DZW-Danger Zone Wrestling

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Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Good preview, I think you should add more writing to them though.


Alright bear with me here, this is the first time I have come into your new show, good to see you back BTW, I have to say I am impressed. Ric Flair as the authority is a great character, I am not the least bit angry with your title picture, I mean Raven, RVD, Monty Brown, Samoa Joe, this roster is awesome, going to look forward to reading your next show.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
I can't wait for Brown vs. Joe should be real good. And the 'Guns vs. Brood in the 'Guns hometown.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
preview looks good, Gauntlet Should be great. All of your title contenders are solid, but I still can't take the Brood seriously IMO. How about Ricky Banderas instead of Gangrel. PRIDE is up, check it out if you have the time.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
The cameras start rolling with a small promo of last week's controversial ending in the Main Event between RVD and Raven which gets interrupted by Marus Cor Von.

Raven then gets frustrated. He goes outside the ring and grabs a trash can from under the ring as the ref warns him not to use it. He slides into the ring and stalks RVD, Preparing to smash the trash can above RVD's skull. The ref takes it away and Raven exchanges words with the ref. Raven then hits knee on to RVD's gut and tosses him outside the ring directed to the ramp. They exchange blows up the ramp as the ref counts. (..1) They continues to exchange blows and continues to walk up the ramp. (..2) They reach the stage and Raven knees RVD's chest (..3) and grabs him by the head before smashing RVD's head to the set. (..4) Raven then his RVD with 2 right hands before hitting a discuss punch which causes RVD to fall on the stage. (..5) RVD crawls to make his way up and reaches the edge of the stage. (..6) Raven approaches him and picks up RVD suddenly out of nowhere both Raven and RVD at the same time get hit with a Pounce from Marcus Cor Von who was still wearing his street clothes. (..7) Raven and RVD fall from the stage on to a couple of tables with some equipment o top of it. They lay motionless as the fans start to chant.
Holy Shit!! Holy Shit! Holy Shit![/MARQUEE]

JJ:Oh My god! He isn't even supposed to be in this match!

RVD and Raven still lay below the stage as Marcus Cor Von has a sadistic smile on his face. He had an agenda and it looks like his showing us what it is and its the DZW World Heavyweight Championship. The fans start buzzing as the camera once again focuses on the fallen men below the stage.

The scene cuts then cuts to an end.





Pyros start coming out from beneath the stage and the fans occupying the seats in the Cobo Arena at Detroit, Michigan start to get pumped up and go crazy. The camera pans out them as they show off their various DZW merchandise and various signs which acknowledge their favorite and least favorite wrestlers. The cameras then go to ringside with "JJ" Jeff Jackson and the former 3 time wCw Champion DDP at commentary.

JJ: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to DZW Friday Night Fury! and tonight we have a line up that is Pay-Per-View worthy.

DDP: Thats right, We got our first ever DZW No Limits title match which is gonna consist of six of the fastest and toughest wrestlers in the industry today!

JJ: Not to mention the debut match of Sharkboy.

DDP: Woohoo. Why on earth did DZW even sign that guy? I mean, Why don't you get Doink The Clown while you're at it.

JJ: Sharkboy has alway been a hard working wrestler and I guess thats enough to be on the DZW roster. It's not how many belts you're had around you're waist but how hard you work and how much heart you put in, In this industry.

DDP: Yeah, Yeah. . Sure JJ. But lets talk about something waaay better and that tonights main event. . Marcus Cor Von taking on "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe!

JJ: Those two were up on each others faces last week and theres no doubt they are going to explode later on tonight. Speaking of Marcus Cor von. Due to his actions last week. Head of Creative Control. . Our GM . ."The Nature Boy" Ric Flair! Is going to be here tonight to tell us how our prestigious DZW World Heavyweight Championship is going to be handled.

Suddenly the commentators get interrupted by The Brood's theme hitting the PA.

JJ: Well things are gonna get on their way for our opening match for the #1 contendership spot for the DZW Tag Team Championship!

DDP: Thats right JJ, We got ourselves two of the toughest men here on the DZW roster The Brood taking on what could be the fastest and team on teh roster. The Motor Machine Guns, and by the way they lost last week. It looks like they want another shot at the titles.

Chris Reynolds: This match is for the #1 contenders spot for the DZW . .Tag Team Championships! First, On their way to the ring at this time, Gangrel and Kevin Thorn. . .The Brood!

The stage produces a ring of fire and from under the stage comes The Brood. Gangrel can be seen holding a goblet of blood as they step out of the ring of fire and walk down the ring. Gangrel drinks the blood and spits it to the fans on the steel steps as Kevin Thorn stands in the ring.

Chris Reynolds:
and their opponents, Detroit, Michigan's very own. . Motor City Machine Guns!


Brood vs MCMG
#1 Contendership for the DZW Tag Team Championship

MCMG's music hits the PA and the fans let out a huge pop as Shelley comes out from the curtains with Chris Sabin. They stop on the stage doing their signature MCMG taunt. They then rush to the ring and slide in. They go up the turnbuckle and point to their open palm showing how proud they are of Detroit. They come down from the turnbuckles and The Brood attacks right away. The bell rings as The Brood continues their attack on The Motor City Machine Guns. Thorn whips Shelley to the turnbuckle and hits him with a hard corner clothesline sending Shelley down to the mat and rolls out. Gangrel then whips Sabin to the ropes and as he bounces back Thorn and Gangrel hit him with a double hip toss. The ref then asks Thorn to go to his corner and he slowly does with a smirk on his face. Sabin lays on the mat after the double team as Gangrel runs to the ropes and hits him with a quick elbow drop. He then goes for a quick pin and referee Mike Ferrer goes for the count. .1 . . 2. . Kickout! Gangrel grabs Sabin by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle. Gangrel attempts a corner clothesline but Sabin gets out of the way and as Gangrel bounces off the turnbuckle, He gets hit with a running enziguri from Chris Sabin.

Gangrel tries to make his way up to his feet as Sabin runs to his corner and tags in Shelley. Shelley enters the ring and they put Gangrel on double arm wrenches. They twist and hit him with elbows to both sides of his head and hits him with a double suplex. The fans start to cheer as Sabin goes back to his corner and Shelley goes for a quick pin. 1. .2 . kickout! Gangrel kicks out. Shelley grabs Gangrel by the hair and tries to make an offensive but Gangrel rakes his eyes and Shelley tries to recuperate. Gangrel then crawls to Thorn and tags him in.

Kevin Thorn gets in the ring and short clotheslines Alex Shelley. Shelley falls to the mat and Thorn grabs Shelley by the head. He then whips Shelley to the ropes and as Shelley bounces he gets hit with a big boot to the face taking him down to the mat. Shelley uses the ropes to get up on his feet and Thorn chokes him using the ropes and his knee. The ref counts to five and on the count of four Thorn lets go. Shelley crawls on the mat while favoring his neck , coughing. Thorn then kicks Shelley to the gut and cuts out more air from Shelley. Thorn then grabs Shelley by the head kicks him to the gut once more and attempts to go for a shoulder jawbreaker but Shelley stops the attempt with elbows to the side of the head of Thorn. Shelley then runs to the ropes and ducks out of a possible clothesline from Thorn. He bounces off the ropes again and once again ducks from a possible back elbow. He then springboards to the ropes and tries to go for a reverse ddt but Thorn is just too strong and catches Shelley. He then hits him with a running powerslam. The ring shakes from the impact and Thorn goes for the pin. 1. .2. .Kickout!

Sabin saves his partner and kicks Thorn on the head breaking the count. Thorn stands up and exchanges words with Sabin who goes back to his corner. Thorn then places his attention to Shelley who hasn't fully recovered yet. Thorn grabs Shelley by the head and puts him in position for a vertical suplex but as he lifts Shelley up, Shelley shakes off and goes behind Thorn. Alex Shelley whips Kevin Thorn to the turnbuckle. Alex Shelley runs to Kevin Thorn and hits him with a Yakuza kick! Alex Shelley tags Chris Sabin and Chris runs to Thorn who uses the ropes to make his way up and back body drops Sabin to the floor. Thorn then slides to the outside and the ref starts to count. (..1..2) Thorn picks Sabin up and smashes his head to the apron. (..3) Kevin Thorn stomps Chris Sabin keeping him on the floor. . (....4) Kevin Thorn then whips Sabin to the steel steps and a huge thud echoes thorughout the arena. (.....5) Kevin Thorn takes Chris Sabin into the ring.

Kevin Thorn bounces Sabin off the ropes and clotheslines him. Kevin Thorn pins Chris Sabin against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. The ref counts and on the count of 4 he releases once again. Thorn then moves Sabin up to the turnbuckle and tries to go for Original Sin but Sabin pushes him away and as Thorn rushes back to Sabin he gets kicked to the face. Thorn favors his face as Sabin stands on the top turnbuckle. He measures Thorn and hits him with a missile dropkick! Thorn falls to the mat as Sabin crawls to his partner for the tag. Shelley rushes to the ring and he whips Thorn to the ropes. Both Shelley and Sabin double hip toss Thorn to the mat and hit him with double fists to the head. Thorn sits up and favors his face as Sabin and Shelley kick him on opposite sides of his body namely his chest and back.

Sabin goes back to his corner as Shelley runs to the ropes for a running leg drop but Gangrel hits him with a knee as he bounces off the ropes. Shelley favors his back and Thorn capitalizes with a quick running ddt. He nails Shelley's head to the mat as he tags in Gangrel. Gangrel goes in the ring and starts pummeling on Shelley's back as he tries to stand up. Gangrel kicks Shelley to the gut and goes for a trapping overhead suplex making Shelley fall to the mat from a high angle. Shelley favors his back as Gangrel continues his attack and goes behind Shelley. He tries to go for a back suplex but Shelley lands on his feet and dropkicks Gangrel from behind. Gangrel bounces off the ropes and Shelley hits him with a superkick. Shelley then goes to the turnbuckle for a moonsault but Thorn intervenes and hits Shelley from behind. Shelley sits on the turnbuckle with his back facing his opponent as Thorn puts him in position for a Cruxifix Powerbomb. Sabin rushes in to the ring and grabs his partners feet, Getting him out of the predicament. Thorn turns around and he sees Sabin. He tries to go for a clothesline but Sabin ducks out and back body drops Thorn to the outside. He then runs to the ropes and dives through the top and middle rope hitting Thorn. Thorn hits the barricade hard as Sabin lays on the floor trying to recover leaving Shelley and Gangrel in the ring. Gangrel makes his way up and kicks Shelley to the gut. He tries to go for a Impaler DDT but Shelley spins out of it. He has Gangrel in position for a Shellshock. He moves Gangrel forward and plants him face first to the mat with the Shellshock! He goes for the pin 1. . 2 . .3!! The ref calls for the bell as Sabin rolls in the ring to celebrate with his partner.

Chris Reynolds:The winners of this match, Motor City Machine Guns!!!

JJ: What a match to kick off the show and what a win by Detroit's own Motor City Machine Guns!

The fans in the hometown of the MCMG continues to cheer them on as they celebrate in the ring and the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras open backstage with Leticia Cline standing by with microphone at hand. She can be seen standing in front of a set and she gets the signal to begin.

Leticia Cline: Welcome back to DZW Friday Night Fury and here with me tonight are the number one contenders for the DZW Tag Team Championship, Tonights hometown heroes. The Motor City Machine Guns.

The MCMG enter the set still wearing their wrestling gear with sweat dripping all over them after having a see-saw match with The Brood.

Leticia Cline: Well guys, First off I'd like to congratulate you for wining tonights match against The Brood. How does it feel having another shot at the Tag Team titles?

Chris Sabin: Well Leticia, Thanks you for congratulating us and thanks to all our fans here in the great city of Detroit, Michigan!

[MARQUEE]Ma-chine Guns! Ma-chine Guns![/MARQUEE]

Alex Shelley: Thats right, Thanks to all our fans here on Detroit, and how does it feel to be number one contenders? Well Leticia let me tell you this, We weren't supposed to be number one contenders tonight. We should have already been the champions. If it wasn't for Senshi and Elix Skipper putting out a cheap shot by pulling my partner's tights to get leverage for the pin. We were screwed out of the Championships, and Triple X you better ready for some pay back cause The Motor City Machine Guns are going to get whats rightfully ours!

Chris Sabin: Our hometown win tonight is only the beginning of the MCMG's pathway to becoming DZW's rightful Tag Team Champions! and you can bank on it!

Suddenly from behind comes the DZW Tag Team Champions, Attacking the MCMG. Daniels sends Shelley to to the set and he falls to the concrete as Senshi kicks Sabin to the chest a couple of times followed by a vicious kick to the head. The MCMG lay defenseless on the concrete after using all their energy on their match earlier. Daniels then grabs a trash can and smashes it on the fallen Shelley. He then asks Senshi to pick up Sabin and he smashes the trash can on the top of Sabin's head. Team Triple X flees the scene as paramedics come to the set and tend on The Motor City Machine Guns and the fans can be heard booing as the camera fades to black for commercial.


Cameras come back from commercial as the debuting Sharkboy makes his way to the ring and the fans cheer him on.

Chris Reynolds: On his way to the ring weighing in at 180 pounds, from The Deep Blue Sea, Sharkboy!

Sharkboy slides in the ring and holds his hand vertically, fingers and thumb together and pointing up, and holds his hand to his forehead, symbolizing a shark fin. He continues to play to the fans as he awaits for his mystery opponent.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent. . .

Everything grows silent as everyone in the arena waits for Sharkboy's opponent. Suddenly a familiar tune hits the arena and Sharkboy's jaws drop. It was no doubt The Monster Abyss' theme song. Abyss comes out from behind the curtains wearing his usual black and red wrestling gear and red mask. He stops on the stage and taunts, Signaling pyros. Flames burst out from underneath the stage as he walks down the ramp.

Chris Reynolds: Weighing in at 350 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Abyss!


Shark Boy vs ????(Abyss)

Abyss slides into the ring and Sharkboy attempts to have an early advantage as he stomps on Abyss. The ref asks for the bell and the match has officially started. Sharkboy starts to pummel on Abyss and Abyss shows little effect as he slowly stands up and shoves Sharkboy to the mat. Sharkboy makes his way up to his feet and and tries to lock up with Abyss. Abyss once again tosses Sharkboy to the mat as Sharkboy looks at his opponent with frustration in his eyes, Not knowing how to bring down the big man. Sharkboy is up again. Sharkboy gets picked up and dropped with a standing vertical suplex. Sharkboy favors his back as Abyss picks up his opponent to his feet and hits Sharkboy with a headbutt. Abyss short clothslines Sharkboy. Sharkboy gets up. Abyss picks Sharkboy up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him to the mat. Sharkboy favors his chest after being dropped from 8 feet off the ground. Abyss goes for a pin. Referee John Rice counts. . 1 . .2. .Sharkboy gets an arm up!

DDP: Not a smart move by Sharkboy, He should have stayed down to stop the punishment his getting from Abyss.

Abyss stands up and attempts to grab Sharkboy by the head, Sharkboy hits Abyss with a headbutt to the mid-section. Sharkboy stands up and dropkicks Abyss to the face. Abyss tries to take Sharkboy off his feet with a short-arm clothesline but Sharkboy ducks away and hits Abyss with another dropkick. Sharkboy trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Abyss.Sharkboy trys for a vertical suplex but is not strong enough to lift Abyss. He gives up and Sharkboy goes behind Abyss and puts him in a reverse chin lock. Sharkboy is on Abyss' back and Abyss can be seen slowly fading. Abyss gets on his knees as the ref starts to count. .1 . .2 . .Abyss gets to hold up his arm and breaks the count! Abyss slowly stands up and goes back first to the turnbuckle to hit Sharkboy. Sharkboy lets go of Abyss and lays on the turnbuckle.

Abyss then runs to the opposite side of the ring and runs towards Sharkboy for a corner splash but is dodged by Sharkboy making the big man hit the turnbuckle with great impact. Sharkboy goes on the top turnbuckle and hits Abyss with a missile dropkick. Abyss falls to the mat and Sharkboy goes for a quick pin. 1 . .2. . kickout! Sharkboy gets frustrated and calls for the finish. He put Abyss in a 3 quarters face lock and thinks of going for a Dead Sea Drop but Abyss pushes him to the ropes and as Sharkboy bounces back he gets hit with a devastating Black Hole Slam! Abyss goes for the pin . .1 . .2. . 3!

Chris Reynolds: The winner of this match, Abyss!!!

Abyss is announced the winner but he gets up on his feet and strangely goes to ringside. He grabs something from underneath the ring and is revealed to be a chair wrapped in barbedwire. The fans look in shock as Abyss tosses it into the ring and stalks Sharkboy. The fans start to boo as the bell continues to ring trying to remind Abyss that the match was over. Abyss grabs Sharkboy by the head and puts him across his shoulders. Abyss then hits a Shock Treatment to Sharkboy who favors his back. Abyss then grabs the chair wrapped with barbedwire and starts to stalk Sharkboy from behind, Asking him to stand up. Sharkboy doesn't know whats happening behind him as the fans just look on suddenly they cheer. It was because from behind Abyss comes a man who had unfinished business with Abyss in another promotion. It was Detroit, Michigan's own . . Rhino! He pummels Abyss from behind having Abyss drop the chair and whips him to the ropes. Rhino hits him with a back body drop and Abyss falls to the mat. Rhino then goes to once corner of the ring and stalks Abyss. Abyss makes his way to his feet and as he turns around he gets hit with a gore!

Abyss falls to the mat favoring his chest as Rhino talks trash to his opponent. Rhino then grabs a microphone from a staff member and plays to the fans.

Rhino: Abyss! I'm not through with you! See the last time we were in a match together. We fell through a stack of tables and quite honestly I haven't been the same since. See Abyss I've been waiting for the day I will once again get the chance to kick . .you're . . .ass!

5 days ago I was sitting at my home here in Detroit, Michigan! and I got a phone call. It was from DZW management. Asking me to sign with DZW. You know what I said in reply? . . I said hell . .yeah! Thats why Abyss, You better be ready to have you're life turned into a living hell because I'm back bitch!

Rhino's theme hits as he drops the mic on Abyss' chest and he raises his arms to play to the audience as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial backstage outside the office of DZW Chairman Michael Taylor. Inside the office were the competitors for the gauntlet match where they were drawing their numbers. It was already down to three men, The door opens and it was John Morrison with a frown on his face. You could tell that he drew a high number. He kicks on the wall and walks away. After a few minutes was Bryan Danielson. He had a look of confidence walking out of the office and not far behind was Austin Aries. He was shaking his head with his hand on his waist. Danielson laughs at him and begins to address his possible opponent.

Bryan Danielson: Why the long face Aries? Ha, I always knew you had bad luck running with you. I mean come on. You couldn't even win the ROH Championship against Nigel McGuiness a few months back. What makes you think you have a chance at winning the DZW No Limits Championship? Especially now that I'm going to win it.

Austin Aries You haven't changed one bit have you? Well Bryan since you asked. One word. . Morishima

Danielson gets agitated by Aries after bringing up a name he has despised over the years. He gets in the face of Aries and they stare down at eachother.

Austin Aries: Like I said. . You haven't changed one bit. I'll be seeing you in the ring.

Aries stares down on Danielson a little longer before letting out a grin and he slowly walks away. Danielson is left furious as he sees a chair and tosses it across the hallway and the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial at ringside with Evans,Delirious,Danielson and Aries already surrounding the ring. This just clarifies that non of them drew numbers 1 and 2. Suddenly Morrison's music hits and John Morrison arrogantly comes out from behind the curtains. He poses and the camera does a slow motion effect.

Chris Reynolds: This match is a Gauntlet Match and it is for the DZW No Limits Championship! On the way to the ring, The man who drew number one. . Weighing in at 201 pounds, from Los Angeles, California, John Morrison!

He then walks down the ramp and goes up the apron once again posing before going into the ring to go to the turnbuckle and taunt the fans. He waits for the person who drew number two as he takes off his fur coat. Homicide's theme then hits and he walks out from behind the curtains with a bandanna around his face, Covering his mouth. He plays to the crowd as he walks down the ring.

Chris Reynolds: And the person who drew number two . . Weighing in at 220 pounds, from Die Brooklyn, New York, Homicide!



Gauntlet Match
Morrison vs Homicide vs Evans vs Delirious vs Aries vs Danielson
No Limits Championship


Homicide runs into the ring and quickly exchanges blows with Morrison. The ref calls for the bell and the match officially starts. Morrison gets an early advantage by hitting Homicide with a knee to the gut and he whips Homicide to the ropes. Homicide bounces off the ropes as Morrison sets up for a back body drop but Homicide reverses and hits Morrison with a sunset flip. The ref counts. .1 . .Kickout! Morrison gets out of the pin attempt quickly and locks up with Homicide. Morrison puts Homicide in a headlock and tightens the hold. Homicide shoves Morrison to the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Morrison ducks out of it and springboards hitting Homicide with a springboard spinning leg lariat. Homicide falls to the mat as Morrison makes his way to his feet and grabs Homicide by the head. He then body slams Homicide to the mat and does some theatrics before hitting him with a corkscrew leg drop. Morrison then goes for a pinfall. 1 . . 2 . . Homicide gets an arm up! Homicide breaks the count and Morrison gets frustrated knowing he has to end it quick because he still has four men to go through to be able to win. He then drags Homicide by an arm and a leg and sets him up across the ropes. Morrison goes to the apron and slingshots executing a slingshot elbow drop. Homicide favors his chest as Morrison once again goes for the pin. 1 . .2 . .Homicide gets a leg on the rope! Morrison gets further frustrated as he grabs Homicide by the head and whips him to the ropes. Homicide reverses letting Morrison bounce off the ropes. Homicide grabs Morrison as he bounces back and hits him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex causing Morrison to fall to the mat back first. Morrison favors his back as Homicide catches his breathe. Homicide then grabs Morrison and puts him in position for a vertical suplex. Homicide executes the move and does not let go, He goes for another vertical suplex and once again does not let go. Homicide goes for yet another vertical suplex and this time executing it with more power and finally releases his opponent.

JJ: The 3 amigos! Shades of the late great Eddy Guerrero.

The fans cheer Homicide on as he calls for the finish and kicks Morrison to the gut. He then sets up Morrison for a Gringo Killa and the fans are going nuts. Suddenly Morrison gets out of the predicament and school boys Homicide with a handful of his shorts. The ref does not see it and goes for the count. . 1 . .2 . .3!

Homicide has been eliminated via pinfall!

Homicide complains to the ref about what happened as Morrison has a smile on his face knowing he out smarted Homicide. Homicide attempts to go to Morrison staring a hole right through him as more referees and backstage staff come down to the ring and bring him to the backstage as Morrison taunts him by waving to him. Suddenly from behind comes Aries who slides into the ring after drawing the number 3 spot in the gauntlet and pummels Morrison from behind. He then whips Morrison to the ropes and hits him with a hiptoss followed by an armbar. Aries locks the hold in at the middle of the ring as Morrison screams in pain. Morrison finds it in him to get on his feet and gets out of the hold. The two meet in the middle of the ring and lock eachother up. Aries then goes for the arm again and locks him in for a wrist lock. Morrison reverses it with a wrist lock of his own. Aries rolls on the mat and gets out of the hold before hitting Morrison with a clothesline. Morrison falls to the mat and Aries grabs him by the head. He whips Morrison to the turnbuckle and tries to hit a running elbow but Morrison gets out of the way and as Aries bounces off the turnbuckle from the impact, He gets hit with an enziguri. Aries falls to the mat as Morrison tries to go for an early win. 1. . 2 . Kickout!

Aries kicks out and Morrison gets frustrated. Morrison grabs Aries by the head and goes for a vertical suplex. They fall to the mat with great force causing the ring to shake as Morrison feeds off the momentum he has managed to get. Morrison then stomps on Aries a couple of times before raking his boot on Aries' face. The ref warns Morrison but is ignored as Morrison drags Aries across the turnbuckle and sets up for a split-legged corkscrew moonsault that finds its mark. Morrison hooks the leg and the ref counts. 1 . .2 . . 2 1/2 . .Kickout!

Aries gets an arm up and Morrison pulls on his hair, Getting frustrated. He then signals for the kill and picks Aries up by the head and kicks him to the gut. He sets up for the Corkscrew neckbreaker but he gets distracted by Homicide who's walking down the ring and provokes Morrison to step out and face him. Morrison exchanges words with Homicide, Still with the side headlock on for the Corkscrew neckbreaker but suddenly Aries gets out of the hold and hits Morrison with a brainbuster! Morrison is out cold on the mat as Aries drags him across the turnbuckle. Aries goes to the top rope and goes for a 450 splash hitting his opponents abdomen area. He then goes for the pin. 1. .2. .3!

John Morrison is eliminated via pinfall!

Morrison gets eliminated after the pinfall and Homicide has a huge grin on his face, After getting redemption from Morrison's earlier dirty tactic. Homicide walks up the ramp as Morrison slowly gets to his feet. Morrison suddenly sees Homicide and is lit up with rage. Morrison runs up the ramp and exchanges blows with Homicide. They brawl up the ramp as staff members try and break them up. The camera goes back to the action in the ring where Jack Evans enters the ring being the next entrant and exchanges blows with Aries. Evans then goes for a kick to the midsection but Aries catches it. Evans tries to go for an enziguri but Aries ducks out of it as well having Evans in a wheelborrow position. Aries then lifts him up and attempts a german suplex but Evans reverses it into a bulldog. Aries falls to the mat face first and turns over as Evans goes for a standing phoenix splash before hooking the leg for the pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

Aries barely kicks out off the pin attempt as Evans gets surprised. Meanwhile on the ramp area the brawl between Homicide and Morrison seems to have been taken care of with Homicide separated far away from Morrison. Evans now grabs Aries by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle but Aries reverses it and whips Evans to the turnbuckles instead. Evans lays on the turnbuckle as Aries lifts him to the top turnbuckle. Aries then goes up the turnbuckle as well and looks like is setting up for an Avalanche Brainbuster. The fans are on their feet anticipating a high impact move but Evans throws rights to Aries' ribs and pushes him away. Aries gets stuck on a tree of woe and the fans know whats coming. Aries tries to get back up the turnbuckle but as he does Evans hits him with a double knee to the chest. The fans erupt with cheers as Aries falls to the mat and is pinned. 1 . .2 . .2 3/4 . .kickout!

Aries gets a foot on the rope and breaks the count. Evans like Morrison gets frustrated from Aries' constant kickouts. Evans then drags Aries across the turnbuckle. He goes up the turnbuckle and attempts his infamous 630 splash but is unsuccesful as Aries rolls out the last second. Evans falls back first to the mat and turns over with his hand on his back, Favoring it when suddenly Aries goes for the Horns of Aries which is a bridging arm triangle choke. Evans tries to find a way to get out of the hold but fails to do so and has no choice but to tap.

Jack Evans has been eliminated via submission!

Evans holds on his neck and tries to catch his breathe on the way out of the ring. Aries already drenched in sweat and breathing heavily after going through two opponents and has two more if he wants a win. Delirious then slides into the ring being the 2nd to the last entrant in the gauntlet and starts to chop Aries' chest. Delirious then whips Aries to the ropes and hits him with a headbutt to the chest. He then runs to the ropes and hits Aries with a running dropkick to the side of the head. Aries falls to the mat and Delirious goes for a quick pin knowing his opponent is already tired. 1. .2. .kickout! Aries gets an arm up as Delirious grabs Aries by the head and hits him with a snapmare. Aries now on a seated position gets hooked into a sleeper hold. Delirious grips harder as Aries slowly fades away. Delirious has the sleeper with Aries already laying on the mat and it looks like its over for Aries. The ref takes a closer look and tries to count Aries who looks out cold. 1 . . 2. . As the ref lifts Aries' arm for the 3rd count, Aries keeps it above his head. He then stomps on the mat and slowly rallies the fans to get on his side and cheer him on. Aries gets to his feet and starts to elbow Delirious to the abdomen. Aries then gets out of the hold and runs to the ropes to try and go for an offensive but Delirious out of nowhere locks him in yet another sleeper hold. Aries slowly goes behind Delirious and hits him with a huge back drop. The two lay on the mat catching their breathe and the ref slowly counts. On the count of 7 Delirious gets up using the ropes and not far behind is Aries who also used the ropes. They exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Aries then knees his opponent to the gut and whips him to the ropes. Delirious then slides in between Aries' legs and puts him in position for a Chemical Imbalance II. He lifts Aries up and hits it right in the middle of the ring! 1. .2. . Kickout!

Aries kicks out and Delirious shows signs of frustration. Outside at ringside is Danielson who also looks frustrated. He and Aries had an altercation earlier and Danielson looks like he does not want to step into the ring with Aries who has had a good night so far, Surpassing his opponents. Delirious grabs Aries by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle Delirious goes to the other side of the ring and runs towards Aries attempting a huge corner clothesline but Aries ducks out of it and as Delirious bounces back from the turnbuckle Aries turns him around and kicks him to the gut before hitting the huge brainbuster. Delirious is laid out on the mat as Aries drags him across the turnbuckle and goes up to go for the 450 splash. Suddenly from behind is Danielson who hits Aries with a steel chair! Aries falls to the mat as the referee asks for the bell.

JJ: Why the hell did Danielson just do that?!

Aries is laid out in the ring with his face flat on the mat as the referee tells Chris Reynolds that Delirious has been disqualified due to Danielson's interference. The fans start to boo as Delirious becomes irate. He did not want Danielson to interfere. The ref asks for Delirious to step out of the ring and Danielson has a huge smirk on his face.

Delirious has been eliminated via DQ!

Danielson slides into the ring and picks up the pieces by rolling the fallen Aries over and goes for the pin. 1 . .2 . . Kickout! Danielson's eyes grow large as he tries to go for the pin once more. 1 . .2 . .Kickout! Once again Aries gets an arm up and the fans start to cheer. Danielson gets frustrated and grabs Aries by the head. He goes behind Aries and hits him with a huge tiger suplex. He bridges and the ref goes for the count 1. .2 . Kickout! Aries kicks out of the pin and Danielson starts to get agitated even further. Danielson waits for Aries to stand up and as Aries makes it to his feet from behind is Danielson who locks in a Crossface Chickenwing. He is able to bring Aries down and locks it in with a leg scissors. Danielson is screaming for Aries to tap as Aries continues to find a way to get out. Danielson locks the hold in with more pressure each passing second and Aries finally gets out of the hold by reaching the ropes. Danielson does not let go of the hold till the count of 4 maximizing the damage.

Danielson starts to kick the back of the fallen Aries and grabs him by the head once again. Danielson hits Aries with a hard European Uppercut to the throat and sends his opponent down to the mat. He then picks Aries up and puts him above his shoulders and starts to execute the Airplane Spin. After a few spins Danielson drops Aries with a rolling fireman's carry. Danielson catches his breathe and starts to taunt the fans. Danielson then picks Aries up to the turnbuckle and slaps him across the face. The slap echoes throughout the arena and the fans do not appreciate the disrespect and so does Aries who tosses Danielson to the corner starts to throw forearms to the forehead of Danielson. He then whips Danielson to the turnbuckle and as he rushes to Danielson, Danielson runs towards him as well and tries to go for a clothesline. Aries ducks out of it and right in the middle of the ring hits Danielson with a Crucifix Bomb! The ref goes for the count as Aries has his opponent in the Crucifix pin 1 . .2 . .Kickout! Danielson somehow kicks out and the fans start to chant.

[MARQUEE]This Is Awesome!! *Clap Clap - Clap Clap Clap* This Is Awesome!! *Clap Clap[/marquee]

Aries catches his breathe and waits for his opponent to stand up, Danielson gets to his feet and the two exchange forearms. Its a stalemate and both men think of running to the ropes, They hit each other with clotheslines causing both competitors to fall to the mat. The ref counts and on the count of 8 both competitors use the ropes to help them up. Danielson rushes to Aries and Aries catches him with an armdrag, Danielson falls to the mat but immediately gets right back up and armdrags Aries. Aries falls to the mat and gets right back up as well and both men stand in the middle of the ring. They lock up and Danielson gets Aries into a side headlock and tightens his grip. Aries gets out of it and locks Danielson in a wristlock. Danielson gets out of it and locks in a wristlock of his own. Aries rolls on the mat and gets out of the hold, He sweeps the leg of Danielson with his right arm and goes for the pin 1. . Danielson quickly kicksout and puts Aries in a neck scissors. Danielson locks the hold in when Aries suddenly does a headstand and quickly gets out of the hold, Followed by a devastating dropkick to his opponent's face. Danielson falls to the mat holding his nose as Aries goes for the pin. 1. .2. .Kickout!

Danielson kicks out of the pin attempt and Aries starts to get frustrated himself. Aries drags Danielson across the turnbuckle and attempts a 450 splash but Danielson moves out of the way and Aries lays on the mat with his chest hitting the mat. Danielson takes advantage and locks Aries in a Cattle Mutilation. Aries screams in pain as Danielson has a look of intensity on his face and puts more pressure on the hold. Aries somehow puts a leg on the ropes and the ref asks for a break. Danielson lets go at the count of 4. Aries lays on the mat breathing heavily with sweat dripping all over him and Danielson makes his way up and catches his breathe. The match has gone longer than either Danielson and Aries expected and both competitors show signs of fatigue. Danielson helps Aries up and picks Aries up in position for a vertical suplex but Danielson nails Aries head first to the mat executing a brainbuster right in the middle of the ring, Adding insult to injury by using Aries' signature move. Aries lays on his back in the center of the ring as Danielson goes up to the turnbuckle. Danielson leaps and goes for a flying heabdutt but misses his target as Aries finds it in him to roll out of the way. Danielson falls face flat on the mat as Aries slowly gets up and kicks Danielson to the forehead before going for the Horns of Aries. Aries has him right in the middle of the ring but Danielson fails to tap. Aries applies more pressure to the hold but still is unsuccesful on making his opponent tap . Danielson shows how dedicated he is on winning the gold and handles the pain. Aries then rolls to a headlock position and hits Danielson with knees to the back of the head. Danielson looks dazed from the shots as Aries hits a couple more before going locking in the Horns of Aries once again. Danielson is hurt and has no choice but to finally tap out.

Chris Reynolds: You're winner and the first ever DZW No Limits Champion. . Austin . . Aries!

The closing bell rings and Danielson is being attended by the officials as Aries is handed the belt and celebrates with his newly won title. He kneels in the middle of the ring and hugs his belt like a new born child with the emotion radiating off him. The fans give him a round of applause, Admiring Aries' urge and passion to win the gauntlet after entering as number 3. The fans continues to cheer him on as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The scene opens backstage with Danielson being attended to after his amazing match with Aries on the finals of the gauntlet. He can be seen furious with the fact that he lost the opportunity to become DZW No Limits Champion and to make it worst he lost to Austin Aries. The cameras slowly close up to Danielson who's sweating all over and is holding an ice pack on his neck.

Danielson: Aries! You may have won tonight but let me tell you this, You're victory tonight its nothing but a fluke. I made a mistake and you just took advantage of it. You can cherish that belt hanging over you're shoulder tonight but I promise you, I'm going for that belt and I'm gonna get what I rightfully deserve. I'm gonna prove to you and everyone here at DZW that I AM The Best In The World. You may have my number tonight but don't get used to it Aries. . That No Limits title deserves to have prestige and with you owning it, Being the first to hold it. You took away its potential. That is why , The American Dragon is going to get that title and give the prestige it deserves. Aries bottomline . . I'm getting that belt . . one way . . or another!

Danielson tosses the ice pack to the ground and pieces of ice can be seen splattering from the concrete. The camera closes up to Danielson looks furiously at the camera, Sending a message to Austin Aries as the camera fades to black for a commercial break.


The cameras come back from commercial and the fans are getting impatient awaiting for the main event of the evening. Suddenly "Crush U Up" by Dale Oliver hits the building and the fans are on their feet thanks to the arrival of The Samoan Submission Machine.

Chris Reynolds:This match is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 280 pounds, from American Samoa, Samoa Joe!

Joe steps out from behind the curtains and walks down the ramp with a mean look on his face and a towel around his neck. He slides into the ring and plays to the crowd, Waiting for his opponents arrival.

Cor Von's theme hits the PA as he walks out from behind the curtains and stops on the stage. He looks around before walking down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, from Detroit, Michigan, Marcus Cor Von!!!


Samoa Joe vs Marcus Cor Von

Cor Von continues to walk down the ramp as Samoa Joe slides out the ring and starts his attack. Joe pummels on Cor Von and bounces his head onto the barricades. Joe continues his attack by lifting his opponent and sending him face first to the barricade. Cor Von favors his nose as the referee Fred Jones asks them to go to the ring to start the match officially. Joe does not listen and whips Cor Von hard to the steel steps. A huge thud echoes throughout the arena as Cor Von hits the steps and causes it to collapse out of place. Joe stares a hole right through Cor Von as he continues to approach his laying opponent. Joe then grabs a chair and sets it up next to the barricade. Cor Von stands up and his hit with a clothesline. Cor Von's head bounces off the thin matting at ringside as Joe grabs his opponent and has him sit on the chair he set up. Joe steps a few paces back and attempts an Ole kick on his opponent but Cor Von ducks out causing Joe to miss and hang on the barricade with his legs on opposite sides of the barricade. Cor Von then goes a few paces back himself and hits Joe with a huge Pounce! Both men fall to the crowd area and lay on the hard concrete as the fans looks on with amazement. The ref has no control over both men as the match has not officially started yet.

DDP: This match hasn't even started and already both men look like they came from a car crash.

Cor Von slowly gets up with the help of the barricade and starts to stomp on his opponent. He then picks Joe up which was not an easy task and brings him back to ringside. Cor Von goes to ringside as well and grabs Joe by the head. He then slams Joe's head on the ring post before sliding him to the ring. Cor Von then slides in himself and the ref finally calls for the opening bell. Cor Von immediately goes for a pin knowing his opponent was hurt. 1 . .2 . .Kickout!

Somehow Joe gets an arm up to the relief of the fans. Cor Von is surprised and whips his opponent to the ropes. Cor Von tries to go for a belly to belly suplex but is reverese by The Samoan Submission Machine who reverses it and hits Alpha Male with the belly-to-belly suplex. Samoa Joe chants start as both men lay on the mat breathing heavily.
Joe and Cor Von slowly get on their feet and as they reach a vertical position. Both men meet in the middle of the ring and exchanges righ hands. Cor Von throws a powerful forearm as Joe retaliates with a forearm of his own. He then goes for a stiff kick to the chest of Cor Von which stuns his opponent. Samoa Joe hits Alpha Male with the spinebuster slam. The Samoan Submission Machine is back on his feet. Alpha Male gets locked in the painful STF. Referee Fred Jones is checking for a tap out. ... The Samoan Submission Machine tightens the hold. ... ... Alpha Male is fighting the hold. The Samoan Submission Machine breaks the hold. Joe already showing signs of fatigue like his opponent takes a breather. He then grabs Cor Von by the head and attempts an offensive but Cor Von rakes him in the eye and kicks him to the gut. Cor Von then lifts his opponent in a fallaway position and brings him up into a powerbomb position before sending Joe down to the mat with great power. Cor Von is pumped up and starts to taunt the fans when suddenly from the fans is Raven who's wrapped up with bandages around his ribs after last weeks attack and a Singapore cane at hand. Raven slides into the ring with Cor Von not knowing it. Cor Von grabs Joe by the head and attempts to run to the ropes. Raven attempts to hit him with the Singapore Cane but Cor Von ducks out of it causing Raven to hit Samoa Joe. Raven tosses down the Singapore Cane and is disappointed that he missed his target. Joe gets laid out as the referees asks for the bell.

Chris Reynolds: You're winner by Disqualification . . Samoa Joe!

The fans start to cheer having Joe win the match as Cor Von is shocked. He then puts his attention to Raven and they start to brawl. Raven throws forearms to Cor Von and whips him to the corner followed by a corner clothesline and it is topped off with a running bulldog sending Cor Von face first to the mat. Raven taunts the fans doing his signature taunt before grabbing the Singapore cane again. He then measures Cor Von when suddenly from behind was a furious Joe who was holding the top of his head. He turns Raven around and starts to exchange words with him after getting hit with the Singapore Cane unprovoked. Joe suddenly lifts his hand and slaps Raven causing a crowd reaction. Raven favors his face for a while before starting to exchange blows with Joe. Joe gets the advantage and has Raven trapped on the corner. Joe continues to throw rights to Raven when from behind comes Cor Von who hits Joe from behind. Cor Von starts to pummel on Joe and sends him to the other side of the ring with an Irish whip. Cor Von runs for a corner shoulder block but misses after Joe gets out of the way. He then runs towards Raven and hits him with a huge Yakuza kick. Joe then goes towards Cor Von and starts to stomp on him. This goes on for a while when from behind is Raven once again and pummels on Joe. Raven starts to pin Joe on the corner as Cor Von gets to his feet and both men gang up on Joe. Raven chokes Joe on the corner with his boot as Cor Von hits him with right hands to the gut. Raven lets go and grabs his Singapore Cane, Signaling bad things for The Samoan Submission Machine.

((One Of A Kind!))

RVD's music hits the arena and the fans let out a huge pop as he runs down the ring wearing a RVD merchandise shirt and jean shorts. He slides in ducks from Raven's attempt to hit him with the Singapore Cane. RVD then hits him with a spinning wheel kick. Cor Von then tries to approach him but is hit with a couple of forearms before getting whipped to the ropes and gets hit with a monkey flip. Raven and Cor Von exit the ring as RVD provokes them to go back in. RVD stands in the middle of the ring as Joe tries to recover. Cor Von and Raven try to enter the ring from opposite corners of the ring and attack RVD when. . .


Just when things couldn't get better they do as The Nature Boy's theme hits the building and the fans start to cheer. The action in the ring stops as all four men place their attention to DZW's GM . .Ric Flair who's sporting a nice suit with a mic at hand.

DDP: The Man has finally entered the arena and just at the right moment.

Ric Flair:Woooo! There is nothing that feels better than being back here in front of all of you! Woooo! Now before you four start to tear each other apart, Let The Nature Boy! Woooo! Tell you how things are going to go around here. See Mr.Taylor has personally assigned me to take charge of how things are going to go with the DZW World Heavyweight Championship after Marcus Cor Von sabotaged last weeks main event.

The four men continue to look on as Cor Von can't help but to grin being proud of his sadistic attack last week.

Ric Flair: Well since all four of you want a shot at the title so bad then let me officially tell you right now. That on April 20. . At DZW's first Pay-Per-View. .DZW No Regret. All four of you are going to fight it out in a fatal four way match. . For the DZW World Heavyweight Championship! Woooooo!

JJ: What a match booked by the Nature Boy!

All four men look at each other knowing that all of them are going to face eachother on DZW's first Pay-Per-View for the one thing all four of them have in common and that is the obsession of having the biggest prize in the company and that is the DZW World Heavyweight Championship, Meanwhile The Nature Boy stands tall on the stage having his presence felt after his huge announcement as the fans cheer.

Thank you Natech! Thank you Natech! Thank you Natech! [/MARQUEE]

The four men around the ring start continue to look at each other as the chants persist and the camera fades to black.


Quick Results:
Brood vs MCMG
Sharkboy vs ?????(Abyss)
Morrison vs Homicide vs Evans vs Delirious vs Aries vs Danielson
Samoa Joe vs Marcus Cor Von​



Great Show will be review!!
BM: RVD RAVEN... Nice finish cant wait to see who wins..Alsd with The Cor Von Joe Promo will we be seeing a fatal four way?? Showsteeler for sure..

WM: none all good!! all great actually I enjoyed reading them! But if I ahd to pick one it was also the delerious and Gangrel one.. But because I dont really know who Delerious is so I have no clue what his character is.. Gangrels the same way I watched like 5 matches tops of Gangrel..
BP: I like the Joe, Cor Von one personally.. Wouldve been better to let them go at it lol
WP: Raven one was kinda short.. But I still liked it..
The opener I dont think I can choose because I mean its the opener to a new show.. If It wastn there it would be pretty retarted...
So Im going to go with none hear..
AC: Good show!! I really liked reading it.. Anyways rep me sometime lol I have 0 rep :(
Rating: 7.5 will review show 2

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Gauntlet Match, I also liked the Main Event

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I'll go for the Naitch one announcing the main event at No Regrets.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show once again, Looks like we have seen some developing fueds right now. I am looking forward to your next show and see how things hype up towards the PPV.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM:No-Limits title match, this was great and you really showcased some of the indy stars, the only problem i had with it was when delirious was dq'ed.
WM:N/A since all your matches were written great
BP: Really hard choice since they were all well written but if i had to choose i'd say flair at the end
WP: N/A as i said all were very well written
AC: That was one hell of a show, matches were a great length because they aren't to short and aren't to long that you get board of reading.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
BM - Joe/Cor Von, I really liked the match cause I'm a fan of both men, and I like the idea of them going head to head.

WM - Cant say there was one, honestly.

BP - I liked all, but the best I thought was Rhino for sure, sounded just like him I thought, ecept for the "Bitch" at the end, ol. But nevertheless, still good.

WP - Not a bad one.

AC - I cant wait for the PPV, will be really awesome, I like all four men, and it should be a great match. If written well, which I think you can do, I think it could be a Match of the Month candidate for the Monthly Awards.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Definately the gauntlet match. As the fans say. That was awesome

WM I dont think there where any

BP: hmmmmm. I think the Natech promo was the best

WP: None

AC: That was freaking awesome show. I loved it. I loved the gauntlet match and the ME. The tag match and th MCMG's promo is not to be overlooked.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity

Show Date: April,4.2008
Show Location:


Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana


Rhino vs Vampiro
Vampiro's first match on DZW was surely impressive. Will he gain another victory and gain more momentum come Friday? When he goes one on one against "The War Machine" Rhino who has made his return in the ring after saving Sharkboy from the hands of Abyss who he has unfinished business with.


Triple X vs Delirious and Sharkboy
After winning the DZW Tag Team Championships it seems that the DZW tag-team Champions are going to face the Motor City Machine Guns once again on No Regrets for the gold. Last week they have proven a point that they are not to be messed with after attacking the Motor City Machine Guns last week on their own hometown after a victory against The Brood. Will Triple X prove to us once again why they are the number one tag-team on DZW? or will the unusual pairing of Delirious and Sharkboy pull an upset and show us that they can ring alot to the table.


Number One Contendership
Bryan Danielson vs Homicide
Last week DZW had a gauntlet for the DZW No Limits Championship and Bryan Danielson came up short after entering the last, facing Austin Aries. Upset of his lost he has vowed to get the DZW No Limits Championship from Austin Aries. Homicide however might have another say after entering as one of the firsts in the gauntlet. Homicide has been given another chance and this time it only takes one pinfall to get a shot at the title.


RVD and Samoa Joe vs Marcus Cor Von and Raven
Before the show ended last week on DZW Friday Night Fury, DZW GM Ric Flair has finally informed everyone about the fatal four way between these four competitors for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship. Next week we are going to get a preview with all four men being in the ring in a tag match. RVD and Samoa Joe seem to have no problem with eachother as to Cor Von and Raven who seem to have friction with one another after the events of the past two weeks. Can they settle their differences and gain momentum for the main event on No Regrets or the team of RVD and Samoa Joe get the upperhand and be the top two contenders, 2 weeks coming into No Regrets?