I gave u pass last game even though multiple people were vocally annoyed with your attitude, actually. I've zero patience for you acting like a victim , I've told u this multiple times in multiple games. So nah, its not "personal ", I'm just annoyed at you trying to ruin another game with your entitled attitude dinobullshit
Everything you just said is personal. Everything. It always amazes me the lack of self-reflection when people say things like this and then act like I'm being a victim because I'm not ok with what you just said to me. My initial response was I think I touched a nerve. It was a game related.
You took it to the next level with your condensation. Then I simply told you I'll play how I want and you took that into playing the victim. When all I was saying is I've been playing for 5 hours and I'll post how I want and if you don't like vote for me. All game related. Then you got personal.
I know my attitude in the last game was bullshit and I apologized for it in the QT. I still stand by the fact I had noting to claim. I never said that was personal to me. Anyone could have drawn that role with noting to claim and nothing to do. The timeslot was being me being pissed because I knew someone would call me out for it when I literally couldn't post, that's on me but I wasn't saying you did that
to me. I was just pissed with it since you claimed the game was starting tomorrow and then you posted it at midnight. I was a bit peeved, but I tried to apologize for it.
The fact of the matter is I had a bad time and wasn't gonna play this game, You all tagged me 50 times in the signups, tagged me in the chats, sent me private messages trying to get me to play. If you and everyone else hates playing with me, stop begging me to play when I walk way.
So vote for me or do whatever you want to do.