits a baseball slide into Scotty’s knee then drapes it over the ropes and kicks at it. Malenko goes for a spinning toehold but Scotty kicks him into the ringpost and rolls him up for a two count. Malenko hits a clothesline and goes back to kicking at the knee then goes for a whip. Scotty goes for a kick but Malenko drives him through the ropes and both men are down on the floor. Malneko starts to climb back in but Scotty pulls his leg and drops him onto the apron. Scotty climbs to the top rope but Malenko cuts him off then goes up and hits a superplex. Scotty ducks a right hand and gets a backslide for a two count then Malenko takes Scotty down and goes for the Texas Cloverleaf but Scotty rolls him up for another near fall. Malenko whips Scotty into the corner and goes for a suplex but Scotty somewhat counters it. Malenko attempts a powerbomb but Scotty floats over and hits the bulldog follwed by the Worm … but hops on the bad knee to do so. Oops. Malenko rolls Scotty up with his feet on the ropes but the referee sees it and orders a break. Malenko goes for a suplex when Scotty floats over into a waistlock but Malenko reverses into his own waistlock and hits a Tigerbomb that gets a two count. Malenko whips Scotty into a corner but eats a boot and Scotty comes out but runs into a powerslam for a near fall. Scotty suplexes Malenko over the ropes but ends up hot shoting himself as well. Malenko climbs up to the top but Scotty cuts him off. Scotty goes up and goes for a superplex but Malenko reverses it in mid-air into an implant DDT!!! Scotty is pretty much dead now as Malenko covers for the pin. **** The finish was awesome as was Malenko's legwork. Scottie screwed it up by just going through with his moves anyway, but that only knocks


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Backlash 2000 - European Title: Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna) vs. Essa Rios (w/Lita)

Eddie has shed his shirt and cumerbund but is still wearing his pants, shoes and bowtie. Eddie dropkicks Rios from behind to start and pounds on him then whips him into a sidekick. Eddie whips Rios again and goes for a gutwrench slam but Rios lands on his feet and hits his own gutwrench backbreaker. Eddie rams Rios into a turnbuckle and hits a back suplex followed by an over-the-shoulder armdrag. Eddie works over the arm when Rios fights back and locks knuckles then runs up the turnbuckles but slips off the ropes. So Rios recovers with an armdrag and hits an elbowdrop then whips Eddie into another armdrag. Eddie rolls out to the floor when Rios goes for a plancha over the ropes but Eddie sidesteps it and Rios splats onto the floor. Eddie throws Rios into the ringsteps before rolling him back in the ring and slamming him to the mat. Eddie goes out to the apron and slings himself into a hilo on Rios then throws him through the ropes. Chyna gets in a shot on the floor before throwing Rios back in and Eddie goes for a whip but Rios reverses and hits a dropkick. Rios climbs to the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick but only gets a two count. Rios applies a headlock but Eddie counters with a jawbreaker then goes for a powerbomb but Rios counters that into an amrdrag. Eddie comes off the ropes and Rios hits a monkey flip but Eddie nearly lands on his head. Rios charges but Eddie sends him through the ropes and Chyna nails Rios with a forearm on the floor. Eddie slings himself into a plancha on Rios then rams him into the apron. Eddie sets up for a powerbomb on the floor when Lita climbs to the top rope but Chyna shoves her off onto the announce table. However this distracts Eddie long enough for Rios to counter with a backdrop. Rios climbs onto the apron and hits an Asai moonsault that sends both of them onto the announce table. Rios throws Eddie back in the ring then climbs to the top and hits a missle dropkick and Eddie rolls back out to the floor when Rios leaps over the ropes into a cannonball on Eddie! Rios throws Eddie back in the ring and climbs to the top but Chyna causes him to straddle the turnbukcle. Eddie goes up and hits a superplex but both men are down and Rios drapes an arm for a two count. Rios goes for a suplex but Eddie flips out of it and hits a brainbuster. Eddie climbs to the top rope looking for the Frogsplash but Rios runs up and armdrags him off to the mat. Rios climbs to the top again and goes for a mmonsault but Eddie gets the knnes up to block it. Eddie then hits a spinning Gory Special and that gets the three. fter the match, Lita strips Chyna and runs off with her dress. Chyna is irate at first but decides she's got it and must, therefore, flaunt it. *** A bit sloppy in spots but still a good match.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Backlash 2000 - Intercontinental Title: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho comes out first and gets on the mic talking about Ben-oyt taking offense to his comments. Jericho tells Benoit that Washington is full of emotionless drones called politicians and promises to veto Benoit’s IC title reign. Both men lockup to start and jockey for position, eventually tumbling through the ropes to the floor. Benoit slaps Jericho as the referee tries to get them back in the ring and once they go in Jericho takes Benoit down with a headlock. Benoit counters with the leg scissors and does his own headlock take down. Jericho counters that with his own headscissors and we have a stalemate. Benoit takes Jericho down but the legs but Jericho counters into a rollup and Benoit and Jericho exchange pinfall counters. Both men then exchange stiff chops until Benoit rakes Jericho’s face and whips him into a corner. Benoit charges but Jericho sidesteps him and trips him with a drop toehold. Jericho unloads on Benoit then stomps him in the head and hits a forearm. Jericho goes for a whip but Benoit reverses him into a corner and hits a German suplex. Benoit holds on and hits a second German then goes for a third but Jericho holds onto the ropes so Benoit suplexes Jericho over the ropes. Benoit then dives through the ropes but Jericho sidesteps him and Benoit splats on the floor! Jericho moves the steps into position then goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it. Jericho hops over the steps but Benoit responds by dropkicking the steps into Jericho’s knees. Both men roll back in the ring and Benoit covers Jericho but only gets a two count. Benoit whips Jericho into a knee then follows up with a gutbuster. Benoit whips Jericho into a corner then stomps him down while trash-talking him. Jericho fights back and whips Benoit looking for a dropkick but Benoit holds the ropes to fake him out. Benoit catapults Jericho into a corner and suplexes him onto the ropes then hits a snap suplex for a two count. Benoit whips Jericho and knees him in the chest and both men exchange shots when Benoit whips Jericho into an Abdominal stretch. Benoit pounds Jericho in the ribs but Jericho fights out of it and comes off the ropes with an elbow. Jericho connects with the Lionsault but can’t immediately cover Benoit and only gets a two count as a result. Benoit chops Jericho in a corner and stomps him down then goes for a whip but Jericho reverses him into the opposite corner. Jericho charges but eats a boot and Benoit comes out but runs into a spinning heel kick. Jericho gets in some shots but misses a right hand and Benoit chops him in a corner again. Benoit goes for a whip but Jericho reverses it then comes off the ropes with the bulldog for a near fall. Jericho lands his own chops and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses but Jericho rolls him up for a two count. Benoit goes for a suplex but Jericho blocks it and suplexes him onto the top rope. Benoit goes out to the apron when Jericho goes for the springboard dropkick but Benoit swats him away. Benoit climbs to the top rope but Jericho bumps his legs, causing him to straddle the turbuckle. Jericho goes up and hits a back superplex but Benoit shifts positions and Jericho takes the worst of it. Benoit covers Jericho for a two count then whips Jericho looking for a gutwrench, Jericho counters into a backslide attempt but can’t get Benoit over. Jericho hits a powerbomb but holds on for a second powerbomb then goes for the cover when Benoit counters it into the Crippler Crossface! Jericho tries to hold on and manages to inch over and put his feet on the bottom rope. Benoit goes for the Crossface again but Jericho fights out of it into the Walls of Jericho! However Benoit is also able to reach the bottom rope. Jericho goes for a whip when Benoit reverses it and Jericho goes for a flying forearm but Benoit ducks and Jericho wipes out the referee. Benoit goes out and brings his IC title belt in then waffles Jericho with it. Benoit revives the referee before he covers Jericho .. but only gets a two count!! Benoit is shocked as he suplexes Jericho onto the title belt then climbs to the top rope again. Benoit goes for the diving headbutt when Jericho holds the belt up to block it but the referee then disqualifies Jericho for using the belt! Ross and Lawler are puzzled until they see the replay. Bad finish to this match, but it would set up another good match at Judgment Day. ****1/4 Still an excellent match from these guys like you’d expect, though I still have to deduct a quarter-point for the DQ.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Revenge of the Prophecy: Dunn & Marcos v.s The Outcast Killaz v.s Special K.

I don't know if this was a legit Scramble or not but there was still no rules as these guys jumped around the ring like idiots for the limited time they were out there. None of the moves made any sense. It went from dives to hitting random, big moves in the ring. Special K decided that everyone in their group was in the match at one point and basically just won. Yeah, it was an awful, awful sloppy spotfest. I knew this was going to be bad so I waited a few days just so I could stomach it before going with the rest of the show.



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Jun 26, 2010
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Tyson Kidd vs. Joe Hennig -NXT

DAMN good match. Tyson makes every match Golden.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Revenge of the Prophecy: Paul London v.s B.J. Whitmer v.s Homicide v.s Colt Cabana.

This wasn't called a four corner survival match yet but that was pretty much what it was. This match was just amazing, too. I didn't expect for it to escalate and evolve as much as it did throughout. It just kept picking up. Colt Cabana was the star of the match in my mind. He adapted his game plan based on what his opponents doing perfectly. Seriously Whitmer kept tagging out instead of staying in the ring to take advantage of the damage he would do. It seemed like a rookie thing to do being his first ROH match and it being such an odd format. He was really the only one tagging out so Cabana started using this to his own advantage to take down both London and Homicide when he had the chance. It led to a pretty good exchange between Cabana and Whitmer as well. Also, Cabana working for his own dive with 3 guys that would more likely try to work a dive in the match was tremendous. This went on for like 5 minutes with Cabana each getting a glimpse of flight before someone would take him out. So after getting a little fed up he flips London over the top rope onto Whitmer and Homicide and precedes to follow with his own springboard move. See Indie wrestlers... Dives don't have to be pointless. Every wrestler had interesting exchanges at different points with each other. It just made it feel special with all the different styles in the ring. This was better than the 4 way that ended Final Battle as far I'm concerned. I think if it wasn't for some blown moves and a little sloppiness this would be one of the best 4 ways ever. This match also had a very intense ending that ended in the shades of the first ROH show... Nice set up going into the 1 Year Anniversary Show which was the next show by the way.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Revenge of the Prophecy: Bryan Danielson v.s Samoa Joe.

This was just a hard-hitting match with some great mat wrestling and submissions to boot. The reversals with the strikes and holds made everything matter. Danielson and Joe beat the hell out each other. Joe even hit a Ole Kick outside that broke the guard rail. It was sick as hell. It only got uglier from there with the blows. The violence escalated the entire time. Danielson's will to take everything Joe would give him and comeback was the main focus of the match after Danielson's opening of trying to stretch Joe. It was like everything Danielson did just pissed off Joe and it led to the quick ending of a big knee to the head and an Island Driver. The fight to get to that point was pretty much non-stop but the finish was abrupt as I think they were saving more for later. Still you can't go wrong with a match that goes nuts like this for the time it was allowed.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 05/04/2000 - WWF Intercontinential Title: Chris Benoit © vs. Chris Jericho

I guess this is a make-up for their match at Backlash having an unsatisfying finish. Benoit and Jericho stand nose-to-nose and Benoit slaps Jericho in the face but Jericho slaps him back so Benoit takes Jericho down by the legs and unloads on him. Both men end up rolling out of the ring to the floor then climb back in the ring and Benoit hits a clothesline. Benoit whips Jericho but Jericho comes back with a forearm then unloads on Benoit and both men exchange chops. Jericho gets the advantage by raking the face and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses it but lowers the head and Jericho clubs the back and powerbombs him. Jericho then goes for the Lionsault but Benoit is back up and pulls Jericho off the ropes with a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German suplex then holds on for a bridge suplex but only gets a two count. Benoit follows up with a gutbuster then stomps Jericho down in a corner when Hebner pulls him off Jericho so Benoit has words with him. Benoit chops Jericho and goes for a whip but Jericho reverses him into a corner. Jericho charges but eats a boot and Benoit comes out but runs into a spinning heel kick that gets a two count. Benoit chops Jericho down and works him over in a corner with chops as he starts bleeding from the nose. Benoit whips Jericho into the other corner and charges but eats an elbow and Jerihco hops to the middle rope and connects with a missile dropkick. Both men start exchanging punches when Jericho gets the advantage and hammers Benoit with kneelifts then comes off the ropes with the bulldog for two. Jericho chops Benoit against the ropes and goes for a whip and Benoit counters into another gutbuster attempt but Jericho counters that into a rollup for a two count. Benoit comes back and hits a back suplex then climbs up to the top rope but Jericho bumps the ropes causing Benoit to straddle the top turnbuckle. Jericho climbs up after Benoit but Benoit fights him off to the mat then leaps off going for a Sunset Flip. Jericho rolls through it and goes into the Walls of Jericho when Benoit tries to counter it into the Crossface but Jericho is able to keep Benoit from locking it in. Benoit suplexes Jericho over the ropes to the floor and Hebner tries to keep Benoit from going out to the floor but Benoit argues with Hebner before shoving him and Hebner shoves Benoit back. Benoit shoves Hebner through the ropes while Jericho brings the IC belt in the ring and clocks Benoit with it. Jericho connects with the Lionsault and Hebner counts the three for the win and Jericho’s third IC Title! So the inital match ended inconclusively, and after a four-day wait Jericho gets his win, Not quite their pay-per-view epic but still another good battle between the two greats. ***


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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EVOLVE #13 - A.R. Fox vs Jigsaw vs Ricochet vs Samuray Del Sol