^^^Yeah, he can join the que of quick athletic guys over there waiting for (or that never got) a push.
IMO, Kofi well and truly earned the mini-push he had at the end of last year thanks to his US title run during summer 09... They gave him no mic time, no fueds; just a bunch of random 3 or 4 man matches with the same 3 or 4 guys yet he miraculoulsy came out of it more over than when he was when he initially beat MVP for said title.
From there, I think WWE went cold on him because he really didn't bring anything more to the table against Orton.
I think he's found his spot: Multi-time midcard champ that can occasionally brown nose the likes of Cena when he needs a tag partner.
Gimmick/Jamaican stuff: A total trainwreck... I'm shock how easily the crowds swallowed his overnight change of accent and ancestry.