
^^^Yeah, like that DVD held any embarrasment for Foley... : pfffffff :
HHH & Foley have had 3 superb matches featured on that DVD (RR00, NWO00 &, iirc, they included HHH v Cactus from RAW in 97/98) in which Mick got to show just why he's the daddy when it comes to GOOD hardcore matches.
Can already see what side of the 'HHH-fence' you sit on quite clearly! ---->>>
HHH & Foley have had 3 superb matches featured on that DVD (RR00, NWO00 &, iirc, they included HHH v Cactus from RAW in 97/98) in which Mick got to show just why he's the daddy when it comes to GOOD hardcore matches.
Can already see what side of the 'HHH-fence' you sit on quite clearly! ---->>>