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Wow, haven't done one of these in awhile but I just watched a bunch of randoms over the past few days so here you go....
Plot: Direct-to-video sci-fi that features a Bolivian Special Forces team on the run from alien invaders.
Comments: That's right folks, I said BOLIVIAN Special Forces team! I didn't know Bolivia had a Special Forces but apparently they do and apparently they're not really good at their job. Hell, these guys can't even find their way out of a jungle or manage to survive until the end of the film (not really a spoiler since it tells you that at the very beginning). This could be called a mash-up of Predator and Prometheus but nowhere near as good as either of those two films, which shouldn't surprise you considering it was released by the fine morons at Asylum Films. Anyhow, nothing of note happens, there's no discernible plot, you never really see characters die and it ends with some bizarre statement that really just makes you wonder how movies like this get made in the first place. 3/10.
A Few Thoughts: Boats just don't look right in the middle of the jungle.
I didn't realize the interior of an alien spacecraft looked just like a late 90's IT department.
Apparently "advanced alien weaponry" is just a bunch of Roman candles.
Plot: Direct-to-video found footage horror that features some kids with a shaky camera on the run from backwoods killers.
Comments: You know, this was surprisingly alright outside of the standard 15 minute setup where I'm introduced to characters I don't give a crap about. I actually DID start caring for them partway through the film due to some decent development, but by then the second major problem popped up, that being the totally shaky camera. I GET IT, they're running for their lives, but I almost got motion sickness from the amount of movement going on in this film. One thing I will say in its defense, it actually gives a legitimate reason why people would continue filming instead of just dropping the camera and running, which I think may be the only time I've ever seen that done. That, and the pretty decent end scene make it worth a minor recommendation if you like the found footage genre. 5/10.
A Few Thoughts: It's very Canadian to go looking for a place to buy beer at half price.
Nobody likes a party pooper, especially when they talk about the Bible all the time.
When an RV almost kills your friend, it's best not to follow because there could be psycho redneck killers in it.
Plot: Direct-to-video slasher that features a psychotic teacher take revenge on some teens after they sexually assault her.
Comments: An interesting twist on the standard slasher formula, where the individual taking revenge is a woman who has repressed childhood memories of killing two idiots who broke her doll. I really did enjoy that unique twist and waiting for her to snap was certainly a lot of fun, but the main problem here is that the acting just totally ruins everything else about the movie. Outside of the psycho killer woman (who is only so for a little bit at the end) everyone else here should be ashamed of their lackluster performances. The DVD features a Joe Bob Briggs commentary track which is actually better to listen to than the movie itself and yes, that means I watched it twice in a row! 5/10.
A Few Thoughts: Throwing mud at people riding a motorcycle is VERY dangerous.
If you quit the football team its alright, you can still have a successful career as a vandal, a liar and a thief.
Screaming at the top of your lungs like a girl is never a manly thing to do.
Plot: Direct-to-video sci-fi that features a Bolivian Special Forces team on the run from alien invaders.
Comments: That's right folks, I said BOLIVIAN Special Forces team! I didn't know Bolivia had a Special Forces but apparently they do and apparently they're not really good at their job. Hell, these guys can't even find their way out of a jungle or manage to survive until the end of the film (not really a spoiler since it tells you that at the very beginning). This could be called a mash-up of Predator and Prometheus but nowhere near as good as either of those two films, which shouldn't surprise you considering it was released by the fine morons at Asylum Films. Anyhow, nothing of note happens, there's no discernible plot, you never really see characters die and it ends with some bizarre statement that really just makes you wonder how movies like this get made in the first place. 3/10.
A Few Thoughts: Boats just don't look right in the middle of the jungle.
I didn't realize the interior of an alien spacecraft looked just like a late 90's IT department.
Apparently "advanced alien weaponry" is just a bunch of Roman candles.
Plot: Direct-to-video found footage horror that features some kids with a shaky camera on the run from backwoods killers.
Comments: You know, this was surprisingly alright outside of the standard 15 minute setup where I'm introduced to characters I don't give a crap about. I actually DID start caring for them partway through the film due to some decent development, but by then the second major problem popped up, that being the totally shaky camera. I GET IT, they're running for their lives, but I almost got motion sickness from the amount of movement going on in this film. One thing I will say in its defense, it actually gives a legitimate reason why people would continue filming instead of just dropping the camera and running, which I think may be the only time I've ever seen that done. That, and the pretty decent end scene make it worth a minor recommendation if you like the found footage genre. 5/10.
A Few Thoughts: It's very Canadian to go looking for a place to buy beer at half price.
Nobody likes a party pooper, especially when they talk about the Bible all the time.
When an RV almost kills your friend, it's best not to follow because there could be psycho redneck killers in it.
Plot: Direct-to-video slasher that features a psychotic teacher take revenge on some teens after they sexually assault her.
Comments: An interesting twist on the standard slasher formula, where the individual taking revenge is a woman who has repressed childhood memories of killing two idiots who broke her doll. I really did enjoy that unique twist and waiting for her to snap was certainly a lot of fun, but the main problem here is that the acting just totally ruins everything else about the movie. Outside of the psycho killer woman (who is only so for a little bit at the end) everyone else here should be ashamed of their lackluster performances. The DVD features a Joe Bob Briggs commentary track which is actually better to listen to than the movie itself and yes, that means I watched it twice in a row! 5/10.
A Few Thoughts: Throwing mud at people riding a motorcycle is VERY dangerous.
If you quit the football team its alright, you can still have a successful career as a vandal, a liar and a thief.
Screaming at the top of your lungs like a girl is never a manly thing to do.