Last Wrestling Match Watched 2.0

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 10/16/2000 - Triple H vs. Kane

Triple H wanted this match after Kane tried to get his hands on Stephanie on Smackdown. Just as the match begins Chris Benoit comes out and joins the announcers for commentary, distracting Triple H long enough for Kane to attack from behind. Kane hammers away on Triple H then whips him into a corner and hits a clothesline. Kane follows up with a short-arm clothesline but misses an elbowdrop and Triple H comes back with a neckbreaker. Triple H unloads on Kane and clotheslines him ver the ropes but Kane lands on his feet and pulls Triple H out to the floor. Triple H rams Kane into the barricade then into the steps then walks by the announcers’ table, staring at Benoit along the way. Triple H leaps off the ring apron but Kane catches him and rams him into the ringpost. Kane rolls Triple H back in then climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying clothesline for a two count. We then cut to the back and find Stephanie and Angle watching the match with Stephanie worried that Benoit is going to interfere. Stephanie wants to go out to help but Angle won’t have it, explaining he’s responsible for her safety plus he feels Triple H can handle himself. Back in the ring Kane hits a backbreaker on Triple H and hammers him in a corner but Triple H escapes and gets in his own shots. Triple H goes for a whip, Kane reverses him into the opposite corner and hits a press slam for a two count. Kane kicks Triple H in the back and chokes him with his boot then whips him into a corner and charges but eats an elbow. Triple H comes out with the high knee but Kane pops right back up and Triple H unloads on him and goes for a whip. Kane reverses but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster but Kane still stays on his feet so Triple H drills him with a DDT for a two count. Triple H comes off the ropes and Kane scoops him up for a Tombstone, Triple H slips out and sets Kane up for a Pedigree but Kane counters with a backdrop. Kane grabs Triple H by the throat and tosses him over the ropes then pulls him onto the apron by the hair but Triple H snaps his neck on the ropes. Triple H then turns and leaps over the announce table to pound on Benoit!! Triple H unloads on Benoit as the referee tries in vain to pull him off so Kane does it. Kane goes for a whip but Triple H reverses him into the ringpost then drills him with a Pedigree on the floor. Suddenly Benoit whacks Triple H with a chair and that gets a DQ call from the referee. Benoit throws Triple H back in the ring and hits his series of German suplexes then slaps on the Crossface. Triple H is tapping out like mad when Benoit releases the hold and leaves the ring with a grin on his face. ** This was going really well until HHH went off on Benoit.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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Survival of the Fittest 2007 - Survival of the Fittest Finals: Chris Hero (w/Larry Sweeney) vs. Human Tornado vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Roderick Strong vs. Austin Aries vs. Rocky Romero

If you don't know the rules, the rules are this is an elimination match and the winner gets a future world title shot. This wasn't like other SOTF matches in the past this was basically the Chris Hero’s antics show with the booking showing how much of a cheater/sleazeball he is cause he didn't pin anyone clean he was basically like an Eagle picking his spots, oh and didn't even do anything for like the first half just troll from the stage. Thing that makes this AWESOME is he eliminated everyone in the match :lmao. But with that being said it felt like they rushed through the whole match just to get to Hero/Double C, and looking at the talent involved this could of been a good one with great storytelling and future feuds. ***1/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Mercy 2000 - Dudley Invitational Table Gauntlet

This is basically a tag team turmoil match only the teams advance by driving their opponents through tables. The participants include Too Cool, Lo Down, Tazz & Raven, The Dudleys and Goodfather & Bull Buchanan. Edge & Christian were originally scheduled to participate but dropped out on Heat due to “food poisoning†:hm:

Lo Down vs. 2 Cool
Chaz & D’Lo Brown start pounding on Too Cool right away and Chaz whips Scotty 2 Hotty hard into a corner then grabs a table but Scotty nails him from behind. Scotty works Chaz over while Grandmaster Sexay handles D’Lo then hops to the middle rope and connects with a missile dropkick. Chaz jabs Scotty with a table then drapes him on it while D’Lo low blows Sexay. Scotty slips off the table but gets jabbed with the other table and Chaz suplexes him. D’Lo tries a suplex on Sexay but Sexay counters with his own suplex. Chaz whips Scotty into a corner and charges but Scotty sidesteps him and lowblows him with a table. Scotty lays Chaz on the table then climbs to the top rope but Chaz bumps his leg causing him to straddle the turnbuckle. D’Lo hits the Sexay with the Sky High places him on a table then climbs to the top rope in the other corner. Chaz sets Scotty up for a superplex but Scotty shoves him off and he crashes right through a table. D’Lo goes for the Lo Down but Sexay moves and D’Lo crashes through the other table as well and that takes care of Lo Down.

2 Cool vs. Tazz & Raven
Tazz & Raven are out as Team #3, bringing their own table out with them which they set up at ringside. Too Cool catches both men with baseball slides then head out and double-team Raven, knocking him onto a table. Scotty climbs onto the apron but Tazz grabs him with the Tazzmission and pulls him in the ring. Sexay goes in to make the save, allowing Raven to recover and climb in as well. Too Cool hits a double clothesline on Tazz and does the same to Raven but Tazz plants Scotty with an overhead Tazplex. Raven whips Sexay into a corner and hits a clothesline then follows up with the running bulldog. Tazz kicks Scotty out to the floor then goes out and beats him down on the floor. Raven sets a table up in the ring and Sexay rams him into it but Tazz pops him with a right hand. Tazz and Raven set Sexay up for a suplex over the ropes though the table but Sexay blocks it while Scotty pulls Tazz off the apron. Sexay tries to Sunset Flip Raven through the table but ends up breaking the table with his legs while Raven holds onto the ropes. Whoops. Tazz breaks it up and eventually all four men are back in the ring. Raven goes for a whip but Scotty reverses and comes off the ropes with the bulldog. Scotty then goes for the Worm and wiggles under the table in the ring before hitting the chop. Tazz throws Sexay into the ropes then he and Raven both suplex Scotty through the table, taking Too Cool out of the match.

Tazz & Raven vs. The Dudley Boyz
The Dudley Boyz come out as Team #4 with their own table and rush the ring, pairing off with their opponents. Raven and Tazz try to whip the Dudleys into each other but Bubba reverses and whips Raven into D’Von. Bubba plants Tazz with the Full Nelson bomb then slams Raven and sets him up while D’Von goes to the top rope and hits the “Wassup†headbutt. Bubba sends D’Von to fetch a table and the Dudleys set it up in the ring but Tazz catches Bubba with a T-bone Tazplex. D’Von clotheslines Tazz and Raven tries to whip him but D’Von counters and rams Raven into a turnbuckle. Raven eats an elbow then goes for a suplex but D’Von counters into his own suplex. Bubba sets the table back up then nails Tazz from behind and lays him acrss the table. D’Von climbs to the top and legdrops Tazz through the table to eliminate him and Raven

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Right to Censor
Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather come out as the last team, carrying their own table as well. Buchanan works over Bubba in a corner while D’Von whips Goodfather and hits a spinning elbow. D’von goes for another whip but Goodfather counters with a short-arm clothesline. Goodfather charges at D’Von but D’Von ducks and Goodfather flies over the ropes. Goodfather pulls D’Von out of the ring and brawls with him while Buchanan clotheslines Bubba then and slides a pair of tables in the ring. Bubba goes for the Full nelson bomb but Buchanan counters with a kick below the belt. Buchanan takes a swing at Bubba and misses him but nails the referee, knocking him out. Goodfather rams D’Von into the ring-steps while Buchanan unloads on Bubba in a corner Buchanan goes up to the hit the count-along punches but Bubba interrupts him with a low blow. Bubba powerbombs Buchanan through a table for the win but the referee is still out and doesn't see it. Goodfather whacks Bubba with a chair and Bubba falls into the broken table while Goodfather then rolls Buchanan away. The referee revives and sees Bubba in the table wreckage then makes an assumption and declares the Right To Censor members the winners. However a second referee comes in and tells him what really happened so he restarts the match. D’Von goes for a whip, Goodfather reverses him into a corner and goes for the Ho Trian but D’Von sidesteps. The Dudleys quickly set up a table and drive Goodfather through it with the 3D for the real win.

*1/2 This was pretty pointless and was just here to get the crowd pumped and get the Dudley's more over. The first 3 rounds were just filler until we got to the real reason why the match was created, RTC vs Dudley Boyz. I would of much preferred a 10 minute tables match with RTC vs Dudley Boyz.But i guess WWF wanted some talent on PPV as well


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF No Mercy 2000 - Cage Match: Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac

Nothing technically wrong with the match but i felt the cage hindered them a bit. It did have a couple of slow moments that dragged the pacing of the match, but they also did a couple of nice spots like when Pac was back body dropped between the ropes and cage. That spot was showcased in the "Don't Try This At Home" videos for a few years. Also Jericho hit a nice top rope powerbomb. The ending was great with "Jericho kicks the door which crotches Pac. With Pac still straddling the door, Jericho crawls out to win. If you've seen Nitro vs Hardy steel cage match from '07, this has the same exact finish." **1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Mercy 2000 - Billy Gunn & Chyna vs. Val Venis & Steven Richards

This is the replacement for the cancelled Billy Gunn/Eddie Guerrero match and is also Billy’s first real match since losing the Tag Team Titles at No Way Out. Before the match Richards gets on the mic and says the RTC wouldn't attack a woman unless necessary and they feel it’s necessary for them to take out Chyna and Billy for the fans’ own good. lol. The match was pretty meaningless it just felt like they were just waiting for the Eddie run in. The best moment of the match was when JR said “It’s amazing how she can be so beautiful, and so NAKED in playboy.” and King's reaction “WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!??!” :lmao * for this pointless action.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF No Mercy 2000 - No Holds Barred: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rikishi

Rikishi comes out to new theme music which calls him a “bad man” but he’s getting no heat from the crowd. Maybe because he’s wearing a muumuu and needs his theme song to tell everyone he’s a bad man. JR mentions Austin is still not here as Rikishi gets on the mic and say he knew Austin wasn't going to show because he was too scared to face the man that ran him down. Rikishi then demands that Mick Foley come out and declare him the winner by forfeit just like he promised. Foley does appear but slowly paces around the ring hoping to stall for time. Rikishi soon gets impatient and demands that Foley raise his hand when Austin finally appears, driving his wrecked truck to the ring. Rikishi goes out to meet him but Austin gets the advantage and rams Rikishi into his truck. Austin slams his truck door into Rikishi’s head and pounds on him around the ring then rams him into the steps. Austin throws Rikishi across the Spanish announce table and chokes him with an audio cable then pops him over the barricade and brawls with him through the crowd. Rikishi throws a beer in Austin’s face and starts fighting back when Austin sets Rikishi up for a piledriver but Rikishi counters with a backdrop onto the floor. Austin takes off his belt and whips Rikishi with it all the way back to ringside then goes for a whip but Rikishi counters and throws him across the announce table. Austin comes back with a clothesline then wraps a length of rope around Rikishi’s neck and tries to hang him over the ropes. Austin goes back out and rams Rikishi into the announce table then grabs a monitor from the Spanish table but Rikishi cuts Austin off. Rikishi decks Austin and throws him onto the Spanish table then grabs the monitor and swings it at Austin but misses. Rikishi connects with a superkick then grabs a chair and takes a swing but misses. Austin grabs the chair and bashes Rikishi repeatedly with it, busting him open. Austin then puts on JR’s hat and continues wearing out Rikishi with the chair and both men end up near the truck. Austin grabs the sledgehammer and takes a swing but misses. Rikishi tries crawling awa but Austin slams the truck’s tailgate onto him. Austin grabs another chair and whacks Rikishi with it, knocking him into the truck bed. Austin then jumps into the truck and drives out of the arena with Rikishi riding in the back. We cut outside where Austin dumps Rikishi out of the truck and beats him down near a rock wall. Austin then jumps back into the truck and moves it into position to apparently run Rikishi down. Austin drives the truck … when a police car moves into the way and intercepts the hit. Austin then backs up and hits the cop a second time as an entire sea of police offiers arrive on the scene and pull Austin out of the truck. The police cuff Austin before putting him in one of the cop cars and hauling him off to jail and I guess that the match. DUD! Hot brawl but the ending pretty much ripped everyone off who paid to see this match. Then again the bookers felt they couldn't job Austin, and they couldn't job Rikishi, so this what we got.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF No Mercy 2000 - WWF Tag Team Titles: The Hardy Boyz vs. The Conquistadors

Edge & Christian ran out of chances to take back the tag titles, so the Conquistadors made their triumphant return and won a #1 contenders' battle royal. This would be their first PPV appearance since 1988. Okay but not great match that picked up toward the end. The angle was a lot of fun, though. I did like the ending tho with "Matt unmasks Conquistador Dos, only to find Dos had another mask on. This lead to Uno to pin Matt" **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF No Mercy 2000 - Triple H vs. Chris Benoit

Triple H was mad over here, he even got a huge "Triple H" chant of course this was during his 2 month tweener run with the feud with Angle and it looked like he was gonna become a full time face but WWF SWERVED US with the "Rikishi's accomplish" angle and that AWESOME BLOOD feud with Austin. JESUS this was Phenomenal match with great psychology, pacing, intensity and tremendous wrestling man these two can WORK. Even Stephanie's interference didn't hurt the match mainly cause she was the reason for the feud. ****1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF No Mercy 2000 - WWF Heavyweight Title: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley)

What a way to cap off a rookie year. Kurt's first match was at a big four ppv, he won the European Title, IC Title, KOTR, wrestled in a EuroIC 3 Way at WM 2000, main evented Summerslam and even Kissed Stephanie TWICE. But finally he's got a singles world title match on PPV. Before the match Howard Finkel announces this match is now no-disqualification. Not quite as good as their No Way Out match a few months later, but still a fine main event match. They did a little too much brawling in this one, which is fine for guys like Steve Austin, but they proved later on that they didn't need to rely on that kind of all-over-the-place fighting, and i wasn't a fan of the overbooking at the end. ***1/2 - ***3/4. Angle’s post match celebration was classic stuff.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Favorite Wrestler
Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Gut Check Challenge- Garrett Bischoff v.s Wes Brisco.


Happy Thanksgiving from TNA, I'm sure they wanted people to turn the channel back to Football with this opener. This was just an awful match with no aggression and just sloppy offense.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Joey Ryan v.s Chavo Guerrero.

This is something I didn't expect to see but I'm glad I did. It didn't last long but it was a good struggle for control while it lasted. Of course they never really got going since this match was more about Morgan. I hope these two get another shot at a match down the line. At least I enjoyed it more than Ryan/RVD.

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Sam Shaw v.s Alex Silva.

Another match with more inexperienced talent. These guys didn't show me anything special. It was better that Brisco/Bischoff at least. Let these guys develop more in OVW instead of throwing them out to the wolves like this. They weren't ready to waste that much time on a program like this.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 10/23/2000 - WWF World Heavywieght Title: Kurt Angle (w/Stephanie) vs. The Rock vs. Triple H

Triple H and The Rock make their way to the ring for the main event. Kurt Angle’s music then starts playing but Angle doesn't come out. We cut to the back and find Stephanie convincing Angle to make the fans wait as we go to commercial. Back from break Triple H and Rock stand nose-to-nose as Angle finally comes out but those two are ignoring the champ as he climbs in the ring. Angle starts to get annoyed and demands some attention so Rock and Triple H respond by nailing him simultaneously to start the match. Rock and Triple H take turns getting into their shots then whip him and hit a double elbow. Rock whips Angle into a corner but Angle comes out and clotheslines Triple H then celebrates before Rock clotheslines him. Rock goes for a whip but Angle reverses him right into Triple H, knocking him through the ropes. Angle hits a clothesline and lays the boots to Rock then works him over in a corner. Angle goes for a whip but Rock reverses and hits a Samoan Drop for a two count. Rock goes for the ropes but tumbles out to the floor after Triple H pulls down the top rope. Triple H goes in and takes over on Angle, stomping him down in a corner. Triple H goes for a whip, Angle reverses him into a corner but Triple H comes out with a neckbreaker for a two count. Triple H whips Angle but Angle ducks a clothesline and hits a German suplex. Angle goes for the ropes but Rock pulls him out of the ring and rams him into the apron. Triple H goes out and he and Rock takes turns ramming Angle into the announce table before Triple H clotheslines Angle over the table. Triple H rolls back in the ring while Rock rams Angle into the timekeeper’s table and tees off on him. Stephanie gets Rock’s attention and Rock starts toward her when Triple H stands in his way so Rock pops him with a right hand. Angle grabs the ringbell and swings it at Rock but misses and nails Triple H. Angle rams Rock into the barricade and into the apron before rolling him back in the ring. Meanwhile Stephanie is calling for help for Triple H who’s still down on the floor. Angle lays the boots to Rock and goes for a whip but Rock counters into a DDT. Rock covers Angle but Earl Hebner is too busy tending to Triple H on the floor to count. Rock barks at Hebner before turning back into a right hand from Angle. Angle lays the boots to Rock and follows up with a suplex then stomps him down in a corner and chokes him with his boot. Angle continues to work over Rock as the EMTs arrive and place Triple H on a stretcher then wheel him out of the ringside area. Rock starts to fight back and goes for a whip but Angle ducks a clothesline and hits the Olympic Slam. Angle covers Rock but the referees are still busy with Triple H to see it. Hebner finally remember he’s the referee and slides back in the ring to count .. but only gets two! On the stage Triple H finally comes to and gets off the stretcher then runs back in the ring. Triple H tees off on Angle then whips him and hits the high knee. Triple H clotheslines Rock over the ropes then hits the Pedigree on Angle! Triple H covers and Hebner counts 1…2…but Rock pulls Triple H out of the ring and clotheslines him. Rock goes in and plants Angle with the Rock Bottom but Triple H pulls him off as well. Rock tries to bring Triple H in the ring but Triple H snaps his neck on the top rope. Triple H goes in and whips Rock into the ropes but lowers the head and Rock hits a neckbreaker. Rock goes for a whip but he lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster. Triple H sets Rock up for a Pedigree when Angle clocks him with his WWF Championship belt, but for some reason Hebner allows it and also lets Angle hit Rock with the belt. Suddenly Rikishi runs in and attacks Angle and that finally draws a DQ. Rikishi goes for a whip but Angle bails out of the ring and backs up the ramp as the crowd chants for Steve Austin. Sure enough Austin makes his appearance and charges to the ring, clotheslining Angle along the way. Austin and Rikishi exchange punches but Austin gets the advantage, stomping him down in a corner. Angle comes in and nails Austin from behind while Rikishi makes his escape. Angle goes for a whip but Austin lays him out with the Stunner! Austin has words with Angle before celebrating with his beers as the show goes off the air. So not only does Angle not get the win but Austin steals his heat and gets the last word in. *** This is quite good. A ton of great false finishes, and they changed it up by working an angle where H got KO'd. This must of been when DQ's were in Triple Threat matches but it doesn't make sense cause why didn't Angle get DQ'ed when he hit HHH with the ring bell earlier.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Christian York v.s Jeff Hardy.

Now this was an interesting match and I did actually like it. If I am correct York and Hardy came into the wrestling business at the same time and actually worked together on several Indies. I may be wrong but I think York even had a few appearences for OMEGA. So this coming full circle is great for a fan like me even if I hate Hardy. So we got a nice, little competitive match out of the two until Hardy had to pick up the win. Despite the fact that I didn't like the earlier Gut Check matches they had going this was a nice follow up to those.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Impact Wrestling 11/22/2012: Turkey Suit Match- Eric Young v.s Robbie E. v.s Jesse.

This could have been worse I guess. Jesse looked better than most of the Gut Check guys on this show even if his timing still needs quite a bit of work itself. Still the contrasting personalities got into some predictable situations but they performed well with them. After seeing some horrible, just horrible wrestling at points in this show this light-hearted match with some decent exchanges wasn't all that bad but I can't call it good either. Of course it stops being light-hearted afterward when Young gets taken out by Aces & Eights. OKAY
