Edge vs. Jericho....who's winning?

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You're joking right? People were pretty firmly behind Edge when he was facing Cena, just as they are with HHH against Cena... it's just the Cena effect. Towards the end of his run with Jericho he was starting to get the Orton treatment where the character has gone so over that the sparatic cheers were starting to mix in. I think they've just watered down the Rated R character far too much with his whole face turn which was completely not needed. People were starting to embrace the Rated R gimmick, so simply turning his aggression towards another heel would have been more than enough.


People were starting to embrace the Rated R gimmick, so simply turning his aggression towards another heel would have been more than enough.

Exactly. Edge's Rated R gimmick is one of those that could work as a heel or face imo. He is a much better heel then face but, with the whole 'Rated R Superstar' character and turn it into a badass, almost Austin type rebel face. The fans have imo shown that they like to cheer the guys with meanstreaks more then the cookie cutter faces.


Well, it's not that they like the cheer them more than the "cookie cutter" faces, just that they appeal to a different part of the audience. They reach the teen/adult audience that guys like Cena widely fail to do.


Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Oh, herro California!
Edge has always been cheered. Only against Cena or when he's with Lita is when the audience is full of boo's. Edge isn't a natural face, but quite honest in today's wrestling it's ridiculously hard to get a reaction everytime, and Edge is one of the five guys who can do that. A heel doesn't need a reaction at most times and is usually used nowadays to introduce a character or promote his strengths. Edge doesn't need that. Edge needs to step into the next level. Which there hoping he can do as a face at WM.

You forgot the whole Vickie Guerrero thing, bro.

Edge's strengths don't lie with him being a face. Forcing him into the box that isn't his forte is not going to help him shine. He shines as a heel.

You're joking right? People were pretty firmly behind Edge when he was facing Cena, just as they are with HHH against Cena... it's just the Cena effect. Towards the end of his run with Jericho he was starting to get the Orton treatment where the character has gone so over that the sparatic cheers were starting to mix in. I think they've just watered down the Rated R character far too much with his whole face turn which was completely not needed. People were starting to embrace the Rated R gimmick, so simply turning his aggression towards another heel would have been more than enough.

Typical WWE. Wait for us to find something we like, then RIP it away and bury it.

Exactly. Edge's Rated R gimmick is one of those that could work as a heel or face imo. He is a much better heel then face but, with the whole 'Rated R Superstar' character and turn it into a badass, almost Austin type rebel face. The fans have imo shown that they like to cheer the guys with meanstreaks more then the cookie cutter faces.

I think Edge found his niche in the Rated R Superstar gimmick. It is versatile, like you said, and there is no need to change it.

Well, it's not that they like the cheer them more than the "cookie cutter" faces, just that they appeal to a different part of the audience. They reach the teen/adult audience that guys like Cena widely fail to do.

Sometimes you say the smartest things...

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
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You're joking right? People were pretty firmly behind Edge when he was facing Cena, just as they are with HHH against Cena... it's just the Cena effect. Towards the end of his run with Jericho he was starting to get the Orton treatment where the character has gone so over that the sparatic cheers were starting to mix in. I think they've just watered down the Rated R character far too much with his whole face turn which was completely not needed. People were starting to embrace the Rated R gimmick, so simply turning his aggression towards another heel would have been more than enough.

Yeah It was dumb to say Cena. but after their two year feud they came back from Canada and it was almost as if Cena was a tweener in Canada. But anyways, to show their support for Cena, the buildings roared for Cena for a couple of months and Edge received his boo's. Almost as if people were sick of seeing the roles reversed. That was the situation I was referring to, bad example I apologize. I guess lets say HBK.

They had to water down the Rated R gimmick for PG television. Hard to say you're a show for kids if one of your top guys is all about sex drugs and violence imo


WWE has been PG for quite some time now, Edge was only gone for 6 months... the company didn't change while he was gone. It's just the simple fact that WWE are scared to try and get someone over in anything BUT the tried and true face mold. Just like Austin (hate to keep bringing him up) but his boo's quickly turned to cheers and they just went with it. I think upon returning those few lingering boo's Edge was still receiving scared them away from taking the Rated R path with him.


You're joking right? People were pretty firmly behind Edge when he was facing Cena, just as they are with HHH against Cena... it's just the Cena effect. Towards the end of his run with Jericho he was starting to get the Orton treatment where the character has gone so over that the sparatic cheers were starting to mix in. I think they've just watered down the Rated R character far too much with his whole face turn which was completely not needed. People were starting to embrace the Rated R gimmick, so simply turning his aggression towards another heel would have been more than enough.

I think that's where WWE is trying to go. He hasn't made any kiss ass promos to the fans...yet. He is still the ultimate opportunist doing SPEARS~ when he gets a chance.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
WWE has been PG for quite some time now, Edge was only gone for 6 months... the company didn't change while he was gone. It's just the simple fact that WWE are scared to try and get someone over in anything BUT the tried and true face mold. Just like Austin (hate to keep bringing him up) but his boo's quickly turned to cheers and they just went with it. I think upon returning those few lingering boo's Edge was still receiving scared them away from taking the Rated R path with him.

Yeah WWE's cookie cutting ways is really fucking old, but you don't want to take risks with lackluster talent (tna) and this is all they know. When they did have a cream of talent we were seeing Edge vs lita under the covers in the middle of the ring. Lesnar the ultimate tweener with the genius that is Paul Heyman, Bischoff and his rants of controversy. Groups like evolution and Eddie/chavo's lie cheat and steal ownage. Wrestling is really good when they can take risks with their talent.

I think this boring system is just their way of saying, hey we're scared we're going to lose everything if we venture out of our guidelines


^ why take risks you're not 100% will work when what you are doing now is making you more money than ever. As long as kids eat up the Rey's Edge's John Cena's etc., WWE will keep feeding it to them.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
^ why take risks you're not 100% will work when what you are doing now is making you more money than ever. As long as kids eat up the Rey's Edge's John Cena's etc., WWE will keep feeding it to them.

Why does everyone have to take the WWE's side of we want money and what we believe is good for our business?

Since when did ants not dream big and worry about how more efficient it would be to bring the raisin back to the farm instead of the heavy donut or whatever kind of analogy i was trying to come up with


Well at the end of the day, WWE is out to make money. Around Wrestlemania, it's not a good idea to gamble. Put the big names on the marquee and sell the PPV. Sell the merchandise by feeding the fans their favorite cheesy wrestlers. What's the point if you are not making money?


I think that's where WWE is trying to go. He hasn't made any kiss ass promos to the fans...yet. He is still the ultimate opportunist doing SPEARS~ when he gets a chance.

I actually *cringes* agree with this.


I think that's where WWE is trying to go. He hasn't made any kiss ass promos to the fans...yet. He is still the ultimate opportunist doing SPEARS~ when he gets a chance.

I actually... agree with you here.


Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Oh, herro California!
^ why take risks you're not 100% will work when what you are doing now is making you more money than ever. As long as kids eat up the Rey's Edge's John Cena's etc., WWE will keep feeding it to them.

This may be true, but without the Edge's, Mysterio's, and John Cena's, what would you have? A bunch of heels strutting around, talking shit with nothing to do. The baby faces are needed to balance things out. It would be boring if everyone was all the same. Wrestling is like the athletic cowboys and indians or cops and robbers. There has to be someone there to take on the bad guys, otherwise all would be chaos.

Why does everyone have to take the WWE's side of we want money and what we believe is good for our business?

Since when did ants not dream big and worry about how more efficient it would be to bring the raisin back to the farm instead of the heavy donut or whatever kind of analogy i was trying to come up with

We have been programmed to accept the fact that the WWE is going to do what is best for it's bottom line for the last several years now. it isn't so much taking their side or believing they are right, is that we have accepted the fact that what we want is irrelevant to what they actually do.

My inner ant has been squashed by years of disappointment. It fears the repercussions of daring to reach for that yummy donut.

Well at the end of the day, WWE is out to make money. Around Wrestlemania, it's not a good idea to gamble. Put the big names on the marquee and sell the PPV. Sell the merchandise by feeding the fans their favorite cheesy wrestlers. What's the point if you are not making money?

Bottom line is the bottom line.

But I disagree with you here. Wrestlemania is going to be profitable no matter WHAT they do. Look at last years Mania. It blew. Did the WWE make money? You bet your ass they did. Why not take chances at a time when you KNOW that profits aren't a big concern? It seems like it would be the ideal time to try new things, when you are already guaranteed an audience. If the new things don't take off, no loss, you still made a shit ton of money off your biggest PPV of the year. If they do, even better, run with it. People are going to buy merchandise from their favorite wrestlers no matter what anyway.

I actually *cringes* agree with this.

Did that hurt, bro?


Did that hurt, bro?

For him, ALOT lol

But I disagree with you here. Wrestlemania is going to be profitable no matter WHAT they do. Look at last years Mania. It blew. Did the WWE make money? You bet your ass they did. Why not take chances at a time when you KNOW that profits aren't a big concern? It seems like it would be the ideal time to try new things, when you are already guaranteed an audience. If the new things don't take off, no loss, you still made a shit ton of money off your biggest PPV of the year. If they do, even better, run with it. People are going to buy merchandise from their favorite wrestlers no matter what anyway.

Pretty sure WM won't draw if the main event is Kofi Kingstin vs. Ted DiBiase. You need Cena, Edge, Taker, HBK, HHH for it to be enough so that people will buy the PPV. WWE can't afford to stop marketing their stars for the sake of taking risks. If it isn't broke, then don't fix it.