idk why you people think odo can read me, he never catches me as scum and always think's im scum when im town 

That seems dangerous as it would be easy to test a loved claim on a scum read player.whats the point in wasting towns time with odo's shitty read. not like i have a useful role anyways. i hate not having a night action.
i faked beloved.
yea or will win you the game like it did meThat seems dangerous as it would be easy to test a loved claim on a scum read player.
There were people, you included IIRC, that were already starting to believe it sounded too convoluted to be fake.
I could have easily rode that out and not doubled down on it being dumb af.
I even questioned you over the whole cop shot should get him out of day line, remember?
Essentially, what I'm saying is, I think Gambit and Chr1st0 are aligned. Lynching one could give us info on the other.
so why reply for him getting defensive about my points? this makes no sense
also why couldn’t gambit be scum trying to pocket christo? why can’t he be town with an incorrect read? this doesn’t make sense either
Well since I don't have spell check on this browser and I have shit spelling a lot.
sky when you get a rep go ahead and slide them in for me. i dont even know why i bothered signing up to the site.