Another AWESOME Raw. Not as good asd last week, but thats to be expected. Still one of the best this year, if not the second best.
Match quality was very good this week for a weekly show!
You had the Kingston/Haas one which was a good 10 minute match.
Then you also had the punk/snitsky which wasnt all that good, but Punk was great in it, and it got him over.
The womens match was great! 10 minutes or more, and all 4 women competed. Kelly has improved a ton, and it was a very good match.
And for a very good opening match, you had Santino and Rey. Both guys had good offense, and Rey won.
And of course the main event! This was crazy! Action everywhere, and I had no clue who would win. Match of the night, and a very good one.
Solid matches all down the card.
The entertainment was there too.
The opening promo was actually good. It went a while, but the beggining was very good with Punk.Vickie. It showed off Punk's mic skills, and he was amazingly over! Then Cena and JBl and Punk had a good promo too, and the rest was ok. Good promo though.
Punk had another good interview.
Lol at the guy running through Batiustas segemtn though.
Anyways, ya, good enterainment, and it was topped off with a solid, personal Y2J/HBK promo.
And the best part... CTC kickin ass! That was a great promo. It build up Cena/JBL, for a good feud, and kept the CTC going. Not to mention they kicked the shit outta JBL's car.
Good raw, and the ending was unpredictable. It had everything. match quality, promos, and a bit of that unpredictability too. Like Kane's heel turn. Thumbs up to WWE