1st IM absolutely gutted that HHH has gone to smack down i go see Raw in November and now HHH ain't gonna be there so that sucks big time. I also hope its bogus and some how he end back up on Raw but TBH i think its a legit move
. But I've said before in other posts if thats whats he has to do to help the business thats what he will do.
As for the show i thought it was fanfuckingtastic this week its on at 2am over here and i stayed up to watch it glad i did the the draft picks were excellent wicked move by Vince.
I was thinking now with Vince out of the picture for how ever long. Maybe Flair cud step in as Raw GM and get Trips back on Raw so Flair, Tista, Trips run Raw. Or maybe with the whole Vince hurt angle and Vince breaking kayfabe by calling Trips Paul maybe Trips takes over Raw for his father in law until he gets back. You never know its two possible scenarios to keep trips or get him back on the main show. Just wishful thinking on my part tho LOL
As for the show i thought it was fanfuckingtastic this week its on at 2am over here and i stayed up to watch it glad i did the the draft picks were excellent wicked move by Vince.
I was thinking now with Vince out of the picture for how ever long. Maybe Flair cud step in as Raw GM and get Trips back on Raw so Flair, Tista, Trips run Raw. Or maybe with the whole Vince hurt angle and Vince breaking kayfabe by calling Trips Paul maybe Trips takes over Raw for his father in law until he gets back. You never know its two possible scenarios to keep trips or get him back on the main show. Just wishful thinking on my part tho LOL