How do you feel about gays?

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i dont even care if you arent coming back in this thread i still feel the need to comment on this...

So basically you would rather many children do not get adpoted,miss out on the love of parental figures who will guide them and help them through life,give them a place to call home,and a childhood they can look back on with fond memories.

Just because the parent happened to be a gay couple?

Whereas they wont get adopted,may never get adopted,never know the love of a parental figure at all and may possibly then have problems becoming emotionally attached to someone and have a lovely childhood.

it may not be completely accurate but still,i think you get the point im trying to make.

I was picked on as a kid,and not because i have gay parents,it was for no reason.
Kids will always pick on each other,no matter what.

And children will Ridicule other children for having gay parents because they will have narrowminded parents like you.

I mean people are talking about the problem of the children being Ridiculed, but these same people dont realise that THEY are the ones who cause this problem.

It'll be unfair on the child if all the other kids in the orphanage are picked up on by normal parents and he gets a gay parent. Part of being gay is accepting that you can't have children, so they should not have the right to have children if they choose to be gay. Its just part of the gay lifestyle, not having children.


Jul 14, 2007
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I think that it would be more unfair for a child not to be picked up at all.

I personally would rather be brought up by a gay couple than have no one to look up to at all.

And now suddenly there's rules to being gay.

I done some searching on the web for some info on gay adoption and found some fatcs:

Gay and Lesbian Adoption
Since the anti-gay marriage victories in the 2004 elections, anti-gay fundamentalist groups have attempted to gain support for a ban on gay and lesbian adoption throughout the country. It can be argued that the push against gay adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

So, before you buy into the myths and rhetoric that gay adoption poses an unsafe environment for children or that a gay household is a "recruitment center" for young adults, read the real story behind gay adoption and the facts those against gay adoption aren't telling you:

There are already thousands of children living in gay couple households. The 2000 U. S. Census reports 33% of female same-sex couple households and 22% of male same-sex couple households already have at least one child under the age of 18 living at home.

According to the American Psychological Association Policy Statement on Sexual Orientation, Parents, & Children, "there is no reliable evidence that homosexual orientation per se impairs psychological functioning.

Second, beliefs that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents have no empirical foundation."

The American Psychological Association also states "Research suggests that sexual identities (including gender identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation) develop in much the same ways among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents"

There is no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is linked to one's environment. In other words, growing up in a gay couple household will not "make" a child gay. Read Nature vs. Nurture: Born or Made Gay

Gay and lesbian adoptive parents must also think about how they will explain to younger children, in age-appropriate language, not only how and why the child was adopted but also about the parents' sexual orientation. Both are complex subjects that should be addressed a number of times as the child grows and matures, each time adding new information as the child asks and is able to absorb and understand more.

Then both topics become accepted facts of family life

The studies conclude that children of gay or lesbian parents are no different than their counterparts raised by heterosexual parents. In "Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents," a 1992, article in Child Development, Charlotte Patterson states, "Despite dire predictions about children based on well-known theories of psychosocial development, and despite the accumulation of substantial body of research investigating these issues, not a single study has found children of gay or lesbian parents to be disadvantages in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents."

so why is it unfair..?


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Yeah, don't bother trying facts with these people. Logic does not compute.


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I dont have a problem with it at all..I mean its there choice and every has a right to chose what they like

and yea the bible says not to and I am a church goer and all but I still say let them have a choice...