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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (8/22/12) - Johnny Curtis & Michael McGillicutty vs Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd

Real good main event, thought it did have it's sloppy moments. Kidd had a pretty bad botch towards the end, falling off the top turnbuckle. Also noticed that Kidd/Gabriel switched up who did what in their Blockbuster/Hart Attack move. That looked kinda' weird.

WWE Superstars (8/23/12) - Damien Sandow vs Yoshi Tatsu

This was pretty much all Sandow, and I love it, I'm becoming a big Sandow fan the more I see of him. Matt Striker insulting Scott Stanford's intelligence on commentary was pretty hilarious too.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Superstars (8/23/12) - Alex Riley vs Drew McIntyre

Not bad, but I don't think it was as good as the one they had just a week prior. There was a notable botch towards the beginning, but it didn't really hurt anything. So McIntyre loses to Riley for the 2nd straight week, and I'm considering giving up on wrestling.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF SummerSlam 1991 - Intercontinental Championship: Mr Perfect vs. Bret Hart

Fantastic match. These two had awesome chemistry and it was on full show here. Perfect went above and beyond to make Bret look like a million dollars with his messed up back which would take him out for for almost 2 years. This match officially kicks off Bret Hart's career making run of Summer Slam matches. ****1/2 I still like their King of the Ring match better, but this one will always be one of those special matches that people will always remember.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Superstars 23/08/2012 - Alex Riley vs. Drew McIntyre
This is a Rematch from last week. Drew gets full entrance. Drew sits in the corner for Riley’s entrance much like Raven would do. AWESOME!. it's just a shame the match wasn't It was just starting to get good then it just ended which pissed me off. McIntyre continued to get buried and Riley picks up his 3rd win of 2012. *1/2

WWE Superstars 23/08/2012 - Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes
This match came about because Rhodes tried to cock-block Gabriel in the back. Gabriel and Rhodes delivered here in a really fun back and fourth match, I really liked the psychology with Rhodes worked the arm and Gabriel having to change some of his game plan cause of the injury. The only thing i didn't like was the quick surprise ending. ***


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH Hell Freezes Over - ROH World Title Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero

This was a tremendous match filled with really good mat wrestling which you don't really see from Hero, but this was another day at the office for Danilson here in 2006. The opening five minutes were entertaining but it was basically all posturing and stalling. The second portion of the match was great as it was Danielson looking to defending ROH, attempting to take Hero to school…only he couldn't do it. Then the man deemed not good enough for ROH proceeded to dominate their World Champion. My biggest criticism here is that Danielson didn't sell the arm-work of Hero that much which is SHOCKING cause Danielson sells everything. The finish was also ridiculously sudden and anti-climatically i don't know why he tapped so suddenly after wearing down Danielson for like 15 minutes. ***3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH Throwdown - KENTA vs. Roderick Strong

I personally enjoyed the match but A lot of the match had no heat, even those portions were extremely hard fought. The match peaked in the middle instead of at the finish causing the finish to fall a bit flat. ***1/2 - ***3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 07/03/2000 - WWF European Title: Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna) vs. Chris Benoit
Eddie starts off with a hammerlock when Benoit fights out and whips him but Eddie hits a shoulderblock. Eddie comes off the ropes and hits a huricanrana then goes for a whip but Benoit drops him onto the ropes. Benoit hammers away on Eddie and goes for a whip but Eddie reverses it and hits a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker followed by a vertical suplex for a two count. Eddie goes for a suplex but Benoit floats over him and suplexes him on the top rope. Eddie falls out to the floor but Benoit rams him into the apron before rolling him back in the ring. Benoit whips Eddie into a knee to the chest then whips him again into a corner and hits a press slam that gets a near fall. Benoit follows up with a gutbuster and a European forearm then whips Eddie when Eddie comes back with a Frankensteiner for a two count. Benoit clotheslines Eddie and whips him then goes for a hiptoss but Eddie counters with a bodyscissors into a rollup for a two count. Benoit chops Eddie in a corner then whips him into the opposite corner and charges at him but eats an elbow. Eddie hops to the middle rope and hits a rolling bulldog then drives Benoit into a corner and gets in his shots. Eddie goes for a tornado DDT but Benoit shoves Eddie away then drops him face-first onto the turnbuckles. Benoit grabs Eddie’s European title belt and readies a swing when Chyna comes in and decks Benoit for a DQ. Eddie comes back and nails Benoit with a dropkick but that knocks him right into Chyna, wiping her out. Eddie checks on Chyna but Benoit grabs the belt and waffles him with it. Benoit then turns and slaps the Crossface on Chyna! A swarm of referees pull Benoit off Chyna and Benoit heads up the ramp while grinning at his handiwork. That Crossface on Chyna gave Benoit some massive heat, which would come in handy later. **1/2 Pretty damn good match here i'm fully convinced these two could wrestle in their sleep and have a good match. And that was on show here it was the usualy Benoit/Eddie greatness crammed into 4 minutes.

WWF Intercontinential Title: Rikishi vs. Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon)
Stephanie distracts Rikishi from the floor allowing Triple H to jump him from behind and get in the first shots. Triple H goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into a corner and hits a backdrop. Rikishi gets in his damage then whips Triple H into a corner and charges but eats a knee. Triple H comes out with a clothesline then whips Rikishi and hits the high knee for a two count. Triple H shoulderblocks Rikishi repeatedly in a corner and tosses him through the ropes then heads out when Rikishi fights back and rams Triple H into the apron before both men roll back in. Rikishi whips Triple H when Triple H comes back and sets up for the Pedigree but has trouble locking the move in and Rikishi is able to counter it with a backdrop. Rikishi goes for the sitdown splash but Triple H avoids it then comes off the ropes and clotheslines Rikishi down. Triple H follows that up with the kneedrop to the face for a near fall then unloads on Rikishi with right hands. Triple H then goes for a whip and Rikishi reverses it but lowers the head. Triple H comes back with a DDT but Rikishi pops right up unfazed and nails Triple H with a superkick followed by a Samoan Drop. Rikishi clotheslines Triple H over the ropes then goes out after him and the two exchange shots on the floor. Rikishi knocks Triple H down then slips back in the ring but apparently doesn’t make it before the 10 count and we have a double countout. Triple H wonders what just happened when Chris Jericho comes down the ramp and shoves him into the steps before tossing him back in the ring. Triple H yells back at Jericho when Rikishi squashes him from behind with the butt charge. Triple H then slumps to the mat and Rikishi gives him the stinkface as Stephanie watches with a horrified look. Stephanie helps Triple H back up the ramp while Too Cool come out and join Rikishi for the post-match dance. *1/2 Good brawl here which could of been allot better especially compared to their great match on Smackdown in January.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 07/03/2000 - WWF World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian vs. The Undertaker & Kane

These two teams split thier singles matches on Smackdown, but then again the brothers did squash E&C last week so let’s see how this goes. Christian gets on the mic first and mentions Mick Foley scraping the bowels of suckitude for making this match then says he and Edge may be Canadian but they still want to wish Taker and Kane a happy 4th of July. Edge takes the mic to unveil their new 5-second pose praising Taker and Kane and even wears a Kane mask during it. Edge takes the mic to unveil their new 5-second pose praising Taker and Kane and even wears a Kane mask. Once the brothers come out Taker wastes no time going to work on Edge and whips him into a corner then charges at him but eats a boot. Edge throws Taker into the corner to get his shots then hits the count-along punches but Taker shoves him off. Taker goes for an elbowdrop but misses it and Edge comes off the ropes with a neckbreaker for a near fall. Taker clotheslines Edge down for his own two count and Edge fights back then goes for a whip but Taker reverses and hits a tilt-o-whirl powerslam. Christian makes the save but Taker pulls him down by the hair then hits an elbowdrop. E&C double-team Taker and Christian takes over without a tag then goes for a whip and Taker reverses it. Christian kicks the face but runs right into a big boot. Kane tags in and clotheslines Christian then whips him into a corner and plants him with a sidewalk slam. Edge comes in but Kane backdrops him then nails Christian with a boot and clotheslines Edge. Kane grabs Christian by the throat when Edge breaks it up then E&C whip Kane but eat a double clothesline. Kane tags Taker in and follows Edge out to the floor. Taker grabs Christian looking for a chokeslam but before he can hit it Kurt Angle comes in and nails Taker in the knee with his scepter drawing a DQ. Taker and Kane get the win but not the belts and Taker is not happy Angle bailed out his friends. Kane brings Edge back in and chokeslams him while Taker cuts off Christian’s escape and hits his new powerbomb which JR says is called the "Last Ride" DUD! E&C continue to look like jobbers which sucks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Derrick Bateman vs. Antonio Cesaro from This week's NXT.


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Tamina vs Sofia Cortez from this week's NXT.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Kassius Ohno vs. Jake Carter from this week's NXT.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 07/06/2000 - Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho

Things kick off with Kurt Angle making his way to the ring for our opener with his crown and sceptre in hand. Angle first decides to get on the mic and says he doesn’t do this often but wants to make some apologies tonight. Angle wants to apologize to the Fort Lauderdale fans for living meaningless lives since they don’t show him respect, then apologizes to the old people in Florida because they’ll die soon before they see him win the WWF Title. Angle then tries to apologize to Undertaker for costing him and Kane the tag team titles on Raw, claiming he was just helping out his friends Edge & Christian and that he hopes Taker has more than enough intergrity to forgive him. Chris Jericho then makes his way out and gets on the mic wanting to make his own apologies. Jericho says he wants to apologize to the fans for having to listen to another of “Kirk Angel”‘s long-winded speeches. Jericho then starts to apologize to Stephanie McMahon but decides against it since she is a bottom-feeding tramp. Jericho finally apologizes for putting Triple H through a table last week before mentioning how he really enjoyed it and can’t wait to do it again. Before we get started Stephanie McMahon struts down the ramp probably looking to interfere for her pal Angle at some point. Jericho gets in the first shots and whips Angle into an elbow then goes for a whip when Angle reverses but lowers the head. Jericho kicks the face and charges at Angle who backdrops him over the ropes but Jericho lands on his feet then climbs to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick to get a two count. Jericho hammers Angle with chops and goes for a whip but Angle hot shots him on the ropes. Angle stomps Jericho down in a corner and hits a suplex for a near fall then both men exchange shots when Angle tosses Jericho through the ropes. Angle goes out and rams Jericho into the announce table before tossing him back in as Stephanie looks on. Angle whips Jericho and clotheslines him for a two count then applies a chinlock combined with a bodyscissors. Jericho fights out of the hold and comes off the ropes but runs into a knee to the chest. Angle lays the boots to Jericho and whips him but Jericho comes back with a double-underhook backbreaker. Angle responds with a clothesline for a near fall then elbows Jericho in the head and works him over in a corner before choking him with his boot. Angle goes for a whip, Jericho reverses into the other corner but eats a boot and Angle comes out but runs into a spinning heelkick. Angle goes for another whip but Jericho connects with a flying forearm. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses looking for a leapfrog but Jericho catches him into a powerslam for a near fall. Jericho whips Angle into a corner then goes for the bulldog and misses it but manages to get it on the second try. Jericho covers Angle but sure enough Stephanie hops on the apron distracting the referee from counting the pin. Jericho reaches out for Stephanie when Angle takes a swing at him with his scepter but Jericho cuts him off and takes him down. Jericho then looks for the Walls of Jericho when Stephanie hits him below the belt with the sceptre. Angle then follows up with the Olympic Slam on Jericho and the three count is academic thanks to Stephanie. *** This was the usual good stuff from these two in '00 i just wish they would give them more then 5 minutes every time.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 07/06/2000 - The Rock, Eddie Guerrero & Chyna vs. Chris Benoit, Edge & Christian

Eddie offers to start for his team and demands that Benoit face him but instead Edge nails Eddie from behind to start us off. Edge hammers away on Eddie and caps off with a backbreaker then whips him but Eddie comes back with a headscissors. Eddie gets in his shots when Benoit clotheslines him then draws Rock in to distract the referee for a double-team. Benoit takes over on Eddie without a tag and whips him into a corner then presses him up when Eddie slips out of it and connects with a dropkick. Eddie goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and hits an elbow followed by a backbreaker that gets a two count. Christian tags in and Eddie starts to fight back then goes for a whip but Christian counters and hits a Slop Drop. Christian unloads on Eddie and whips him into a powerslam for a near fall. Edge tags in and puts Eddie in a front facelock to keep him from reaching his corner then hits a suplex for a two count. Benoit tags in and hits a back suplex and Eddie tries to rally again but Benoit stops that and hits some chops. Eddie blocks a chop and shoves Benoit into a corner then charges but eats a double boot that gets Benoit a near fall. Benoit whips Eddie but Eddie comes back with a Frankensteiner then crawls over and makes the tag to Rock. Christian also gets the tag but Rock takes it to both him and Edge before planting Edge with a Samoan Drop. Rock nails Christian with a spinebuster then readies to deliver the People’s Elbow as Chyna begs him for a tag. Rock ignores Chyna for now and pops Edge and Benoit off the apron then goes ahead and tags Chyna in anyway. Chyna clotheslines Edge then powerbombs Christian and …. that gets the three? Eddie and Chyna celebrate while Rock turns his attention toward Benoit and the two exchange heated words. Suddenly Shane McMahon runs in and nails Rock from behind but Rock pops right up and chases him up the ramp. Eddie and Chyna watch this when E&C jump them from behind and Benoit puts Chyna in the crossface again. Rock chases Shane back in the ring then turns and knocks Christian over the ropes with the Smackdown. Rock then plants Edge with the Rock Bottom but Shane and Benoit are able to make their escape from the ring. Rock then glares out at Benoit and Shane on the ramp showing this issue is not over as the show goes off the air. ** This match had so much potential but it was rushed, you have 5 of the best talent in the WWF at the time and you only give then 4 and a half minutes C'MON and to make matters worse you let Chyna pin one half of the tag champs. WHAT A MESS!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WCW Nitro October 16th 1995 - Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
Tremendous television match, these 2 could only do so much, and they decided to concentrate mainly on suplexes with a bit of high-flying was thrown in. Benoit dominated most of the match but Eddie would do an impressive move every NOW and AGAIN then go right back to selling the arm work by Benoit, which was great. ***3/4

WCW Great American Bash 1996 - Falls Count Anywhere Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan
This was far from a wrestling match, just a really intense brawl which spent most of it's time in the men's bathroom!!! and Dusty was masturbating to that. This was around the time when the whole Benoit/Sullivan/Nancy thing was going down so i give both guys credit for being so professional with each other. The action was entertaining but not that great, but for some reason i enjoyed way too much then i should of. ***


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw June, 11th 2001 - Steel Cage match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
This was the match of hell for both Angle and Benoit they just put their bodies on the line. No wonder both were injured not long after. This was a PPV quality match free on TV and they delivered here which was no shocker cause all Benoit/Angle matches are good. The only thing i did not like was the technical mat wrestling that they usually do in their matches. Defiantly in my top 5 cage matches in WWF/E history. ****1/4

WWE Royal Rumble 2003 - WWE Championship: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
***** My words don't do it justice.