Thats fine and great, but personality and mic skills aren't wrestling.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Last time I checked, they go hand in hand.
Thats fine and great, but personality and mic skills aren't wrestling.
About time someone said it. In all my time in the IWC I've never understood the admiration that CHIKARA seemed to get. I was like "it has wrestling ants!" :Once again though you kinda contradict yourself. CHIKARA is pure comedy and ridiculousness (excluding a few of the more serious guys)... they don't even have that many quality wrestling matches.
Yes they are.
To play devil's advocate for a moment they're part of the showmanship in wrestling, but they're not technically part of the wrestling itself.Yes they are.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Last time I checked, they go hand in hand.
About time someone said it. In all my time in the IWC I've never understood the admiration that CHIKARA seemed to get. I was like "it has wrestling ants!" :
About time someone said it. In all my time in the IWC I've never understood the admiration that CHIKARA seemed to get. I was like "it has wrestling ants!" :
If you paid attention to any of my posts, I've said I am a WRESTLING fan. ENTERTAINMENT IS NOT WRESTLING.
To be fair even though this is the highest I've been on the WWE product since 2002, I still think WWE is too childish.The problem is, everyone is too god damn angry. "WWE is too childish" "PG sux yo"
C'mon. Everyone likes wrestling. Everyone should be able to enjoy all aspects. Such as, wrestling, personality, humor, mood, and theme. Wrestling is Entertainment, and it always will be.
I say, sit back, and have some fun.
RVD has natural charisma. I don't think he's an exception either.What is an Oreo wihout the creme?
What is an Oreo without the Cookie?
These sort of things are like Peanut Butter and Jelly. If you want to be a successful pro wrestler, you should have both.
There are acceptors, such as RVD.
I little too deep for my blood. I couldn't follow that theory by LB to save my life.Well don't get me wrong, CHIKARA is great. But people don't watch it for chain wrestling and figure four leglocks. They just want to see the characters and the deep storylines.
They pushed the limits in the last few months, especially with Dolph ziggler.I'd say it's geared toward all audiences tbh.
If you paid attention to any of my posts, I've said I am a WRESTLING fan. ENTERTAINMENT IS NOT WRESTLING.
So as long is there is good wrestling its fine? No faces, no heels, no mic work, no building feuds? Throw people out there and have them wrestle and thats good for you?