Last Wrestling Match Watched 2.0

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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WWF Survivor Series 2000 - The Rock vs. Rikishi

Surprisingly good match there as Rock really bumped his ass of making Rikishi look like a threatg. But then again Rikishi had to sell the People’s Elbow for a ridiculously long time. Not to mention Rikishi has failed to beat Rock just like he lost to Austin, yeah this main event heel run is over. ** Post Match: Rock struggles to get to his feet when Rikishi nails him with the superkick. Rikishi drags Rock over to the corner then climbs up the ropes and hits the Banzai Drop. However Rikishi goes up the ropes again and hits another Banzai Drop. Several referees try to stop him but Rikishi manages to hit a third Banzai Drop. Rock is down as Rikishi starts to leave but then goes back and hits a 4th Banzai Drop for good measure. So Rikishi needed a post-match beatdown to get his heat back instead of actually beating Rock straight-up in the first place. :y: good work WWF 8D


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Survivor Series 2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker

So here we have Angle’s first pay-per-view title defense, yet it’s third from the top of the card. He was CM Punk before Punk 8D. As for the match this was no 2003 or 2006 match i can tell you that, but this was a hell of allot better than the Fully Loaded one. This match was more about making Angle that chickenshit heel without any of the great bumping he showed in the last month or so. Edge and Christian came down at a point to distract the ref as Kurt tapped out. They then got taken out, and the ref missed Taker having the pin on a Chokeslam. Kurt crawled under the ring, and Taker pulled him out and hit the Last Ride in the ring. He had it, but the ref said it wasn't Kurt. The REAL Angle came from the other side and got a schoolboy with the tights to win. **1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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WWF Survivor Series 2000 - NoDQ Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H

So after a year’s wait Austin finally has his chance to get his hands on the man who orchestrated the hit-and-run last year. This wasn't good. Random aimless brawling with a few cool spots thrown in, but Jesus fucking Christ, this was almost 30 minutes. They go to the back, and The Radicalz attack Austin. They get them off, and H is waiting in a car in the parking lot. H waits for Austin to come outside, but Austin is in a forklift, and he lifts H like 20 feet in the air at least probably more. H begs, and Austin drops the car upside down to the parking lot to end the match. Guess how long HHH sells this for? that's right 2 weeks, “Triple H no sells death” **3/4 This nowhere even close to NWO '01 level.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2012
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Nigel McGuinness vs. Naomichi Marafuji - ROH Glory By Honor V
Fantastic match here. Both men worked extremely hard in this match and the NYC crowd added tremendously to the big match feel. The bout went by at a nice pace, with Marafuji working on the arm of Nigel and Nigel then working on the shoulder of Marafuji. I felt Nigel sold the leg injury pretty well, but I can't say the same for Marafuji's. It didn't that a whole lot away from the match, but it just felt like Nigel was softening up his shoulder for nothing. The later stages of the bout were especially good to watch, with their back and forth exchanges making for some really exciting action. Could have done without so many near falls, but with the bout going just over 20 minutes long it wasn't exactly overkill. ****


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2012
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Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Rave - ROH Fifth Year Festival Finale
Although I've watch very little of this fued (just highlights from their 'I Quit' match prior to this one), this match feels off a great grudge feel straight off the bat. The bout is filled with intensity, stiff action and some devastating spots to top it off. It was a bit rough in patches, and I felt their were too many nearfalls (even more than the match I posted about above), but that did at least lead to a viscous looking Lariat to end the match. Overall, a very solid match. ***1/2


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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PAC, Rich Swann & AR Fox vs Ricochet, CIMA & Akira Tozawa - DGUSA Chasing The Dragon 2011

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Glory By Honor XI: Bravado Brothers v.s Cedric Alexander & Caprice Coleman.

This was a damn good back and forth contest. Two undercard teams getting their chance to shine to open the biggest show of the year. Of course, I'm a huge Bravado fan so usually I'll look past some common flaws in this match I can't. Naw because they broke one of my golden rules. Never ever dive onto your teammates on the outside. After what was a really great exchange between both teams they exchanged dives well both times they took out their own partners. It just killed the flow for me. Is that supposed to be the next level of a great, fast paced tag match? Hurting your own team? I don't know but it's just stupid. Well if it didn't have that, maybe if it did would it could have been a gem. We won't know now. Still some good action regardless and a pretty decent opener.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Glory By Honor XI: Mike Bennett v.s Mike Mondo.

This is a battle of Mikes but it's not a RAP battle. It was a straight up fight. Mondo did everything he possibly could getting under Bennett's skin with bothering Maria before in previous interviews and during the match. It worked for the most part. Mondo went right at Bennett to prove that he is a big shot and even antagonized Maria along the way. He did all that he could but it actually ultimately cost him. It was his own plans and distractions with Bennett and Maria that eventually brought him down. It was a pretty good effort though. Mondo is sure doing his best to make his name here. If he keeps showing up like this, he can't help but turn some heads. To be honest I think he should have actually won here with how much he was doing and how little Bennett was.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 11/20/2000 - The Rock & Chris Jericho vs. Rikishi & Kane

Rock and Jericho both rush the ring and waste no time going at it with their respective opponents. Rock knocks Rikishi through the ropes with the Smackdown while Jericho works over Kane in a corner but Kane comes back and drops Jericho with a right hand. Kane does the same to Rock then whips him into a corner but Rock comes back out with a clothesline. Rock turns and dares Rikishi to come in but Rikishi backs off the apron so Rock turns back to Kane and eats a right hand. Now Rikishi tags in and stomps away at Rock’s injured chest then slams him and hits a headbutt. Kane tags back in to take over when Rock starts fighting back and comes off the ropes, Kane scoops him up but Rock floats over him and hits a Russian legsweep. Jericho tags in and kicks Kane down in a corner then goes for a whip. Kane reverses Jericho into the opposite corner and charges but eats a boot and Jericho comes out but runs right into a clothesline. Kane whips Jericho and lifts him up but Jericho dropkicks him away then comes off the ropes with a spinning heel kick for a two count. Jericho goes for a whip, Kane reverses but lowers the head and Jericho kicks the face but runs right into a big boot. Rikishi tags in and gets in his shots then whips him. Jericho goes for a hiptoss but not surprisingly Rikishi blocks it and drops him with a right hand. Rikishi taunts Rock before hitting a backbreaker on Jericho. Jericho fights back with chops and comes off the ropes but runs into a superkick. Kane tags in and hits a delayed press slam then draws Rock in to distract the referee while Kane and Rikishi double-team Jericho. Rikishi comes in without a tag and whips Jericho into a sleeper-hold. Jericho fights out of the hold but Rikishi pulls him back into it by the hair. Jericho tries to counter with a suplex but can’t get Rikishi up so Jericho shoves Rikishi into a corner and gets a rollup for a near fall. Jericho goes for a Walls of Jericho but can’t seem to turn Rikishi over and Rikishi kicks him away. Rikishi whips Jericho into a corner and goes for the running butt splash but Jericho sidesteps it and hits a dropkick then crawls over and makes the hot tag to Rock. Kane tags in and Rock wails on him then goes for a whip, Kane reverses but Rock hits a DDT. Rock pops Rikishi off the apron then whips Kane and hits a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Rikishi trips him from the floor. Kane grabs Rock by the throat for a chokeslam but Jericho climbs to the top and breaks it up with a missle dropkick. Rikishi nails Jericho with a superkick then works Rock over while Jericho brings a chair in the ring and whacks Kane in the head with it behind the referee’s back. Jericho knocks Rikishi through the ropes while Rock plants Kane with a Rock Bottom for the win. After the bell Jericho continues attack Kane while Rock goes after Rikishi on the ramp and brings him back in the ring then plants him with a spinebuster. Jericho puts Kane in the Walls of Jericho while Rock slaps the Sharpshooter on Rikishi. Jericho then hits the Lionsault on Kane and Rock lays out Rikishi with a Rock Bottom for good measure. **1/2 This was good fun. Rock was on in his selling and Jericho's hate for Kane was very good.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 11/20/2000 - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit

Both men lockup to start and Austin goes into a waistlock and slams Benoit to the mat. Benoit applies a hammerlock but Austin counters into a headlock then takes Benoit down by the leg and goes into a front facelock. Benoit fights out it and goes for a whip but Austin reverses and hits a hiptoss followed by an armdrag into an armbar. Austin drives his knee into the elbow then goes into a wristlock and Benoit tries to reverse it but Austin reverses it back. Austin trips Benoit by the leg and floats over into an armbar then kneedrops the arm. Benoit works Austin over in a corner but Austin reverses positions and gets in his own shots. Austin whips Benoit into the opposite corner but Benoit comes back with a back suplex then hits a backbreaker for a two count. Benoit stomps Austin down in a corner then whips Austin into the opposite corner but Ausitn comes back and wrenches his arm. Austin scoops Benoit up but Benoit counters and falls on top of Austin for a two count. Benoit hits a clothesline and stomps him down in a corner before choking him with his boot then hits a snap suplex for a near fall. Austin rolls out to the floor then trips Benoit and looks to pull him into the ringpost but Benoit pulls is legs in driving Austin into the post instead. Benoit goes out and rams Austin into the ringsteps then into the announce table before tossing him back in the ring. Benoit whips Austin hard into a corner then climbs to the top rope and connects with the diving headbutt to the back but only gets two. Benoit goes for a whip but Austin reverses and applies a sleeperhold. Benoit shoves Austin into the ropes and hits an elbow for another near fall. Benoit goes for a whip but Austin reverses him into a corner and hits a spinebuster. Benoit goes for a whip, Austin reverses but Benoit rolls under a clothesline. Austin gets in some shots then whips Benoit into a Lou Thesz Pess and unloads on him. Benoit counters into a pin. Austin rolls out of it into his own cover but Benoit counters that and manages to slap on the Crossface! Austin tries to hold on and manages to inch over and grab the bottom rope. Benoit lays the boots to Austin then starts arguing with the referee when Austin starts to fight back. Benoit stops that and throws Austin shoulder-first into the ringpost then hits a German suplex followed by a second German suplex. Benoit goes for a third German but Austin fights out of it and the two exchange punches. Benoit misses a right hand and Austin hits the Stunner and grabs the three. ***3/4 This was fucking AWESOME. A ton of great technical stuff early on, and then both men got increasingly vicious. Benoit was Benoit in this every counter and move was smoother and Austin more then held his own for the most part, I would bump this to 4 stars if 1. Austin would of sold the arm and 2, if the finish wasn't so anticlimactic.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Smackdown 11/23/2000 - The Rock vs. William Regal

Rock gets in the first shots then whips Regal and hits an elbow before working him over in a corner. Rock goes for a whip and Regal reverses him into the other corner but Rock comes back with a clothesline. Rock then looks over and sees Rikishi watching things on the stage, allowing Regal to nail him from behind. Regal is able to get in his shots then goes for a whip but Rock reverses it and tosses Regal over the ropes. Rock goes out and rams Regal into the barrier then goes for a whip but Regal reverses him into the ringpost. Regal clotheslines Rock over the barricade and pounds on him in the crowd before tossing him back to ringside. Rock fights back until Regal jabs his eyes to stop it then grabs a chair and swings it but misses and hits the post. Regal rams Rock into the announce table before rolling him back in the ring as Rikishi continues to look on. Regal covers Rock with his forearm in the face but only gets a two count then covers again and again gets two. Rock again rallies but Regal stops that with a forearm then whips him but Rock comes back with a flying forearm. Regal hits a back suplex then goes for a whip, Rock reverses it but lowers the head and Regal kicks the face. Rock gets in some shots but misses the Smackdown and Regal nails him with a European elbow to the head. Regal goes for a whip but Rock reverses and drills him with a DDT then turns and has some words for Rikishi. Rock whips Regal and hits a belly-to-belly throw for a two but Regal comes back with the inverted neckbreaker. Rock is holding his head as Regal covers him while putting his feet on the ropes but only gets a two count. Rock blocks a kick with a Dragon legwhip then slaps on the Sharpshooter and Regal quickly taps out. **1/2 Okay match but just seemed to be lacking something, maybe it needed more then 5 minutes.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 11/27/2000 - The Hardy Boyz & Chris Benoit vs. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Terri Runnels)

Benoit and Jericho go out to the floor while the Hardys work over Malenko and Saturn in the corners then whip Saturn into Malenko and Malenko accidentally headbutts Saturn below the belt. The Hardys hit Saturn with a double wheelbarrow suplex then whip Malenko into a corner, Matt drops to the mat and Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion. Jeff tees off on Saturn but Benoit nails him from behind and Saturn hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Malenko lays the boots to Jeff then slams him then tags Benoit in and they both slam Jeff’s knees to the mat. Benoit hits a kneebreaker then drapes Jeff’s leg over the rope and drops down on it. Benoit goes for another kneebreaker but Jeff counters into a Sunset Flip for a two count. Saturn tags in and drapes Jeff’s leg on the middle rope and hits a kneedrop to the knee. Saturn goes to work over Jeff’s leg some more but Jeff kicks him away and hits a jawbreaker. Jeff lunges for his corner but Saturn catches him into a spinebuster to prevent a tag. Malenko tags in and kicks away at Jeff’s leg then drapes it over the apron and elbows it. Benoti tags in and legdrops Jeff’s knee then chops him down in his corner. Jeff tries to fight back but Benoit trips him with a drop toehold. Saturn tags in and sits down on Jeff’s knee then applies a leglock. Malenko tags in and applies a standing leglock as Jeff tries to reach his corner. Jeff then escapes the hold with an inverted enzuigiri and makes the tag to Jericho. Jericho hits a pair of clotheslines on Malenko then nails Benoit and Saturn with forearms. Malenko whips Jericho but Jericho connects with a flying forearm and follows up with the bulldog. Saturn breaks up the pin so Matt clotheslines Saturn over the ropes. Benoit nails Matt from behind when Jericho knocks Benoit through the ropes with the springboard dropkick. Matt leaps off the apron with a clothesline on Saturn while Jeff climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a plancha on everyone, including Matt. In the ring Jericho whips Malenko and looks for a dropkick but Malenko fakes him out then rolls Jericho up. Jericho rolls through it and Malenko rolls him up again but Jericho rolls through that into the Walls of Jericho and Malenko is forced to tap. Post match: Eddie Guerrero suddenly comes in but Jericho catches him and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Terri tries to pull Jericho off but Matt grabs her by the hair and takes her down by the leg. Jeff climbs to the top rope for a Swanton Bomb but Saturn shoves him off onto the rope. Benoit then comes in and puts Jericho in the Crossface while Malenko and Saturn take out the Hardys. Malenko holds Matt on his knee while Saturn climbs up and hits a flying kneedrop. Malenko holds Jeff down while Eddie climbs to the top and hits the Frogsplash. The Radicalz then stand tall while their opponents are left laying. ***1/4 This was damn fun for 5/6 minutes and the Jeff Hardy heat segment on his knees done by the radicalz was beautiful.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 11/27/2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

First time meeting free on TV, C'MON. Both men feel each other out to start with before locking up and Austin goes into a waistlock. Angle switches into his own waistlock and takes Austin down then floats over him and rolls out to the floor. Angle shows off his gold medals and Austin responds by flipping him the bird. Angle rolls back in the ring and both men lockup when Austin applies a headlock. Angle shoves Austin into the ropes but Austin hits a shoulderblock for a two count. Austin takes Angle over with a headlock and Angle rolls him over into a pin for two count but Austin rolls back. Angle shoves Austin into the ropes and leapfrogs him but Austin applies the headlock again. Angle counters into a suplex but Austin keeps the headlock on. Angle shoves Austin away but Austin hits another shoulderblock then comes off the ropes but Angle trips him with a drop toehold. Angle goes into a facelock but Austin counters with a Fireman’s carry into an armbar then kneedrops the arm. Austin applies a standing armbar then rams Angle into a turnbuckle and wrenches his arm. Angle starts to fight back but Austin gets another headlock takeover. Angle counters with headscissors then bridges up into a backslide for a two count. Angle goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but Ausitn fights out of it then comes off the ropes but runs into a elbow. Austin rolls out to the floor but Angle goes out and rams Austin into the ringsteps then into the announce table. Angle throws Ausitn back in the ring and stomps him down in a corner. Austin starts to fight back and whips Angle but Angle rolls him into a cradle for a near fall. Angle hits a gutwrench suplex and follows up with a suplex for another two count. Angle goes for a whip, Austin reverses and slaps on a sleeperhold but Angle slings him through the ropes. Angle goes out and drops Austin on the barricade then throws him back in the ring. Angle whips Austin and puts him in an Abdominal stretch, Austin counters with a hiptoss but misses an elbowdrop. Angle puts Austin in the Abdominal Stretch again then grabs the top rope for leverage but referee Earl Hebner catches Angle and forces a break. Angle starts arguing with Hebner when Austin goes for a suplex, Angle flips out it but Austin rams him into the turnbuckles repeatedly. Angle goes out ot the apron but Austin rams him into the turnbuckle then goes out and rams Angle into the announce table then into the steps. Austin throws Angle in the ring and Angle tries to go out the other side but Austin cuts him off. Austin whips Angle and hits a Lou Thesz press then unloads on him with the rights. Angle counters with a rollup but Austin rolls through it and stomps him in the chest. Austin whips Angle and plants him a spinebuster but only gets a two count. Austin looks over to see Stephanie McMahon coming out to ringside and flips her the bird. Angle rolls Austin up and grabs the tights but only gets a two count and Austin hits the Stunner! Austin covers Angle but sure enough a non-crippled Triple H comes in and breaks up the pin for yet another DQ. Austin and Triple H exchange shots but Triple H drops Austin with a right hand then tees off on him and chokes him with his boot. Angle leaves the ring and watches from the ramp while Stephanie slides a chair in the ring and Triple H hits a neckbreaker onto the chair. Triple H then tears off his shirt and … are you ready for this… there’s no scars or cuts at all!! Nothing!! Triple H and Stephanie stand over the fallen Austin as the show mercifully goes off the air. ***1/2 Man this was good but it wasn't as smooth as the Benoit match. They did some great mat wresting early then Austin started going to his style of wrestling with the brawling but Angle went back to holds to slow Austin down and basically to prove the point, that he was the better wrestler. Hell I didn't even mind HHH causing the DQ cause it was part of the HHH/Austin feud and was a great way for HHH to get his heat back.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler from this week's SmackDown


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 12/04/2000 - The Undertaker vs. Rikishi

Taker pounds away on Rikishi to start and whips him into a corner then charges at him but eats an elbow. Rikish comes out but eats a clothesline then Taker whips him back into a corner and this time hits the clothesline. Both men exchange shots and Taker headbutts Rikishi but looks like he hurt himself. Taker hits another headbutt but Rikishi shrugs it off and headbutts him down then gets in his shots in a corner. Rikishi whips Taker hard into the opposite corner and goes for the running butt splash but Taker sidesteps him and hits a clothesline. Taker grabs Rikishi’s arm and climbs to the top rope when Kurt Angle comes out to ringside, gets Taker’s attention and allowing Rikishi to throw Taker off the rope to the mat. Rikishi hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count then goes for a whip but Taker reverses and hits a boot followed by an elbowdrop for a near fall. Taker then goes out and attacks Angle on the floor before heading back in. Taker goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses and hits a Samoan Drop for a two count. Rikishi whips Taker but lowers the head and Taker hits a DDT. Taker grabs Rikishi by the throat when Angle hops onto the apron with a chair in hand so Taker decks Angle but turns around right into a superkick. Rikishi follows up with the giant legdrop but only gets two so Rikishi connects with another superkick. Rikishi drags Taker into position then climbs the ropes and hits the Banzai Drop on Taker which gets the 1..2..3! ** Very entertaining 5 minute big man vs. big man match, the headbutt stuff was good and make for a good story for the match, I was shocked Rikishi got the win seeing how Taker didn't put anyone over during '00 and Rikishi jobbed to Austin and Rock when neither man was 100%.