He Pulled It Off!

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Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
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Yeah ms thanks for reading what you wanna read then say i'm wrong cause you quote one line. OK MS sure


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
How the fuck is this dropping the Kofi/Orton? No, I wouldn't care because they aren't DROPPING SHIT (and then I wouldn't care anyways as long as Cena doesn't have the belt). This just proves how much of a mastermind Orton is, if he ran in and cost Cena the title to allow Kofi to win. They're all STILL feuding, how aren't you getting this? Didn't you just admit it was you who wasn't using logic all along over this?


Okay so Kofi ends up facing Cena. One of the most popular wrestlers on the whole roster. So what happens? The vocal minority that hates Cena cheers for Kofi, but the majority that cheer for him will still cheer for him over Kofi. This will make Kofi look awful at the end of the day.

But they're still dropping the Orton/Kofi feud because then Cena is interjected into it. Since the original feud is not played out there is no need to add another dimension to the angle. Especially a ridiculously played out dimension like Orton/Cena. Because it is fairly obvious that in this case it doesn't become about Kofi it becomes about Orton screwing Cena and Cena wanting his revenge and his title back. Very little of the actual angle has to do with Kofi. He's just the guy acting as place holder so yes, in effect the story line is dropped because it's not about Orton/Kofi anymore and the Orton/Kofi angle was never actually finished.

I guess you didn't read this either:

I did read the bit on Miz yes. I also agree that he is the most over heel on Raw. However if you want him to be taken credibly against Cena by the average fan (and let's face it, that is their target audience, not us) he needs to be built back up against another top guy that is not John Cena first. The average person sitting watching Raw will not buy Miz as a legit threat against Cena without some sort of reasonable prior build up.

Yeah, I'll agree here on Show, but the original point I was arguing was there wasn't any other 'transitional champs.' Show is also not much older than Sheamus, fyi. Also, this still keeps the list at Kofi, Legacy, and Miz from RAW. The WWE coulda bullshitted some reason to jump someone over from ECW or SD as well.

Big Show's age is irrelevant. How long he has been around for is the relevant factor. And again, you still assume that this is a transitional reign. And the bullshitted reason for transferring someone is one of the IWC's most complained about pet peeves so why is it okay here?

Yeah ms thanks for reading what you wanna read then say i'm wrong cause you quote one line. OK MS sure

I did read the whole thing. You don't like monster heels. You only like Edge and Jericho. Yay. That again exemplifies what I said. I just condensed it down to one sentence.

And the statement that it would be wrong to see a monster heel run turn to something big is just ignorant. Undertaker, Brock Lesnar anyone?

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
ms your being ignorant, grow up. your hilarious to disregard the emphasis on this sloppy booking. they needed a transitional champ so they brought up a no character no name who after this short reign will use this accolade to rule the midcard and to make unover faces look good. yay

you name off two examples of monster heels who also had the best managers with heyman and bearer, which hasnt been seen since. gj

. in my past posts ive said hes being booked the same as previous failures who couldnt grasp the spotlight when faced w/ Similiar booking annnnd where are they now.
refer to past posts for the rest of my opinion

again what is it about this guy that deserves to be put on the same pedestal as the rest of the real standouts?

Great One


Okay so Kofi ends up facing Cena. One of the most popular wrestlers on the whole roster. So what happens? The vocal minority that hates Cena cheers for Kofi, but the majority that cheer for him will still cheer for him over Kofi. This will make Kofi look awful at the end of the day.
How will this make him look awful at the end of the day? You think he looks better now? He hardly gets a reaction now and no one gives a shit because no one gave a shit about that feud after the beginning. If his character kept adapting and he developed more of a bad ass character in that role, who's to say he wouldn't be cheered more than Cena? When's the last time they even had Cena main event against another up and coming face??? Lashley? So how the fuck could you say he would come out looking bad? I'm sure Kofi would get more of a reaction either way than Sheamus and he's certainly built up more. Again, I like Sheamus, but Kofi could certainly have worked just as good/if not better. Because right now I kinda see him being lowered back down to midcard, just a guess though.

But they're still dropping the Orton/Kofi feud because then Cena is interjected into it. Since the original feud is not played out there is no need to add another dimension to the angle. Especially a ridiculously played out dimension like Orton/Cena. Because it is fairly obvious that in this case it doesn't become about Kofi it becomes about Orton screwing Cena and Cena wanting his revenge and his title back. Very little of the actual angle has to do with Kofi. He's just the guy acting as place holder so yes, in effect the story line is dropped because it's not about Orton/Kofi anymore and the Orton/Kofi angle was never actually finished.
The 'original feud' ended in one random singles match. It's not like it had to go through a big gimmick of 3 PPVs to culminate this shitty feud. It's not out of the probability or out of the extraordinary to create a situation where Orton/Kofi can still be at each other throats, have their match to culminate their feud (after Kofi wins the battle royale probably), Kofi wins the title (Orton runs in with the shocker because the WWE would expect us all to believe Orton would NEVER help Kofi now after what he's done), and they go from there. In this blunt situation I just made up, their feud culminates in the same way it just did, in a random singles match, so I don't see the big deal.

I did read the bit on Miz yes. I also agree that he is the most over heel on Raw. However if you want him to be taken credibly against Cena by the average fan (and let's face it, that is their target audience, not us) he needs to be built back up against another top guy that is not John Cena first. The average person sitting watching Raw will not buy Miz as a legit threat against Cena without some sort of reasonable prior build up.
Why wouldn't a casual fan take the US champion seriously? Isn't that enough credibility for some random watching alone? Yeah he beat him before, but all that needs to be worked in as he's a changed man, he's accomplished a pinacle in this business and has defeated everyone that has crossed his path. I don't see the huge stretch in Sheamus randomly dominating Cena after beating some jobbers, than Miz dominating him (probably more heelishly though with something like a chair, such as Batista did with Taker) after overcoming the midcard scene.

Big Show's age is irrelevant. How long he has been around for is the relevant factor. And again, you still assume that this is a transitional reign. And the bullshitted reason for transferring someone is one of the IWC's most complained about pet peeves so why is it okay here?
I was just kinda throwing that out there as a random fact, sorry. I personally don't think at all that Sheamus' reign will be transitional, but if they were trying to get the title back on Orton or some shit (which I hope they aren't) then Show coulda worked. Either way, I wouldn't want to see the title on either of those two and I think Sheamus is fine.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
ms your being ignorant, grow up. your hilarious to disregard the emphasis on this sloppy booking. they needed a transitional champ so they brought up a no character no name who after this short reign will use this accolade to rule the midcard and to make unover faces look good. yay

. in my past posts ive said hes being booked the same as previous failures who couldnt grasp the spotlight when faced w/ Similiar booking annnnd where are they now.
refer to past posts for the rest of my opinion

again what is it about this guy that deserves to be put on the same pedestal as the rest of the real standouts?

You're missing the entire point. You're making bold faced assumptions as to how this whole thing is being booked as if you have the entire creative calender right before your eyes like you can predict every single step this feud is gonna take. So let me spell it out for you.

You do NOT know that he is being a transitional champion
You do NOT know that he is using this reign as a mid card accolade
And you do NOT know that he is being booked in the same way as the monster heels of the past. You know why? Because he's done something most other monster heels haven't done, he's WON THE BELT.

You're being utterly bias and subjective towards Sheamus and your arguments are all based soley on opinion, assumption and prediction.

I'm not quoting Great One's stuff because he's got some good logical arguments that I can justify and agree with on some basic levels. You howeverer, are feuled by just plain blind hate. for the life of me I have no idea why you can't just shut your mouth and WAIT for a few weeks before you cast stones on how crappy his title reign is when it hasn't even started.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
How will this make him look awful at the end of the day?

Because of perception. If paired off against Cena he will get such a minimal face reaction that it could be very damaging at this point.

You think he looks better now? He hardly gets a reaction now

Much better now. And yeah, he gets a pretty good reaction from the crowd when he comes out.

and no one gives a shit because no one gave a shit about that feud after the beginning.

That's more to do with WWEs perennial bad booking than anything else.

If his character kept adapting and he developed more of a bad ass character in that role, who's to say he wouldn't be cheered more than Cena?

Kofi doesn't have the demeanor to be a bad ass imo. And logic dictates that Cena would get cheered more. He gets some of the biggest pops in the company.

When's the last time they even had Cena main event against another up and coming face??? Lashley? So how the fuck could you say he would come out looking bad?

And how did that work out for Lashley? He got crickets against Cena even though he was getting good reactions against McMahon. Face versus face doesn't really work against Cena unless you are already solidly established.

I'm sure Kofi would get more of a reaction either way than Sheamus and he's certainly built up more.

Speculation on your part. And I dunno about the built up better. I would say about the same. Who has Kofi gone over on that puts him over Sheamus?

Again, I like Sheamus, but Kofi could certainly have worked just as good/if not better. Because right now I kinda see him being lowered back down to midcard, just a guess though.

I think what you're missing here is that with a character like Sheamus' you need to do something like this with him otherwise he will end up stagnating. Kofi as a character at the moment doesn't need a belt. The fans already love him. Sheamus as a monster heel needed it because otherwise he would've become just another Snitsky. By having him hold the title now you ensure that he won't go the Snitsky route. Which is a great thing. We need monster heels who can actually work.

The 'original feud' ended in one random singles match. It's not like it had to go through a big gimmick of 3 PPVs to culminate this shitty feud.

It's a shitty feud due to the booking and if the feud is over then Kofi looks less than great now. The feud needs to continue and he needs to go over Orton clean. Without finishing the feud decisively Kofi's credibility sustains a pretty big hit.

It's not out of the probability or out of the extraordinary to create a situation where Orton/Kofi can still be at each other throats, have their match to culminate their feud (after Kofi wins the battle royale probably), Kofi wins the title (Orton runs in with the shocker because the WWE would expect us all to believe Orton would NEVER help Kofi now after what he's done), and they go from there. In this blunt situation I just made up, their feud culminates in the same way it just did, in a random singles match, so I don't see the big deal.

The big deal is John Cena. You can't execute this angle and write Cena out of it. It's not realistic. And The Cena/Orton dynamic is over played at this point and would over shadow anything that Kofi did.

Why wouldn't a casual fan take the US champion seriously? Isn't that enough credibility for some random watching alone? Yeah he beat him before, but all that needs to be worked in as he's a changed man, he's accomplished a pinacle in this business and has defeated everyone that has crossed his path.

I have the benefit of very occasionally watching wrestling with my gf's brother and his best friend. They are 39 and 42 years old and are huge marks. They hate all the heels and love all the faces. Listening to what they says about these things gives me a pretty decent insight into the casual fan at the moment. They hate Miz but grant that he's a pretty decent wrestler now. That's all well and good but to them Cena is still the top dog and since Miz was squashed against Cena twice (three times?) now they would have a hard time buying Miz as a legit contender until he beats somebody else of note conclusively.

He may have defeated everyone who has been in his path thus far since his change but that list is pretty unimpressive.

I don't see the huge stretch in Sheamus randomly dominating Cena after beating some jobbers, than Miz dominating him (probably more heelishly though with something like a chair, such as Batista did with Taker) after overcoming the midcard scene.

The difference is the people have yet to see Sheamus squashed or treated like a jobber.

reality check

New Member
Dec 12, 2009
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On corpes
Sheamus looks like a dumb ginger. I think he needs to dye his hair white/blonde instead. The smirk would best suit the blonde hair in my opinion.


New Member
Dec 19, 2009
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This is a chance for a lesser guy like Jericho too get the championship. I'll keep on dreaming.