"I Wanna Play A Game" - Saw Mafia - Game Thread

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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Haza legit fake claimed non-town BP as town :heston:

anyway read up and here we go

Hi Doddsy have you caught up?
I had thought I had but a couple posts loaded extra when I posted that it seems.

I see that haza has claimed BP. Who was his character that he claimed?
Well when you get caught up offer me a reads list Doddsy, thx!

This 100% feels like a scum interaction.

yeah I don't think Junk is scum. she was trying hard to convince people to lynch Haza and Haza literally went back to try and find reasons to push her. it seems a bit silly to do all that when there is a simple lynch on lethal. if you want to distance youself from the lethal lynch you want to go after another town player instead because it's about to be LYLO. she sussed both Rugrat and Haza but went after Haza why? thier interaction seemed natural too and I don't think they'd be able to fake that.

Big Man disagrees with Junk being scum but his premise revolves around Haza being non-town from my understanding so meh.

I've said why I think Ruggers is town many a time. Is there reason to think Hank is likely town? As I said I've not noticed him much
Cause he defended himself well to you on day one? Don’t you think it might be time too reasess that?

I know Hank just seems very stubborn and tunnely like he was last game, I guess I could reasess that town read as well given your thoughts match up pretty well with mine.

Another softball. Not a fan.


I'll just hammer

I mean rugrat is all but certain non-town at this point given haza's flip but why would you do this lmao, what is the value?

I wanna hear from Doddsy and Ace before I vote tbh
Everyone seems kinda too fine with Haza, although tbf i’ve been scum reading him for awhile and Big Man had him at the top of his list, scum have numbers now so i’m curious to see if there’s going to be an alternative here.
I am too.

So if I vote he’s dead then? If he survives he’s lying scum.
Vote Haza

I’m good with this, Big Man wanted it, Doddsy wants it, don’t particularly care that Rugrat wants it but meh, I want it, no point dragging this out, when I think Poyser is scum.

Ace probably wants it too.

This series of posts feels like Junk not wanting to commit to the lynch and then when she does she says she's doing it because others want it, not because of her own volition - even tho was pushing super hard on haza last day phase and there was nothing to suggest otherwise.

Junk isn't an indecisive, cowardly player - she's a vote now and apologise later type. So this doesn't align.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I was silenced during N3 and got sent to complete a puzzle minigame. If I completed the puzzle, I was unsilenced and allowed back but if I failed I would've been killed.

So quick clarification, I thought it was during N3 but Tweet told me I was actually silenced at the beginning of Day 4.

I agree with you guys. Never in my 4 day tenure have I ever heard of anything like this. But Saw theme right?

I got knocked out and woke up in a room by myself. The game was that I needed to open a 4 digit lock to escape the room. I had 10 guesses to figure out the combination. This all happened through DM's with Tweet. If I had let any of you know what was going on then I would've been killed. I would also have been killed if I didn't figure it out within 10 guesses.

That's pretty much all that happened but if you guys have any other questions about it then I'll be back in like 15 minutes or so.

Yep Kajuh is 100% town lol, this isn't shit ANYONE would make up - even a scum team helping Kajuh.


Just fucking kill me

faaaaake reaction

SK shoot Brutus plz

Town Junkie wouldn’t say this, would she? I remember in the QT last game you’d be solving for the game if you were in LYLO
It's absolutely Brutus he's come out of the woodwork here and is just throwing out names :heston

I've been pretty solid on Brutus all game but this interaction makes me suspect Doddsy and Brutus are aligned and a Junk/Doddsy/Brutus scum team.

This would mean Rugrat is SK as he's clearly non-town too.

I could easily see Doddsy and Brutus sorta just coasting along as we fuck up two lynches (Lethal and Haza) as that strikes me as their scum playstyle - like for doddsy two games ago he made final 3 and had just sorta cruised through without rocking the boat which is reminiscent of this game.

I will add that set-up spec has bitten us. Especially with the paranoid cop, so whilst PoE may not help me especially in terms of role, we cannot be too complacent with this.

This is cute but nah. No way you were aligned with Haza.

This doesn’t look good for Brutus. Unless we think either Ace is scum, or Mitch is town and pulling six accurate town reads out.
Again this is a good point and works with my Junk/Doddsy/Brutus scum team, Rugrat SK theory.

SK, if you're not Rugrat, then obviously ignore what I'm saying and shoot Rugrat unless you somehow believe Haza and Rugrat could have been aligned.

But Rugrat if you're SK scum knows who you are at this point so you may as well admit it and work with us to determine who to shoot.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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@Kajuh do you have any other thoughts on my post?


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Nov 14, 2020
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im saying even if you were scum and had a team, they wouldn't make that shit up.

ie you're town.

Oh okay I still love you then kisses bb <3

@Kajuh do you have any other thoughts on my post?

I've been wary of Junk all game but never could come up with a solid reason why and your knowledge of her play history really helps. The only thing I could come up with was that she was sketchy and inconsistent and you elaborated on that so I like that read.

Doddsy and Brutus were two people that I was stuck on coming up with a read because they weren't really posting much but they've seemed pretty suspicious lately now that I'm noticing their posts more. Your theory on them coasting until we mislynch everyone makes sense to me in that case, especially if you know that Doddsy has done that in the past. I'd like to go through their vote history to see if we can discern anything from that.

Not gonna lie, I still haven't quite figured out how SK and indy's work in the grand scheme of all this so I dunno what exactly it would mean if Rugrat is SK.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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Oh okay I still love you then kisses bb <3

I've been wary of Junk all game but never could come up with a solid reason why and your knowledge of her play history really helps. The only thing I could come up with was that she was sketchy and inconsistent and you elaborated on that so I like that read.

Doddsy and Brutus were two people that I was stuck on coming up with a read because they weren't really posting much but they've seemed pretty suspicious lately now that I'm noticing their posts more. Your theory on them coasting until we mislynch everyone makes sense to me in that case, especially if you know that Doddsy has done that in the past. I'd like to go through their vote history to see if we can discern anything from that.

Not gonna lie, I still haven't quite figured out how SK and indy's work in the grand scheme of all this so I dunno what exactly it would mean if Rugrat is SK.
"sketchy and inconsistent" is in Junk's town game tbf.

I'm more suss on her being too cautious this game and continually distancing herself from lynches. I'm inclined to think she's scum even if I'm wrong on her partners.

SK/Indies are essentially lone wolves who have their own goals that are not aligned with either town or mafia. They're almost always to do with staying alive until the end of the game.

Popular ones include:
Survivor - simply survive until the end of the game (alive) as the last man standing (or an equivalent ie alive alongside one townie)
Serial Killer - pretty much the same as above but can also kill people at night like scum.

these guys usually have roles over and above 'survivor' or 'serial killer' to help them as its a very difficult role to win as
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Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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vote Haza

Wait why would you do this after the theory you poshed:pogba

It's Rugrat, Poyser and 3rd is Junk/Big Man

Poysers kept me at arms length all game due to being suspicious of me D1, once he repped in he's actually lacked that bite against me. Also encouraging me towards the Haza wagon by agreeing with my theory on Junk distancing from Haza.

Rugrats been pushing for the Lethal & Haza lynches and the setup spec has pointed towards Haza being t/s, possibly tp which there was a group consensus about that I believe?

3rd is feelings mostly and stuff I've previously said about Junk. If Poyser flips scum I might feel better about Junk.

Wait what lmao wasn’t your theory that junk was trying to keep haza alive at night to get the easy lynch the following day? Otherwise it makes no sense :heston I was reading haza town and would have argued against his lynch yesterday (feel free to check my posts) so no, this is bullshit


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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Wait why would you do this after the theory you poshed:pogba

Wait what lmao wasn’t your theory that junk was trying to keep haza alive at night to get the easy lynch the following day? Otherwise it makes no sense :heston I was reading haza town and would have argued against his lynch yesterday (feel free to check my posts) so no, this is bullshit
dude haza essentially claimed non-town BP lmao


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Nov 14, 2020
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Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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dude haza essentially claimed non-town BP lmao
There’s no non-town reason for doing that though? If he’s the SK or godfather then he’s actually BP so he’d have no reason to post that because he knew he would survive the shot lol. If he’s non town NOT bp then I guess it’s WIFOM but again there’s no real point in doing that as it’s not going to make the SK not shoot you lol


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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This is why you shouldn’t rush phases at the end of the game in any case tho lol. It’s just annoying


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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There’s no non-town reason for doing that though? If he’s the SK or godfather then he’s actually BP so he’d have no reason to post that because he knew he would survive the shot lol. If he’s non town NOT bp then I guess it’s WIFOM but again there’s no real point in doing that as it’s not going to make the SK not shoot you lol
yeah i think the presumption was that he was playing wifom with the SK regarding BP in the hope they wouldn't take the risk of shooting him, and possibly allowing him to use an ability or something.

As town hated it wouldn't have been the worst thing for him to get shot there as it would rectify his situation and allow us a more profitable day phase so his play doesn't feel particularly pro-town to me even if in hindsight it was evidently his intent.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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This is why you shouldn’t rush phases at the end of the game in any case tho lol. It’s just annoying
this i do agree with though, not a fan of the rushed vote at all, and again i think this does not look good for Junk's hammer particularly how she tried to distance herself from her own hammer in that very post


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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Doddsy has only voted for Townies. He voted for CP at one point then switched it to Big.
Either mafia or really unlucky votes lol
Are those all of Doddsy's votes for the whole game or all the votes on people who have flipped?

if the former, it just reaffirms that doddsy has been on cruise mode which i dont like at all
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