
All the see is an old man who can't get in the ring and show why he is even there. Bret has no credibility with the new fan base whatsoever. I don't see any way that the fans are going to accept him back, no matter how much they liked him back then. He can talk the talk, but he can't walk the walk anymore. And even the talk he has doesn't amount to much due to the circumstances he left under.
I agree with the above 100%.
I have been saying this since Jan. 4th. The fans really don't care for Hart. You saw them saying "What?" during his promo on Raw because it appeared that Bret was falling asleep while standing during that promo like he kept forgetting what he had to say. I don't think he can talk the talk. Unless that is how he always was on the mic. He just appears unsure of himself and lacks confidence. Although as his promos go on he does gain a little confidence, but come the next week he is back to square one.