OMFG....Another Matt Hardy bash thread...ive seen em all before but I never thought I would see them as of late....Matt Hardys matches are boring?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!Fuck that....Matt Hardy WRESTLES in a match,Im sorry if he isnt a fucking spot monkey like London or Kendrick or Jeff but what the fuck....Go watch a god damn HHH,HBK,Kennedy,Booker,Orton,Stone Cold match they are all slow paced....Wrestling is slow fucking paced!!Matt Hardy has had some classic matches latley,and damnit Im sorry to tell you but its WWE who wants his matches to be the way they are,not Hardy...
As for his character....I hate to break it to you...but in the wrestling world you dont get to grab a mic and say what ever you want...WWE TELLS YOU WAT TO SAY AND DO!!! Matt Hardy has charisma but he just dosent get any chance to show it....damnit all of you are hypocrites....all of you talk about how "Oh I only like wrestling for the actual wrestling,not for the Storys" Well then quit bitching and watch how good of a wrestler he is,you judgemental fucks.....One week everyone loves him,the next hes 'boring'.....Make up your fucking mind.You all wanted to see him pushed,and now that he has been pushed,all of you think its boring...Ill be back with more arguements but for now im done.