Maybe look shit up before acting like an idiot or trying to make someone else look stupid. After Vince asked to be let out the deal and after he asked him to negotiate with WCW, Vince McMahon came back to Bret, because by the end of 1997 WWF business was turning around again, and asked Bret to stay. Bret gave Vince his notice, anyway, that was in his contract that started the 30-day clause so he could officially sign his WCW deal. The situation that lead to the Montreal deal wasn't so black and white as people seem to remember it.
Charlotte's booking isn't anywhere near as shitty as Sasha Banks. I dare you to try and say that it is!
Hulk Hogan had ego, Stone Cold had ego, Bret Hart had ego, Shawn Michaels has ego, and guess what WWE pushed them anyway because that's what you do. You run with the people that the crowd is behind and you can make money with. I already said she shouldn't be acting like a spoiled brat, but at the same time WWE did her seriously dirty. You don't always have to take WWE's side in everything. You can acknowledge that both sides have have dirty hands. I personally think Sasha Banks is fucking herself here because I don't think even if she gets out, she'll be able to salvage herself in AEW. Her best shot would be too keep trying in WWE or even get Triple H to send her back to NXT since Triple H wants to make it two-way street.