
As for him passing the torch to Warrior, he wrecked that with the aftermath.
...You mean the shit that Warrior pulled on Vince re: $$$'s?
Or did Hogan supposedly pull some shit or another that I hadn't heard about?
As for him passing the torch to Warrior, he wrecked that with the aftermath.
He also beat Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels without giving them their planned rematches for revenge, and defeated Triple H and noselled Undertaker when he was supposed to lose to him. And this is just in the modern era. I could make an argument about all the guys in the 80's and early 90's he snubbed like Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase, Billy Kidman, Jeff Jarrett. ect.
I mean honestly for every guy he's put over you have an equal amount if not more guys that he has REFUSED to job to.
Hulk Hogan is my favorite wrestler of all time, no doubt. You can look back on my previous arguments with people on these boards defending Hogan from the detractors. But requesting a World Title match with Cena at Wrestlemania is ludicrous and shows how dillusional Hogan may really be if he thinks hes still a big enough draw to deserve world championship title shots still.
Ugh Triple H beat Hogan twice that summer so its not like Hogan didn't more than return the favor, and far as I'm concerned Triple H couldn't lace Hogans boots on his best day, Triple H is just a wannabe Hogan, trying so hard to make the fans care but getting no sold by the fans at all his sad attempts of trying to be like guys like Hogan and Flair
Far as HBK, I'm glad, for once HBK got what he deserved for the all the bull shit he pulled not doing the job for anyone. Oh I hurt my knee, I lost my smile, really I'm big baby that wouldn't do the job
I don't remember Hogan jobbing to HHH, but I am not going to deny it happened.
Then again, I do know none of them were in PPV and none of them were for the title and none of them made months of pushing come to a ridiculous hault.
June 6, 2002 - Smackdown!: Hull co-wins (with Triple) a battle royal for a title shot against Undertaker..
~~~Vince McMahon orders a match between the two to determine a true #1 Contender, Triple H defeats Hulk Hogan..
~~~Hogan congradulates Triple H right before the Undertaker & Kurt Angle attack both of them!
Far as Hogan winning the title at Backlash, that was all Vince's decision. If you watched at the time you saw the WM 18 performance between hogan and the Rock which was beyond anyone's expectations. Then the next two weeks Hogans reactions from the crowd were bigger than anybody had seen ever before. 10 minute standing ovations, VInce felt he had no choice but to capitalize on Hogans Nostlagic popularity than to turn Hogan back to the red and yellow and put the title on him. Yes without a doubt the timing of Hogans return to the wwe killed the thunder of triple H's comeback, but nobody knew the fans were going to go ape shit to the level they did with hogan. So Vince just milked Hogan for all he was worth for those two months, and then they reset the booking. Yeah it sucked for Triple H, but nobody knew that it was going to go that way.
Far as adressing Jarrett, and Kidman,I didn't know I was under sometype of obligation by sharing an opinion that I was supposed to respond to every Hogan loss or win.
Jarrett, or Russo's pet as some called him at the time, is nothing more than a mid carder that was pushed more than he ever should of been. I'm sure Hogan just like Austin who refused to work with Jarrett when he was champion, didn't want to lose clean, and put over some guy who plain simply wasn't as good as him.
Billy Kidman, no offense to anyone who likes the bland, boring, Billy Kidman, but the guy had all the oppurtunity in the world working with Hogan to display how great he was, but bottom line was Kidman, just didn't seize the oppurtunity to make the fans care enough to hate him after this was over. Winning or losing, for a low card cruiserweight, just working with Hogan was more than push. Any smart booker wouldn't have one of their biggest draws putting over a unproven low carder if he just couldn't seize the oppurtunity in front of him.
Orton we all know was pooping in bags, smoking weed, and getting wellness violations at this time, so to me its pretty obvious Orton beating Hogan was never even on the table, it was more a good program for Orton, but at the same time not winning was a punishment for his past actions. If you do recall, Orton feuded after this with Carlito, Morrison and others in the IC division. THere was never any rumors of a rematch between these to ever at that time, so somebody is just making stuff up
Far as Hogan winning the title at Backlash, that was all Vince's decision. If you watched at the time you saw the WM 18 performance between hogan and the Rock which was beyond anyone's expectations. Then the next two weeks Hogans reactions from the crowd were bigger than anybody had seen ever before. 10 minute standing ovations, VInce felt he had no choice but to capitalize on Hogans Nostlagic popularity than to turn Hogan back to the red and yellow and put the title on him. Yes without a doubt the timing of Hogans return to the wwe killed the thunder of triple H's comeback, but nobody knew the fans were going to go ape shit to the level they did with hogan. So Vince just milked Hogan for all he was worth for those two months, and then they reset the booking. Yeah it sucked for Triple H, but nobody knew that it was going to go that way
Since when does it matter if you do a job on ppv or raw or smackdown? I thought losing was losing. Heck if its on Nitro or RAW 4 times as many people witness it.