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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

humankiller: He added lulz to the forum. Too bad for him we were all laughing at him. He has never added anything to a wrestling discussion that is worthwhile. His post may as well just be labelled as shit.

X-Power: You're Australian, funny, and can add to a wrestling discussion. All of those are good things.

Beer: He's a nice guy, but I don't see much of him in the wrestling discussions. I haven't seen enough posts of his to know what he adds to the forum, besides being an alcoholic beverage.

Blaze: He needs a brain. Seriously, the guy is slow beyond all belief. he adds nothing to the forum in any way, shape or form. He can never back up an opinion with facts or reasoning.

The Alpha Aussie: He's funny, cool to talk to, and adds to the wrestling. Sometimes his posts are a little olff, but he's good for the most part. Australian too.

CT Styles: CT is a decent member. When he posts in wrestling discussion, he adds something to the topic. One of my favourite guys on the forum though as a person to talk to.

Contradictions: When you have no reason to have a huge ego, let alone an ego in the first place, and yet you still have one bigger than Russia, you have to know there's something wrong with you (oh wait, you don't, your ego is too big). He adds nothing really to wrestling discussions, and makes alright GFX. Is also a backstabbing prick.

DX_3:16: Points out the obvious, and most of his posts are spamtastic. He might have added something to a wrestling duscussion once, but I can never remember him doing so.

TBHAYLEY: Lucas is cool, besides his tendancy to like cock up his ass. He's a good member when he feels like it. Pretty funny, and cool to talk to. 17/10.

Paramore: I'm listening to them now. They're epic. I might need a Hayley sig soon (sorry WS).

the dark knight: tdk brings his opinion across really well. He just tries to rape me way too often. Cool guy. Oh, and I'm not fucking making you dinner until you get your ass over to Melbourne.

cena-buttocks: The funniest part is when people aren't in on the joke. It's just fucking hilarious.

ASS AFICIONADO: He likes rape.

Dylan: You're cool to talk to. Do you post in wrestling discussions? Lol. I don't see it often. You're still good to talk to though.

Lennie: His humour is almost never funny, and his posts struggle to make sense. He's an alright guy, I'm just pretty certain his nuts haven't dropped down yet. Talking to him makes me feel like I'm babysitting him.

James: Shit member.

monkeystyle: I seriously struggle to see how he made it to admin. He's funny, and can make an epic serious post which brings across great points. But then you see the times where he double posts spam. He seems to be the complete opposite to This Guy, who is Mr Serious Face.

Kaedon: Kaedon is a prick to us Australians, and should drop dead. He's a good poster, and he's fun to talk to in the shitbox. He just needs to learn to respect his superiors (namely; me).

LadyHotrod: Can add to a topic with her posts. Sometimes contradicts herself. People are shit scared of her. It's actually quite funny.

soulpowder: Never heard of him. :shifty:

Soulpower is just ... there. His posts are good, but I'm never around when he's around atm. So IDK besides his posting, which is quite good.

Rawkus Keys:

MikeRaw: He's a pretty good member. He needs to learn to type (lol), and also to construct a post better. His opinion often seems to be lost because he doesn't know where to place it, or how to make it the point of the post. Instead, he rambles on a bit.

J-Dawg: Needs to stop getting his name changed. For the record, Lil Prodigy was the best of your names (besides your original) J. He's a good member, who makes decent posts. Always nice to me. Has helped the MMA section, apparently. I don't really go in there often at all.

Dre: Dre is a good member. His posts are generally good, and he's pretty cool. He flies under the radar.

Diesel: Needs to learn the English language. He's interesting. Can be a complete douche, or an alright guy. His attempts at being funny usually suck though.

The Showstopper: He's on my ignore list in the shitbox. Nuff said.

Rell: He's gone. He said he'll be back soon, in the next week I believe. I know he has become active elsewhere. People need to treat him like a normal member. Oh, and :native:

Hometown Kid

Dylan: Do you post in the wrestling discussions? lol, I don't see it often.
You're still good to talk to though.

Wherever Shelton Benjamin threads are, i'm there. :shifty: But seriously, I go through spurts where I post a lot and then kinda flame out...except in ROH section cuz I'm a fan I just figure i'll get owned by some die-hard like SP or Montana if I come into a discussion. =/ Add a Japanese wrestling section and i'll become mod within a month though. :yes:

And <3 you too buddy. :eek:

Moonlight Drive

The Alpha Aussie: He's funny, cool to talk to, and adds to the wrestling. Sometimes his posts are a little olff, but he's good for the most part. Australian too.
I hate you slut.


Hometown Kid

Did you notice I was the only person he called "you" instead of "he"? I think I'm his favorite. :eek:


His humour is almost never funny, and his posts struggle to make sense. He's an alright guy, I'm just pretty certain his nuts haven't dropped down yet. Talking to him makes me feel like I'm babysitting him

My nuts have dropped so much that when I walk they drag on the floor >_> Babysitting me wtf, you were the one creating MSN boxes and talking to me :smh

Contradictions: When you have no reason to have a huge ego, let alone an ego in the first place, and yet you still have one bigger than Russia, you have to know there's something wrong with you (oh wait, you don't, your ego is too big). He adds nothing really to wrestling discussions, and makes alright GFX. Is also a backstabbing prick.


THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Stinger: You're opinionated, but right most of the time. I've said before that I like you. You can be funny, and epic serious. Good mix. I don't see you out of HIAT (I barely play games), but you're a pretty good member.


I have more...

Wrestling Station-








Nancy Di Loreto-



THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

This Guy: Mr Serious Face. He doesn't add a whole lot to the wrestling side of the forum. He adds in other ways, and he can be nice, but there's also times where he doesn't give a damn, or so it seems. He's straight up though, telling people what he thinks. It's better than someone bs'ing.

Chuck: Favourite admin. He's kinda like an ms/TG cross. He can be epic serious, but he can also have a joke. He's the right mix. Plus, his posts are spot on.

Shane: Asshole. Nah, you're alright. Good guy. You add common sense to the forum at times.

Wrestling Station: Is amazingly nice to me. He has done a lot for me in terms of graphics, and he's helped me out with other things. He stays strong to his beliefs, and I respect that. He can add to a discussion. His worst point is his mancrush on Batista. :shifty:

CMS: He's a decent member. Adds to the forum, especially lately when other people have failed to do so. He does at least his share for the forum. Great BTB'er.

xtremebadass: Nice guy. IDK what he does in the MMA section, but he adds a bit to TNA. Pretty good poster. His BTB work is amazing.

Kassidy: Kass is a bit of a hothead, lol. He's a nice guy. I don't see the majority of his posts, because they are in the gaming part. But he helps people out by being an e-fed writer.

Y2Jasmine: A genuinely nice member. She's been good to me for as long as I remember, which is a really good thing. She's a good poster when she's active. I fully understand why she hasn't been lately.

xtremehighflyer: Just a meh member. He's not noticable.

Switchy: He used to do a lot more than he does now. He's an alright member, but him not being here right now wouldn't make a huge difference.

chessarmy: He's a pretty good member, although he only adds to a small part of the forum. His posts are decent. I kinda wish he'd do more for the board though, especially since he quit the poddy.

Nancy Di Loreto: Recently active again. Seems to be a good poster. Worst point I believe is that he's from Frankston. What a bogan. :shifty: Anyway, good to see him active.

Airfixx: Fuck, someone give this guy the attention he deserves. He should be a mod. If a spot comes up, he is the first one who deserves it, IMO.

1chiban: Seems like a cool guy. He makes awesome GFX, and makes some nice posts. A little more activity wouldn't hurt.