Would make more sense if they actually rebuilt the NOLA arena. I don't see them wanting to share Florida with Miami more or less. They pretty much get to be the star in LA or NY and have the media be their groupies which neither guy has gotten to have in the past. The thing is though I don't think they get that having the media so focused on you is a bitch as well as remember when Kobe and shaq got a daily report basically like it was Days of Our Lives. But winning for the Lakers, Knicks, Celtics, or Bulls is like winning nowhere else literally because they get to be rockstars and kings.
No one knew Deron was on the block. Mitch said he fielded calls from half the league last year for Bynum so plenty of people wanted him, including Denver who they admit to saying no thanks to. The fact is bigs get overpaid and a much longer leash, and he is the biggest big in the league with Yao and Shaq retired. Heck Chandler, Nene, and Marc are all looking for their respective maxes according to reports, and even Kwame Brown has set his price at the MLE. There are just so few bigs that they get the world handed to them and the world traded for them as the league has become guard heavy.