Hogan begging for attention, AGAIN

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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Dixie maybe. Vince has blocked Hulk Hogan from his product many times due to him asking way too much money or wanting an unreal angle (him and Cena for the BELT at Mania)

I read that's the same reason TNA hasn't signed him. He's wanting too much money/control that TNA wont give up. They shouldn't sign him anyways though imo.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Hogans gonna have to learn that his prime was over 15 years ago. He should take a page out of Ric Flairs book and learn some humility and be willing to put over the younger stars and not expect creative control/millions of dollars just to squash a main event talent in either company.

If he showed the willingness to pass the torch, I would want to see him.
Sep 29, 2008
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If he showed the willingness to pass the torch, I would want to see him.
He has plenty of times. Are you going to say that he wasn't "passing the torch" when he lost to the Ultimate Warrior, Bill Goldberg, the Rock, Brock Lesnar or taping out to Kurt Angle?


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
He has plenty of times. Are you going to say that he wasn't "passing the torch" when he lost to the Ultimate Warrior, Bill Goldberg, the Rock, Brock Lesnar or taping out to Kurt Angle?

Thank you.

Stop hating everyone else. He did NOT say the HE was the one that would even it out. He could have meant himself, for sure, but he could have meant someone the caliber of Cena/Orton/The Rock - someone big enough to draw fans to TNA no matter what stupid ass storyline they try to reproduce.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
He has plenty of times. Are you going to say that he wasn't "passing the torch" when he lost to the Ultimate Warrior, Bill Goldberg, the Rock, Brock Lesnar or taping out to Kurt Angle?

He also beat Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels without giving them their planned rematches for revenge, and defeated Triple H and noselled Undertaker when he was supposed to lose to him. And this is just in the modern era. I could make an argument about all the guys in the 80's and early 90's he snubbed like Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase, Billy Kidman, Jeff Jarrett. ect.

I mean honestly for every guy he's put over you have an equal amount if not more guys that he has REFUSED to job to.

Hulk Hogan is my favorite wrestler of all time, no doubt. You can look back on my previous arguments with people on these boards defending Hogan from the detractors. But requesting a World Title match with Cena at Wrestlemania is ludicrous and shows how dillusional Hogan may really be if he thinks hes still a big enough draw to deserve world championship title shots still.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Vince has blocked Hulk Hogan from his product many times due to him asking way too much money or wanting an unreal angle (him and Cena for the BELT at Mania)

While I've never heard that rumor, Cena/Hogan would outdraw ANYTHING WWE has put out as top draw for WMania the past five years EASY.

He has plenty of times. Are you going to say that he wasn't "passing the torch" when he lost to the Ultimate Warrior, Bill Goldberg, the Rock, Brock Lesnar or taping out to Kurt Angle?

He only passed the torch to Warrior. That's it.

He lost to Goldberg on an episode of fuckin Nitro JUST to beat Raw. It wasn't torch passing, it was a DESPERATE RATINGS PLOY. And guess what Goldberg beating Hogan led to? The fuckin Fingerpoke of Doom, the first nail in WCW's coffin.

He passed the torch to The Rock? Bullshit. Rocky was a bigger star than him at that point in their careers. The only reason Rock had the match with Hogan is because Austin, the industry king at the time, told Hogan to fuck off, he wasn't going to work him. The Rock was a big enough star to be the best fall back plan ever and if anything, Hogan owes him for adding a nice last run to his career.

He didn't pass shit to Kurt Angle either. His title run bombed so he had no choice to do what the boss said. How much did Kurt's stock rise after he beat Hogan? Oh about a whole lot of nothing, just more mid-card feuds till 2003.

And guess why Hogan got jobbed out to Lesnar on free T.V, besides the same reason he jobbed to Angle? Because Steve Austin was supposed to but told the WWE to fuck off, so the E threw yesteryears news to the Next Big Thing, and it did help his career a bit, but Rocky did more to pass the torch to the guy than a 50 year old who had lost his three last major programs because his title reign bombed.

And you forgot to mention the whole Sting debacle, where he WAS supposed to pass the torch but the cocksucker dicked the finish and it came off looking like complete shit and ruined the best booking of a title match ever, not to mention that right then and there, the WCW momentum stopped from a titan stepping on the throat of it's competition to letting it back in the fight, a fight that they'd eventually win. Way to pass the torch Hulk, all ONE time you did it. He didn't ever pass the torch in WCW, he burnt the mother fuckin organization to the ground with it.

The Rated R CMStar

While I've never heard that rumor, Cena/Hogan would outdraw ANYTHING WWE has put out as top draw for WMania the past five years EASY

First off, it ain't no rumor, Hogan said it itself. And second, Cena vs Hogan would indeed be a draw...which is exactly why it shouldn't be for the championship. It would be just a waste to have it for the championship. You know, that and the logic of having Hogan challenge for the belt in 2009.

As for the other part of the comment, I agree. Losing a match is damn sure not passing the torch. The fact that his defeats are so rare that they actually seem like passing the torch screams volumes

I disagree with The Rock. Hogan did passed the torch to him. The entire atmosphere of the match, commentary, everything, plus the feel of the match and aftermath says so.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

It's just too bad The Rock had ripped the torch from the wrinkly old hands of Hogan a few years prior to that match.

As for him passing the torch to Warrior, he wrecked that with the aftermath.

The Rated R CMStar

I always laugh when I see Warrior vs Hogan. Hogan couldn't for that three count to be over. As soon as the ref made the last count, Hogan kicked out.

Great One

Man if Hogan signed with TNA (reasonably, just to help them out if he honestly cares for the business), it would be like the single greatest thing he's ever done for the business of professional wrestling... Seriously.

Evil Austin

He wouldn't actually help at all (to TNA) he would probably be shoved with the TNA title in his first or second match, then given the head boss job of the Main Event Mafia.

The Rated R CMStar

That's exactly what I think, and as for media coverage, with the whole TMZ and Linda deal, Hulk Hogan has become more of a "let's make fun of", comedy celebrity. I don't think Hulk Hogan would do much for TNA.