IWT Discussion

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CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
cool to read old promos but also lots of cringing going on.

some promos where i thought i did good were like less than avg at best

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I got some cringe too.

Oh, and for the record, I did tell my sister to vote. But the funny thing is that the people who were pissed at me for doing that were also out fishing for votes.

And even though Roadie actually created Schizo, I did create the entrance using the ringtone and the cellphone idea. I actually am proud of that.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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From what I understood later on, having talked with Dat Kid and Aids and all those, they've wanted to shut IWT down for months trying to start new e-feds before they actually had the chance to. It probably was all just based on the fact that they hated us. Again, mostly beyond my comprehension.

It got pretty bad behind the scenes in the forum team sections. There are reasons they deleted the forum team discussions and all of the PMs before selling the site to Cam.

But yeah, they really grew to hate the section and looked for reasons to get rid of it.


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I know they used Reag not being given a world title shot at IWTMania IV back then as evidence but really it was just the fact that some of them really, really hated myself and friends of mine. I'm likely the culprit for most of it, though. That's my two cents on it, shame it had to die the way it did! Especially with how active it was until the day of death!

Happy to get my promos back though!
The reason Reagmaster was not given the IWT title match was because it was supposed to be the final IWT match and I really really did not want the final IWT PPV to be headlined by Reagan fucking Cole (all due respect bro but you lost all the time)


Jan 9, 2021
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I don't know about everyone but there definitely was bias in some of the votes. Coincidentally, most of them came from the TWF guys but there were a few TWF guys that I remember that had no bias like THG?, DK James, Shadow and possibly you? I can't name them all, but there is def evidence of tampering of votes. (Skype DM Screenshots sent to Jono and others at the time.)
Yeah, some mongoloid called FrostyBlur made 8 accounts to always vote for himself (and to get a monopoly in votes in a WWE 2K Playstation league) and some matches got flooded by non-IWT dudes voting to the point of it becoming ridiculous.

I know the TWF guys really hated the system that was in place, and they likely hated Tsar and wanted to spite us so they tried to show the supposed flaws in the public voting system. Some wanted a "jury" to decide instead and end public voting, which would cause other people to call bias. It'd never be perfect but I believe approaching it with honesty is something most people did regardless.


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Jan 7, 2014
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TWF guys didn't like the system because I think it was too clogged, and because it exposed people who were protected under a closed judge system. People who probably got plenty of wins and title pushes under a system where a few people voted in a closed manner that was meant to promote stories instead of competition didn't get the same treatment in IWT since it was much more of a competition, and therefore required more work. The smart thing to do would have been to split the roster's hard, two different sections for the show, and maybe even keep the forums closed to only people on specific brands. We had VICE and stuff to get people involved but there was only so much that could've been done, at the time, with the massive roster.


Jan 9, 2021
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TWF guys didn't like the system because I think it was too clogged, and because it exposed people who were protected under a closed judge system. People who probably got plenty of wins and title pushes under a system where a few people voted in a closed manner that was meant to promote stories instead of competition didn't get the same treatment in IWT since it was much more of a competition, and therefore required more work. The smart thing to do would have been to split the roster's hard, two different sections for the show, and maybe even keep the forums closed to only people on specific brands. We had VICE and stuff to get people involved but there was only so much that could've been done, at the time, with the massive roster.
Yeah I did feel like the people that weren't in the ME scene at that time felt short-changed (The Underappreciated~) but I did believe I tried to at least get as many people involved as I could (offering title shots to random dudes)


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Jan 7, 2014
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Yeah I did feel like the people that weren't in the ME scene at that time felt short-changed (The Underappreciated~) but I did believe I tried to at least get as many people involved as I could (offering title shots to random dudes)
I think most people wanted IWT to be more open than it was. I mean we had VICE every week end, we had the tour shows, we had the PPVs, we had free reign Dark Matches. I saw a thread where we had matches like Ovaldinho v. Antonio on VICE, we went from having 3-4 PPV matches to have close to 10 every show. We had the Young Lion tournament, Golden Lottery tournament, Grand Prix tournament, just a bunch of things that were meant to get more people a chance and more people some fun storylines. I personally wanted to add 2 more titles, reviving the X-Division and adding another that I hadn't thought of a name of yet, but the idea I had was to make the TV champion defend the title on, at least, 2 VICE shows a month.

Frosty already told me, on PWF, that he promoted the RKW or RWK or whatever it was because he wanted to spite me for 2KCW. The dumb part was that 2KCW was meant to be an off-season alternative to the regular league that was meant to be pure competition, but the TWF dudes got slighted about that.
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Dat Kid1

King of smurf Style
Sep 2, 2012
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New York, NY
IWT is the only e-fed to have eras. From FTJ being the hottest heel in any e-fed to Aids' era to The Cure to Bullad Club to shit I wasn't even here for. I think the main reason it lasted as long is because of new people coming in when old people left. I think ultimately it comes down to availability. I know personally I wouldn't be able to commit to something like this outside of a pandemic.

Technically IWT wasn't even an e-fed when it first started. Brit had made these titles and basically said "post a promo" of why you should be champion. The threads got so much traction that Crayo had to make it its own section because it was spilling over into other areas. Even after that we'd be in Live Discussions talking about IWT and shit talking characters.

I think one of the biggest downfalls was the voting once we took it as a more seriously than a junk game thread in the locker room. Not saying it's serious, just that there was definitely a different vibe once we had people in charge with a section. The promos on the voting system were harsher than the ones in the match at times. I don't think anyone in charge really knew what they were doing, myself included. There were people who did better than others, like Roadie who single handedly kept the thing alive for a lot longer than anybody else could've.

I do miss some of the non-match content. I think the power rankings and the IWT magazine was a good way to brief everyone, keep people engaged in storylines outside of their own, and initiate the newbies.

While I don't think IWT could ever be replicated for logistical reasons, it's nice to look back at 5 years at this stuff and the amount of people who were a part of it,
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Jan 7, 2014
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Yeah, I think the reason it lasted so long was because it was just entirely user generated and maintained. Almost every other e-fed is a closed system where there's an administration that judges and chooses winners, or something along that line. IWT was basically just an open forum shit debate league. You posted good promos, you got voted up, you posted bad promos, you got voted down. Inevitably with that system, the competition will tend to grow to really unsustainable levels. No one wants to fed and be a jobber, so people will gradually lose interest. There's a sweet spot for feds, especially for IWT and I think we reached it only a few times; summer of 2013 and summer of 2016.

I occasionally have a nostalgia burst and want to restart or part take in it again, but I've realized that it's mostly because of the fond memories I have of IWT. Even though it was often chaos and a lot of toxicity, it was really fun to do, especially in the OOC threads. I do credit IWT with improving my writing/grammar as well as my graphic design. Oddly enough my favorite part about being GM was making logos for the shows, they were amateur hour but I still loved doing them.
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Jan 9, 2021
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I think everyone has that nostalgia burst at times. Unfortunately, I think it was more due to the fact of how IWT ended in 2016 when it was still somewhat in its height. I know it personally tired me out and I had my head on other things at the time already, but we were all still in somewhat of a peak with the e-fed and I think a lot of people still had plans to continue the fed and try to move it further. I just became champion and did have nice plans in mind that I wish I had at least done in that time for a good way to end it; Triple threat with Oval and Shadow, I wanted to see the new concept of the Rumble which was an idea of mine, wanted to still face Kid which we DMd about at the time, facing Drag at IWTMania V to end Bullad Club and put that chapter to bed, but alas. It didn't happen.

Everyone could see activity slightly slowing down within the fed, obviously helped by a second fed emerging, but I don't think it ever had a natural end where we could say to ourselves "it's been a fun ride" and had our own closure. Rather, the rug was kinda pulled from us. At the time, it was a real shame with how it happened and it caused Tsar in specific to try and bring back a fed in some capacity until early 2018 or so (also that one fed emerging from the WWEF 2.0 Discord group~) and most of us to be pretty open about continuing as well. Years later, different priorities and the majority of us probably couldn't muster the energy for something as insignificant even if we wanted to.


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Jan 9, 2021
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Michael is seen sitting in his hotel in Mexico City. The TV is on with a Spanish dubbed re-run of Friends playing. All the lights in the room are off, and Michael is sitting in the corner, his eyes bloodshot, holding a knife and staring at the door. Ever since his encounter was the de Jong family, he's been a complete mess, unable to sleep, eat or relax. He's been hauled in his hotel room, ready to fight or kill to survive. In the midst of the terror, Michael dozed off and fell asleep due to sheer exhaustion.


Michael awakens at 4 AM the following morning, the knife is laying on his thigh, the TV still running. He had finally gotten rest, just in time for his match in the evening at Arena Mexico. Michael stands up slowly, looks out the window and notices a light blue jeep. Michael crouches down quickly, he hovers just high enough to look out at the window; however, Michael cannot see who is in the car. He crawls over to his luggage and takes out the binoculars he brought to see sights. He crawls back to the window and hovers again, he points the binoculars at the car and sees the entire de Jong family sitting completely still, in white robes, grinning whilst staring right ahead which is the front doors of the hotel. Michael nearly faints from the fear.

Michael: Oh lord!

Michael breaks down into tears. After an unnatural amount of time, he regains his composure and comforts himself with knowing that they're in a car at the front of the hotel, and not searching for him. He begins to draft a plan to get out of the hotel and to safety, and to get to Arena Mexico in time for his match.

Michael: It's okay, they're out in-front, I can get out of her somehow...

Michael packs his things, closes the TV and tidies the room. He puts on a hat and a pair of sunglasses, gets his bags and exits the room. He makes his way to the back of the hotel. He carefully opens the door and checks the surroundings and notices nothing, he notices no one is up at this hour by the pool. He continues through the pool area until he reaches the perimeter fence, he hops it and scopes the surroundings. He notices a few drug dealers, homeless people and stray dogs. He's tempted to buy drugs, but remembers that he may be on the verge of getting murdered by an incestuous family that is really sensitive! He's made it out of the hotel grounds, but still fears he may be spotted by the locals. He walks down the street and enters a novelty shop who has custom ring masks for sale. Michael purchases a green mask and puts it on. He feels confident that with his new mask, he won't be noticed by the de Jong family or recognized by the locals.


Michael is at Arena Mexico, he feels emboldened by his new ring mask. He asks the booker and his entourage about the de Jong family, looking to face his fears and battle them. Michael learns that none of the de Jongs are booked on the show, and are not present, giving Michael a bigger confidence boost. He gets to gorilla position, still wearing his new mask, he straps his RWK Imperial Championship around his waist and waits for his music to hit...

Announcer: Presentando primero, el Campeón Imperial de RWK ... ¡Michael!

Michael struts out, he does a bit of a leg wiggle before walking down to the ring. The fans cheer his new look as all Mexicans love masks! He unstraps the RWK Championship and holds it above his head at the top of the ramp. He lays it over his shoulder and begins walking down to the ring. He spits in the face of a man wearing a Jack Forte t-shirt!

Announcer: Presentando al enemigo... ¡Adam Johnson!

Johnson, a long-time veteran, claims to have trained the likes of James Dragon, Ryan Vendetta and Prince Balor, being instrumental in their path to maturity both as professionals and as men! However, it's unknown if this is true (probably not (OOC: its not)). He takes a bow at the top of the stage before making his way down the aisle. He's wearing an AMLL t-shirt and karate pants (Tajiri shit). He spots a baby at the aisle, he loves that baby in the front row! He's kissing her! He loves babies! What a fan favorite!

As soon as Johnson enters the ring, Michael kicks him in the head. Johnson collapses down to the mat, and Michael goes for a pinfall- 1...2.- Johnson kicks out! Michael stands Johnson up in the corner, and climbs up for a ten-count-punch routine. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10. Michael steps down and hypes up the crowd to prepare them for his mighty lucha things. Michael turns around and Johnson lands a clothesline, Michael gets up immediately and is hit with another clothesline, and stands up immediately before being hit with a big boot that sends him out of the ring. Johnson hypes up the crowd, runs off the road and hits a top rope plancha that sends both men over the guard rail and into the crowd. Michael crashes into some chairs whilst Johnson lands in the lap of a teenage girl, awkward!

Johnson regains his composure and throws Michael into the ring, and goes up to the turnbuckle. Michael stands up, turns around and his launched with a Missile Dropkick. Johnson gets up and is a house of fire! Michael stumbles to his feet and as he turns around, he gets hit with a snap spinebuster. Johnson goes for a pin- 1...2..- Michael kicks out! Johnson gets up and scales the ropes again; however, he's interrupted by Michael who hits him with a forearm to the back. Johnson gets tangled up in the Tree of Woe, Michael begins stomping a mudhole in Johnson's candy ass(hole)! Johnson releases himself from the Tree, and stands up only to be shit with a spinning heel kick that knocks him into the corner again. Michael starts stomping him again, the referee backs Michael up. Michael lifts Johnson up and slams him with a body slam, and immediately slingshots off the rope as Johnson gets to his knees...Shining Wizard! Michael goes for the pin- 1...2...3!

Announcer: El ganador, el Campeón Imperial de RWK ... ¡Michael!

Michael picks up the championship and hoists it above his head at all four corners when suddenly...

Jet de Jong, Bashley de Jong, Lily de Jong, Tommy de Jong and Paula de Jong show up on stage. Michael is emboldened by his new luchador look and stands his ground. He crouches in the ring, and awaits their entry. Jet steps forward and points towards the ring, Michael is confused and turns around to find Adam Johnson standing and in perfect health. Michael looks at Johnson in confusion, Johnson rips his AMLL t-shirt off to reveal a Ryan Vendetta t-shirt, the man he allegedly GROOMED for the business! Michael is still confused as Ryan Vendetta has nothing to do with this conflict, and is randomly getting interjected into this angle that has nothing to do with him, but it gets a big pop from the indy marks! Johnson attempts to blindside Michael with a clothesline, but Michael ducks and lands a stiff punch that sends Adam Johnson out of the ring. The de Jong family charge the ring, and Michael rolls out of the ring. Paula de Jong, the oldest of the family, is the only out of the ring and attempts to bite Michael but he bitch slaps her and she gets flung a solid 5 feet and lands. Jet de Jong is enraged that his mumma was just bitch slapped and runs at Michael.

Jet de Jong: You've done it now!

Michael: Come get some!

Michael and Jet de Jong begin to brawl. Tommy, Bashley and Lily soon join Jet de Jong in their ambush on Michael when suddenly...

Christian appears to a loud ovation from the AMLL crowd. Christian has little time to do his poses, and immediately jumps in to the brawl. Michael and Christian manage to fend off much of the de Jong family. Christian hits an Unprettier on Bashely de Jong that knocks her out and breaks her nose. Lily gets wind that her Xbox Live might be getting hacked and retreats, but it might already be too late! Tommy is hit with a Tigerbomb by Michael on the concrete entrance way, breaking his back. Jet de Jong gets the upper hand on Christian in the brawl but Michael attacks him from behind, and Christian gets in some offense. Jet gets smacked to the ground with a thunderous slap from Christian. Michael looks at Christian and points at the tron that is hanging some 12ft above the stage. Christian begins to scale the tron and Michael lifts Jet de Jong onto his shoulders. Christian leaps and they hit a massive Doomsday Device that sends Jet de Jong flying off the stage and down to the concrete floor. Michael and Christian stand tall! They shake eachothers hands, raise their hands and exit the stage with the crowd cheering the action.

Michael: They're done, they're over with...the de Jong family is officially dead!

Christian: Hell yeah.

Michael: You know, man, there's still some unfinished business that you can help me with...

Christian: What's that?

Michael: I have a friend, he's fallen on hard times. He's in an insane asylum and we really need to get him out of there.

Christian: Damn, I see.

Michael: Yeah, so if you're in, we can get to it...

Christian: Yeah...I'm in.

Michael: Great, let's get going then, we can't waste anymore time.

Christian: I thought he was here in Mexico City?

Michael: Nah, man, he's in Salt Lake City.​

I am making this public, so that the Mod team knows, and that there are no excuses from @Roaster and others.

Do not spend your time bashing shit from the past, taking the piss out of people's characters, and acting childish. If it is your goal to get under my skin, haha, congrats. Now fuck off.


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I am making this public, so that the Mod team knows, and that there are no excuses from @Roaster and others.

Do not spend your time bashing shit from the past, taking the piss out of people's characters, and acting childish. If it is your goal to get under my skin, haha, congrats. Now fuck off.
Eat shit