How are they going to do that? By putting Wasp in it. She's even less famous. Look I'm sure the movie will be good but I just dont think enough people know about him to make it worth it. They should be focusing on higher up characters instead of wasting a movie on Giant man.
Wow, this is going to echo the PM I just sent you about the X-Division, but why are you so willing to write something off without even giving it a chance? Besides, they can't always have a Thor, Captain America or Iron Man movie, they need to do some fresh characters too. Is Giant Man the best choice? Probably not, as I'd sure like to see a Moon Knight movie, but hey, I'll take what I can get and be cautiously optimistic that it will be good.
It should also be noted that this is strictly a rumor at this time and there has not been an official announcement, so take it all with a grain of salt.