I’m just reading through this qt lmao are you on crack haza. We laugh about Odo’s role is fucking ridiculous very early on, one of odo’s first posts is about how he’s not planning on putting in any effort whatsoever because of it and you’re trying to say it didn’t become a joke til later and you’re saying you’ve read the qt?!!
even with all that, I still posted this:
06:07 AM ET (US) | EDIT
Assuming none of us poyser and get lynched D1 today, we should just kill the scrubs, 1) because we are pretty stacked here lol and 2) it’s gonna be the only way to stop asinine why are you alive spec if we leave like CP, Xenus, Jeff and Tweet alive. Or at least lynch them 
But y’all can feel free to read how fucking dumb it is this to use this as a case in point against anything yourselves