HUGE MEGA ULTRA STAR to appear on 10th Ann. SD!!!! *Spoiler*

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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Yeah, he wont actually be there at SD, but a taped promo is waaayyyyy better than anything else they've done (which is nothing btw)

But I think WWE would be dumb not to advertise Johnson, I wouldn't say it's a taped segment or anything, but say that he's going to appear or an appearance by the guy that made SD. I don't expect anything in-ring wise with Johnson though.

The guy turned his back on the fans, but I still would love for him to come back.

Great One

But why? I mean, he's a movie star now, who's not even going to turn up at the actual event that made him a superstar.

That's why I don't care.
Yeah I know don't worry, it's sad. He sold out but I still would go crazy if he ever made an appearance, lol. Guess I like to live in the past too much.

Btw, it's dumb to think this is about money. It's obvious there's something much bigger than that. Like honestly, there is no reason for you to not show up at least one fucking event, one WM (in his home state..?), not even the Raw anniversary.


That's gonna be like the segment where he talked about McMahon and Trump's match two years ago. meh.

The real thing to discuss would be if The Rock challenged The Undertaker to a match at Hell in a Cell. :shifty:


Meh, Calm down! It's only a small pre-planned segment, not really worth much! but it's going to be good to see him back on the SD!


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Taped or live, I'll spaz if he just appears does the eyebrow and leaves.

If he appears live, I'd like to see him chew up and spit out Jericho or Ziggler, they both deserve one coming.


^ Wait. What? Rock just turning up and doing his eyebrow then leaving? Pfft, A Real life appearance Plz :y:.

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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Yeah I know don't worry, it's sad. He sold out but I still would go crazy if he ever made an appearance, lol. Guess I like to live in the past too much.

Btw, it's dumb to think this is about money. It's obvious there's something much bigger than that. Like honestly, there is no reason for you to not show up at least one fucking event, one WM (in his home state..?), not even the Raw anniversary.

It is about money and it's not. I don't know how much money he made while with WWE and how much he makes now (my guess is more now) and I'm not going to go into the overdone discussion about how he also quit wrestling to keep his health, family,ect,ect.

But it is essential that he seperate himself from wrestling to get his acting career to go farther. All the roles he was getting when known as "The Rock" were all action parts because people saw him as a wrestler, someone who fights,ect,ect. Being known as "Dwayne Johnson" the actor drops that steriotype and allows him more parts in more movies.

Now I do think he could make an appearance every now and again, but knowing Vince I can see Johnson making an appearance and then getting calls constantly on coming back with a "limited schedule" and I'm sure Vince also wants him/would want him to be in one of their bad WWE Production movies or whatever they're calling it.

It's called the Rundown here in North America....I love that movie....A Little Thunder, a Little Lightning.

.....Actually dude here in North America it's called Southland Tales like the guy said. Rundown was the first movie that Johnson was in with Scott, Southland Tales came out about three years ago, give or take.
Main reason I know which movie he is talking about is that there was nothing really weird about Rundown, but Southland Tales was a little weird.



Also to push my point about his seperating himself from wrestling. Notice the name listed on each poster. The Rundown is billed as an Action/Adventure/Comedy movie and was when he was still being known as The Rock. Southland Tales is billed as a Drama/Comedy/Sci-Fi/Thriller and his name is billed as Dwayne Johnson.


that would be exciting for any wrestling fan, but it won't have that big publicity as the two guys you mentioned. that would be amazing to see, but there's some problems for both sides.

-The Rock is trying to get as far away from wrestling as he can. That's why he's Dwayne Johnson now. So him returning to wrestling would just people remember "Oh yeah, he used to be a wrestler." The Rock might make some good money, sure. but he probably doesn't want to be typecast in that role of wrestler again by the mainstream media, because he's been doing extremely well making kids movies.

-It wouldn't have that big mainstream attention as say a Kanye West, Mayweather, or Shaq would. It would get the internet riled up, but you wouldn't be seeing the Rock's return on ESPN, TMZ, or The Soup. They'd want to get someone that's a huge media star, not a wrestling legend.

-What's there for the Rock to do? He probably wouldn't be booked to lose and be against a main eventer, so booking him wouldn't get anyone a rub. They'll just get the rights to say "I did - to the Rock."

You make some valid points. Dwayne Johnson is not as familiar a name as Mayweather and West, and it probably won't get that much media attention.

I honestly think that he's trying to get away from WWE because of the negative stereotype and the lack of money as compared to Hollywood. But with the new PG13 WWE, wouldn't it make sense for him to plug his new movie on WWE? It'll be the right target audience.

And the Rock just needs to be back to kick some ass and leave. A feud versus a veteran heel like Jericho. They can do some of their classic speeches like back in 1997, and even if the Rock does beat Jericho clean and leave, it wouldn't hurt as much as say if he crushed Dolph Ziggler. What's more, I think it might even help Jericho gain further heel status.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
that would be exciting for any wrestling fan, but it won't have that big publicity as the two guys you mentioned. that would be amazing to see, but there's some problems for both sides.

-The Rock is trying to get as far away from wrestling as he can. That's why he's Dwayne Johnson now. So him returning to wrestling would just people remember "Oh yeah, he used to be a wrestler." The Rock might make some good money, sure. but he probably doesn't want to be typecast in that role of wrestler again by the mainstream media, because he's been doing extremely well making kids movies.

-It wouldn't have that big mainstream attention as say a Kanye West, Mayweather, or Shaq would. It would get the internet riled up, but you wouldn't be seeing the Rock's return on ESPN, TMZ, or The Soup. They'd want to get someone that's a huge media star, not a wrestling legend.

-What's there for the Rock to do? He probably wouldn't be booked to lose and be against a main eventer, so booking him wouldn't get anyone a rub. They'll just get the rights to say "I did - to the Rock."

Rocky has never had a problem doing jobs. The last three times he returned it was to do a job. One for Lesnar, one for Goldberg and then finally for Evolution. What are you talking about. Even if he didn't job, anyone in the E who stepped into the ring with Rocky gets a rub. The man's name is bigger than the entire roster of WWE and that's not even debatable as the man probably makes more for one movie than the annual payroll of WWE.

He can't use the name "The Rock" because he doesn't want to have to pay a licensing fee. Plus, in Hollywood, who wants to be known under a pseudonym as silly as "The Rock"?

True he is a wrestling legend, but he is more of a HUGE media star than a wrestling legend. The man made more money acting in three years than his eight years in WWE. The Rock would be as covered as any of these dudes' that have hosted Raw, as he is on par or larger than most these dudes anyways. It would just make more sense for Rock to host since he has the background and old time fans who don't care if B stars like Freddy Prinze and Bob Barker host Raw would really be excited if a true media star and wrestling legend like the Rock hosted. But the E is stupid like that.


We can debate "Dwayne" all we want, but the bottom line is that if he has even the slightest bit of love or passion left for wrestling, we'll eventually see him wrestle again. He definitely won't make a full time return, but I do think we'll see him wrestle one more time.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Well i dont care if it is pre taped I'm still happy :). Id love to see him wrestle again even if it was 1 time only. That would be awesome. Ive slagged him in the past for selling out, Purely selfish reasons though ;) but Hey it's all about DA Benjamin's and who wouldn,t given half a chance. (Oh yeah Cena apparently :p.) Anywayz IL mark like fuck when he comes on Taped or live it's all GOOD


Mar 27, 2008
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so you think the rock sold out becuase he went to hollywood, though he already sold out when he started wrestling? he started wrestling for MONEY becuase he didn't go pro in football, it's not like he really wanted to get into wrestling in the first place, he would've chose the NFL over WWE if he could have so don't dog him if it wasn't his true passion, he needed a job so he took one, to support his family, and then he went to acting to better support his family and get out of a business that usually leads to people not being able to walk right when they are 50 and early deaths, but all people say is he sold out instead of just appreciating what he did. If anyone of you all worked at a job where everyday your body was beat up and then someone came along and notice you have a talent and thought you could act and make money that way, i garuantee not one of you would give up the money, the chance to better support your family and get out of a dangerous job so you can be around your family for years to come.

just look as jeff hardy he would obviously rather sell drugs than go out and mess his body up even more, tells you the wrestling business isn't the greatest long term.

the rock doesnt owe the fans anything, he already gave them years of his time and the fans gave him money

The same for bobby lashely and brock lesnar, they gave the fans their time and moved on, so the fans can move on, lashley though came to tna becuase he loved wrestling for the fans.


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Mar 9, 2007
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How nice of him to record a message for all of us peons who made him famous.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
so you think the rock sold out becuase he went to hollywood, though he already sold out when he started wrestling? he started wrestling for MONEY becuase he didn't go pro in football, it's not like he really wanted to get into wrestling in the first place, he would've chose the NFL over WWE if he could have so don't dog him if it wasn't his true passion, he needed a job so he took one, to support his family, and then he went to acting to better support his family and get out of a business that usually leads to people not being able to walk right when they are 50 and early deaths, but all people say is he sold out instead of just appreciating what he did. If anyone of you all worked at a job where everyday your body was beat up and then someone came along and notice you have a talent and thought you could act and make money that way, i garuantee not one of you would give up the money, the chance to better support your family and get out of a dangerous job so you can be around your family for years to come.


Fact of the matter is, Dwayne Johnson wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for us (the fans). We made The Rock, so in a way we made him a successful actor. If when he came in as Rocky Mavia and we toke to him and cheered for him, the Rock would have never been born. You think Rocky Mavia would have been a successful actor? You think Rocky Mavia would have be a household name that people would have wanted to star in movies? You're in huge denile if you think so.

We're not asking for him to come back full time. We're not asking for him to participate in an Elimianation chamber. A WM program would be nice, him to come out to the live audience everyonce in a while would be alright. Him coming back as a guest host would be awesome. He wants nothing to do with his past (wrestling). He's stated that numourous times. He'll, some interviews, he acts like he wasn't even a wrestler. He brushes off questions or just ignores them. Him blowing off his past is blowing off the people that made him, and when you make it big, you NEVER do that.

Still though, even though I feel that way, I still mark at the oppertunities like this. That's the impact Johnson has on me, and others as well.