Gates' Red Rep Challenge

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Famou$ 187

I would say fat. Morbidly obese if you wanna get technical.
You must be skin & bones then. Because I weigh about 215,that's not really fat either if you ask me,fat is 300 & other. Just what i think tho. You probably think something totally different cause your in a different part of the world like most of the forum,right or wrong?
Actually we do have a Snickers. It's wrapped in the same packaging and tastes exactly the same as Snickers but it says "Suhail" on the side and I'm not sure if it's made in Turkey or an Arab country. So we kinda have Snickers here. You fat, low self-esteem having teenagers should eat more of them so you can "score with all the babes" (online in World of Warcraft because you're too ugly to get laid in real life)

And where are my bad reps you pussies? Benoit's Boner gave me green, now I'm gonna have to give him a green rep to return the favor. He must have missed the point of the game..

Famous you can't play the race card because you're not being discriminated against based on your white race. You're posing, and thus being a "Wigger".

I've complained about Breaking Benjamin and "post-Grunge Butt Rock" in the Music section already. That said, they're almost as bad as Seether and Shinedown.
How am I posing? I'm being different and unique with my clothing. If I wanted to be like everyone in this generation right now I would wear skinny jeans and other bullshit that most people is wearing in America,your not in the states right now so how would you even know what is in fashion and what is not? You don't make no sense at all. You want on the fucking internet,if anyone fails that person is you. If you ask me a N-word is someone who is ignorant,not a color. But that is just what I think. If you're calling me a wigger,then you are calling me a wannabe ignorant person and no one wants to be ignorant and I am the total opposite. You don't know me or my life or the life that I lived or my past at all. So you can motherfucking die slow if you have anything negative to say about me. I don't hate or say anything about anyone in the internet or in real life unless they something about me that is negative,once they say something negative to me I will in fact come back at them. But I rather talk shit in person than anything. Something most people on this internet shit will never do.

Your a grown ass man on the internet and supposedly your in the army at the same time,if I was in the army I wouldn't be on the internet I would be more worried about my family and the state of America,something you should think about. I'm a 17 year old kid,living by myself with a dog named Wendy. My dad died when I was 9,a blood clot went over his heart and killed him. My mom died this year two days after my bday which is Feb 26th,she died from cancer. I found out two days ago that my aunt has cancer aswell,she has to go next week and see if they can get the cancer out,its a risk. I doubt it will actually work but i'm actually praying. I could go on,but my fingers is hurting and i'll wait for your reply. That's some reality for your ass.

I think its funny that gates has to try so hard to get hated on. Attention Whore. lmao and WE are the pathetic ones?
Dec 23, 2008
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You must be skin & bones then. Because I weigh about 215,that's not really fat either if you ask me,fat is 300 & other. Just what i think tho. You probably think something totally different cause your in a different part of the world like most of the forum,right or wrong?

How am I posing? I'm being different and unique with my clothing. If I wanted to be like everyone in this generation right now I would wear skinny jeans and other bullshit that most people is wearing in America,your not in the states right now so how would you even know what is in fashion and what is not? You don't make no sense at all. You want on the fucking internet,if anyone fails that person is you. If you ask me a N-word is someone who is ignorant,not a color. But that is just what I think. If you're calling me a wigger,then you are calling me a wannabe ignorant person and no one wants to be ignorant and I am the total opposite. You don't know me or my life or the life that I lived or my past at all. So you can motherfucking die slow if you have anything negative to say about me. I don't hate or say anything about anyone in the internet or in real life unless they something about me that is negative,once they say something negative to me I will in fact come back at them. But I rather talk shit in person than anything. Something most people on this internet shit will never do.

Your a grown ass man on the internet and supposedly your in the army at the same time,if I was in the army I wouldn't be on the internet I would be more worried about my family and the state of America,something you should think about. I'm a 17 year old kid,living by myself with a dog named Wendy. My dad died when I was 9,a blood clot went over his heart and killed him. My mom died this year two days after my bday which is Feb 26th,she died from cancer. I found out two days ago that my aunt has cancer aswell,she has to go next week and see if they can get the cancer out,its a risk. I doubt it will actually work but i'm actually praying. I could go on,but my fingers is hurting and i'll wait for your reply. That's some reality for your ass.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because you've had a rough life now? Pshhh.

The world's not a nice place, kiddo.

Famou$ 187

I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because you've had a rough life now? Pshhh.

The world's not a nice place, kiddo.
Well no fucking shit,I guess you just can't get thru to everyone. I hope you and your daughter that's in your avatar dies,real shit.
Dec 23, 2008
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Well no fucking shit,I guess you just can't get thru to everyone. I hope you and your daughter that's in your avatar dies,real shit.

That isn't my daughter in my avatar. That's me. I dress like an emo troll.

Why did you feel the need to tell me your life story because I called you a "poser"? What the HELL did your sob tale have to do with the way you dress and having a delusionary "rapster thug gimmick"?

Famou$ 187

Because your a negative person,who obviously wants attention and feens for it. This is no gimmick,I don't dress a certain way. This is real life,this isn't wrestling. There isn't gimmicks in real life.
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Because your a negative person,who obviously wants attention and feens for it. This is no gimmick,I don't dress a certain way. This is real life,this isn't wrestling. There isn't gimmicks in real life.

No, there aren't gimmicks in real life. You don't dress like a cash millionaire "rappster" unless you are one.

You aren't a "famous" rappster, kid.

I want attention because I'm bored.

Famou$ 187

No, there aren't gimmicks in real life. You don't dress like a cash millionaire "rappster" unless you are one.

You aren't a "famous" rappster, kid.

I want attention because I'm bored.
I never said I was one,sir. Can't even spell can you? And the Famou$ is just a name,the 187 comes from the wrestler Homicide back when he was in ROH & TNA. I dress the way I want,your forced to dress in camo being in the situation you are,so who really wins? You must be bored all the fucking time then,huh?


Well gates lol YOU are the one in Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever fighting for the United States, the Same very country that the so called "Wigger, Rapster Wannabe Thug" Famou$ lives in.

So, who's the idiot now?

Famou$ 187

Well gates lol YOU are the one in Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever fighting for the United States, the Same very country that the so called "Wigger, Rapster Wannabe Thug" Famou$ lives in.

So, who's the idiot now?
It doesn't sound like he is even fighting or doing what he is suppose to do. If he is always bored and always feening for attention on this forum when he is posting. That's sad,I would off myself If I was him.
Dec 23, 2008
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Well gates lol YOU are the one in Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever fighting for the United States, the Same very country that the so called "Wigger, Rapster Wannabe Thug" Famou$ lives in.

So, who's the idiot now?

I guess I'm an idiot with all the other 1,000,000+ soldiers who have to represent Wigger Rappster Posers like him. We don't get to choose who we represent, but you wouldn't know that because you know don't know a fuckin' thing about your own military. Your logic is pretty fucking dumb, ya know.



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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
You must be skin & bones then. Because I weigh about 215,that's not really fat either if you ask me,fat is 300 & other. Just what i think tho. You probably think something totally different cause your in a different part of the world like most of the forum,right or wrong?

I'm six four and weigh 220. I am by no stretch of the imagination fat, but according to my last doctor's visit, I am about 10-15 pounds over weight. Judging by your pictures you are nowhere near as tall as me, therefore you are significantly over-weight.

Therefore you are a fat wigger.

How am I posing? I'm being different and unique with my clothing.

lol different and unique. There are plenty of assholes who dress just like you.

If I wanted to be like everyone in this generation right now I would wear skinny jeans and other bullshit that most people is wearing in America,your not in the states right now so how would you even know what is in fashion and what is not?

The internet is a good way to keep up on these things.

You don't make no sense at all.

Pot meet kettle.

You want on the fucking internet,if anyone fails that person is you. If you ask me a N-word is someone who is ignorant,not a color.

You don't get to redefine words to suit yourself.

But that is just what I think. If you're calling me a wigger,then you are calling me a wannabe ignorant person and no one wants to be ignorant and I am the total opposite.

Except you're wrong. Wigger means something else.

You don't know me or my life or the life that I lived or my past at all.

You mean the one where you pretended to be a black comedian?

So you can motherfucking die slow if you have anything negative to say about me.


I don't hate or say anything about anyone in the internet or in real life unless they something about me that is negative, once they say something negative to me I will in fact come back at them.

With pathetically crafted insults.

But I rather talk shit in person than anything. Something most people on this internet shit will never do.

Because we'll never meet each other most likely. Believe me, I'd call you a fat wigger in person too.

Your a grown ass man on the internet and supposedly your in the army at the same time,if I was in the army I wouldn't be on the internet I would be more worried about my family and the state of America,something you should think about.

lol. Talk about exposing ignorance. Soldiers have an incredibly stressful job, without outlets for them they would go insane, I'm sure.

I'm a 17 year old kid,living by myself with a dog named Wendy.

You're a high school drop out? What a surprise.

My dad died when I was 9,a blood clot went over his heart and killed him. My mom died this year two days after my bday which is Feb 26th,she died from cancer.

Somehow I don't believe you.

I found out two days ago that my aunt has cancer aswell,she has to go next week and see if they can get the cancer out,its a risk. I doubt it will actually work but i'm actually praying. I could go on,but my fingers is hurting and i'll wait for your reply. That's some reality for your ass.

If you are honest, life's tough get a helmet.

Well gates lol YOU are the one in Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever fighting for the United States, the Same very country that the so called "Wigger, Rapster Wannabe Thug" Famou$ lives in.

So, who's the idiot now?

Every country is full of idiots. You can't pick and choose which one of them you fight for. Use your head

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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I'm not sure I believe you are even in the military. I mean like Famous said your ass is on like all the damn time. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be on as much as you are and shit so I mean really. If you are then thank you for what you do. But I'm not sold on that fact.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
It doesn't sound like he is even fighting or doing what he is suppose to do. If he is always bored and always feening for attention on this forum when he is posting. That's sad,I would off myself If I was him.

Maybe with all the supposed misery in your life you should consider it.