Dont get pissed all you Hardy marks this is just an observation of mine. I admit I have been on the bandwagon for some time now but thats mostly because he was competing in tag team wrestling. Whenever he's in a singles match it bored me, even with MVP. All he seems to do is moves involving a headlock, an elbow to the neck off the rope, shout like a lunatic and stomp the mat, twist of fate, 1....2...3. Sure he sells well but when he's not teamed up with Jeff hes a bit boring, most of his exciting moves are double team moves with his brother. Its the same for Jeff, maybe hes exciting but as a singles competitor he just doesnt cut it. This is an observation of mine over the past month, Matt vs. Cade, Matt vs. MVP, Matt vs. Masters all sucked. Only thing good about that MVP vs. Matt match was the last 5 minutes. Matt Hardy is to slow paced when in a singles match and needs to pick up the pace like he did at the end of his match with MVP two weeks ago.