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the dark knight

what did chuck say about the rhodes/dibiase thing? lol owned. i liked it when dibiase somehow quoted george carlin 2 weeks ago when he said "you people are obedient sheep".

aaanyway, raw's been great for the last 2 or 3 weeks. lets hope they keep it up.

about the kane thing, they fooled me..well not really. i knew he was gonna take the pin the very second i heard his entrance music. but what happened afterwards was...niSe :D. now lets hope they dont screw everything as usual. and lets hope and PRAY he wears the mask again...along the way, he threatens vince that if he ever showed footage of kane with no mask on tv/internet (kayfabe) he'll set him on fire or something.

<the dark knight> i wanted kane to be the one who takes the belt from him last year
<the dark knight> kane should rape one of the faces to get some boooes. mickie comes to mind but...that'd make him feud with cena. they never faced each other in a one on one match. its kinda useless now that cena's not champ .

also, is it me or did lillian say great american..Pash? :nonono:

PS: william regal returning next week as GM. i thought about it when shane delivered his "speech"...but now with steph doing the same, im pretty sure it'll happen. they've been holding it till his 60 days suspension is over.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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I cant wait for when/if Regal returns as GM. I wish he'd wrestle, but either way is fine.

lol @ These stupid "bloopers" or w/e they call 'em happening. CM Punk's interview with the lights falling, Fan interrupting Batista's walk, Vince's "injury"

Moonlight Drive

God the light was hilarious. IT's the ghost of 'He', he must be dead!


Feb 27, 2007
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I may be alone, but I really think the Cena/limo thing was not funny at all, well at least for the kids who watched the show. No offense, but the humor is usually better, to me the angle didn't work at all.
The Kane thing was the best part of the show IMO, it's the beginning of a long term thing, and it's hard to predict what's gonna happen. ( Vince?Taker?Kane himself? a new character ? )
I didn't the Kelly Kelly debut. There had a draft not so long ago, and they can't find a good reason to justify her arrival, and they make fun of it ? that's not really serious.
The other good thing was CM Punk push. He was used well, even if the crows was dead during his match, but hey, it was snitsky lol. Good job with that. I hope he retains at the Bash

The Cena-Cryme time limo thing sucked. Maybe 12 year olds can laugh at that, but not me. And Crime time is the worst name for a wrestling team!


Cryme Tyme is the perfect name for a tag team...When there whole gimmick is a play on all the stereotypes shot towards the African American community...


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
What does "CTC" stand for?

They Spray-Painted it on the LImos and I've asked everyone from real life to online net-nerdz and no-one seems to know...

So like...

Does it stand for "Cry-Time-Company" ?
or "CenaTyme-Cryme?"
or "CyrmeTymeCena?"

I dunno...


I heard snitsky's nose got "chuck'd-up"

anywho how' bout a Zombie-Game..(like dead-rising)..mixed with GTA its like. a whole city, full of zombies, and you can do anything in it?

That'd be "BAD(as in gangsta-goodie)"


JBL rules on the mic and at brawling...

Kane gone done went "Ka-RAZZZY!!!!" this week...


I thought some of the angles and stuff were mostly funny (except the spray-painting seemed a little bit "forced-funny").

But basically, I think they used Cena-JBL-Batista-Cmpunk-Kane a little bit too much on the show...

But thats not-really a complaint cause it was pretty good...

Those Y2J-chants during that HBK-Jericho-Prom'gle interview thingy kind've messed it up for me...
cuz my tv-volume was a little bit down and I couldn't hear what HBK said back and like...basically it was like watching a intense promo on "Mute"...


A good Follow-up episode after the really-really-really-GREAT episode from two weeks ago..

so Ka-Word!

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Vince gets off on death angles. He's a wrestling necropheliac.

Now that we have that in the open...

I'm loving this Kane angle. I don't want him to turn back into the old mute mindless monster, because that's a one-way ticket to unoversville. Just like how Snitsky used to do everything to silence, but now that he's actually showing personality, he's getting a decent reaction. They're making Kane more ruthless while still allowing him to talk and actually build a personality. Good.

Also... "WHERE IS PUNK?!" "Have you checked the Pepsi machines?" Rofl.

Beth Phoenix defeating Santino, lmao. I'd love to see Beth start competing with the men full time, since I really can't see any of the divas posing any kind of threat to her.

And now, once again, somewhere out there Vince just nailed the lamp off the nightstand with a bolt of necropheliac baby batter.


Ok, for a minute, Im just gonna ignore the stupidity at the end, and tallk about the rest of the show.
It was a great show, another one by wwe.
The matches were all good.

You had Punk/Kane which was good for a 10 minute match, and et both guys show off in the ring.
The Mickie/Katie match was very good! Theys howed they can put on yet another good match, and they had some great moves and the crowd was into it too.
Beth/Santino was just for giggles, but I enjoy Santino getting beat up.
Kofi/Burchill was good too. I liked how it was out of nowhere, AND it was another solid match.
Jericho/London was a glorified squash.
Now, the main event. this was a very good match during the match. All the guys got in ring time, and they really put on a good main event. MOTN, good job.

So there, you can see, ALL the matches did what they needed to do. And alot of them were very good too, so the match quality was there.
The promos were too!
The opening with Y2J/HBK was cool, for a good old brawl.
Kane had a few promos, and he really built up the heel gimmick, which is good.
batista turning on Punk is good too, it makes him a tweener, and that helps the match.
Team Priceless had a good promo too, and they were over as heels. That's good, and it set up the main event.
Cena and Cryme Tyme had a very good promo, and they put the feud over, the fans bought it, and I bought it.

So ya, the promo's were good as well!

Now, the cena/jbl thing was interesting! Its good because JBL didn't hit Cena, he attempted to, but didnt, and thats good, cause the match wills till happen, and it ads to the feud.

Great raw, thumbs up. But where was Rey ?
Feb 6, 2008
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^ I agree and the end almost ruined the entire show.

Also, on a side note, Hacksaw can cut a pretty good promo, and I'm surprised he took that verbal beating.


^Ya, th eending WOULD HAVE ruined it, but i was wrong about it. it turned out jbl didnt hit cena, and cena moved, which is better, cause we dont need another death storyline. this is good, cause it just adds to the feud.


Jul 8, 2008
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RAW raising the bar!!!!!!!!!!!! (SPOILER)

Well I thought we had another fantastic Monday Night RAW last night, it was well thought out, all the major angles kept running and the continuity and progression of other stories and characters kept the focus changing all night so when everyone had there chance they seemed to want to grab it with both hands and really make a play for a position on TV.

From the get off, Stephanie and Shane both pleading this time with the talent to 'keep the piece' and then threatening action if they do not do as instructed kept the 'anarchy' angle going.
Then having the show kick off with a riot from Chris Jericho and the 'BoyToy' Shawn Michaels was brilliant and added to the 'rules don't apply attitude' the WWE are trying to sell to the crowd as of late, it also adds to the tension these two are building together and there chemistry is phenomenal.

From last week every wrestling fan and there dog seems to have an opinion on Kane and what he meant with his 'Is he Alive or is he Dead' statement as he beat up the announce team and a couple of camera guys and a bell keeper, his appearance at the beginning of RAW was good, and his obvious confusion with his apology surely backs up my idea that he is indeed referring to himself and the monster he once was, also for me the only thing he could possibly have had in that bag of his is one thing - THE MASK

Kofi Kingston and Paul Birchill have good chemistry in the ring and hopefully both can build a feud that will see them swapping the Intercontinental title for a couple of times over the coming months, Kofi for me is one of the best guys the WWE have recruited in a long time, charisma, speed, style and agility!

Jamie Noble and Santino Marella are comedy gold, its great to have these guys on the same show, it adds a little light relief to the hectic but very entertaining angles and story-lines RAW are doing at the moment, also it looks like Beth Phonex has turned face

Few have been highlighting the fact that Cody Rhodes did not look like a proper heel, I felt that was merely because since his heel turn he has not had hardly anytime on TV, well last night I felt that both he and Ted Di Biase Jr looked every part the cocky young heels they are portraying, both looked smart and arrogant, they sounded good and the introduction of Hacksaw was genius because despite not having much left to give he does have the history so cutting him to the bone got them over big time as heels, then then teaming with JBL and his Marshall Law attitude against Cena and CrymeTyme and the ending even though predictable adds to the 'rules don't apply attitude' the show started with.

Jericho's match with London was as expected although a little more offence from London would have been nice, it was great to see Jericho really apply the Walls again, he went back to basics a few weeks ago and he really cant go back to that boston Crab now, his Walls of Jericho looks far to vicious to go back to the Crab!

The Kane and Punk match was how I expected it to be, both had a great match in ECW 6 weeks ago, this was a very different match, simply because we knew it had an edge to it, I thought the way Kane lost was perfect, he didn't job but lost in a way his frustrations once again boiled over, and now it leaves the door open for Kane to screw Batista at the Bash on Sunday night.

All in all a great RAW!
Apr 9, 2008
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im not an expert round here but this should be in the wrestling review forum or the news forum. i also think it was a great raw last night. we are going to have a great american bash. i cant wait.


I agree, as we all have said lately, Raw has been kicking ass. Last nights had a good balance of matches and promos which was good. Raw has been very good the past month and few weeks.


Jul 8, 2008
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The reason its been so good is because the WWE are using the talent available to them for a decent array of ways to finish the show using more than just the same so called main event talent every week

last four finishes

Jericho and Cade lay out Cena and Triple H
CM Punk as the new world champ ends the show by rioting with JBL and his 'security' with CrymeTyme and Cena
Kane goes nuts
JBL tries to 'kill' Cena

Now I understand that Cena is involved in 3 of the last four finishes but he is only the focal point of one of them really

the first week it was about Jericho arriving on the big stage and having Cade in his corner,
second week, all about CM Punk
third week, the finish was revolving around Kane and his 'mystery'
Fourth week, JBL trying to kill John Cena

Hopefully in the coming weeks the show can end with cliffhangers from Shawn Michaels, maybe even Batista, and wouldn't mind seeing Jericho doing something as well although If I am being honest Michaels Jericho will carry on until SummerSlam


The only real good moment was when Batista gave Punk the Spinebuster. Batista is as over as he was when he was taking on Triple H.

I changed the channel, whenever Jericho or HBK came on the screen.

The JBL/Cena angle was weak. They should have picked a camera angle where you couldn't see that Cena wasn't there when the car hit. The only good thing that could come out of this is if CTC becomes more ruthless and badass. I don't want lame jokes, ghetto auctions, or skipping. CTC should be beating the ever living shit out of JBL.

Team Priceless looks good I have to admit. Its a shame there talents are being wasted with JBL.

Speaking of JBL, when did he become average at best on the mic?