Last Wrestling Match Watched 2.0

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 01/01/2001 - #1 Contender’s Qualifying Match: The Rock vs. Kane

Rock also has a score to settle from Smackdown after Kane Chokeslammed him following the main event. Rock rushes the ring and goes right to work on Kane then goes for a whip and hits a flying forearm. However Kane pops right back up and Rock comes off the ropes but Kane catches him with a sidewalk slam. Kane kicks away at Rock who’s showing that he’s also still hurt from taking Rikishi’s sit-down splash on Smackdown. Rock tries to fight back and goes for a whip when Kane reverses it but Rock rams him face-first into the mat as we then get a shot of Undertaker watching the match from the back. Kane scoops Rock onto his shoulder but Rock slips out and shoves Kane away then tosses him over the ropes. Rock goes after Kane on the floor but Kane rams Rock back-first into the barrier then uppercuts him over the barrier into the crowd. Rock tries to recover among the fans but Kane goes over and slams him onto the concrete. Earl Hebner tries to get Kane back in the ring while Rock crawls on the floor struggling to get back to his feet. Rock is up and reaches the barrier but Kane grabs him by the neck and brings him back to ringside. Kane tosses Rock in the ring then climbs to the top rope and hits the flying clothesline but only gets a near fall! Kane pummels Rock in a corner and goes for a whip, Rock reverses him into the other corner but eats an elbow. Rock tries to rally and comes off the ropes but runs into a powerslam and Kane kicks away at his hurting back. Rock comes back and whips Kane then hits a Samoan Drop but is too hurt to cover and both men are down. Both men get to their feet and Rock gets in his shots then drills Kane with a DDT but only gets a two count. Kane uppercuts Rock and goes for a whip but Rock counters into a belly-to-belly suplex for another near fall. Rock then comes off the ropes but runs into a big boot as we see Kurt Angle making his way down the ramp. Kane clotheslines Rock over the ropes and Angle moves in for a shot but Rock cuts him off with a Rock Bottom onto the floor! Rock heads back in the ring and Kane goes for a whip but Rock reverses it and plants him with a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow when Kane pops up and grabs him but Rock fights out of the Chokeslam then knocks him over the ropes with the Smackdown. Rock goes out and clotheslines Kane on the ramp then throws him back in the ring but Angle is back up and waffles Rock from behind with the WWF title belt. Angle rolls Rock back in and Kane finishes him with the Chokeslam and gets the three! Kane beats The Rock. *** Very good 10 minute match. This has your usual epic Rock bumping and selling of the back and ribs Kurt nailed Rock in the back of the head with the title belt on the floor, and he rolled into a Chokeslam and Kane won. Kane gets the upset victory and advances to meet Undertaker and the Austin/Regal winner this Thursday.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 01/01/2001 - #1 Contender’s Qualifying Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. William Regal

Last week Regal actually got a DQ win over Austin so let’s see if Austin gets his win back. Austin comes out and gets right in Stephanie’s face then catches Regal with a clothesline to start us off. Austin whips Regal and hits the Thesz Press then wails on him with rights and rams him repeatedly into a buckle. Austin whips Regal and connects with a knee to the chest then grabs the legs and stomps him in the chest. Austin chokes Regal on the mat as Stephanie makes the count but Austin stops at four then chokes Regal again. Austin whips Regal but lowers the head and Regal kicks the face and finally starts getting in some offense. Regal goes for a whip but Austin reverses it and tosses Regal over the ropes. Austin goes after Regal on the floor and rams him into the steps and into the announce table then unloads on him with right hands on the table. Austin tosses Regal in the ring when Stephanie tells him to keep it in the ring so Austin pulls Regal back out and drops him onto the barricade. Austin clotheslines Regal then tosses him back in the ring a second time as Stephanie tells Austin to keep it in the ring. Austin responds by tossing Regal over the ropes and flipping Stephanie the bird. Austin goes out and rams Regal into the steps then tosses Regal back in before Stephanie can count them out. Austin hits a snap suplex but pulls Regal up and hits a second snap suplex then hits him with a third snap suplex. Austin covers Regal and Stephanie counts 1..2..but stops before three and claims she has something in her eye. Austin gets to his feet and responds by booting Stephanie in her rear and sending her out through the ropes! However Regal is back up and hammers away at Austin in a corner but Austin reverses positions for his offense. Earl Hebner runs in to take over officiating as Austin stomps Regal down but decides to check on Stephanie, allowing Regal to nail Austin below the belt. Austin is down as Regal knocks Hebner through the ropes then helps Stephanie back in the ring. Austin fights back again then whips Regal and hits a spinebuster and covers but Stephanie still acts like she has an eye problem. Austin grabs Stephanie by the hair when Regal rolls Austin up and grabs the tights as Stephanie makes a fast 1.2.3! Regal beats Austin again! ** This was rather disappointing mainly cause it was in the background for the Austin/Stephanie angle. These two probably could have had a much better match given more than five minutes.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 01/04/2001 - WWF Intercontinential Title: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

Both men exchange punches and Benoit gets the advantage but Jericho comes back with a Dragon legwhip. Jericho wails away on Benoit and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses it but Jericho hits a forearm to the head. Jericho works Benoit over with chops and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses him into a corner but eats an elbow. Jericho comes out but Benoit catches him with a back suplex then hits an elbowdrop and gets in his own chops. Benoit whips Jericho and htis an elbow then whips him into an elbow and gets him down for the Crossface but Jericho quickly grabs the bottom rope> Jericho grabs Benoit in a waistlock when Benoit goes for the Crossface again but Jericho counters it. Jericho takes Benoit down looking for the Walls of Jericho when Benoit kicks him into a corner but Jericho comes out with a clothesline. Benoit goes for a whip but Jericho reverses it and hits the bulldog for two. Jericho whips Benoit and knocks him down with an elbow then goes for the Lionsault but Benoit avoids it. Benoit plants Jericho with a German suplex then holds on for second German suplex but Jericho blocks it. Benoit clubs Jericho and tries the German again but Jericho rolls through it and takes Benoit down by the legs. Jericho tries to turn Benoit in the Walls of Jericho when Perry Saturn runs in and attacks Jericho for a DQ! ** Yep, they gave a Benoit/Jericho match only three minutes. But this was it's fucking brutal and violent and awesome as shit.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 01/04/2001 - The Rock vs. Kurt Angle

Angle is out first but gets on the mic and calls Rock a crybaby just like all the loud “yahoos” in San Antonio. Angle clams he wasn't going to interfere in the match on Monday, he was just out there scouting the opposition while Rock was the one who put his hands on him and he just retaliated so what happened is Rock’s fault. Angle adds the people here may remember the Alamo but also forget how to hold a job or use a toothbrush. Angle tells Rock if he has a problem with him to “just bring it” and he even does the hand motion on top of it. Angle goes out to meet Rock on the ramp but Rock gets in the first shots and pounds him down to ringside. Rock tosses Angle in the ring but Angle stomps away at him as he comes in and works him over in a corner. Angle goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into a corner and clotheslines him then lays the boots to him. Rock goes for a whip when Angle reverses it and hits an elbow but Rock comes back and hits a Samoan Drop. Rock goes for a whip but Angle counters it into a belly-to-belly suplex then chokes Rock on the middle rope. Angle follows up with a suplex for a two count and Rock again fights back but Angle rakes the face to stop it. Angle goes for a whip, Rock reverses it and Angle kicks the face but Rock tosses him over the ropes in turn. Rock goes out and rams Angle into the announce table repeatedly as the referee tries to get them in the ring. Rock sets Angle up for a Rock Bottom through the table and Angle fights out of it when the table collapses. Both men try to get back to their feet but Angle is up and plants Rock with an Olympic Slam onto the floor.Angle crawls back in the ring to catch his breath while the Rock is down as the referee begins the 10 count. Rock starts to stir so Angle goes out to punish him some more instead of just accepting a countout victory. Angle tosses Rock back in the ring then climbs to the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick(!!) but that only gets a two count. Angle argues with the referee but that allows Rock to get back to his feet and Rock wails on Angle. Rock goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and both men end up clotheslining each other. The referee begins the count but both men get to their feet with Rock getting in his shots and Angle responding. Angle comes off the ropes but Rock hits a belly-to-belly suplex then works him over and hits the Smackdown. The referee orders Rock back but Rock shoves him then kicks Angle below the belt … yet there’s no DQ called. Rock hits a spinebuster and readies for the People’s Elbow…but goes out and brings a chair in the ring instead. The referee takes the chair away and Rock argues with him then turns and plants Angle with a Rock Bottom. Rock again grabs the chair and again the referee takes it away so Rock takes him out with a Rock Bottom two. A second referee comes in but he eats a Rock Bottom as well and Rock scares away the others with the chair. Rock waffles Angle with the chair then then grabs Angle’s title belt and poses with it as if he’s WWF Champion. After doing his posing Rock drapes the title over Angle’s fallen form and departs and I guess that’s the match. ***1/4 Awesome 8 minute match. Their usual great chemistry and bumping from both men. I guess they couldn't job both guys, especially Angle since he has that big title defense on Monday. And Rock is Rock so....

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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TNA Final Resolution 2012: James Storm v.s Kazarian.

If you just watched TNA's PPV and not their weekly shows you'd be very confused by this match. Storm won a #1 Contendership match at the previous PPV but lost it on his way to this one in a match with Bobby Roode. Roode takes everything from Storm. This wasn't a planned match but Storm decided to open the show to talk about how awesome beer is and how much Roode sucks until Kazarian comes out and makes really corny jokes to get himself into a match. The match wasn't anything special and it didn't last long. Kaz's work on Storm's neck would have been great IF, IF, IF it had time to go somewhere.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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TNA Final Resolution 2012: X-Division Title Match- Kenny King v.s Rob Van Dam(c).

DO NOT WATCH THIS MATCH. It was so fuckin' sloppy, I'm not sure even one move by either guy was crisp. RVD continues his string of horrible title defenses. Take the damn belt off of him.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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TNA Final Resolution 2012: Tag Team Title Match- Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan v.s Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero(c).

Now we finally get a solid match on this show. Of course there wasn't a clean finish so this thrown together feud continues. I don't mind the tag division in TNA at the moment but they need more teams that look and feel like real teams. The action between the talent kept me entertained through out. Chavo should have took a longer babyface beating for his team for a hot tag that would have put this match on a higher level and would have got some great crowd reaction. Oh well, it's nitpicking since this is easily the best match so far.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Survivor Series 1998 - WWF Heavyweight Championship: The Rock vs. Mankind

The first half of the match was fairly boring. And once they realized the crowd was not into it they made it more of a hardcore match, and it improved greatly. The bumping by Mankind in this was AWESOME, he made Rock look like a legit touch guy. Then the SWERVE ending ***1/2

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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TNA Final Resolution 2012: Bully Ray v.s Austin Aries.

This was pretty brutal man, just as I expected. Everything looked quite god damn legit. However it suffers from the late appearances of Brooke Hogan and The Hulkster. They just got in the way of what was going to continue to be just a pure fight. You know for a fact Bully wasn't going to just stop laying it on and Aries always wants to look amazing. I hope they get a rematch out of this, this feud still has legs. I just wish Brooke wasn't involved.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Final Resolution 2012: Aces & Eights v.s Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff, Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle.

Everybody that we know that is apart of Aces & Eights and two other masked guys versus two guys that deserve better matches and two guys that don't belong on PPV. I mean whenever Brisco or Bischoff were in the ring it was a completely different match. Joe has been on so much of a role that he really should have been in a more important match than this. I would have went with Joe/Devon rematch or even something even better in Joe/D.O.C. Angle would get involved in that anyways. We had some good exchanges and some horrible shit. Brisco and Bischoff at one point thought they were the Hardy Brothers so they clumisly sent something up. It was god awful. Thank god Angle and Joe are here to save this from being a total disgrace.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Final Resolution 2012: Christopher Daniels v.s A.J. Styles.

Fun, fun stuff for the most part. It felt different from other Daniels/Styles matches too. It had decent mat wrestling and even better brawling. They took some good intensity at each other. I think Styles getting busted open like he did and then landing on his head after missing the top rope Styles Clash led to his downfall. He seemed like a different person after he got busted open. I do think that was the entire point, though. However it was ONE LAST TIME meeting which should feel like it at the end. Of course now we got another reason for this continue at another point. I think there was more that could have taken place here. It had some good and back and forth through big moves that you usually get from these two but you got them taken it a step further at certain times. It's just it wasn't enough for a final battle because they didn't continue that stuff or capitalize on it that well. Daniels back worth seems pointless looking back when you realize he just won using Styles finisher. You are just left feeling wanting more with this encounter which should have been the last thing TNA wanted to happen with this.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 01/08/2001 - Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz (w/Lita) vs. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Terri)

Jericho and Jeff meet Benoit and Saturn on the floor while Matt tosses Malenko in the ring to start us off. Matt works Malenko over in a corner but Saturn comes in and nails Matt from behind then takes over on him. Saturn whips Matt but lowers the head and Matt kicks the face then comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Matt tags Jeff and the Hardys hit a douple sublex then Matt drops down and Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion. The Hardys deck Saturn and Malenko but the referee tries to get Matt out while Benoit comes in and nails Jeff. Benoit takes over without a tag and whips Jeff into an elbow then follows up with a back suplex that gets a two. Saturn tags in and helps Benoit whip Jeff into a double elbow then follows up with a neckbreaker for a near fall. Saturn drills Jeff with a brainbuster then tags Benoit and Benoit hits his own neckbreaker that gets a two count. Saturn tags back in and rams Jeff upside down into the buckles then sets him up and goes up for a superplex. Jeff figths Saturn to the mat and manages to hit the Swanton Bomb then both men start crawling to the corners. Benoit gets the tag and nails Jeff from behind but that knocks him into his corner for the hot tag to Jericho. Jericho hammers away on Benoit and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses it but Jericho hits a spinning heel kick. Jericho catches Saturn coming in and decks Malenko when Terri hops on the apron but Jericho shoves her off. Saturn hits Jericho with a bell-to-belly suplex but Matt knocks him through the ropes and fights him on the floor. Benoit tries to get Jericho in the crossface but Jericho counters into a backslide and that somehow gets the pin! **1/2 4 minutes of AWESOMENESS, but that ending seemed a little too sudden and Malenko stayed on the apron the whole time. Also Jericho pinned Benoit Benoit is not happy that Jericho pinned him while Lita trips Malenko sending him face-first into the apron but Malenko grabs a tray from a consession vendor and dumps nachos and mustard all over her! Lita runs off a mess while the Radicals stand in the ring and watch Jericho and the Hardys back up the ramp. :lmao


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 01/08/2001 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Angle makes his way out first followed by Austin who snatches the belt from Earl Hebner and poses with it. Angle protests Austin posing with his belt so Austin drapes the belt on the mat and dares Angle to come get it. Angle goes in but Austin pounds away on him to start then rams him repeatedly rams him into the turnbuckles and hits a suplex. Austin sets Angle on the top rope and goes up for a suplerplex but Angle throws him down. Angle gets in his shots then whips Austin but Austin comes back with the Thesz Press and the flurry of rights. Austin follows up with a series of elbowdrops for a two count then hits a gutwrench suplex for another near fall. Austin hits another suplex then goes for one more suplex but Angle floats over him and hits a Russian legweep. Angle lays the boots to Austin and chokes him with his boot and Austin fights back but Angle stops that rally. Angle applies a headlock and Austin shoves him into the ropes but Angle hits a crossbody that gets a two count. Angle surprises Austin with a rollup for a two count but Austin comes back and tosses Angle through the ropes. Austin goes out after Angle and rams him into the announce table then clotheslines him over the barricade. Austin works Angle over in the corwd before throwing him back over the barrier and stomping him on the floor. William Regal suddenly runs in brandishing a lead pipe but Austin catches him and throws him into the table. Austin grabs a chair and cracks Regal with it when Angle charges but Austin backdrops him over the barrier. Austin climbs onto the barricade and nails Angle with a flying clothesline as Regal is being helped to the back. Austin rams Angle into the ringpost before tossing him back in the ring and covering him but getting a two count. Austin hammers away on Angle with right hands and covers him again but still can’t seem to get the three count. Austin hops to the middle rope and goes for an axehande but Angle catches him into a belly-to-belly suplex. Both men get back to their feet and Angle rakes Austin’s face then gets in his shots and goes for a whip. Austin reverses it and looks for the Stunner but Angle catches the kick and hits another belly-to-belly suplex. Angle stomps on Austin and hits an elbowdrop then chokes him with his boot before Hebner forces him back. Angle hits Austin with a snap suplex then hits a second suplex and a third suplex but that only gets a near fall. Angle plants Austin with a back suplex then stomps him and hits another suplex but he can’t get the three either. Angle now hits Austin with a gutwrench suplex then moves in but Austin jabs Angle’s eye to regain the advantage. Austin goes for a slam when Angle shifts his weight and falls on top of Austin but that only gets a near fall. Angle hits another gutwrench then goes for the Olympic Slam but Austin fights out of it and both men are down. Both men get to their feet before the 10 count and Angle works Austin over but Austin starts fighting back again. Austin stomps Angle down in a corner then flips him off before whipping him and hitting a spinebuster. Austin hops to the middle rope and connects with an elbowdrop then readies to finish him off with the Stunner. Austin goes for it, Angle blocks it and goes for the Olympic Slam, Austin blocks that and tries the Stunner again. Angle shoves Austin into the ropes but misses with a clothesline and this time Austin is able to hit the Stunner!! Austin covers Angle and Hebner counts 1..2..but Hebner gets pulled out of the ring … by Triple H who’s back!! Triple H gets Austin’s attention before he knocks Hebner out. And that leads to a No Contest. Oh, but we’re not done yet. Austin and Triple H exchange looks while JR is going ballistic, cursing Triple H for costing Austin the title. Austin turns back to Angle and tosses him through the ropes then dares Triple H to come in the ring and face him. So Triple H removes his jacket and slowly walks back down the ramp as the crowd is getting louder and louder. Triple H climbs in the ring and he and Austin stare at each other then finally come to blows and the crowd explodes. Triple H gets the advantage but Austin comes back and connects with a big right then stomps him out to the floor. Austin goes out and knocks Triple H over the announce table but Triple H grabs the pipe and clubs Austin in the face! Austin goes flying across the table and is bleeding profusely from the forehead but comes back and continues the fight. Triple H nails Austin two more times with the pipe and Austin’s face is a bloody mess as he’s dumped on the table. Triple H then stands over the fallen Austin and poses while JR continues to curse him out. **** Awesome fucking match. Both men worked hard and Angle looked like a real world champion for once and it was nice precursor to the epics these two would have through the year. Angle being determined not to be shown up with Suplexes by Austin early on, so he hits Austin with like 2 or 3 of every Suplex he can and yells at Austin about how he can do it better. Was great, the only thing i didn't like was the ending i would of preferred it if Angle got the dirty pin over Austin thanks to Triple H’s run-in. That would have given Angle much-needed credibility and added fuel to the Austin/Triple H feud. But i guess they didn't want Austin to eat a pin.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Smackdown 01/11/2001 - For the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble: The Rock vs. Kane vs. Rikishi vs. The Undertaker

Taker rides out on his bike when Rikishi finally gets in the ring and exchanges shots with Kane to start us off. Kane gets the advantage when Taker tries to fight both men while The Rock has yet to make his entrance. Taker whips Kane and hits a boot then pounds on Rikishi when Rock finally comes out to the join the match. Taker greets Rock with a series of right hands then grabs him by the throat but Kane breaks up the chokeslam and pops Taker through the ropes. Rikishi fights with Taker on the floor while Kane works Rock over but Rock starts fighting back. Rock comes off the ropes when Kane scoops him onto his shoulder but Rock slips out and drills Kane with a DDT that gets a two count. Kane whips Rock and connects with a big boot then uppercuts him over the ropes just as Rikishi rolls back in the ring and superkicks Kane. Kane rolls out to the floor while Taker is back in and goes for a whip, Rikishi reverses but eats a clothesline. Taker grabs Rikishi’s arm in a wringer then walks along the top rope and hits the clubbing shot to the back. Rock rams Kane into the steps while Taker whips Rikishi into a corner but Rikishi comes back with a right hand. Rikishi plants Taker with a belly-to-belly suplex and covers but Rock makes it back in to save it. Rock gets in his shots on Rikishi and goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into a clothesline from Kane. Kane and Rikishi stare at each other then Kane stomps away on Taker while Rikishi hits Rock with the legdrop. Rikishi covers Rock but Kane pulls him off and wails away on him as we see Taker busted open around his eye. Taker tries to fight both buys then clotheslines Kane over the ropes but Kane pulls him out to the floor. Rock stomps Rikishi down in a corner and goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses it and connects with an elbow. Rikishi whips Rock into a corner and clotheslines him down then goes for a Stinkface but Rock hits a low blow. Rikishi charges at Rock but Rock catches him into a spienbuster then covers but Taker pulls Rock off Rikishi. Rock tries to bring Taker on the apron but Taker snaps Rock on the ropes while Rikishi rolls out to the floor. Kane and Rikishi duke it out while Taker whips Rock but Rock comes back with rights and the Smackdown. Rikishi suplexes Kane onto the ramp while Rock whips Taker but lowers the head and Taker hits a DDT. All four men are down all over the arena when Taker crawls over and drapes an arm over Rock but gets two. Taker lays the boots to Rock and chokes him while Rikishi grabs the ring bell and clocks Kane in the head. Rikishi heads in the ring and pounds on Taker then whips him into a corner and hits the running butt splash. Rikishi squashes Rock in the other corner with the butt splash but Kane brings in a chair and waffles Rikishi. Kane covers Rikishi but Taker pulls Kane off so Kane whips him but Taker comes back with a chokeslam. Taker covers Kane but Rock pulls him off then knocks him over the ropes and hits Kane with a Rock Bottom. Rock then covers Kane but Taker pulls him out of the ring and the two of them duke it out on the floor. However Rikishi is up and hits the sit-down splash on Kane and is able to get the three count for the win. Taker doesn't give Rikishi a chance to celebrate as he wails on him in a corner and caps off with a clothesline. Rock comes in and gets in Taker’s face when Taker shoves him but Rock shoves back and they duke it out. Taker grabs Rock by the throat but Rock kicks him below the belt. Rock readies to deliver the Rock Bottom but doesn't see Kane sit up and Kane chokeslams him then turns and chokeslams Taker as well. Kane chokeslams Rikishi for good measure and stands tall after showing that he’ll be a force in the Rumble. **1/2 Good four way for something like 8


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Raw Is War 01/15/2001 - The Rock & Kane vs. The Undertaker & Rikishi

Rock and Rikishi start off with a staredown when Rock gets in the first shots but Rikishi hits a shot to the throat. Rikishi goes for a whip but Rock reverses into an elbow then goes for a whip but Rikishi sends him into a corner and clotheslines him down. Rikishi readies himself to give him a stinkface but Rock comes out with a clothesline. Kane slaps Rock’s back to tag himself in and Rock isn’t really happy with that as Kane takes over on Rikishi. Rikishi fights back when Kane retakes control and goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses and hits a Samoan Drop. Rikishi follows up with the massive legdrop then whips Kane into a corner and hits the running butt splash. Kane grabs Rikishi by the throat, Rikishi fights out and goes for a whip but Kane reverses and connects with a boot. Kane slams Rikishi (!) then climbs to the top rope and hits the flying clothesline. Kane readies for the chokeslam when Taker punches Rikishi to tag himself in and Kane stares him down when Rock tags himself in as well. Taker wails on Rock and goes for a whip, Rock reverses and Taker kicks the face. Rock regains control and comes off the ropes but runs into a boot and Taker follows up with an elbowdrop that gets a two count. Taker whips Rock into a corner and clotheslines him then whips him the other way but this time eats an elbow. Rock whips Taker but Taker comes back with a flying cltohesline then grabs the arm and walks the top rope. Taker hits the shot to the back but Rock pops back up and whips him and both men clothesline each other. Both men are up and Rock rallies again then goes for a whip when Taker reverses it but Rock hits a neckbreaker. Rock works Taker over in a corner and hits the Smackdown followed by a DDT then covers but Rikishi saves it. Kane comes in and knocks Rikishi through the ropes then goes out after him and cracks him with the ring bell. Back in the ring Taker pounds away on Rock then goes for a whip but Rock counters and hits a spinebuster. Rock readies to finish Taker with the Rock Bottom when Kane comes back in and chokeslams his own partner. Kane heads out while Taker sets Rock up for the Last Ride but loses his grip and nearly drops him on his head. Taker tries the Last Ride again and this time is able to get it off smoothly and grab the pin. **1/2 This wasn't too bad of a match. Rock/Taker interations was great until they blew the Last Ride spot at the end, same goes for Rock/Rikishi. They teased Taker vs. Kane, but it didn't happen. Fun stuff