No thanks. All the stars we have now there is no room for the young people who job night after night to the likes of Cena and Orton. It's time to start pushing the people who have paid their dues. Bringing back big stars will only make those people want to leave the company and ruin the next generation of wrestlers for the company.
Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, The Shield, Jack Swagger are just a few that can go over a credible name (Kurt Angle). It doesn't mean that bringing back an old star will result in putting those who don't need it over, e.g. Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho has put over several superstars and that's all he's down, so much so that we where wanting him to win at least one PPV match.
I honestly don't want him back. Being brutally honest, he isn't entertaining anymore. As debatable as it is, his days are slowly getting behind him. And with guys like Punk, Bryan, Cesaro already there, who can most definitely go at it for much longer and are much fresher than him, Angle's presence isn't needed.
I have to disagree with you.Of course,he isn't still that great like in the Attidude Era,but i'm pretty sure he's still able to beat up the most guys back to locker room.I think he can definetely win the Intercontinental or United States championship.Maybe even the World Heavyweight Championship.
Don't get me wrong. Wrestling-wise, he's still great and all. But I just feel like his presence is rather unneeded at this point. As you yourself said, his best days are behind him, and now with all the Punks, Bryans, Ambroses, Cesaros, he isn't really missed, and neither has been for the better part of being away.