
All I gotta say, taping or not, The Rock's going to back for a night and it will be cool... that is all
I hate how people don't seem to realize that most or all of the people who say he sold out don't care if he wrestles, and understands why you wouldn't want to fuck up your body or be on that schedule. They care about the fact that he pretty much forgot about the WWE, doesn't make one single appearance as I eluded to earlier, not gonna repeat myself for someone who's this ignorant. Didn't make an actual appearance on TV for 3 years (taped). Quit trying to sound like you know more than everyone else, lol, it just makes you look stupid.so you think the rock sold out becuase he went to hollywood, though he already sold out when he started wrestling? he started wrestling for MONEY becuase he didn't go pro in football, it's not like he really wanted to get into wrestling in the first place, he would've chose the NFL over WWE if he could have so don't dog him if it wasn't his true passion, he needed a job so he took one, to support his family, and then he went to acting to better support his family and get out of a business that usually leads to people not being able to walk right when they are 50 and early deaths, but all people say is he sold out instead of just appreciating what he did. If anyone of you all worked at a job where everyday your body was beat up and then someone came along and notice you have a talent and thought you could act and make money that way, i garuantee not one of you would give up the money, the chance to better support your family and get out of a dangerous job so you can be around your family for years to come.
just look as jeff hardy he would obviously rather sell drugs than go out and mess his body up even more, tells you the wrestling business isn't the greatest long term.
the rock doesnt owe the fans anything, he already gave them years of his time and the fans gave him money
The same for bobby lashely and brock lesnar, they gave the fans their time and moved on, so the fans can move on, lashley though came to tna becuase he loved wrestling for the fans.
The Rock is trying to get as far away from wrestling as he can. That's why he's Dwayne Johnson now.
Yeah, he wont actually be there at SD, but a taped promo is waaayyyyy better than anything else they've done (which is nothing btw)
The Rock forgot to raise his people's eyebrow NOOO~!
edit/ I saw Smackdown! and when he said ".....What the Rock is .... cookin'" he didn't raise the eyebrow he forgot looked in the camera for about five seconds then it ended.
^^^So does any of what you've just written address the opinon that he'streating us like a dirty secret in his past (See Kaedons's post)?
There's THREE schools of though here NOT two....
1. "Fuck Rock for selling out and going to Hollywood."
2. "Rock owes us nothing" - Let's call this 'the Enzo'.
3. "Rock's treating us like a dirty secret" - Let's call this the Kaedon.
There... Now this has been suitably broken down, maybe (???) this x-year old debate can evolve a little.