here we go again. Not necessarily attitude era but from like from late 80s to late 90s about a decade
You're forgetting what the KOTR PPVs were actually like.
Hell, I think the last person to wear a crown before Booker became KOTR was Mable (aka Viscera) in 1995!
Angle, Edge, SCSA, Brock and such... None of them rocked the King gimmick.
KOTR was always a great way to build a guy and for quite a while the KOTR winner would get the title shot at SSlam.
+ One night tourney's kick ass!
"Here we go again"
...Indeed. Maybe if the rest of that paragraph made some kind of coherent point I'd have understood what you meant rather than having to take what you wrote on face value. (I've re-read and re-read your post hoping to debate rather than gun it down.)
Your comment that WWE "has never really changed since 1980s" is complete madness.
The crux of my contradiction is that the era/s of WWE from which Taker & HBK were born are as far away from the Attitude product as wrestling probably ever got. The raw, hardcore/ecw inspired Attitude era is in some respects the upshot of a reaction against early 90's WWE and it's ever increasing cartoon-ish nature.
regardless of how many HIAC matches there are at the HIAC PPV, the point of naming PPVs things like HIAC, TLC, EC and so on is for ease of marketing... These are the matches that peeps are most likely to throw money at so from a WWE point of view if peeps aren't buying PPVs that contain such 'prestigious' gimmick matches then they need to find a better way to market them.
This way, even someone that doesn't watch WWE TV from week to week, will be less likely to miss the PPV that hosts said matches with names like these.