Guerreros Del Ring

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Oh write it like a true CWF Match or something bro!


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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I'm glad you guys like it :) Episode two will be posted soon


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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Guerreros Del Ring "2" - Live From Mexico City

Dark Match
Puma Def. Ultimate Spider Jr.​

The show starts with Chairman Art Douglas walking out to the ring. He adress the crowd and says that he has an announcement regarding last weeks interference in the Sky/Jigsaw match. What Evans did was highly unproffesional, especially since it was GDL's first official match. That's why Evan's has to stand up for his actions, and he can't think of a better way to do it than to book him for a match at next weeks TV tapings. But it will not be against Scorpio Sky. Next week, Jack Evans will face off against Jigsaw!

Match #1
Chavo Guerrero Vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Perez: Our opening contest is scheduled for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first, from San Diego, California. He is El Super Nino. Rey Mysterio, Jr.!!

The crowd explodes as Rey's music cranks the arena speakers, and Rey comes jumping up from beneath the stage. The arena is filled with kids wearing Colibri masks, cheering for Rey as he makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring.

Perez: And his opponent, from El Paso, Texas. He is Chavo Guerrero!!!

Major booo's from the crowd as Oooooo Chavo, cranks the arena speakers and Chavo makes his way out on the stage. They continue to boo him as he makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring. He walks up to Rey and they have a stare down in the middle of the ring before the referee breaks them apart and they go to seperate corners of the ring. The referee signalizes to the bellkeeper and the match is officially under way. Chavo wastes no time, attacking Rey, but Rey gets out of the way and Chavo goes straight into the corner, hitting the turnbuckles. Rey charges for an attack, but Chavo gets out of the way and the exact same thing happens with Rey. Chavo grabs Rey and rolls him up for a cover 1...Kick Out! Both men gets back to their feet and they hook up for a test of strenght. Chavo gets the upper hand and lands a couple of massiev punches to Rey's back before he goes for the ropes. But Rey counters Chavo's next move, sending Chavo out of the ring with a dropkick. Chavo lands on the mat outside and Rey makes a run for the ropes. He leaps over the third rope, clashing with Chavo and knocking him down with a flying bodypress! The audience goes wild as Rey grabs Chavo and rolls him back in the ring. Rey sets it up for a Seated Senton as Chavo stumbles back on his legs. No! Chavo gets out of the way. Chavo lifts Rey up for a Gory bomb. No, Rey manages to get out of the hold. He sends a dropkick to Chavo's legs, making Chavo stumbles backwards, falling over the middle rope. Rey goes for a 619. No! Chavo gets out of the way. He jumps up on the second rope. Lionsault from Chavo on Rey. Rey falls down and Chavo climbs the turnbuckles. He poses on the top before he leaps off. 5 Star Frogsplash on Rey by Chavo! He covers 1...2....No! Rey kicks out! Chavo gets frustrated and grabs Rey, setting him up for a Gory Bomb. But Rey once again gets out of Chavo's hold, reversing it into a pin position. 1....2....Chavo reverses 1....2...Rey Reverses 1....2...Chavo Kicks Out! Both men back on their feet, and Rey throws some fastpaced kicks to Chavo's legs. rey goes for the ropes but gets knocked down by a clothesline from Chavo. Chavo lifts Rey up for a third Gory Bomb attempt, No! Rey reverses again, sending Chavo onto the ropes. Chavo gets hanged up over the middle rope and Rey goes for another 619 attempt. No! Chavo manages to get out of harms way this time as well. He grabs Rey, and this time the Gory Bomb is not reversed. Rey goes face first into the canvas, and Chavo covers 1...2....3!!!

Perez: The winner of this match, by pinfall; Chavo Guerrero!!!

Major booo's from the audience as Chavo climbs up on the top turnbuckle and poses while Rey gets out of the ring and heads for the locker room.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

We go backstage where we hook up with John Morrison and Matt Sydal talking in the locker room.

Sydal: Hey John! I heard that you sent Lizzy some messages the other day. Don't you remember what I told you about that?

Morrison: I don't see the problem Matt. She is not your girlfriend anymore

Sydal: So? What if we would get back together?

Morrison: I don't think that will happen anytime soon Matt

Sydal: And why is that?

Morrison: I have a date with her tonight

Morrison leaves the locker room, and Matt gets furious, throwing things around him as the camera cut's to ringside.....

Match #2
Mistico Vs El Hijo De Rey Misterio

Perez: Our next match is scheduled for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first, from San Diego, California. He is El Hijo de Rey Misterio!!!

El Hijo gets a good reaction from the crowd as he walks out on the stage. He claps tha hands of the fans on his way down the ramp and heads into the ring.

Perez: And his opponent, from Mexico City, he is The International Sensation; Mistico!!!

The audience explodes as Mistico comes running down the ramp and trampolining himself into the ring. He poses in the middle of the ring, then he walks up to El Hijo, stretching out his hand for a handshake. El Hijo accepts and they shake hands before Mistico walks back to his corner. The bell rings and the two men walks up to each other in the middle of the ring, then starting the match off with a test of strength. Neither of them gets the upper hand in the test of strenght, but they are both holding back, struggling in the middle of the ring. Mistico suddenly uses El Hijo as a springboad, and finds himself on El Hijo's shoulders, still holding el hijo's hands. he twirls around. Modified Hurricanrana with a DDT like manouver at the end. El hijo goes down and Mistico advances to the ropes. He leaps up on the third rope. Summersault back on El Hijo. He covers 1...2..Kick Out! Mistico gets first back on his feet, but El Hijo sweeps his legs and gets back on his feet, going for the ropes. Dropkick by Mistico, but El Hijo stops in the ropes. The Dropkick does not connect and Mistico goes down on the canvas. El Hijo grabs the ropes and use them as leverage, springboarding himself up in the air. Flying Corkscrew Legdrop on Mistico by El Hijo. He covers 1...2...No Mistico kicks out! El Hijo quickly back on his feet climbs the turnbuckles, but Mistico gets back on his feet and grabs El Hijo, setting him up for a suplex, he nails it! Both men go back and El Hijo hits the canvas with great impact. Mistico climbs the turnbuckles and poses on the top before he turns around and jump. Moonsault! It connects and Mistico covers 1...2...No! El Hijo kicks out! Both men back on their feet, and El Hijo leaps up in the second rope, delivering a Lionsault at Mistico. It connects and Mistico gets knocked towards and into the ropes. El hijo goes for a 619. It connects! Mistico gets knocked into the middle of the ring. El Hijo goes for a Seated Senton. It connects! El Hijo grabs Mistico's legs and covers 1...2...Mistico reverses 1...2...El Hijo reverses 1...2....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, by pinfall; El Hijo De Rey Misterio

El Hijo gets first back on his feet and the referee raises his hand. When Mistico gets back on his feet, he stretched out his arm once again. El Hijo grabs it, and they shake hands. Mistico raises El Hijo's hand before he leaves the ring.

Winner: El Hijo De Rey Misterio

We go backstage where Shortstack hooks up with Chavo Guerrero is high on his win against Rey Mysterio earlier.

Chavo: Did you see that? I beat Rey, as I said I would. And you know why? Because I am a warrior! I am a Guerrero!!

Jeff Hardy walks in at the scene

Jeff: Pretty impressive Chavo. But did you see what I did last week? I beat three opponents. So as I see it, I'm a better warrior than you

Chavo laughs

Chavo: You wanna bet on that?

Jeff: Sure! You and me, next week. And if you win, I'm gonna buy you a night on the city. So much food, women, beverage and drugs you can dream of!

Chavo: You got a deal Amigo!

Camera cut's back to ringside.....

Match #3
La Parka Vs Super Dragon

Perez: Our next contest, is our main event of the evening. It's scheduled for one fall, with television time remaining. Introducing first, from Orange County, California. Super Dragon!!!!

Mixed reactions from the crowd as Super Dragons enters the stage and heads down the ramp, climbing into the ring.

Perez: And his opponent, from Querétaro, Mexico. He is La Original. The One, The Only, La Parka!!!!!

The fans in the arena gets up on their feet, clapping their hands and stomping their feet in honor for La Parka who walks out on the stage. He heads down the ramp, clapping hands with the fans, giving a kid in La Parka mask a high five. He rolls into the ring and poses before he walks straight up to Dragon. They stare at each other in the middle of the ring, before the referee breaks them apart and makes a call. The bell rings and the match starts. As La Parka is about to take off his coat, turning his face away from Super Dragon, Dragon grabs La Parka and sets him up. Barry White Driver from Super Dragon on La Parka!! Dragon covers 1...2...3!

Flair: Wooot?! What happened there?

JBL: That's uncalled for! He wasn't even ready!

Flair: Well, the bell rung. So the match was officially started. That's a huge upset! Super Dragon just squased La Parka! I wonder how fast that was. Cause that's gotta be a record!

Super Dragon hurries out of the ring before La Parka manage to get back on his feet and heads for the back.

Perez: Here is your winner, with a recordbreaking pinfall at 06:00 seconds, Super Dragon!!!

Winner: Super Dragon

Flair: 6 seconds! Wow! That record will stay for a while, I can guarantee you that!

JBL: This is bullshit to be honest! Completely bullshit! This was supposed to be our main event, and it ends after 6 seconds?! I'm disgusted!

Flair: Well, pretty impressive if you ask me. That's all from us in GDL. See you nextweek for another jampacked card!

JBL: Yeah, and more squash matches....​


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I am enjoying what you are doing.

I know most BTB make the matches short but you've got potential to make one long match that covers at least 10-12 paragraphs, either way really digging this.


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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Guerreros Del Ring - Show #3 Card:

John Morrison Vs Matt Sydal

Chavo Guerrro Vs Jeff Hardy

El Generico Vs Super Dragon



Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Like the change you made, congratulations on a good 2nd show, can't wait for the next show... predictions.

John Morrison beats Matt Sydal

Jeff Hardy beats Chavo Guerrero

Super Dragon beats El Generico


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I'd agree with you on your predictions,

Can't wait to read this hoping it's going to be a HUGE one.
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The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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On their official web site today, GDL released their upcoming PPV schedule for their first season.

1. Proxima Primera
2. True Grit
3. Victory Lane
4. Grande Guerreros
5. Ill Gotten Gains
6. Faux Pas
7. Retribution
8. Wrassathon


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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I like the PPV line-up you got there! Can't wait to see what you can do at a PPV event.
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The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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Guerreros Del Ring "3" - Live From Mexico City

Dark Match
Jack Evans Def. Jigsaw

Flair: Welcome back to Mexico City, and the third episode of Guerreros Del Ring! We have a jampacked card tonight, and I just heard that The chairman of the board has an announcement, regarding our first ever PPV, Proxima Primera, who will air on a wrestling network near you in the end of january. But now, let's go down to the ring, and to our first match of the evening!

JBL: Hey! Aint I allowed to say anything?

Flair: Well, yeah. I just presumed you was occupied playing with your..

JBL: Playing with my?

Flair: Playing Angry Birds on your cellphone

Match #1
John Morrison Vs Matt Sydal​

Both guys goes at it with brute power and quick manouvers in the opening minutes of the match, and neither one gets the upper hand as they dance around the ring, delivering moves at each other. Sydal irishwhips JoMo into the ropes but JoMo leaps up on the second rope and nails a Lionsault on Sydal, but only for the two count. Sydal gets quickly back on his feet and grabs JoMo's arm, he twirls around and puts JoMo in a handlock submission, but JoMo manages to get to the ropes and the referee breaks them apart. They hook up again, this time with a test of strength. JoMo gets the upper hand and nails a high knee to Sydals stomach before he nails a neckbreaker. Lizzy walks out to ringside and kisses JoMo. This makes Sydal even angrier and he charges for a spear. He connects. He covers 1.....2....No! JoMo kicks out!
Lizzy walks up on the ring apron to distract Sydal, but instead Sydal grabs her hair and kisses her. JoMo attacks from behind and puts Sydal in a school-boy pin 1....2....No! Sydal kicks out! Both men gets back on their feet, but both are kinda distracted by Lizzy still standing on the apron. Sydal walks up to her and again JoMo charges for an attack, but this time Sydal only gets out of the way and JoMo knocks Lizzy down from the apron. Sydal quickly takes advantage of the situation and delivers a yakuza kick to JoMo's head. JoMo goes down on his knees and Sydal goes for the ropes, No! Lizzy grabs Sydals legs and Sydal stumbles. JoMo charges and nails a dropkick to Sydal's face. He makes a cover 1.....2.....3!

Perez: The winner of this match, by Pinfall; John Morrison!

JoMo and Lizzy walks to the backstage together, leaving Sydal angry in the ring as the camera cut's to commercial.

Winner: John Morrison

Match #2
Chavo Guerrero Vs Jeff Hardy​

Anticipated matchup here, alltough the audience chants a couple of harsh remarks. Technical matchup where both men shows their mat skills as well as their high flying skills. Chavo gets a bigger pop than Jeff from the Mexican audience and he gets the upper hand after Jeff missed on a swanton bomb from the top turnbuckle. Chavo irishwhips Jeff into the turnbuckle and charges for an attack, but Jeff getc out of the way. Chavo goes face first into the turnbuckle and Jeff grabs him, putting him in a cradle pin 1.....2....No! Chavo kicks out! Jeff climbs the turnbuckles, but Chavo manage to get back on his feet and interrupts. Chavo sets Jeff up for a Powerbomb. He nails it! He covers 1....2....Kick Out. Chavo gets back on his feet and climbs the turnbuckles, he poses on the top before he leaps off in a frogsplash. No! jeff rolls out of the way and Chavo hits the canvas. Jeff quickly climbs the turnbuckles and leaps off. Swanton Bomb! He connects and makes a quick cover 1....2.....No! Chavo kicks out! Jeff lifts Chavo up for a Twist of Faith, but Chavo pushes Jeff into the ropes and knocks him down with a lariat. Chavo grabs Jeff's leg and are about to drag him into the middle of the ring when Rey Mysterio appears at ringside. Chavo shouts at Rey, and tells him to make sure he sees this. But suddenly Jeff reverses Chavo's hold and it turns out as a pin. 1....2....No! Chavo kicks out from the cradlepin. Both men gets back on their feet. Chavo gets the upper hand as he delivers a european uppercut to Jeff's face. Jeff stumbles and Chavo nails a dropkick, sending Jeff into the ropes. Chavo lifts Jeff up and sets him up for a Death Valley Driver. No! He stumbles as Rey pulls his leg. He falls down with Jeff on top of him. Jeff covers 1.....2....Kick Out! Chavo kicks out in the last second and the match continues. Jeff irishwhips Chavo into the ropes and knocks him down with a crossbody, he once again climbs the turnbuckles for a Swanton Bomb. He leaps off the top turnbuckle. Chavo gets back on his feet and while Jeff is in midair, Chavo nails a dropkick! Jeff goes down and Chavo covers 1....2....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, by Pinfall; Chavo Guerrero!!

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

As the commercial ends we cut to ringside where The Chairman of the Board, Art Douglas is standing with a microphone, and a briefcase.

Art: Thanx to everyone who made it here tonight, you are a great audience! Ok, I'm gonna make this short and clear. In my right hand I'm holding a briefcase. Inside this briefcase is 1.000.000$ and a Title Belt. Starting from next week, we are gonna have ourself a little tournament, and the final of this tournament will be at our first ever PPV, Proxima Primera in the end of january. The winner of that tournament final, will be 1.000.000$ richer, and the First Ever, Ultimo Guerrero!

Flair: Wow! That's big news! I wonder who our first champion will be.

JBL: I wonder what dumb asshole who gives away one million dollar to some wrestler who might be so lucky to win a tournament.

Flair: Might that dumb asshole be you?

JBL: Shut up!

Match #3
Super Dragon Vs El Generico​

Dragon gets the upper hand in the opening minutes and nails a Barry White Driver after just three minutes, but Generico kicks out. Dragon charges for a lariat, but Generico gets out of harms way and uses the ropes as leverage, making a moonsault from the second rope. He connects and knocks Dragon down. He makes a cover 1....Kick out! Both men gets back on their feet and Generico makes an attack, trying a yakuza Kick, but Dragon knocks him down with a lariat. Dragon lifts him up for a throw, but Generico reverses the hold into a neckbreaker type manouver. He grabs Dragon's leg and makes a cover 1....2...Kick Out! Generico gets back on his feet first and climbs the turnbuckles, he makes ready for a 450 Splash, but Dragon gets back on his feet and interrupts him. He grabs Generico and throws him down from the top turnbuckle. Generico lands back first into the canvas and Dragon charges for an attack. Big boot to Generico's face! Dragon lifts Generico up and sets him up for a Barry White Driver. He connects! He makes a cover 1.....2.....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, by Pinfall; Super Dragon!

Winner: Super Dragon

Flair: That was one jampacked ending of one jampacked episode! Hope you enjoyed this hour together with us and that we see you next week!

JBL: You know, I wondered, maybe I should Sign Up for that tournament. I need the money. And that title probably would look great to my jeans.

Flair: Ehh.... Yeah... Bye bye!​


Sorry for the short episode without much in-depth commentary etc, but I've had so much to do at work this couple of weeks. Hopefully I will be back on track shortly.
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The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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In a TV commercial today, GDL announced the card for their fourth show

Guerreros Del Ring - Show #4 Card:

Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
Jack Evans Vs Scorpio Sky

Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
Jigsaw Vs Mistico

Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
El Hijo De Rey Misterio Vs El Generico​
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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These shows flow very well and I'm not too into spotfests but I'm enjoying what you are building here. It's more an athletic competition than entertainment basis which is usually harder to write since people usually expect really long matches however with your 1 hour line ups you are pretty much setting up what should be some awesome PPVs. I don't know what to expect next really. I'm sure you got a few things you got etched out that should really start getting the interest going.

At first, I had no idea how you'd pull off Flair/JBL. Not sure if that would work in real life still but your commentary so far is priceless. Keep this up, man. I will continue to follow.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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These shows flow very well and I'm not too into spotfests but I'm enjoying what you are building here. It's more an athletic competition than entertainment basis which is usually harder to write since people usually expect really long matches however with your 1 hour line ups you are pretty much setting up what should be some awesome PPVs. I don't know what to expect next really. I'm sure you got a few things you got etched out that should really start getting the interest going.

At first, I had no idea how you'd pull off Flair/JBL. Not sure if that would work in real life still but your commentary so far is priceless. Keep this up, man. I will continue to follow.


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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^^ Thanx for the feedback. I'm gonna make PPV's much longer than the TV shows, and more in depth on both the matches and commentary as well.
I have some big plans for this creative :)


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
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Guerreros Del Ring "4" - Live From Mexico City

Dark Match
El Oriental Def. Pierrothito

We go straight to ringside where Chairman Art Douglas is standing together with his wife Adelaide Perez, commentators JBL and Ric Flair, and backstage interviewer; Hornswoggle, I mean Shortstack. The audience is in a buzz as Art grabs a microphone and adresses the crowd, welcoming everyone to the fourth episode of Guerreros Del Ring. He announce that tonights matches will be round one matches in the Gold Rush Tournament, who will lead to a match between the two greatest warriors, for the grand price, 1.000.000$ and The Guerreros Del Ring title belt! They all leave the ring by a great reaction from the crowd.

Match #1 - Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
Jack Evans Vs Scorpio Sky

Great fastpaced matchup here and some heat between these two competitors are easily shown. Sky gets the upper hand in the opening minutes of the match and a series of kicks and punches leads to an irishwhip and Evans goes into the ropes. Sky nails a roundhouse kick to Evans as he bounces back from the ropes and he falls down, Sky makes a quick cover 1....2...Kick Out! Both men gets back on their feet and Evans makes the first move, sending Sky backwards with a dropkick. Evans quickly retaliates and charges for an attack. He nails a lariat and Sky goes over the top rope and down on the floor. Evans grabs the top ropes and uses them as leverage. He leaps over the top rope and nails a flying crossbody, knocking Sky right back down on the floor. The referee starts on the 10 count 1......2.......3......4....Both men are still down on the floor, but starts to move 5.....6....Both men drags themselves up on the ring apron and rolls back into the ring as the referee comes to the 8 count. The match continues and Sky makes the first move, sweeping Evan's leg and then going for a standing moonsault. He connects and makes a quick cover 1.....2....Kick Out! Sky gets back on his feet first and grabs a hold of Evan's head, but Evans gets out of the hold, throwing a couple of quick punches to Sky's midsection. Evans goes for the ropes and bounces back, sending Sky down with a corkscrew crossbody! He quickly climbs the turnbuckles and leaps off! 630 Splash! Evans makes a cover 1.....2.....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, proceeding into the second round. By pinfall; " The Prince Of Parkland " Jack Evans!!!

Winner: Jack Evans

Flair: That was a great, fastpaced matchup! And what finish! Evans might be a underdog in this tournament, I can tell you that!

JBL: He wouldn't have lasted 1 minute against me

We go to commercial, showing some of the wrestlers on the GDL roster.
As we comes back from commercial, we go backstage where Shortstack hooks up with Chavo Guerrero, who seemingy is under influence of several things.

Shortstack: I'm backstage with one of the top guys in GDL, Chavo Guerrero, who last week, impressively won against Jeff Hardy after a...

Chavo grabs the microphone out of Shortstack's hands

Chavo: impressively? impressively? I am in a whole different league than Jeff Hardy! I am a warrior! I am a Guerrero! I'm in the same league as the alltime greats. Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkel, Bruno Sammartino, Lou Thesz. The List goes on and one. Not to mention my great uncle Eddie. R.I.P I will go all the way in this company, and finally show the world what great talent I am, and the reason they never saw that before was because of one guy, who I wont mention, but his name is Vince, ruined it for me. This time, I'm going all the way, and nobody in the world can stop me!

Match #2 - Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
Jigsaw Vs Mistico​

Both guys gets a big pop from the crowd as they enters the ring. They start the match off with a handshake, showing each other respect. As the bell rings, they start the match off with some tradition, hooking up in a test of strength. Mistico gets the upper hand. Armdrag to Jigsaw, then a snapmare. He goes for the ropes and nails a knee to Jigsaw's face on the way back. Mistico covers 1....2.....No! Jigsaw kicks out! The audience and the commentators thought that was it right there. Mistico lifts Jigsaw up, but Jigsaw gets out of the hold and nails a quick suplex to Mistico. He sets Mistico up for a bridge pin position, but Mistico reverses the hold and suddenly Jigsaw is the one in a pin position 1....2....Kick Out! Both men gets back on their feet and Jigsaw makes the first move, but Mistico gets out of harms way. He leaps up on the second rope and nails a springboard moonsault, knocking Jigsaw down. He once again makes a cover 1....2....No! Jigsaw once again kicks out! Mistico climbs the turnbuckles, making ready for a moonsault, but Jigsaw gets back on his feet and interrupts him. Jigsaw sets him up for a brainbuster, but Mistico pushes him off and Jigsaw goes down on the canvas. Mistico leaps off the top turnbuckle. Moonsault! But it fails as Jigsaw rolls out of harms way. Jigsaw quickly retaliates and lifts Mistico up for a powerbomb. He nails it! He quickly sets Mistico up for a Prawn Hold. 1.....2.....No! Mistico manage to kick out. Jigsaw climbs the turnbuckles and makes ready for a high risk manouver. He poses to the audience and leaps off. Corkscrew Moonsault! And it connects! Jigsaw quickly makes a cover 1....2....No! Mistico revereses the pin into another pin 1....2....No! Jigsaw reverses 1....2....Kick Out! Mistico kicks out from the hold and both men quickly gets back to their feet. The audience starts to chant; This is awesome! Jigsaw gets the upper hand and irishwhips Mistico onto the ropes, but Mistico leaps up on the second rope and nails a Lionsault like manouver on Jigsaw, he makes a cover 1....2....No! Jigsaw kicks out! Mistico climbs up on the top turnbuckle, waiting for Jigsaw to get back on his feet. Jigsaw uses the ropes for leverage, pulling himself back onto his feet. Mistico leaps off the top tiurnbuckle, connecting The La Mistica, sending Jigsaw down with a Tilt-A Whirl Headscissors, into a armbar takedown. 1.....2.....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, proceeding into the second round. By Pinfall; Mistico!!​

Winner: Mistico

Flair: Wow! Another great matchup! I really wonder who's gonna win this. With so many great wrestlers on the roster, this sure is gonna be an explosive tournament!

JBL: Hey Naitch, do you know where you can find the sign up papers?

Flair: What do you mean?

JBL: The papers to sign up for the tournament

Flair: There is no papers

JBL: What do you mean?

Flair: Here we go again......

We go to commercial​

Match #3 - Round 1 In The GDR Gold Rush Tournament
El Hijo De Rey Misterio Vs El Generico​

El Generico gets the biggest pop by the crowd as the enters the ring, as the people in the arena sings Ole! Ole! Ole! He also gets the upper hand in the opening minutes of the contest as he irishwhips El Hijo into the corner. He charges for an attack and nails an Ole Kick tp El Hijo's face. He quickly lifts him up and sets him up for a Brainbuster, and everyone thinks this will be a short contest, but El Hijo gets out of the hold and nails a DDT like manouver. He quickly makes a cover on El Generico 1....2....No! Generico kicks out! El Hijo gets first back on his feet and delivers a series of quick kicks to Generico before he makes it to the ropes. Generico manage to get the upper hand as El Hijo bounces back from the ropes and he nails a yakuza kick. Generico quickly lifts him up and places him on the top turnbuckle, delivering a quick Superplex from the top. He makes a cover 1.....2.....No! El Hijo kicks out! Generico grabs Hijo's left leg and sets him up for a half boston crab. He connects and El Hijo wriggles to get out of the hold, but doesn't manage. He tries to get to the ropes, and he manage and the referee breaks them apart. The match continues and this time El Hijo gets the upper hand. He nails a Monkey Flip to Generico as Generico charges for a Ole Kick. Generico goes into the corner and El Hijo charges for an attack. He connects with a missile dropkick, using the top ropes as leverage. It connects right in Generico's face and El Hijo grabs Generico's leg and drags him into the middle of the ring and makes a cover 1.....2....No! El Generico kicks out! El Hijo climbs the turnbuckles but Generico interferes and grabs a hold of him. He sets him up for a brainbuster on the top of the ropes. He connects! Oh My God! El Hijo goes down and generico makes a cover 1.....2....3!

Perez: Here is your winner, proceeding into the second round. By Pinfall; " The Generic Luchador" El Generico!!!!​

Winner: El Generico

El Generico celebrates in the ring as the audience sings Ole! Ole! Ole! The camera fades to black with Generico helping El Hijo up and shaking his hand.....​