Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio - I'd like to see this sometime down the line, both guys would put on great matches as they both have great inring knowledge and chemistry. The promos wouldn't be great but they'd still be good and watchable (yes, I like ADR promo work) and after a few matches maybe some fans would care more for the next match they are going to do than the promos but to look forward to a match you need promos imo. This would also help Del Rio get some more heat to feud with a major guy like Orton who is super over.
CM Punk vs Wade Barrett - I read a rumor that this was supposed to happen sometime later this year after Barrett won the MITB. I think this would be an entertaining storyline with some great promos and nice matches and something about these two guys makes me feel like they could work a great program together and it'd give Barrett some more recognition in the main event scene to feud with a big guy like CM Punk.
John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler - This is simple, Ziggler has been working his ass off as of late by doing double duty and what not and he has been in the main event scene with CM Punk proving he is nearly ready (maybe he already is ready to some but I think his not just ready, maybe 10% off) and could do a good storyline with John Cena. Ziggler is a great inring worker especially with his selling and this big feud would pay off for Ziggler and establish him in the main event scene.
Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton or Sheamus - Both of those guys Cody has a past with and Cody has been a rising star lately who has been looking very impressive but hasn't got that main event scene breakthrough yet. He came off a nice feud with a big name like Booker T but hasn't done much since then, sometime later this year if he feuds with Orton whilst he has the title or Sheamus has the title it would work well. Love Codys' promo work and inring work. I'd have him win the SD MITB.