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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Kazarian v.s A.J. Styles.

I guess with Styles/Daniels happening for the LAST TIME EVER(I doubt it) we had to get this match going into the PPV at some point. It was a decent encounter too but it was just them going through the motions really. Usually when you see a match between two guys that know each other you'll see them with new counters and some new offense but we didn't get that here. We just got a couple common moves from both guys before the lackluster finish. Kazarian not even kicking out of the Pele kick is kind of sad when this match did have a chance at another level. Oh well, it was a solid sprint until the finish. You could argue that the trading pinfalls at the beginning and near the end of the match before AJ hit the Pele kick added to what they were trying... I just didn't think it connected that well and more effort could have been put into both parts.

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 10/26/2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle (w/Stephanie) vs. Chris Jericho

The crowd is behind Jericho but you get the feeling that someone else might be getting involved (other than Stephanie). Both men lockup to start and Angle forces Jericho into a corner where they exchange shoves when Stephanie grabs Jericho by the ankle allowing Angle to stomp him down. Angle whips Jericho into the opposite corner but Jericho comes out with a clothesline. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses but Jericho comes back with chops. Jericho whips Angle and hits a spinning heelkick then follows up with the springboard dropkick knocking Angle over the ropes. Jericho goes out and rams Angle into the announcers’ table then into the ringsteps. Jericho goes to bring Angle back in but Angle snaps his neck on the top rope. Angle goes in and Jericho ducks a clothesline but runs into a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle lays the boots to Jericho and hits a suplex for a two count. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses him into a corner but eats a boot. Jericho hops to the middle rope and leaps off but Angle catches him into another belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Angle whips Jericho and hits an elbow then whips him again but this time lowers the head and Jericho kicks the face. Jericho comes off the ropes but runs into an elbow. Angle climbs to the top rope but Jericho cuts him off with a dropkick then goes up and hits a Frankensteiner but only gets a two count. Jericho hits a clothesline but misses a second, Angle goes for a whip but Jericho rolls him up for a near fall. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses but Jericho hits a forearm. Jericho whips Angle into a corner and looks for the bulldog off the ropes but Angle ducks it. Angle goes for the Olympic Slam but Jericho lands on his feet and this time hits the bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Stephanie decks him from the floor and Angle covers him but only gets a two count. Angle goes for a whip, Jericho counters into a waistlock, Angle counters into a suplex but Jericho rolls through it into the Walls of Jericho! Angle tries to hold on when sure enough Kane suddenly comes running to the ring. Just before Angle can submit, Kane climbs to the top rope and nails Jericho with a flying clothesline, drawing a DQ and screwing Jericho out of a title for the second time this week. *** Good match but you could almost sense the run-in coming, plus Angle has yet to get a definitive win in his title defenses. Kane grabs Jericho by the throat and chokeslams him while Angle and Stephanie make their escape and even Cole is lamenting how this can all be over a spilled cup of coffee.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Ricochet vs Masato Yoshino - DGUSA Enter The Dragon 2011

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: Darren Young v.s Ryback.

Nothing a match pretty much. Just a Ryback squash. If it wasn't for Titus on commentary this would have been painful. Titus actually thinking Young could win was fun.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: Antonio Cesaro v.s R-Truth.

Non-title match where Truth goes over in a matter of no time. It was awful. Cesaro would be able to counter everything in this but I guess they had to make Truth look like a serious threat. Actually more than that a threat a foregone conclusion that Truth can EASILY beat Cesaro. Terrible.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: Sin Cara v.s Alberto Del Rio.

This was a decent back and forth contest. Del Rio had a brilliant counter move to get his armbar in for the victory too. Some quality exchanges and Cara didn't look out of sorts like he does against most of the WWE talent. I think I remember a few months back these two had a match and somehow Cara won. I was pissed for quite a bit. This short match with a strong win with ADR makes up for it.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: Team Hell No v.s Big Show.

Interesting handicap match despite I thought this was gonna be Show/Danielson for the belt. I swear the interview prior said that was going to be the match with KANE/Danielson arguing. I still didn't mind this but it was mostly Show/Danielson anyways and KANE was just a third wheel. Hell he even left ringside so Show could beat his own partner at one point. I guess with the dynamic of Team Hell No it works. I'm just trying left here now to figure out this match. Well Team Hell No has more momentum then everyone else right now, RIGHT? So why would they lose this? It seems like WWE's normal route with Big Show every time they try to make him a threat he has to beat everything in front of him until they decide to use him to put someone else over. Ugh, right now SmackDown! should be all about Sheamus instead he's playing second fiddle to this charade. I'm not really upset about the Sheamus/Show feud it's been awesome so far, I just think WWE needs to rethink their booking of Show at this point. It's one thing for Show to always talk about being dominate over everybody and it's another just wasting time to prove it.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: IC Title Match- Damien Sandow v.s Kofi Kingston(c).

I didn't expect Sandow to get a title match like this but he was just a stepping stone to get a feud rolling with Barrett/Kingston. This was a decent match up anyways. Both did their usual stuff until Kingston won cleanly like it was nothing. I don't know about you but I'd rather see Sandow continue up the card after Barrett has just stalled out. What kind of impact has he made since returning? Those hype videos made me think he'd be doing something special. Getting into a feud with the constant midcarder Kofi doesn't exactly scream SPECIAL. Hopefully this doesn't go on forever like that Kofi/Ziggler shit.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE SmackDown! 11/23/2012: Dolph Ziggler v.s Randy Orton.

These two get to add to their on-going TV rivalry. We've only got 1 PPV out of these two and only one actual feud but we now have about 20 TV matches over the last 2 years. At least these guys click in the ring. It was a good match up like you would expect at this point. The finish was crap though. It was a quick roll up from Ziggler on Orton countering the RKO. That was it. After all the matches these two have had I expected better but then again I expected better from the finish of ADR/Orton on Raw as well. Of course what we got there was a half-ass ending that when you compare it to an earlier ADR/Orton match is pretty much the same finish with less flash and more time for ADR to you know fight BACK. So I guess WWE is having Ziggler pick up victories to make sure people take him seriously against Cena. That doesn't matter here though, if you are going to book Ziggler/Orton for the 100th time let them do their thing. Don't just let it end with some cop out finish because it will just leave unresolved issues and we'll have to go down this path again.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF RAW 31/10/2000: #1 Contender’s Match - The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

The winner goes on to face Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship on Smackdown. Jericho makes his way out first as we find Rikishi still here and watching on a monitor for some reason. Rock comes out next but Jericho knocks him off the apron then goes out and brawls with him around the ring. Jericho rams Rock into the timekeeper’s table then chokes him with a cable while hammering him with rights. Jerihco tosses Rock in the ring to officially start the match and continues his assault. Jericho goes for a whip, Rock reverses it but Jericho comes back with a flying forearm and follows up with a clothesline for a two count. Jericho hits a chop and goes for another whip but Rock reverses and this time tosses Jericho over the ropes. Jericho pulls Rock out to the floor and hits an elbow then goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into the steps. Rock starts getting his offense in and crotches Jericho on the barricade then clotheslines him over into the crowd. Rock brings Jericho in the ring and whips him but lowers the head and Jericho kicks the face then hits a heelkick. Jericho slaps Rock and works him over in a corner then goes for a whip, Rock reverses him into the other corner but eats a boot. Jericho hops to the middle rope then leaps off but Rock catches him and hits a DDT. Both men get to their feet and Rock works Jericho over in a corner then goes to hit the Smackdown but Jericho pulls referee Earl Hebner in the way and he takes the shot. Jericho hits a low blow then brings a chair in the ring and takes a swing but Rock ducks it. Rock hits a spinebuster on the chair and covers Jericho but Hebner is out and can’t make the count. Rock tries to revive Hebenr when Jericho comes back and puts Rock in the Walls of Jericho. Rock tries to hold on as a second referee comes in but Rock manages to inch over and grab the bottom rope. Jericho breaks the hold before five then Rock hits a Dragon legwhip and puts Jericho in the Sharpshooter. Jericho is able to grab the bottom rope for the break then plants Rock with a suplex and both men are down. The referee starts counting then sees Rikishi coming down the ramp and heads out to tell him not to interfere. Rikishi responds with a right hand and rams the referee into the steps. Jericho is up and connects with the Lionsault then covers Rock as Rikishi looks on. Hebner revives to make the count … but only gets a two count! Jericho is not happy with the count when Rock plants him with the Rock Bottom and gets the three for the win! After the bell Rock tries to get back to his feet when Rikishi goes in and drops Rock with a right hand! Rikishi stomps Rock down in a corner and squashes him with the running butt charge then superkicks him and hits the sitdown splash for good measure. So why didn't Rikishi attack Rock during the match and cost him the title shot? Rikishi then grabs a mic saying he has a confession to make, that he lied when he said Rock knew nothing about him running Steve Austin over last November. Rikishi says Rock not only knew about it all along but gave him his car keys and begged him to take Austin out! JR and the crowd are both stunned as Rikishi tells Rock he now has a lot of explaining to do all by himself and leaves him laying in the ring. *** Good main event as Rock and Jericho always had some good chemistry with each other. I’m sure some might not have liked Rock going over Jericho, even though Jericho already had his shot on Smackdown.


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Pinkie Sanchez vs AR Fox - DGUSA Enter The Dragon 2011


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Sami Callahan & Arik Cannon vs Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka - DGUSA Enter The Dragon 2011


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 11/02/2000 - Triple H vs. Chris Benoit

Both men waste no time exchanging punches to start when Benoit gets the advantage and goes for a whip but Triple H reverses into a clothesline. Triple H goes for the Pedigree already when Benoit tries to counter into the Crossface but Triple H fights him off so Benoit goes into an arm drag. Both men lockup and jockey for position before rolling out to the floor. Benoit charges at Triple H but gets tripped into the ringsteps and Triple H drops him onto the barricade. Triple H suplexes Benoit back in the ring and hits a kneedrop to the face for a two count. Triple H goes for a whip, Benoit reverses him hard into the corner and hits a back suplex. Benoit whips Triple H into a corner and charges but eats a boot. Benoit tries to apply the Crossface again but Triple H counters with a whip into the corner. Triple H again sets Benoit up for the Pedigree but Benoit counters with a double-leg takedown. Triple H kicks Benoit away but accidentally knocks him into the referee. Benoit whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits a facebuster. Triple H sets Benoit up for a third Pedigree when Dean Malenko runs in the ring but Triple H decks him and clotheslines him over the ropes. Perry Saturn runs in, but Triple H backdrops him over the ropes as well. Triple H finally hits the Pedigree on Benoit and covers him but the referee is still out and can’t count. Suddenly Eddie Guerrero runs in the ring and waffles Triple H with his IC Title belt. Eddie drapes Benoit over the fallen Triple H while Saturn revives the referee and Benoit gets the three! Post-match Saturn, Eddie and Malenko come in and stomp Triple H out of the ring then celebrate with Benoit, confirming that the Radicalz are back together! But rather than end it there Triple H comes back in the ring with a chair in hand and clobbers Saturn while the others escape. Because once again Triple H just has to get his heat back instead of letting Benoit and friends stand tall. Triple H then stares down Benoit and his reformed allies. **3/4 So, this only got 3/4 minutes, which is disappointing, but they went at it back and forth nonstop and Benoit was more violent than usual.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 11.02.2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. The Rock

Angle’s third title defense in the two weeks since winning the belt at No Mercy but he has yet to retain the title with a definitive win. Also as mentioned earlier Stephanie is out recovering from her illness so Angle is on his own. Angle is hesitant to get in the ring at first so Rock brings him in the hard way and goes right to work, hitting the Smackdown. Angle comes back with a German suplex then gets in his offense and chokes Rock on the middle rope. Rock starts to fight back and whips Angle, hitting an elbow. Rock goes for another whip but Angle reverses and hits a powerslam for a two count. Angle pounds on Rock as both men head out to the floor when Rock rams Angle into the announce table twice. Rock then goes for a whip but Angle reverses him into the barricade and follows up with a clothesline. Angle lays the boots to Rock before throwing him back in the ring then applies a chinlock. Rock fights out of it and goes for a whip, Angle reverses but both men end up clotheslining each other. Angle is up first and comes off the ropes but Rock catches him with a shot to the face. Rock goes for a whip, Angle reverses but Rock counters into a DDT for a two count. Rock goes for another whip, Angle reverses but lowers the head and Rock kicks him in the face. Rock comes off the ropes but Angle catches him into a belly-to-belly suplex. Insead of covering Rock, Angle decides he’s had enough and rolls out to the floor then grabs his title belt and starts to walk out of the match. Referee Earl Hebner starts counting as Angle tells him he’s keeping the belt so go ahead and count. Just as Hebner is about to reach 10, Rock tells him to stop the count and goes out after him. I didn’t know wrestlers could actually do that. Rock nails Angle from behind on the ramp then brings him back in the ring. Angle rakes Rock’s face and goes for a whip but Rock reverses into his own belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Rock whips Angle and hits a Samoan Drop for another near fall. Rock goes for another whip but Angle counters into the Olympic Slam. Angle manages to crawl over for the cover and Hebner counts … but only gets two! Angle is shocked and charges at Rock but Rock tosses him over the ropes. However Angle starts holding his leg while screaming in pain, asking the referee to stop the count and saying it’s over. Rock isn’t having it and throws Angle back in the ring then counters a kick with a Dragon legwhip and goes into the Sharpshooter. Angle tries to hold on as Rikishi makes his way to the ring so Rock breaks the hold to knock Rikishi off the apron. Angle charges at Rock but Rock catches him with a spinebuster. Rock covers and Hebner counts 1…2…but Rikishi runs in and breaks up the count and sadly that forces Hebner to call for the disqualification, saving Angle’s title. Rikishi and Angle start double-teaming Rock when suddenly Steve Austin charges in the ring for the save. Austin drops Angle with a right hand then knocks Rikishi through the ropes and lays out Angle with the Stunner. Yep, just because we can’t make our world champion enough of a joke. Austin tosses Angle out of the ring as well when Rock readies himself and plants Austin with a Rock Bottom! Rock then stands over the fallen Austin and glares down at him as the announcers wonder what this means. Is Rock just getting even for the Stunner earlier, or is he indeed a guilty man. *** usual great stuff between the two they do something in a refreshing change of pace as Kurt tries to get counted out twice. A good old chickenshit heel stuff which is AWESOME.


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Johnny Gargano, Rich Swann & Masato Yoshino vs CIMA, Brodie Lee & Austin Aries - DGUSA Enter The Dragon 2011