I may be a half breed,but TDK is...

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
Says the most unpopular man on the forum. I seriously don't even know how you got out of the wood shed son. You come into this place hated by all in the LadyHotrod thread because you didn't know how to shut the fuck up. Then you somehow gain some measure of popularity *although being considered the #2 guy to Blaze is hardly popularity* and you go right back to your old ways of refusing to shut the hell up.

This is casual talk section, its been here since the day I joined this site, and whether you like it or not asswipe, it's the most active section of the entire forum. So if you take it away, the forum really DOES die.

But you didn't really think of that did ya? I'm sorry. I expected too much of you to actually believe you were capable of coherent thought.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hmmm.. when did I say I wanted to get rid of casual talk? Don't recall. Your acting like my e-popularity should bother me. It doesn't. The people here who don't like me are the ones who are making the forum shit. Thats you in case you dont get it idiot. I'm sorry your super cool aussie buddies dont like me as much as they like you. I hope you look forward to never meeting them in real life and them being your best buddies. I'm not goona be played for an idiot. Your a fucking half-wit. Your acting like we have social position on a wrestling forum. Like the cool kids and the nerds, and the average kids. No. Its a fucking wrestling forum. Being liked and hated on this means nothing. Sorry to burst your little e-bubble.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Your e-penis is so much bigger than mine. Its like


Where as mine is


Oh no, HOw will I ever get over that? Oh I know, grabbing my cell phone and talking to real life people. That usually helps.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
You call me out for the casual talk comment and turn around and make your own assumptions about how the aussies and I are buddies? That ladies and gentlemen is a prime example of hypocrisy.

I normally wouldn't of pointed that out due to not liking the word "hypocrite" thrown around alot (I didn't particularly enjoy it when it was used against LH back in the day). But you made it so damn easy I would figure I would post it, and hope to GOD that some little cell in your brain would register "Well hot damn he's right, that was a tad hypocritical of me to say"

But nope, I expect you to be just like every other person around, refuse to admit when you made a mistake, and still act like its a totally different comparison to try and save face.

You say its guys like me that are killing the forum when in reality its shitheads like you who can't develop a proper sentence to save your life who have been killing the forum since day one. Your just another "Famous", just another "Rose", just another "jwdhulk" just another "ironman" just one of those annoying parasites who don't go away even when its you yourself who are causing the problem.

Because you may have one inkling of hope within you, I will try this one more time. And go to bed. Its your business to reply and keep up this little argument, but I'm done with you after this.

You want to complain about the forum being stale? Come up with something original. You want to complain that activity is in a downhill slump? Do something for the forum yourself to spark some activity.

I've been posting in the wrestling sections and entertainment sections, which the entertainment one I never touched before. Even as hopeless as it is with all these fucking idiots who think they know what they talking about running around. So I'm doing my part for the forum. I returned to the BTB section and offered some tips to help out that section as well.

So I'm doing my part, and you tell me I'm killing the place? Fuck you. Lets see you do some fucking interesting discussion rather than pointing the finger to everybody else and see if things don't stop popping around here again.

Otherwise, for the last time. SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP. Because I can tell you I'm not the only one tired of your bitching about this forum.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
1.This is the first time I have ever said a word about the forum. Everyone knows more members leave because people talk shit about them over the internet. Immature as hell.

2.While you have been posting in other sections more frequently lately, your still nothing more but a self centered arrogant thinks hes the best prick.

3.You say everyone should admit there wrong? Look at you, You have been wrong plenty of times before, and you stuck to your guns and wouldn't budge a fucking bit. The last time me and Mike fought, I admitted I was wrong and he was right. So don't even give me that you fucking idiot.

4.To mention Jwdhulk and Ironman is just foolish, they were simply trolls. Me and a few others you seem to bash are hear for discussions about wrestling, problem is guys like yourself hardly leave casual talk, and stir up all kinds of conversation in here so its hard for anyone to stick to the wrestling sections. I believe casual talk should stay, its a good way to chit chat AFTER posting in wrestling sections. Problem is you and all your big tough friends stay in here everytime you log in. Hell the only asshole that I ever see post in wrestling sections is seX-power.

5.Stop trying to talk like your so intelligent. Your fucking stupid. And your attempts to cover it up are horrible.

6.No, you go fuck yourself.

Moonlight Drive

TQO said:
You want to complain about the forum being stale? Come up with something original. You want to complain that activity is in a downhill slump? Do something for the forum yourself to spark some activity.
TQO said:
Because I can tell you I'm not the only one tired of your bitching about this forum.

This + This.

1.This is the first time I have ever said a word about the forum. Everyone knows more members leave because people talk shit about them over the internet. Immature as hell.
I'd like to know where you've got these statistics.

2.While you have been posting in other sections more frequently lately, your still nothing more but a self centered arrogant thinks hes the best prick.
You may think so which is pretty pointless in this conversation, but at least he can make a relevant post.

3.You say everyone should admit there wrong? Look at you, You have been wrong plenty of times before, and you stuck to your guns and wouldn't budge a fucking bit. The last time me and Mike fought, I admitted I was wrong and he was right. So don't even give me that you fucking idiot.
Quotes or didn't happen for both accounts.

4.To mention Jwdhulk and Ironman is just foolish, they were simply trolls. Me and a few others you seem to bash are hear for discussions about wrestling, problem is guys like yourself hardly leave casual talk, and stir up all kinds of conversation in here so its hard for anyone to stick to the wrestling sections. I believe casual talk should stay, its a good way to chit chat AFTER posting in wrestling sections. Problem is you and all your big tough friends stay in here everytime you log in. Hell the only asshole that I ever see post in wrestling sections is seX-power.
Lmao, I assume I'm one of those guys who 'never leaves casual talk' as well? I'd also like you to explain, if you can, how stirring up discussions in casual talk prevent you from posting in wrestling sections? I'm actually glad you don't tbh.

5.Stop trying to talk like your so intelligent. Your fucking stupid. And your attempts to cover it up are horrible.

6.No, you go fuck yourself.
Needs no reply.

This Guy

A worthless,racist, bitch ass motherfucker,and should he die I will pay for the party.

I know this thread has already changed to something else, but I have to ask this. I don't always get along with TDK either (okay most of the time) but isn't that a little harsh and cold? I mean there are a lot of people I don't like in this world, but I don't wish death on anyone nor would I celebrate there death as something that has been great gift to the world.


I know this thread has already changed to something else, but I have to ask this. I don't always get along with TDK either (okay most of the time) but isn't that a little harsh and cold? I mean there are a lot of people I don't like in this world, but I don't wish death on anyone nor would I celebrate there death as something that has been great gift to the world.


the dark knight

I know this thread has already changed to something else, but I have to ask this. I don't always get along with TDK either (okay most of the time) but isn't that a little harsh and cold? I mean there are a lot of people I don't like in this world, but I don't wish death on anyone nor would I celebrate there death as something that has been great gift to the world.
yea thats kinda what i thought, no consistency what so ever. if she's gonna be the no-racism lets-all-jerk-each-other-off type, she ought to be a little bit more....forgiving? its like a black man saying "racist crackah" to a white man.

Great One

You call me out for the casual talk comment and turn around and make your own assumptions about how the aussies and I are buddies? That ladies and gentlemen is a prime example of hypocrisy.

I normally wouldn't of pointed that out due to not liking the word "hypocrite" thrown around alot (I didn't particularly enjoy it when it was used against LH back in the day). But you made it so damn easy I would figure I would post it, and hope to GOD that some little cell in your brain would register "Well hot damn he's right, that was a tad hypocritical of me to say"

But nope, I expect you to be just like every other person around, refuse to admit when you made a mistake, and still act like its a totally different comparison to try and save face.

You say its guys like me that are killing the forum when in reality its shitheads like you who can't develop a proper sentence to save your life who have been killing the forum since day one. Your just another "Famous", just another "Rose", just another "jwdhulk" just another "ironman" just one of those annoying parasites who don't go away even when its you yourself who are causing the problem.

Because you may have one inkling of hope within you, I will try this one more time. And go to bed. Its your business to reply and keep up this little argument, but I'm done with you after this.

You want to complain about the forum being stale? Come up with something original. You want to complain that activity is in a downhill slump? Do something for the forum yourself to spark some activity.

I've been posting in the wrestling sections and entertainment sections, which the entertainment one I never touched before. Even as hopeless as it is with all these fucking idiots who think they know what they talking about running around. So I'm doing my part for the forum. I returned to the BTB section and offered some tips to help out that section as well.

So I'm doing my part, and you tell me I'm killing the place? Fuck you. Lets see you do some fucking interesting discussion rather than pointing the finger to everybody else and see if things don't stop popping around here again.

Otherwise, for the last time. SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP. Because I can tell you I'm not the only one tired of your bitching about this forum.
Rage less, leave smurf.

Great One

Lol at this kid actually bringing up the ABA thing as angering him. Holy shit man, I find it funny you tried to imply I have no life with that.

Great One

Seriously, so that's Quintastic one? When did he become such a smurf. Seriously, just hold up on your word and leave if you're gonna be such a butthurt, girly tool.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
Way to try to bring back to life an argument I already dropped with Sterl a while ago. Keep trying G-1, you pwn yourself pretty well with your "insult and assumptions" method of argument rather than intellectually correcting my flaws. Which by the way, is pretty easy to do if you put some coherent thought into it. But I see your much more comfortable inserting yourself into the mindset of a 12 year old. Good for you!