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^^^He was wrestling in NOAH the last time I saw him. After that, he just sort of disappeared.

Also, here's the card for PWG's "Express Written Consent" on 2/21... FEATURING PAUL LONDON making his PWG debut.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Paul London & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Dynasty ("The Professional" Scott Lost & Joey Ryan) & The Dynasty International (Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson)

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match
Chris Hero (Champion) vs. Human Tornado (Challenger)

Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. TJ Perkins

Singles Match
El Generico vs. Kenny Omega

No Disqualification Match
The Necro Butcher vs. Austin Aries

also in action, Los Luchas and much more

the press release

Looks like an awesome card. Danielson and Perkins put on a great match at BOLA, so the 2 out of 3 falls match should be awesome.


Some PWG news!

While it would be easy to recount the successes of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla ( over the last five and a half years, and how we've managed to exceed even our own expectations, it would be even easier not to. If you've been with us for even part of that time, you will know that Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has had to overcome obstacles both great and small to make it this far. And if you've just recently discovered Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, well, you've got a lot of catching up to do, but April 11 & 12, 2009 will be excellent starting points.

On Saturday, April 11, 2009 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla presents Ninety-Nine, the ninety-ninth Pro Wrestling Guerrilla event ever held. To help commemorate this nearly round number, we have enlisted the services of some Pro Wrestling Guerrilla favorites, past, present and future, including: Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion Chris Hero, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson), the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley), Austin Aries, B-Boy, Sonjay Dutt, El Generico, "The Professional" Scott Lost, Kenny Omega, Davey Richards, Joey Ryan, and Roderick Strong. And that's not all, more participants will be announced in the coming days!

On Sunday, April 12, 2009 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla will mark its one hundredth show milestone with One Hundred. Much like Ninety-Nine, this event will feature a mixture of long-time Pro Wrestling Guerrilla veterans and some fresh faces as well. Already scheduled to appear are: Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion Chris Hero, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson), Paul London, "Classic" Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, B-Boy, Sonjay Dutt, El Generico, "The Professional" Scott Lost, Kenny Omega, Davey Richards, Joey Ryan, and Roderick Strong. As with Ninety-Nine, more participants will be announced very soon!

You can find all of the latest information on Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Ninety-Nine and One Hundred at the event mini-site, Starting Monday, March 9 at 12:00PM PST, you will be able to pre-order your tickets for both days online. If you were with us at Express Written Consent, you know that we came perilously close to turning fans away at the door, so don't get left out in the cold, order your tickets as soon as you can!

On a side note, at Express Written Consent we learned the hard way about the new security procedures implemented by American Legion Post #308. Please know we will be taking steps to accommodate these new procedures, and we will do everything in our power to avoid the lengthy delay that marred an otherwise fantastic evening at Express Written Consent.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Ninety-Nine takes place on Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 8:00PM at American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, CA. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's One Hundred takes place on Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 5:00PM at American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, CA. American Legion Post #308 is located at 7338 Canby Ave., Reseda, CA 91335. Front Row tickets are $30 per night, or $50 for a two-night pass. General Admission tickets are $25 per night, or $40 for a two-night pass. Tickets go on sale on Monday, March 9 at 12:00PM PST. For more information, visit Video recording devices are not permitted. Card subject to change.


More PWG news!

March 13 -- Over at the Ninety-Nine and One Hundred Mini-Site the first three matches for the weekend have been announced. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur announced two matches earlier today, but since then there have been some slight alterations to the lineup:

On Saturday, April 11 at Ninety-Nine, "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson will take on Chuck Taylor. This match is huge for Taylor, since things are not looking good for the Chuck Taylor Pancake Stimulus Package. While President Obama has not axed the package yet, a win here over a great patriot like Danielson could be all it takes to green light the program!

On Sunday, April 12 at One Hundred, "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson will face Kenny Omega as announced, but now added to One Hundred is a singles contest between Sonjay Dutt and former Pro Wrestling Guerrilla double crown champion El Generico!

Check back on Monday for the next update on the Ninety-Nine and One Hundred weekend. Previously, we mentioned that all of the participants for Ninety-Nine and One Hundred had been announced, but that may have been a bit premature! What do the commissioners of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla have in store? Find out at the Ninety-Nine and One Hundred Mini-Site on Monday, March 16!

*Marks Out!*


Some Puro news. Naomichi Marufuji has suffered a torn ACL, he's expected to miss about 6 months.


FIP Headlines for 3.18.09

Tyler Black out of this month’s event

While being interviewed backstage by Dave Prazak after an ROH event in Indianapolis, IN this weekend, FIP World Heavyweight Champion Tyler Black was attacked once again by Davey Richards of Heartbreak Enterprises. This interview was being filmed for the Full Impact Pro website, and the entire episode was captured on tape. Exclusive footage of this second vicious attack on Black by Richards is now available at

As a result of this second attack, Black was unable to gain the medical clearance needed to compete in FIP March 28th, and is now out of action indefinitely as a result of the further damage done to his already injured left shoulder.

Richards has been fined an undisclosed amount for his actions, but Larry Zbyszko, Executive Director of the FIP Championship Committee has informed us that it is the largest fine ever levied in FIP history.

TJ Perkins issues a challenge!

Newcomer to FIP, TJ Perkins has already begun to make waves here in Full Impact Pro. Immediately upon seeing the attack perpetrated on Tyler Black by Davey Richards, Perkins called the FIP offices and asked for a match with Davey Richards. “This type of thing can not be allowed to go on. Davey Richards needs to be taught a lesson about right and wrong and I intend to do just that. There are ways to go about getting ahead in this business, and taking cheap shots and stealing title belts isn’t the right way of doing things. Everyone knows Tyler Black is the real World Champion, and Davey can parade around with Tyler’s belt all he wants, nothing is going to change the fact that he hasn’t beaten Tyler Black for that belt, so on March 28th, I’m going to beat Davey Richards, take the belt from him and give it back to its rightful owner, the FIP World Heavyweight Champion Tyler Black and Tyler, when I do, I expect to get the next shot at that belt when you’re healthy enough to defend it against me.”

Sean Davis responded to Perkins request for a match with Richards by saying, “Are you kidding me? TJ Perkins thinks he is going to walk in off the streets wearing a shiny new pair of Pumas and get himself a shot at the UNDISPUTED FIP World Heavyweight Champion Davey Richards? Well tell you what , bring TJ Perkins, TJ Hooker or Heather Locklear in here it makes no difference to us, Davey Richards and the most unbeatable hold in wrestling, his Kimura are more than ready to send another person to the hospital any time they want to try us on for size.”

More new talent to debut in FIP on March 28th!!

FIP continues to be the place athletes looking to make a name for themselves want to be, as former ECW superstar, Shawn Spears has signed to appear on March 28th in Crystal River. “Everywhere I go, I hear about the incredible talent on display in Full Impact Pro, and an athlete the caliber of Shawn Spears belongs in any conversation involving great wrestling talent. So I am coming to FIP on March 28th, and I expect to be tested, but more importantly I expect to pass that test with flying colors, and show the fans in FIP exactly why there’s everyone else…and then there’s Shawn Spears.”

And just before our deadline FIP officials received a call from Super-agent Larry Sweeney. Sweeney informed the FIP office that he, “read all about that WWE washout Chris Harris boo-hooing his way into FIP, and quite frankly it makes me sick to my stomach. Now my good friend Sean Davis is busy with the Undisputed FIP World Heavyweight Champion Davey Richards, but he agrees something needs to be done about this Chris Harris guy thinking he’s going to just walk into FIP and pretend that the last year of his career didn’t exist. So to that end I have decided to send my “Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero down into FIP to take out this piece of Tennessee trash once and for all. Hero is going to show the folks down in FIP that he concusses with his kicks and he K-O’s with his elbows…

Ain’t no doubt about it…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”

The skinny on March 28th
Saturday, March 28, 2009
National Guard Armory
8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429
Doors open at 7:30 pm and show starts at 8 pm
Tickets are $20 Ringside, $15 GA & Kids 13 and under $10 GA
Advance tickets - $12 GA & Kids 13 and under $8 GA
To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit

Already Signed:

FIP Tag Team Championship Match
Erick Stevens/Roderick Strong vs. The YRR (Sal Rinauro/Chasyn Rance) w/MSL

FIP Florida Heritage Championship Match
Chris Jones vs. “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus w/Heartbreak Enterprises

Special Challenge match
TJ Perkins vs. Davey Richards w/Heartbreak Enterprises

Just Signed First Time ever matchup
“Wildcat” Chris Harris vs. “That Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero

Also Appearing:
ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness
The Dark City Fight Club of Jon Davis and Kory Chavis
Damien Wayne w/Heartbreak Enterprises
2 Fast 2 Furious of Nooie Lee and Jerrelle Clark
Brad Attitude
Francisco Ciatso
The British Lions of Christopher Gray and Tommy Taylor
The Bad Seed Shawn Osborne
And more…

WTF at Hero vs Harris?


Why the WTF?

Just looks like such a random pairing for Harris' FIP debut.


Back in December of 2005, I had a major operation to remove a number of growths in my back, as well as in both of my wrists. The procedure sidelined me for quite a while - and I missed a chunk of 2006 as a result. The road back from an operation like that is long, and there are no guarantees. So, it is with great reluctance that I admit that I will once again be going under the knife for the same reason. A cyst in my back has been putting pressure on my spine, and causing me tremendous pain, which I can no longer ignore. I have been advised to have the surgery before year's end, but there are a few things I want to accomplish first. My fans know that whether I am hurting or not, I always give 100% in the ring, and they can expect more of the same from me, be it at King of Trios, or where ever my travels take me in the weeks to come.

From Quack's website.


FIP Headlines for 4.18.09

FIP Bringing SLEAZY back??

The offices of FIP received an odd package in the mail this week. In it was a pair of sunglasses, a headband, and a coupon book for “Free Moustache Rides” made out to “everyone in FIP”. The package had a Los Angeles, California postmark with no return address on the package. It was simply marked “From JR with Love”

When reached for comment, the enigmatic Joey Ryan had this to say. “It has been far too long since Florida has seen the Sleaze, and FIP fans your prayers are answered…Joey Ryan is coming back to FIP on May 2nd, and there will be moustache rides for all baby…”

Ryan will not have an easy go of it in his return to FIP. Signed to face him at Unfinished Business is the vastly popular masked man Jigsaw.

YRR nearly back at Full Strength

Mister St. Laurent will be back in Crystal River on May 2nd, and will be leading the YRR into action. Kenny King, Sal Rinauro and Chasyn Rance will be on hand at Unfinished Business and looking to make an impact. Said St. Laurent, “Sal Rinauro and Chasyn Rance are in the best shape of their lives, and ready to get back on track, and Kenny King will be there as well while Jason Blade is out of town…The YRR will make a statement come May 2nd in Crystal River… bank on it.”

Big Tag Team Match Signed for Unfinished Business!

The Dark City Fight Club signed to face 2 Fast 2 Furious at Unfinished Business. Kory Chavis and Jon Davis have been wreaking havoc over the past several months here in FIP. Nooie Lee and Jerrelle Clark have agreed to face them on May 2nd, and the Dark City Fight Club promise to make an example of them.

“2 Fast 2 Furious? You have to be kidding me right,” said Chavis. “How many more people have to go to the hospital around here before people start recognizing that we are the best tag team in the world? How long are people gonna keep ducking us? We can’t be beat. We won’t be beat, and Clark and Lee… you boys are gonna get hurt… real bad.”

The Skinny on Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business 2009
Saturday, May 2nd 2009
National Guard Armory
8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429
Doors open at 7:30 pm and show starts at 8 pm
Tickets are $20 Ringside, $15 GA & Kids 13 and under $10 GA
Advance tickets - $12 GA & Kids 13 and under $8 GA
To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit

Already Signed:

FIP World Heavyweight Title Match
Tyler Black vs. Davey Richards (w/Heartbreak Enterprises)

FIP Tag Team Title Match
Erick Stevens/Roderick Strong vs. The British Lions (Chris Gray/Tommy Taylor)

FIP Florida Heritage Title Rematch
“Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus (w/HBE) vs. Chris Jones

Dark City Fight Club vs. 2 Fast 2 Furious

Joey Ryan vs. Jigsaw


FIP News: The Latest on Unfinished Business 2009

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Jigsaw has been forced to cancel his appearance at FIP's Unfinished Business 2009, this Saturday in Crystal River. Taking his place against independent Superstar Joey Ryan will be none other than FIP's own Brad Attitude. Attitude said that he is, "well aware of Joey Ryan's reputation out on the west coast, and has all the respect in the world for his ability, but if he thinks he is going to walk back in to FIP and take me out as part of his `Keeping it Sleazy' tour, he is sadly mistaken."

Ryan's response was simply, "Brad, there have been many men to stand there and boast about what they were going to do to Joey Ryan when they got their hands on him, many men who claimed I wasn't all I was cracked up to be, and that they would prove to everyone who they were by putting my shoulders down for the 1, 2, 3. In fact Brad, that list is almost as long and distinguished as my…ahem…reputation…but come Saturday night, much like a number of women in the Tampa Bay area after the show is over, you'll be taking a mustache ride, staring up at the lights wondering just how you ended up flat on your back with the great Joey Ryan on top of you. Count on it."

Heartbreak Enterprises poised for a big weekend

"Things could not be going any better for Heartbreak Enterprises," shouted Sean Davis. "I mean, I've got the Florida Heritage Champion in Rhett Titus, the UNDISPUTED WORLD Heavyweight Champion in Davey Richards, the PERFECT 10 in the lovely Baby Doll, my Heartbreak Assassin Damien Wayne, and come May 2nd, I will present to the world, the team that will complete the Trifecta and bring home those FIP Tag Team Titles baby….and nobody can do anything about it, because YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!"

World Title Picture explodes at Unfinished Business

The hatred between Tyler Black and Davey Richards has been building for months. Classic matches in both a tag team setting and singles competition across Ring of Honor, coupled with sneak attacks; a serious injury and a bogus claim to a stolen World Heavyweight Championship have merely added fuel to an already competitive situation. This Saturday Night it all comes to a head as Tyler Black puts the belt that ironically, Davey Richards wears around his waist, on the line against his most hated rival at Unfinished Business.

"Davey, you've already hit me with everything you've got," said Black. "While I took a bit of a hit, and was down for a while, I am back, and that belt is leaving Crystal River with its rightful owner. You can parade around with my belt all you want and call yourself champ, but you and that blimp Sean Davis are the only ones who are buying it. Come Saturday, just like everyone else around here Davey, you too will understand that there can only be one champ around here, and it's Tyler Black. Believe that."

The Skinny on Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business 2009
Saturday, May 2nd 2009
National Guard Armory
8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429
Doors open at 7:30 pm and show starts at 8 pm
Tickets are $20 Ringside, $15 GA & Kids 13 and under $10 GA
Advance tickets - $12 GA & Kids 13 and under $8 GA
To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit

Already Signed:

FIP World Heavyweight Title Match
Tyler Black vs. Davey Richards (w/Heartbreak Enterprises)

FIP Tag Team Title Match
Erick Stevens/Roderick Strong vs. The British Lions (Chris Gray/Tommy Taylor)

FIP Florida Heritage Title Rematch
"Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus (w/HBE) vs. Chris Jones

Dark City Fight Club vs. 2 Fast 2 Furious

Joey Ryan vs. Brad Attitude

Also Signed to Appear:
The YRR of Kenny King/Sal Rinauro/Chasyn Rance w/MSL
"The Bad Seed" Shawn Osborne
Grizzley Redwood
"The Heartbreak Assassin" Damien Wayne
The FIP Debut of Caleb Konley
Francisco Ciatso
Plus more !


Tyler Black called FIP officials early this morning and informed them he will be unable to appear this evening in Crystal River due to a neck injury suffered last night in Chicago while wrestling for Danny Daniels' AAW.

Due to the potentially serious nature of his injury, and Tyler being unsure as to when he will be able to defend the FIP World Title, FIP officials informed him that they have no choice other than to strip him of the World Title and award it to Davey Richards tonight in Crystal River due to forfeit.

FIP prides itself on its titles being won and lost in the ring, and are disappointed that is not going to be the case this time, however the long term health of one of the best young athletes in wrestling is paramount. FIP wishes Tyler a speedy recovery and look forward to his return when healthy.

From Lenny Leonard:

I can state for the record this is not a work or an angle, and everyone here hopes it turns out to be nothing serious for tyler to deal with and he misses no significant amount of time.

the decision to strip tyler was not an easy one to make but one fip felt necessary to ensure the title would continue to be defended regularly as scheduled.

tyler was to defend against davey and is unable so davey is awarded the title via forfeit. I am sure davey would rather have won it in the ring and tyler certainly loves to perform and was a great champion in his 4 months with the title, so while this is a difficult situation for all involved, it is what it is and we will move forward as best we can


Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Too bad about this.

I had assumed the FIP run was a warm up for an ROH run.


FIP Headlines for 5.12.09

YRR now Team Turmoil?

Every group or faction in wrestling history has a lynchpin date they can look back on which changes them forever. That date for the YRR is May 2nd, 2009. Kenny King, Jason Blade, Chasyn Rance and Sal Rinauro were as close as 4 teammates could get. They went everywhere together. They wrestled together, travelled together, partied together and carried championships together. On May 2nd that all came to a screeching halt when Kenny King questioned the new advisor to the YRR Mister St. Laurent, and his decision to take the tag team title rematch that King felt rightfully belonged to himself and Jason Blade, the former FIP Tag Team Champs, and give it to Sal Rinauro and Chasyn Rance.

Rinauro and Rance jumped King, who was without Jason Blade who was back in Boston for the weekend, and kicked him out of the YRR. It looked as if King would gain a measure of revenge when he survived the double team beat down and was able to score a flash pin and beat Rance/Rinauro in the MSL mandated handicap match that was to be King’s last as a contracted member of the YRR, but it was Sal Rinauro and the YRR getting the last laugh by costing King the FIP World Heavyweight Title against Davey Richards in the main event. They compounded insult with injury by putting King through a table to end his night with an ambulance ride.

“If those 2 clowns want to play house with that fat Muppet that’s their business,â€￾ said King. “But this isn’t over with, because next month, it isn’t going to be 2 on 1 when I’m not looking, nor will it be 2 on 1 after I wrestled 30 minutes for the World Title. It’s going to be 2 on 2, Man to well…boys, because my man Jason Blade is going to be by my side one more time, and Sal…Chasyn… your ass is up.â€￾

Another big FIP debut in June!

The Monster of the Midway is coming to FIP. Jay Bradley trained in Chicago under Ace Steel and worked his way to the WWE and a spot on the Smackdown brand. He is coming to FIP and will have his hands full as he is set to take on TJ Perkins. “TJ is a great athlete, and I am sure he is going to test me, but I am not just coming to FIP to show up and pick up a paycheck, I am coming to make a statement, and TJ, hate to say it but it sucks for you, because you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.â€￾

Six Man Tag Team Match Signed for June 6th!

Sean Davis made waves May 2nd when he announced the signing of The British Lions as the newest members of Heartbreak Enterprises following Chris Gray’s blindside attack on Chris Jones during the rematch between Jones and Rhett Titus for the FIP Florida Heritage Title. His Lions then went out and came very close to fulfilling his promise of taking home the tag team titles from Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens.

“It is obvious I made the right choice for my new team,â€￾ said Davis. “My British Lions are going to join Rhett Titus and Davey Richards with titles soon enough and we will control FIP like no one else has ever done before.â€￾
“I clearly made a big mistake in trusting those guys, said Jones. I guess that’s all part of the learning curve, and I guarantee I won’t make the same mistake twice. Well I’ve got the best tag team in the world on my side and June 6th it’s gonna be payback for you guys.â€￾

All 6 men involved will do battle on June 6th as they try to settle the issues between them once and for all.

The Skinny on FIP’s June Event

Saturday, June 6th, 2009
National Guard Armory
8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429
Doors open at 7:30 pm and show starts at 8 pm
Tickets are $20 Ringside, $15 GA & Kids 13 and under $10 GA
Advance tickets - $12 GA & Kids 13 and under $8 GA
To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit

Already Signed:

Six Man Tag Team War!
FIP Florida Heritage Champion Rhett Titus & The British Lions w/ Heartbreak Enterprises vs. Chris Jones & FIP Tag Team Champions Erick Stevens & Roderick Strong

The YRR Implodes!
Chasyn Rance & Sal Rinauro w/ Mr. Saint Laurent vs. Kenny King & Jason Blade

Special Challenge Match
Jay Bradley vs. TJ Perkins

Also Signed –

- FIP World Heavyweight Champion Davey Richards
- Brad Attitude
- 2 Fast 2 Furious of Jerrelle Clark & Nooie Lee
- Grizzly Redwood
- Damien Wayne
- “The Bad Seedâ€￾ Shawn Osborne
- Francisco Ciatso
- Caleb Konley

Plus more to be announced soon!


Richards looks to continue his dominance!

Davey Richards has been unstoppable since re-emerging in FIP back at Battle of the Belts II. He ran through the entire field that night picking up the Tournament win and destroyed then World Champion Tyler Black to collect Sean Davis' $25,000 dollar bounty by taking Black out of commission.

He continued his assault on Black at ROH events and stole the FIP World Heavyweight Title belt from him, daring Black to come back and take it from him. When Black was unable to defend the belt due to a neck injury, FIP officials awarded Richards the belt by forfeit, and he went out a defeated Kenny king in a tremendous battle that went nearly 30 minutes.

June 6th in Crystal River, Richards makes his next defense of his Undisputed World Title against a man who has been on a roll lately as well, Brad Attitude. "Brad Attitude has picked up some wins here lately, but no way is he taking this belt from me," said Richards. "I told everyone when I got here that I was unstoppable, and no one could beat me. I destroyed your precious Tyler Black, took the belt without even breaking a sweat, and defy anyone to try and take it from around my waist. Brad you better prepare to suffer the worst beating you've ever imagined son."

Santee impressive in his debut!

Bruce Santee came to Crystal River as a man in the crowd. An accomplished athlete here in Florida in his own right, Santee was simply enjoying a night off and watching the show with some friends when he was picked out of the crowd by Damien Wayne.

"I respect Damien Wayne, because when he was being berated by that fat loudmouth Sean Davis, when he was being told to pick the smallest guy in the crowd or some little kids to get an easy win, Wayne found me. He picked the biggest guy in the crowd, a real athlete, and a guy who just flat out loves to fight, so yeah I have a lot of respect for Damien Wayne. That night I happened to be the better man, that's the way it works in this business. You'd think that giant windbag Sean Davis would know that better than anyone. Well this time in Crystal River, I am not coming out of the crowd. I'm not here to watch the show, I am here to be the show, and when I am done for everyone to know why I am "The Marquee" Bruce Santee."

Osirian Portal set to make their long awaited debut!

Several months back we announced the debut of the Osirian Portal here in the FIP Headlines, but the Portal were unable to appear due to an injury. They have healed up, and as promised, as soon as they were able to compete, we would have them here in FIP. Well that time is now, and on Saturday night June 6th, the Osirian Portal will be in action against 2 Fast 2 Furious, Nooie Lee and Jerrelle Clark, in a tag team match that promises to be lightning fast and full of high flying action.

The Skinny on FIP's June Event

Saturday, June 6th, 2009
National Guard Armory
8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429
Doors open at 7:30 pm and show starts at 8 pm
Tickets are $20 Ringside, $15 GA & Kids 13 and under $10 GA
Advance tickets - $12 GA & Kids 13 and under $8 GA
To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit

Complete Card:

Six Man Tag Team War!
FIP Florida Heritage Champion Rhett Titus & The British Lions w/ Heartbreak Enterprises vs. Chris Jones & FIP Tag Team Champions Erick Stevens & Roderick Strong

The YRR Implodes!
Chasyn Rance & Sal Rinauro w/ Mr. Saint Laurent vs. Kenny King & Jason Blade

Special Challenge Match
Jay Bradley vs. TJ Perkins

FIP World Heavyweight Title Match
Davey Richards w/Heartbreak Enterprises vs. Brad Attitude

Tag Team Battle
The Osirian Portal vs. 2 Fast 2 Furious

Bruce Santee vs. Caleb Konley

Francisco Ciatso vs. Grizzly Redwood

Damien Wayne vs. "The Bad Seed" Shawn Osborne