Fuckin loved the HBK seg
Have we done 11 yet?
Number 11 is...
WCW Monday Nitro January 4, 1999
City: Atlanta Georgia, the Georgia Dome
Announce Team: Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Eric Bischoff (first hour), Schiavone, Bobby "the Brain" Heenan and Bischoff (second and third hours)
Its Ric Flair's first night as WCW President. Goldberg is set for a Starrcade rematch against Kevin Nash for the World Title.
Some nobody named Jimmy Barron chats with fans at the Nitro party. Way to kick off the show!

Barron looks like a junior version of Mike Tenay. I'm sure it was met to be prank on the real thing. Schiavone and Heenan take pot shots at Tenay later on.
Glacier VS. Hugh Morrus (W/Jimmy Hart)
Nothing match with little or no heat. How far has Glacier fallen to job clean to Morrus on his comeback?

Hugh gets the pin with a moonsalt. *1/2
Recap of last Monday's Nitro and Flair's revenge on Bischoff as he beats him to become the New President of WCW. We are also treated to Flair in his boxers
The new WCW President comes out with his family for an interview with Mean Gene. The long entrance through the back into the arena is sweet! Flair calls Bischoff a tyrant. His first act as WCW President is to assign Eric to the announce booth for the night. In defiance to this demotion Bischoff spends most the night silent only chipping in by calling Goldberg "Jail bait"

and getting into his heel groove at the end of the main event

The Nature Boy also reinstates referee Randy "Peewee" Anderson. The clip of Bischoff firing Anderson in front of his kids is gold!

Flair books himself in a handicap match against NWO members Curt Henning and Barry Windham at Sold Out. Son David wants to team with him. Ric says its too soon, but Arn convinces Flair to give his kid a shot. So its all Arn Anderson's fault
Booker T VS. Henry Hale
Tony claims jobber Hale has been on quite the run in recent weeks
Booker makes quick work of him with a missile drop kick.
Norman Smiley VS. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (W/Pepe)
Decent enough comedy match with some sloppy moments. Chavo rides Pepe around the ring

Norman gets the upper hand early with some aggressive tactics. Chavo gets two from a roll up and counters a fireman's carry and a powerbomb into a sunset flip for two. Norman's big wiggle allows Guerrero to hit a missile drop kick. Chavo messes up a leap to the top, but recovers to get the pin with a sunset flip. Norman attacks Guerrero post match. This was the start of an attempted heel push for Smiley. **
Chris Benoit VS. Horace Hogan
Nothing much to say here. Benoit does take a Horace suicide dive, but wins convincingly with the Crippler Crossface. *1/2
Goldberg's plans to face Nash in the main event are put at risk as he is arrested and taken down town. As Goldberg's taken away Nash looks pissed, but Hollywood Hogan entering the arena laughs.
Perry Saturn VS. Chris Jericho (W/Ralphus)
Sadly on Network version I got Jericho's WWF theme dubbed in. But his underrated WCW theme can be found on the Youtube version below

This kicked starts a decent mid-card feud between two guys starting to tread water in the company. Jericho starts the match off at a fast pace but is cut off by a nice Saturn belly to belly surplex. Jerchio comes back with a spring board drop kick knocking Saturn to the floor. Back inside Saturn hooks a sleeper on but Jericho counters with a back drop. We then get the Canadian's famous one foot cover

Saturn gets back in the game with a beautiful tiger surplex. Jericho escapes a Death Valley Drive attempt but is hit with an over head surplex for a near fall. Saturn misses a missile drop kick, striking referee Scott Dickenson instead. Jericho goes for the Lion tamer, Dickenson recovers and gives the match to Jericho before Saturn is even in the hold properly

In the story line there had been heat between Saturn and the ref since Saturn manhandled him previously. Note to President Flair maybe don't allow Dickenson to ref anymore Saturn matches

At the local police station Goldberg finds out that Elizabeth has accused him of stalking her. The cops use Elizabeth's real name adding realism to the segment. At first Goldberg doesn't know who their talking about. Nice touch. The cops say they must hold Bill while they interview Liz.
We see clips of Eddie Guerreo and the LWO partying. The point of this overlong segment is to show Guerreo getting too cocky and losing track of his roots. A number of LWO members are seen having doubts about their leader.
Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio VS. Psicosis and Juventurd Guerrera
Strange booking as Rey is a member of the LWO and on the other side of the ring to fellow LWO members. Kidman pump handles Juvi into a atomic drop. Rey tags in and hits a light headscissors off the ropes. The faces work together as Rey back drops Guerrera into a Kidman sit down powerbomb. A sloppy Mysterio bodyscissors takes the match to the floor. Juvi turns the tables with a top rope drop kick from behind on Kidman. The LWO members gang up on Rey, but he comes back with a nice tilt to whirl backbreaker, but Psicosis hits a drop kick to keep his side in control. Juvi gets two from a tilt to whirl backbreaker. A Psicosis top rope dive is countered by a Rey drop kick. Stereo Kidman and Mysterio top rope splashes onto the LWO. Rey hits a splash back inside, but Juvi breaks up the pin. Mysterio's summersalt splash is caught in mid-air and turned into a nice Juvi Driver, this time Kidman saves the pin for his team. The end comes with all four men in the ring, Kidman hits his partner by mistake with a top rope drop kick setting Rey up for a Psicosis guillotine legdrop for the pin. This sets up a feud between Mysterio and Kidman. Both have seen better days in WCW. **1/2
A sombre Kevin Nash says Goldberg was screwed at Starrcade. He says Hogan's behind the Goldberg's trumped up charges and the WCW Champion demands a match with Hogan in the main event. President Flair grants him the match.
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Gene interviews Hollywood Hogan. According to his announcement on the Tonight Show Hogan's retired from wrestling and is running for President. About twenty years too soon Hulk

Hogan calls Goldberg a sexual deviant

Hogan accepts Nash's challenge for the main event. Hollywood says he owns the fans one last retirement match, adding he will retire WCW Champion.
Heading to the final hour we get the classic Schiavone foot in the mouth moment. On request of a silent Eric Bischoff

Tony reveals the result of the taped Raw main event for that night. Yes Tony reveals that former WCW employee Mick Foley is going to win the WWF title in the main event. You know Mick Foley, the guy everyone loves!

Schiavone's lame attempts to put viewers off that night's Raw would look even worse later that...
TV Title Match: Scott Steiner (c) (W/Buff Bagwell) VS. Konnan
Buff distracts Konnan from the bell, but gets some quick shots in. Buff later runs K-Dog into the post. The heels double team the challenger on the floor. Big Poppa Pump's crowd working is the highlight of the match. The champ hits a belly to belly, but a top rope one is blocked. Konnan's top rope DDT and face plants both look terrible. Begwell runs in with a chair for the DQ. The NWO referee runs in and calls a submission for Steiner. The heels hammer Konnan afterwards. *1/2
Wrath VS. Bam Bam Bigelow
Wrath issues an open challenge claiming a lack of competition. This is a half decent brawl carried by Bigelow. The sad thing is Bigelow could have had one hell of a feud with the former Adam Bomb in 95. They brawl back and forth, in and out of the ring, with Bam Bam getting in most of the offense running Wrath into the ringpost and guard rail. At one point he attempts a power bomb on a chair but Wrath back drops him. The fight once again spills outside and they brawl up the isle to a no contest. **
As holes start appearing in Liz's story she admits that Goldberg didn't stalk her. The line of the night comes when Liz says "
There's a lot of those bald headed wrestlers running around"
I guess that means Bam Bam can expect a call from the police next
Brian Adams (W/Vincent) VS. Diamond Dallas Page
If I may be so bold I would say that this has to be in Brian Adams top five matches ever

Page works his ass off again, with some nice selling for the NWO member. The build up to Page finally hitting the Diamond cutter is nicely handled. DDP hits it off the top rope kicking Vincent off him on the way down. **
Goldberg is released from the police station but can he make it back to the Dome in time for his World Title shot?...
WCW World Title Main Event: Kevin Nash (c) (W/Scott Hall) VS. Hollywood Hulk Hogan (W/Scott Steiner)
Here we go. One of the biggest main events in Nitro history. We get plenty of stalling. Some "Goldberg" chants. Nash shoves Hogan back in the corner. How does Hogan respond? Its.... "

It was a damn set up all along. Goldberg storms the ring to take on the NWO, and Eric's best line of the night is "Call Kojack"

Lex Luger comes out appearing to help Goldberg but instead double crosses him re-joining the NWO. The Red and White and Black and White reunite to end the first Nitro of 99.
@Grim Its your turn to pick a number.