
How long have you been watching?
I've always loved the Hart Foundation. They are very under rated as far as stables go, in my opinion.
When I started watching, The Rock was apart of the Corporation. But I've seen plenty of matches and RAW episodes from 1997 to make a pretty good judgment on The Hart Foundation. I think the team of Owen & Bulldog is pretty underrated. Their in ring work together as a tag team was outstanding. But their run together wasn't as long as it should have been.
I agree that the Dynasty doesn't get the pops that they deserve as one of the more credible tag teams. And while I like Natalya as their manager, she really is good enough to be doing something on her own. If they aren't going to push Dynasty as a team, they should dissolve it and at least let them try for single success.
She is definitely good enough to do something on her own. She's one of the most talented female wrestlers in ring wise and has some good mic work. She could easily be a top Diva for the WWE. She has all the qualities to be the Women's or Divas Champion. But she is essential to the Hart Dynasty imo. I agree that if they aren't going to push these guys, they should split up and try for singles success. It would suck to see them disband but if they continue to stay in the position that they're are at now, well they would be better off on their own.
I loved Chavo in WCW, but my all time favorite is definitely Ultimo Dragon.
If you're are talking only WCW Crusierweights, Ultimo Dragon would easily be my favorite.
I'm still sticking on my decision TBD until after Mania. I am really interested to see on what happens with his match against Triple H. I think a lot of questions I still have involving him will be answered after seeing the match itself, because the build up has been nothing memorable, but that could be because he IS relatively new and hasn't had the experience on how to carry a feud. Having Triple H there to kind of guide things is a huge asset to him at this point.
It's most definitely a huge asset. Triple H guided guys such as Orton and Batista. Both of those guys are top stars now. So Sheamus has the perfect opportunity to take everything he can learn from Trips and become a top star like others that the Game guided.