There are so few people I bother to have extremely low opinions of. Probably only five and they are the ones who had their hands in my brother's murder.Nothing they do can ever change my opinion of them. Otherwise, you can punch me in the fucking teeth, I'll punch you back, I wont spend my time or expend energy hating you. Everyone should have better things to do in life, no matter how insignificant a life one may lead.
That being said, someone who is willing to sacrifice their time and possibly their lives for the sake of their country, despite the financial motivations they find, will always gain my respect to some extent. It takes heart and dedication to do what these guys do. They give up family, whatever they had going on here, might be a nice existence, might not, doesn't really matter, to be a pawn on a battlefield for whatever reason they have to do it. They aren't being forced, they might be coerced, but the bottom line is that they make a freely willed choice to go to work for us, and that is commendable. However I feel about a person can't change that sans the people that I have a legit reason to hate.
Good job Weebo, don't take shit from passive, pussy Canucks that hold internet grudges.