John Cena = Best of all time?

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Sep 29, 2008
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Well, I'M refuting it and you've done nothing to dispell my arguments.
The funny thing is that my post was pretty much aimed directly at JimmyD to try and prove that Cena has surpassed the Rock, and yet he ignores 95% of my post and uses one small little part of it to try and prove one of his arguments.

I'll defend what I said though. You're saying that the Rock didn't carry the company because there were other things going on at the time and other people stepping up. So are you saying that Austin didn't carry the company in 98 because there was DX, and in the summer there was the feud over the IC belt between The Rock and Triple H? Are you saying that Austin didn't carry the company in late 98 to early 99, while Mick Foley and the Rock were having a feud? Both times there was another great feud going on, but both times Austin was above those feuds on the card and he was the man in the WWF during that period. He had help, but he was still the face of the company and the man bringing in most of the fans.

It's no different in the Rock's case during Austin's injury. During that time Foley’s career was ending and there was a storyline around it, and like you mentioned Triple H was carving his spot as a legit main eventer, but the Rock was THE guy while Austin was gone. The Rock was easily the most over guy on the roster. If I’m not mistaken, Austin was gone until about Septmeber of that year, and the Rock main evented every ppv from WM up until that point.

It’s no different in Cena’s case either. If you look at his time on top, there has always been another major event going on. In 2005 when he first came to Raw, the Hogan/Michaels feud was actually overshadowing what Cena was doing. In the fall there was the Flair/Triple H feud. For the first half of 2006 there was the HBK/McMahon feud, and for the second half of 2006 there were the DX/McMahon and DX/RatedRKO feuds. The only time you can say that Cena has had to single-handedly carry the WWE like you are trying to say, was for a few months in 2007, from about May until August while there was a huge stretch of injuries.


No. Look at it this way. If, during that six-month stretch, the Rock had also been inactive, the WWF would have been fine. HHH/Foley was drawing just fine. The fact is that, at that time, WCW was utter shit and the WWF was the only other option; and at the time the wrestling industry was booming. The WWF could have put out garbage (which most of the Attitude Era was, but that's another subject) and still have carried on strong. They did not need the Rock at all. Thus, he did not carry the company.

On the other hand, the WWF very well could have folded without Stone Cold. If he was never in the picture, I'm not confident that there would be a WWE today.

And with Cena, he has carried the company to whole new international markets. The company is BOOMING right now in foreign markets that are hot about Cena and the rest of the product right now. Since mid-2006, Cena has been the undeniable Ace of the product; without him, a huge chunk of the fanbase would have never been brought it.

Don’t get me wrong. I prefer the Rock to both Stone Cold and John Cena. But to say that he carried the WWF at any point is absurd.
Sep 29, 2008
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Everything you’re saying about the WWE being just fine without the Rock is merely speculation. Given the fact that some of the worst ratings we have seen over the last 10 years came during a time when Triple H was the man on Raw, it leads me to believe that the WWE wouldn’t have been just fine without the Rock. I’m not saying that the ratings would have tanked or anything like that, but I have a hard time believing that anyone besides the Rock would have been able to maintain the ratings of 6’s and 7’s that Austin had gotten them in the first place.

You bring up the fact that the WWF might have folded without Austin, and that Cena has brought them to new heights in recent years. I’m not denying any of this, and I’m also not giving the Rock credit for being the man to save the WWF or bringing them to new heights. If you read my post on the last page you will see that I said Cena has surpassed the Rock because he has been able to create new fans, something the Rock never did. However, the Rock has carried the company. Just because he didn’t create new fans doesn’t mean he didn’t carry the company. He was their go to guy. Shawn Michaels did a horrible job in 1996 when he was on top, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was carrying the company.
Apr 22, 2009
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I don't think Cena is the best per say. I like Cena, and think he's an alright guy...but the very best? No...I doubt even Cena himself(as humble as he is reputed to be) would put himself above Taker, HBK, and the like. Cena definately has his niche carved in WWE , but he isn't the best ever.


I don't think Cena is the best per say. I like Cena, and think he's an alright guy...but the very best? No...I doubt even Cena himself(as humble as he is reputed to be) would put himself above Taker, HBK, and the like. Cena definately has his niche carved in WWE , but he isn't the best ever.

Sure, Cena might not say that he is better than HBK or Taker, but I'm sure a lot of people in the industry would say it for him.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
The Rock and Cena are virtually carbon copies of eachother. But I will daresay Cena is better than The Rock.

Mic Skills: People complain about the poop jokes of John Cena, but what was the Rock doing exactly? Monkey piss? Horse poo? And not to mention his promos were so VASTLY predictable, he had a million people anticipating his catch phrase every week? lol. Cena is the exact same breed of mic skills, and the fans still finish his sentence of "Who Want Some?" just like the fans finished The Rocks "And the millions!" so in terms of Mic Skills, I would say they are one in the same.

Wrestling Ability: Cena has moves and can wrestle. Anyone who is still clinging to that stupid argument that he can't wrestle have all of their points INSTANTLY refuted in my book. So I won't even bother responding to your argument. In past wrestlemania performances, Cena has went the distance with guys like HBK, Triple H, Orton, and hell even his match against the Big Show was an incredible story. Wrestlemania 17, hailed as the greatest Mania of all time, had The Rock Vs. Austin. What was their match? Start of the match, finisher reversals. Spill to the outside. Brawling. Lots and lots of punching. and slamming of heads. They get back in the ring, more finishers and near falls. No technical finesse, no "man of a thousand holds" contests. Just great storytelling.

I use that specific Mania example not only to show that The Rock and Austin weren't nearly technical grand masters like the smarks want Cena to be back when they carried the company, but I also use the above example to refute anyone who says Hogan isn't a great wrestler. Because he could tell a story like no other. The Rock and Austin are the same, and Cena is no worse than them. The only central difference is that Cena has more basic moves, he has more versatility. The Rock had a five move of doom complex like no other. Coupled with lots and lots of brawling. So Cena wins in terms of wrestling ability.

So is it a close match? Hell yeah. Does Cena blow The Rock out of the water? No way. But he is pound for pound the better wrestler, while neither man can truly have any credit taken away from them. They are both future hall of famers.