John Cena = Best of all time?

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Ya, well, clearly the guy who started this was either an alt account spamming, or just a 10 year old. Either way, it's not to be taken seriously.


It is a legitimate conversation to be had though. I would probably put him in the Top 5 as far as WWE careers go to be honest. The only people who have been able to carry the WWE like he has and beyond are Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, and the Rock.

It doesn't matter if you prefer HBK, Jericho, or Hart matches more. The bottom line is that it is a wrestler's job to make money and create fans, and John Cena has excelled at that.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Most Important of all time: Hogan (importance is undeniable and unmatched)
Best Wrestler (in terms of creating great matches) of all time: Toss up between Flair and HBK
Most Important RIGHT NOW: Cena (the company will rise or fall on his shoulders)
Best Wrestler RIGHT NOW (in terms of creating great matches): HBK, Cena, Edge or Jericho (toss up cause all 4, when on their game, are really fucking good)


Most Important of all time: Hogan (importance is undeniable and unmatched)
Best Wrestler (in terms of creating great matches) of all time: Toss up between Flair and HBK
Most Important RIGHT NOW: Cena (the company will rise or fall on his shoulders)
Best Wrestler RIGHT NOW (in terms of creating great matches): HBK, Cena, Edge or Jericho (toss up cause all 4, when on their game, are really fucking good)

Yeah but what makes a "great wrestler" in terms of "in-ring ability" is COMPLETELY subjective. The only way to truly measure a wrestler's success is to measure how well they have done their job in carrying/contributing to a company. That is pretty much applicable to anybody.



Some people will see the title of this thread and laugh. Maybe rightfully so. Cena is nowhere near Hogan or Austin, but he is certainly in the top five all time. I may even put Cena ahead of the Rock at this point. Cena has had little to no help carrying the WWE since 2005. The Rock was almost always second fiddle to Austin. Cena has been the one and only draw in the WWE for the last several years. Much like Andre in the 70's and Hogan in the 80's.


Cena isn't that great on the mic. His promos consist of him coming out and making lame jokes. Seriously, half the time he isn't even serious. Did you see his promo last week on RAW where he was trying to own Jack Swagger? It was horrible, typical Cena...laaaame.

Don't compare The Rock to Cena..ever


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Yeah but what makes a "great wrestler" in terms of "in-ring ability" is COMPLETELY subjective. The only way to truly measure a wrestler's success is to measure how well they have done their job in carrying/contributing to a company. That is pretty much applicable to anybody.

You are right but I didn't mean just in ring ability. What I meant by creating great matches is everything involved in doing so, from the mic work, to the selling of fear/power/arrogance/etc... Everything that makes us as fans want to watch their matches. Not just in ring work. I personally think Shelton is overrated for his in ring work but somehow I still wanna see his matches, lol. I think its because of his creativity and lack of boundaries, but thats a whole nuvva thread, lol!


Yeah but what makes a "great wrestler" in terms of "in-ring ability" is COMPLETELY subjective. The only way to truly measure a wrestler's success is to measure how well they have done their job in carrying/contributing to a company. That is pretty much applicable to anybody.

Man, I've been waiting to see more people make this point. Thank you. In ring ability really shouldn't matter in WWE/TNA/any "pro" wrestling, because it's a performance/show. It's not a sport, so athletic ability ,while it is needed, isn't the difference between being a star or not, when it's not a sport.


Cena isn't that great on the mic. His promos consist of him coming out and making lame jokes. Seriously, half the time he isn't even serious. Did you see his promo last week on RAW where he was trying to own Jack Swagger? It was horrible, typical Cena...laaaame.

Don't compare The Rock to Cena..ever

Chess, what happene to you? You used to make sense when you posted. Somewhat, anyways. Where did he compare cena to Rock? All he said was Rock never had to carry a company on hi sshoulders (fact) while Cena has (fact).



Cena isn't that great on the mic. His promos consist of him coming out and making lame jokes. Seriously, half the time he isn't even serious. Did you see his promo last week on RAW where he was trying to own Jack Swagger? It was horrible, typical Cena...laaaame.

Don't compare The Rock to Cena..ever

And the Rock's jokes weren't lame? Roody Poo Candy Ass???? Little kids think Cena is funny, just like you though the Rock was funny when you were a little kid.

Trust me, Cena could hold his own on the mic with the Rock. Wrestlers have very little control over what they say in the ring and Cena does pretty damn well with shit material. Not to mention Cena is miles ahead of the Rock in terms of wrestling skills and has had to singlehandedly carry the WWE. The Rock never had to carry the company by himself.


Fucking amazign point, Cenamark. Some of Rock's jokes were amazingly childish, and, on top of that, like you said, the majority of people here are between 15 and 22 years old, meaning when they, myself included, were being entertained by the Rock, we were pretty much little kids as well. No one should say Cena is aimed at little kids, if they actually watched The Rock, because they were all little kids being entertained by him.


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
And the Rock's jokes weren't lame? Roody Poo Candy Ass???? Little kids think Cena is funny, just like you though the Rock was funny when you were a little kid.

Trust me, Cena could hold his own on the mic with the Rock. Wrestlers have very little control over what they say in the ring and Cena does pretty damn well with shit material. Not to mention Cena is miles ahead of the Rock in terms of wrestling skills and has had to singlehandedly carry the WWE. The Rock never had to carry the company by himself.

Apart from the 6 months between Survivor Series '99 and April '00 when Austin was out getting surgery you mean? Where The Rock was the only main event face in the company and carried it quite happily? Yeah, I thought you might have forgotten that.

As for Cena being anywhere near as good as The Rock on the mic: please, spare me. The Rock is arguably as good as anyone has ever been on the microphone. Cena is not. Whether or not he's better in the ring is open for debate (in terms of execution then Cena definitely wins, but Rocky told better stories with his matches), but don't start watering down The Rock to try and make Cena look strong. If you want to convince people that Cena's a great wrestler then focus on his determination and his ability to improve himself rather than comparing him to people who are far superior to him.

Moonlight Drive

Watering down The Rock? It's undeniable The Rock is one of the best mic workers that's come down the line, but Cena's ability is phenomenal. Whatever role he's given he plays to perfection, he doesn't write his own lines despite popular belief. When he's given the childish lines, he can execute them fantastic (I actually broke a smile with the 500 pound bla bla and the Big Show, even though I knew it was coming :eek:). When he's given intense lines, he can execute them brilliantly as well (His promo on Jericho last year, his sporadic feuds with Edge in 06).

Inside the ring, Cena is right up there with HBK, Jericho and the other top in-ring performers right now. Put him in the ring with anyone and he will have a great match. He even got some passable matches out of The Great Khali. And the only direction for him to go is up, he's barely even reached his prime. In 10-15, however many years time, when it's all said and done, Cena is going to be remembered with the granduer and respect akin to Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and the like. I'd also go as far to say after Cena retires, those people who seem to always hate the product will be saying 'Man, WWE was so much better with John Cena'

(PS - The product, with the exception of Jericho/HBK, sucked pretty damn bad when Cena wasn't in the title picture in mid 08)


Apart from the 6 months between Survivor Series '99 and April '00 when Austin was out getting surgery you mean? Where The Rock was the only main event face in the company and carried it quite happily? Yeah, I thought you might have forgotten that.

I think it's YOU that's forgetting. That's the exact period that HHH stepped up and became a dominant heel champ. I assume you remember the HHH/Foley fued?

Rock FAR from carried that period on his own.

It wasn't til after Mania that he & HHH even started fueding one-on-one.

Moonlight Drive

6 months is a lot less than 4 years as well, so you're actually just adding to Cena's side of the argument.


Ya, 6 months is nothing. In fact, 6 months would hardly be considered carrying the company.


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Right, first off, MD: I didn't say anything about Cena being bad, but comparing his mic skills to The Rock is like comparing his overness to Hulk Hogan. He's decent a what he does and has managed to make me laugh a couple of times, but is he up there with the likes of Ric Flair and The Rock as one of the best guys on the mic in the history of this business? No, he is not.

As for your second post: I'm certain The Rock would have continued to be the company's main (and in reality, only) face if he hadn't of shared his time in the spotlight with Stone Cold. If you re-read what I initially wrote I didn't say anything about Cena carrying the company, I just refuted what had been said about The Rock not doing it.

Airfixx: I said he was their only decent main event face, which is true. He carried the company in exactly the same regard as Cena has carried it in the past. He sold the most merchandise, drew the most fans and made the most money for the company, albeit for only six months.

Finally Mike Raw: Again, there's no substance to that at all. You name me one other person in that era who could have stepped into the main event space slot and filled it like he did. Not to mention that he had to do this in the wake of Austin's injury, meaning that he had to win over the fans of the biggest selling wrestler of all time.