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Aug 2, 2008
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Must be a transition of some reason, for what reason I don't know. But I've always hated wrestling pants, they look very uncomfortable and hard to work with. It does make him look more out of shape than he is though. We'll see if it sticks.


Aaaghhhhhhhh... Horrible! Bang goes the tag div...

I mean where the fuck is that title shot supposed to have come from....

Fuck it! ...The arrival of Priceless seemed doomed to me as soon as I knew they'd split Londrick & Cantino, leaving Raw with just 2 teams on their roster.

Please put us out of our misery and unify the tag belts.

They should just have Batista turn heel injur Cena in order to leapfrog him for the #1 contendership and have them face of for the first time in a grudge match at WM (or alternatively show some patience and just have Batista somehow screw Cena in a final 2 situation @ the RR09).... I'm totally up for more complex storylines and drawn out fueds, but when WWE willingly trash things around them just cos they can't wait for the right moment and resist putting their two golden-boys together, well, quite frankly... This is bollocks!

Seriously, why the fuck have I been watching Cody & Dibiase for the last 2 months? They needed to be dominant if they were gonna build them both in this scenario... Whether they regain them or not, it's now clear they'll just team for a bit longer and then split and fued (Cody probably reverting to being the face and failing miserably to get over).

The sickening part of all this is that Cena & Batista don't even need any kind of gold involved to have a good fued/match.

I agree they don;t need gold. BUT, who cares, but it helps. You ask "where is the tag division now?", well, I've been wondering that for 5 years. This hasn't killed it, it's been dead for a long time.
Really, when Rhodes and Dibiase haad the belts, what was there for them to defend against? They never put the titles on the line other than to jobbers and local guys anyways, so having them lose the belt isn't the end of the world. WWEE obviously likes these guys, which is why they've been in a bunch of main events in the past 2 months... Once the Cena thing is over with Batista, they will lsoe the belts, and Team Priceless will be TWO time tag champs. Untilk then, they will probably help JBL against Punk.
It's not a huge deal.


You ask "where is the tag division now?"

Nowhere in my post did I say that!!!!

, well, I've been wondering that for 5 years. This hasn't killed it, it's been dead for a long time.

I didn't say was responsible for killing it either!

The initial arrival of Ted Jnr & Cryme Time before the draft (on top of the already present Londrick, Cantino, Cody/Holly & Highlanders) very much signalled to me a re-newed effort being being put into the tag division.

O.k., the draft to some degree kinda squashed that theory, but look how much they've trusted Ted with the proverbial 'ball' - That amount of mic time for a debuting guy in this day and age is unheard of!

He won gold in his debut match and even then, by the end of that match, we still hadn't seen him so much as attempt one move.

As already stated it seems painfully obvious to me they're just gonna give them the standard team treatment (split/fued etc.) sooner rather than later and one (Ted) will end up getting over at the cost of the other (Cody).

Seems like a senseless waste of TV time (not to mention my attention) to me and I'd sensed this soon after the draft had kicked in. Already said it somewhere else, but it's just a matter of time before Ted screws Cody (however, it's so obvious, there's no suspense involved).

I'm reckoning they may as well have just had Ted Jnr debut and screw Kofi for his IC belt and then jobbed Cody to him.... The outcome would have been much the same (Cody not over, Ted in mid-card).

I also think the idea of Team Pricelss(!!!!) being little more than hired thugs helping JBL upset Punk is horrible.


Nowhere in my post did I say that!!!!

I didn't say was responsible for killing it either!

The initial arrival of Ted Jnr & Cryme Time before the draft (on top of the already present Londrick, Cantino, Cody/Holly & Highlanders) very much signalled to me a re-newed effort being being put into the tag division.

O.k., the draft to some degree kinda squashed that theory, but look how much they've trusted Ted with the proverbial 'ball' - That amount of mic time for a debuting guy in this day and age is unheard of!

He won gold in his debut match and even then, by the end of that match, we still hadn't seen him so much as attempt one move.

As already stated it seems painfully obvious to me they're just gonna give them the standard team treatment (split/fued etc.) sooner rather than later and one (Ted) will end up getting over at the cost of the other (Cody).

Seems like a senseless waste of TV time (not to mention my attention) to me and I'd sensed this soon after the draft had kicked in. Already said it somewhere else, but it's just a matter of time before Ted screws Cody (however, it's so obvious, there's no suspense involved).

I'm reckoning they may as well have just had Ted Jnr debut and screw Kofi for his IC belt and then jobbed Cody to him.... The outcome would have been much the same (Cody not over, Ted in mid-card).

I also think the idea of Team Pricelss(!!!!) being little more than hired thugs helping JBL upset Punk is horrible.
Ahh, yes, I know you didn't say those exact words, but you know what I meant. You said, it killed the tag division, which is pretty much the same thing.
Anyways, your post proved what I was saying. You just said about how much Team Priceless was being pushed... Mic time, ring time, etc, and really making a name. And that's what I said, they were being pushed. But it's not going to stop now for nothing. they will end up with the belts again in some sort of battle royal thing, I guarantee it. It'll just be a month or two without it, but the fact they have been pushed, means wwe isn't burying them.


Ahh, yes, I know you didn't say those exact words, but you know what I meant. You said, it killed the tag division, which is pretty much the same thing.

No I didn't. (If you think I did please quote me.)

The nearest I came to that was my exclaiming "bang goes the tag div" which, as I've explained, was my reaction having concluded the impression/hopes I had of a WWE trying to reinvigorate the tag div were in fact doomed.

Anyways, your post proved what I was saying. You just said about how much Team Priceless was being pushed... Mic time, ring time, etc, and really making a name. And that's what I said, they were being pushed.

Well I'd refered to as much too in my very first post on this topic. I don't see how us both citing the same 'evidence' proves your point any more than mine.

But it's not going to stop now for nothing.

Well I'd argue that THAT kind of push (it WAS big) is wasted if, by the time they face their first formidable openents with the title on the line, they drop them. It killed the momentum of said initial push as it was just gathering pace... They never really got to shift up a gear and aside from being a bit cocky and screwing Holly (who no-one gave a fuck about anyway) we barely had a reason to hate them.

they will end up with the belts again in some sort of battle royal thing, I guarantee it. It'll just be a month or two without it, but the fact they have been pushed, means wwe isn't burying them.

I didn't say or imply WWE was intentionally buring them or fucking this up.... Doesn't mean that it won't still be the eventual outcome.


^I hgihly doubt that they will bury them now.
IMO, they have given these guys sooo much time with promos and matches over the past two months, that I think they will continue to be pushed.
Yes, I agree it was bad timing, and they should haev gotten some wins first here before dropping these belts, but they will recover.
There's not really a debate here. I agree with you that it sucks they dropepd the belt, and cen/batista didn't need it, and that now the real tag teams have nothing to fight for.
the only disagreement I have is, I think you overreacted a bit in the first post. That's not a debate either, it's my opinion that you overreacted in the first post. Basically, I am sure they won;t be buried, and will keep paying their dues. They will probably win a few and lose a few, but eventually, once the cena/batista feud is over, they will be back to having the titles.
I don't think they are being depushed, and I don;t think this will hurt them in the long run.


The opening promo was ok

Adamle was sweet as GM.

He had to read from a fucking script b/c they were afraid he'd fuck up. And even to that, he still messed up his lines a few times. It was terrible. His voice just hovers there and doesn't do anything. It's fucking horrendous. This has nothing to do with his matchmaking. That's fine for now. Just don't have him speak on my TV plz.

Anyways, haven't seen the entire show, but what I saw was pretty decent.


He had to read from a fucking script b/c they were afraid he'd fuck up. And even to that, he still messed up his lines a few times. It was terrible. His voice just hovers there and doesn't do anything. It's fucking horrendous. This has nothing to do with his matchmaking. That's fine for now. Just don't have him speak on my TV plz.

Anyways, haven't seen the entire show, but what I saw was pretty decent.

I think the script thing was a joke. They wouldn's have him read from a script ON CAMERA, and ruin their credibility, by showing that everything is scripted.
I think that they did it in a way that, it was sort of a rib on the smart fans... The fans who think wrestling is real wouldn;t care, and just think he was doing what presidents, ceo's, etc, do when they make a speech, and it would be a rib/jopke on the smart fans, who think he;s completely stupid. That's my theory.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
It was pretty amusing, how much the crowd just absolutely HATED him. You could tell he was enjoying it. Anyway, I think he'll make a fine GM. He messed up a couple of lines, but keep in mind he just gave a ten minute speech. The best of us would screw that up in front of 14,000 people on our first day. I think in a couple weeks we won't remember why we ever hated him. Well ok, we will, but we won't care.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Raw was pretty solid again this week had some good matches some good promo's. Adamle is looking pretty good so far in the GM role. I'm glad the Punk,Y2J, JBL match didn't go to a triple threat match at summer slam we have had a few triple threats in the big ppv lately i am glad that its 1 v 1, Saying that i hope JBL doesn't win the belt.

As for HBK well I'm hoping he returns and has a match probs be Y2J if he does. But i have this nagging feeling that he is going to take a bit of a break and return later on down the line. seems like a few older stars aren't competing regularly Takers off HBK as hit and misses every other week HHH has had only 1 match since moving he has done more promos than actual wrestling matches may be the top stars of the older age are feeling there aches and pains more now. Maybe wwe need to get some younger stars ready for the top.

Anyhoo yeah Raw was pretty good again this week solid show keep it :)


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Jericho needs some pants, NOW. He looked very awkward, almost out of shape. He actually looked shorter in those tights. Didn't see the whole show but I did catch Adamle look at the camera when he was on the phone. Damn.

Moonlight Drive

Yeah, Jericho looked a lot smaller. But I think it goes with the angle of him changing and maturing

Alright show this week, pissed Priceless dropped the belts. They did this shit with Michaels/Cena 18 months ago, why do it again? But yeah, tag division has been dead since E & C/Hardys/Dudleys went their seperate ways pretty much


Jun 9, 2008
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I thought this weeks Raw was proper good. I take back everything I said about Adamle. I still think he's a bit of an odd choice but 'he' has made some interesting matches so far.

Main thing that pissed me off was Kane saying 'he's all better now'. I thought they were ending the storyline like that which would've sucked tbh - at least we're finding out what's in the bag plus Adamle forcing him to show us might put him back into a 'rage' or w/e and make him worse again.

Jericho needs long trunks again as well lol, looked stupid.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Wrestling tights on Jericho must mean he is a heel...right?


He did look tiny in them, I think he should have stuck with the pants.