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The New F'n Show

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Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Edge and Christian vs Brothers of Destruction #1 Contenders Match Raw February 2001

Tag champ Dudley Boyz on commentary. Pretty solid until a crazy brawl broke out with no winner in the match. ***


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Wrestlemania 25 - Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Shawn opens up with his speed, ducking some rights and hitting some chops. The third dodge leads to some rights in the corner but Taker blocks the next one and literally throws HBK over the top. HBK tries to play possum and gets the mount, but Taker throws him off. Taker finally catches Shawn and here come the soup bones. Shots in the corner from Taker. Michaels blocks a whip and stars with the chops, Taker whips him to the corner. HBK does the flip bump and gets hit with a HIGH backdrop. Military press slam by Taker followed by an elbow drop for 2. Taker goes to the arm with shoulder blocks, and it's time to ring the bell...OLD SCHOOL connects. Taker charges and tries a Yakuza kick, Michaels moves and Taker gets tangled in the ropes. Shinbreaker by HBK, followed by a chop block. Basement dropkick by HBK and he locks in the modified figure four. Taker punches his way out but has trouble standing, and HBL compounds the trouble with a dropkick to the knee. Michaels charges but Taker catches him in a bear hug, remembers to sell the knee and rams HBK to the corner. Shots in the corner, whip and a charging clothesline. A second charging clothesline, snake eyes and a big boot from Taker, followed by a leg drop for 2. Taker is setting for the chokeslam...goozle! CROSSFACE BY MICHAELS! Taker turns into it to relieve the pressure then triues to roll Michaels up, he gets 2. HBK maneuvers and gets into the prime crossface position, Taker gets to his feet with HBK still holding on...side slam breaks the grip and gets 2 for Taker. Whip by Taker but he drops his head and gets by Taker. HBK ducks some shots and comes back with chops. Flying forearm by HBK! Kip-up! Inverted Atomic, chop, inverted atomic, chop, clothesline by Michaels. HBL goes to the top for the flying elbow...Taker is up! HBK comes off for an axehandle...GOOZLE! HBK escapes, goes for chin music but Taker drops under it! HBK goes back to the legs...HELL'S GATE! He's got it in good! HBK struggles and writhes and gets to the ropes. Both men on the outside briefly, Taker takes HBK to the steps and rolls him back in. Kick to the head of HBK, then the patented leg drop on the spron MISSES! HBK moved! Someone did their homework. Baseball slide to Taker on the outside. HBK goes to the top backwards...MOONSAULT misses!!! He hit HARD. Taker is back in the ring while the ref checks with HBK. ZOMBIE SIT-UP and Taker is going to fly.....HBK pulls the camerman in the way and OH MY GOD ON HIS HEAD! TAKER LANDED ON HIS HEAD! Watching the replay he may have tucked in time but he went almost full vertical into the floor like a lawn dart. Shawn checks on the ref, who he had previously shoved out of the way, and brings him into the ring, imploring him to count. The crowd is in a shocked silence. The ref is at 9 and Taker is still stumbling around...he gets back in the ring! HBK is tuning the band...Taker is up...Goozle! Chokeslam! 1...2.....NO!. HBK escapes the Tombstone, Taker catches Sweet Chin Music, goozle is blocked...MUSIC CONNECTS!!! 1...2...NO! HBK goes after Taker, Goozle from the floor! Last Ride! HBK escapes! Taker has him again...LAST RIDE connects! 1...2...NO! Taker is...going to the top? HBK looks down and out. ELBOW FROM THE TOP misses and both men are down again. They get up, HBK charges and Taker sidesteps and sends him over...HBK skins the cat! He catches Taker in a headscissors...Taker drags him into Tombstone position! He nails it! 1...2...NO!!!!!! Taker's face looks priceless. Down come the straps, Angle Slam maybe? Taker pulls HBK up and goes for another Tombstone...countered to a sloppy DDT! Ugh. HBK tries to drag himself to the top, elbow drop connects. Both men are worn right out. Strike up the band! FLUSH on the jaw with Sweet Chin Music! 1...2...HOLLY FUCKING KICKOUT!!! We have a "This is Awesome chant", don't hear those much in WWE. They slug it out with stiff chops and punches, treading blows that would fell mortals men. Boot to the face by Taker ends the exchange! Damn, how would you like to follow this? HBK escapes another Tombstone and lays in more chops. Hard whip by Taker, he charges into another boot by HBK. Michaels tries a moonsault! CAUGHT! TOMBSTONE! 1-2-3. ****3/4

The Cork

Feb 23, 2011
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Vampiro vs Kiss Demon, random WCW event nobody gave a shit about. (New Blood Rising I think?)


Been watching 'worst matches of all time' on Youtube, so was expecting it to be as bad as it was. 2 awful characters in a terrible, shitty gimmick match that didnt make sense. Fun though, nontheless. People need to stop trashing Russo WCW, it was fun to watch, in a car crash TV way.


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho & Alberto Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)

This was the best segment of this past week’s dismal Raw so I guess we’ll kick off SmackDown with a bang. Sheamus still has the shoulder taped. Orton and Jericho begin and Orton, of course, starts off hot pounding Jericho in the corner and hits a clothesline. He “tags” Sheamus in who opens with clubbering and a reverse elbow. He reciprocates the “tag” back to Orton. Jericho gets a thumb in and immediately brings in Del Rio; Orton hiptosses him as well but misses the floating knee drop and Del Rio capitalizes with a single-arm DDT. Alberto works the arm and shoulder with a keylock. Orton frees himself with a head-butt and a boot. He (conventionally) tags in Sheamus who mows Del Rio over with clotheslines and punches in the corner. He plants Del Rio with a Finlay Roll and gets two; Jericho low bridges him to the floor and adds a kick to the bad shoulder to take the advantage for his team. He tags in and slaps on a Fujiwara armbar and turns it into a hammerlock. Jericho hits the ropes but gets caught with an Irish Hammer. Orton tags and he opens up on Chris with clotheslines and a short-powerslam; the Viper DDT connects. Jericho counters the RKO but not the follow-up dropkick and Del Rio charges in to break up the pinfall. Sheamus runs in and the match totally breaks apart as the bell rings, double DQ I guess. Post-match the four participants in the Fatal Fourway at the PPV have a referee pull-apart brawl. I'm okay with the DQ finish but the was if happen was awful. So all four guys get in the ring and start brawling = a dq. So everytime all hell breaks loose in a tag match means the ref should call for the DQ. **


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
They are playing the best friends angle between them, which Daniel Bryan came between (despite Kaitlyn turning on AJ last year in which no one saw, unless you go onto YouTube) AJ tackles her and catfights her; she snaps and kills her with a dropkick and a running knee for the pinfall. Post-match, AJ attacks Kaitlyn after the bell drawing Daniel Bryan of all people out to the ring. He sarcastically says he’s impressed but likes her ruthlessness. He is looking forward to moving on after he becomes the new WWE Champion at Over the Limit… moving on to Kaitlyn. Bryan laughs as AJ storms out of the ring. HILARIOUS.

WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan’s heel turn began with Show late last year so this is an old rivalry renewed. Show catches Bryan and pounds on him in the corner with chops. He stops his momentum blocking a charge and hitting a second rope leaping knee strike. Show cuts that comeback off quick with a chop and reverse avalanche. Bryan stops the follow-up spear with a low dropkick to the knee. Bryan aggressively stomps away and slaps on the Yes Lock. The bell instantly rings. Show did not tap, it was John Laurinaitis ringing it. Big Johnny announces Bryan the winner by submission. Post-match, Laurinaitis gets in his face about making fun of his voice; he humbles Show and makes him apologize and call him “sir”. He demands a sincere apology on Raw or possibly be fired. Laurinaitis adds that he is going to shock the world at Over the Limit by defeating John Cena. *


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Ryback vs. Heath Slater
Slater cuts a pre-match promo ripping Ryback to get the crowd fired up; let’s see if anyone mentions the Nexus past between these two. Ryback shoves Slater down; Heath comes back with a boot and some stomps. He tries a running neckbreaker but Ryback stands up and Slater whiffs. Ryback shoves him into the corner and shoulderblocks him. He hoists him on his left shoulder and slings him overhead onto the ring shoulder for a powerslam. The Sheffield Lariat connects and the Muscle Buster finishes Slater. This was just another Goldberg squash for Ryback as he moves up to SmackDown contracted talent to destroy. DUD

WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) vs. Alex Riley
Teddy Long is forced as the special guest ring announcer for this match. Riley gets the jobber entrance cause he's a jobber. Long reads from a cue card and gives Cesaro an over the top ring announcement. Cesaro takes Riley down and punches away, he hits a huge running boot in the corner for a nearfall. Riley tries a dropkick but Cesaro holds the ropes and Alex splats on the mat. He hits a gutwrench suplex and a soccer kick; a double armlock follows. Riley begins a comeback and hits a running shoulderblock, flooring Antonio and surprising Aksana, who is seated right next to Teddy at ringside. Riley hits some clotheslines and tries a spinebuster but Cesaro counters by grabbing his ear and flooring him with a European uppercut. The Gotch Style Neutralizer finishes. Post-match, Aksana tells Teddy they’re just friends but Antonio is her lover. 1/2*


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)

This match was booked by Eve Torres along with the main event as a result of the opening match. Del Rio traps Orton in the corner but Randy comes right back with lefts and rights. Del Rio fires back as well and they go back and forth until Orton floors him and stomps away and hits an under-the-ropes hangman, for two. Del Rio takes over hotshotting Orton’s arm off the top rope, he works the arm over and entangles it in the ropes. Ricardo adds some help from the floor while the referee is distracted. Del Rio improvises a hammerlock powerslam and then goes to the keylock armbar. Orton fights back and hits clotheslines and the powerslam, he sells the work as Del Rio rolls to the apron. He tries the Viper DDT but Del Rio counters and hits the step-up enziguri, which nets two. Orton sneaks in the stretch backbreaker. Alberto “creates space” with a kick to the arm followed by the Backstabber arm breaker, the cross-arm breaker is countered and Orton hits the Viper DDT off the second ropes. Ricardo heads to the rope once he notices Orton coiling for the RKO. Rodriguez leaps off the top… right into an RKO! The referee calls for the bell I guess to DQ Del Rio. Post-match, Alberto rams Orton’s shoulder into the post and cross-arm breakers him. ** Fun while it lasted i really want a feud between these two soon.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Friday Night SmackDown 05/11/2012 - Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho

This is the second match set up, per Eve Torres for what happen in the tag match to start the show. Sheamus starts off pounding Jericho all around the ring until Chris gets a boot up. Sheamus shrugs it off and continues the beating. Jericho takes over with forearms but misses a corner splash and propels onto the apron, Sheamus meets him there with the ten count O’Clubbering and shoulderblocks him off face-first into the ring barricade. Back from commercial, Sheamus hits the slingshot Battering Ram for a nearfall. He drops his head for a backdrop and Jericho kicks the bad shoulder, Sheamus tumbles onto the apron where Chris springboard dropkicks him off and lands right onto his bad shoulder. Jericho tosses the shoulder into the ringpost back in the ring, he works over the arm and slaps on a cross-face chicken wing. Sheamus fights back but runs right into another dropkick, he looks for the Lionsault but Sheamus moves (Jericho landed on his feet) and peppers him with Irish Hammers. A shoulderblock in the corner and kneelift follow Jericho counters a powerslam into a Walls of Jericho attempt but Sheamus powers him off. He tries the Irish Curse but Jericho elbows free and charges right into a Finlay Roll… which Jericho also slips out of and finally lassos him in the Walls of Jericho. Sheamus, who could reach the ropes at any time, struggles and then grabs the ropes. Jericho charges and gets backdropped to the floor where Alberto Del Rio shows up and tosses him into the steps. The referee disqualifies Sheamus and Del Rio runs in and slaps on the cross-arm breaker on the bad shoulder. Post-match, Randy Orton shows up and pounds on Del Rio. Sheamus angrily tosses Orton aside because he wants Del Rio all to himself. They get into an agreement about it as Jericho sneaks in and delivers a receipt to Del Rio in the form of a Codebreaker… and then runs away after the babyfaces notice him. Del Rio gets up so Orton hits an RKO… he still gets up so a Brogue Kick puts him on his back again and the show ends with Sheamus and Orton staring each other down. **1/2 another really solid match between these two


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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TNA Sacrifice 2012 - TNA Tag Team Titles: Samoa Joe and Magnus vs Christopher Daniels and Kaz

We open up the PPV with the tag team title match. Honestly, I wasn't very interesting going into this match. It mostly has to the with the fact that there is no storyline for this match. Kaz and Daniels have a storyline, but it has to do with AJ Styles and Dixie Carter. Because there is no storyline, I can see some people having no interest in this match. I am also pretty shocked this is the opening match. Magnus and Daniels start off trading wristlocks before Magnus gets the upper hand with a pair of scoop slams. Magnus delivers a beautiful vertical suplex to Daniels and Joe tags in to lay in some rights before Daniels is able to bail finally to catch his breath and tag Kaz in. Joe tags Magnus back in and the faces put together a few double team moves. Daniels tris Magnus up from the floor and Kaz hits him with a springboard leg-drop before tagging Chris back in. Daniels works over Magnus a bit as the camera shows Joseph Park, the brother of Abyss, in the audience. Kaz tags in to continue working Magnus over with a bow and arrow stretch, but Magnus is able to break free and get the hot tag to Joe. Joe does his signature walk-away spot as Daniels misses a moonsault and eats the uranage out of the corner from Joe. Daniels takes Magnus down with a judo toss (even though he's not legal) for a two count. He tries the BME but misses and Joe nails him with a pele kick just as Magnus hits the top rope elbow drop. That combo usually ends it for the champs, but Kaz breaks up the pin. Joe gets sent out of the ring and the heels hit a variation of Total Elimination on Magnus to pick up the win and the titles. Match was just as solid as you'd expect out of these four, but I have to question taking the belts off of Joe and Magnus just as they were really starting to get over and come into their own as a team. **3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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TNA Sacrifice 2012 - Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Tessmacher is dressed up like Wonder Woman, only sluttier. She takes it right to Gail at the bell with a monkey flip and Brooke looks to use Gail's own finisher, Eat Defeat, on her to no avail. Clothesline from Gail and she follows with a cross-body in the corner. Backbreaker from Kim and she stretches Brooke out a bit until the challenger is able to break it up and build up a bit of momentum with a nice elbow drop from the top for a two count. Brooke nails the champ with her own finisher, Eat Defeat, but the move sends Gail out of the ring and by the time Brooke brings her back in, she's able to kick out. Gail crawls away and when Brooke chases after her, she rolls her up and puts her feet on the ropes for extra leverage to get the cheap win. This definitely opens the door for a rematch, which was the best option. I mean, it would be really stupid to do a title change or have Gail get the clean victory since they have been trying to make Tessmacher look good. At least the storyline is consistent with the action. **