Another very good Raw. Last week's was better, but this was still great!
Alot of good promos...
We had an awesome opening one with Punk/Batista/JBL, and it set up the show good, and was a good 10 minute promo.
The Jericho/Cade promo about HBK was sweet as well. I love this feud, and I loved this promo.
Another good promo came out of Santino's post match stuff with Beth, and before the match. Not really a promo, but some good shit, lol.
The Punk interview was also another solid interview, building him up.
A few other scattered interviews and shit took place, and were solid, but nothing that needs to be reviewed.
So the promo/entertainment was there AGAIN on Raw, which is good..
This week's Raw had some good matches too.
Punk/Batista was a good main event. 15+ minutes, and it was good back and forth.
The other very good match was CTC/Priceless. It went on a while, but wasn't boring at all, very good match. JTG sold awesome.
Mickie/Kofi vs The Burchills was solid as well. Pretty good length, and good action.
Cade vs London wasn't anything great. Just a good short match, but it was a good opener.
Kelly/Beth proved why wwe's women are good enough. Not as good as tn, but this was another solid match, and Kelly looked good again, except for a semi botched headscissors. Good match though.
And of course Dlo/Santino wasn't meant to be a great match, but it was good for redebutiing Brown.
So yah, the matches were all good as well.
I enjoyed it, it was a good show again, felt very live (which it was :laugh

and another good mix of matches and entertainment.
Good show.
BTW: Roxxi, Coach is done with wwe, apparently, last I heard. But ya, I think they will do this one more week, and then bring in a gm, cause tonight they mentioned they will have a gm soon. But even then, I think the show wills till have sort of an unpredictable feel, which is good, it will just be a different kind of unpredictability (with a gm)