DZW-Danger Zone Wrestling

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Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nice card I will be reading once again.

Sorry for the cheap plug but check out SWA Riots.

I hope I see the same from the next show.

Evil Austin

great card, i know you will deliver a great show so ill check it out, not sure if drop review i am busy as anything but i will read it i promise

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Good card, main event looks good, and Raven & Vampiro could possibly steal the show. Will review for sure when card is up.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
This is an interesting card esp. the tag match between Joe/RVD and Raven/Brown. I am checking it out. Check out HEW if you want to. :)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Looking forward to your next show, just read your last one because I was out. Dragon/Cide should be good, a rematch of Final Battle 2006. I'll check it out if I have the time.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
The cameras start rolling with a promo of last weeks closing events wherein a huge announcement was publicized by DZW's GM Ric Flair concerning the DZW World Heavyweight Championship and the main event on DZW's first Pay-Per-View, No Regrets.

The fans start to cheer having Joe win the match as Cor Von is shocked. He then puts his attention to Raven and they start to brawl. Raven throws forearms to Cor Von and whips him to the corner followed by a corner clothesline and it is topped off with a running bulldog sending Cor Von face first to the mat. Raven taunts the fans doing his signature taunt before grabbing the Singapore cane again. He then measures Cor Von when suddenly from behind was a furious Joe who was holding the top of his head. He turns Raven around and starts to exchange words with him after getting hit with the Singapore Cane unprovoked. Joe suddenly lifts his hand and slaps Raven causing a crowd reaction. Raven favors his face for a while before starting to exchange blows with Joe. Joe gets the advantage and has Raven trapped on the corner. Joe continues to throw rights to Raven when from behind comes Cor Von who hits Joe from behind. Cor Von starts to pummel on Joe and sends him to the other side of the ring with an Irish whip. Cor Von runs for a corner shoulder block but misses after Joe gets out of the way. He then runs towards Raven and hits him with a huge Yakuza kick. Joe then goes towards Cor Von and starts to stomp on him. This goes on for a while when from behind is Raven once again and pummels on Joe. Raven starts to pin Joe on the corner as Cor Von gets to his feet and both men gang up on Joe. Raven chokes Joe on the corner with his boot as Cor Von hits him with right hands to the gut. Raven lets go and grabs his Singapore Cane, Signaling bad things for The Samoan Submission Machine.

((One Of A Kind!))

RVD's music hits the arena and the fans let out a huge pop as he runs down the ring wearing a RVD merchandise shirt and jean shorts. He slides in ducks from Raven's attempt to hit him with the Singapore Cane. RVD then hits him with a spinning wheel kick. Cor Von then tries to approach him but is hit with a couple of forearms before getting whipped to the ropes and gets hit with a monkey flip. Raven and Cor Von exit the ring as RVD provokes them to go back in. RVD stands in the middle of the ring as Joe tries to recover. Cor Von and Raven try to enter the ring from opposite corners of the ring and attack RVD when. . .


Just when things couldn't get better they do as The Nature Boy's theme hits the building and the fans start to cheer. The action in the ring stops as all four men place their attention to DZW's GM . .Ric Flair who's sporting a nice suit with a mic at hand.

DDP: The Man has finally entered the arena and just at the right moment.

Ric Flair:Woooo! There is nothing that feels better than being back here in front of all of you! Woooo! Now before you four start to tear each other apart, Let The Nature Boy! Woooo! Tell you how things are going to go around here. See Mr.Taylor has personally assigned me to take charge of how things are going to go with the DZW World Heavyweight Championship after Marcus Cor Von sabotaged last weeks main event.

The four men continue to look on as Cor Von can't help but to grin being proud of his sadistic attack last week.

Ric Flair: Well since all four of you want a shot at the title so bad then let me officially tell you right now. That on April 20. . At DZW's first Pay-Per-View. .DZW No Regret. All four of you are going to fight it out in a fatal four way match. . For the DZW World Heavyweight Championship! Woooooo!

JJ: What a match booked by the Nature Boy!

All four men look at each other knowing that all of them are going to face eachother on DZW's first Pay-Per-View for the one thing all four of them have in common and that is the obsession of having the biggest prize in the company and that is the DZW World Heavyweight Championship, Meanwhile The Nature Boy stands tall on the stage having his presence felt after his huge announcement as the fans cheer.

Thank you Natech! Thank you Natech! Thank you Natech! [/MARQUEE]

The four men around the ring start continue to look at each other as the chants persist and the camera fades to black.

The scene cuts to an end and the intro for DZW Friday Night Fury starts to play.





The cameras open in the Conseco Fieldhouse at Indianapolis, Indiana wherein thousands of fans have sold out the arena and pyros start to come out from beneath the stage. The fans are pumped up and ready to see their favorite DZW wrestlers in action. The camera pans out to the fans one last time before it goes over to "JJ" Jeff Jackson and former wCw superstar Diamond Dallas Page on commentary.

JJ: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of DZW Friday Night Fury and what an end to an amazing night last week if I say so myself DDP.

DDP: Amazing is right JJ, The Natche brought the house down last week with his announcement and tonight we get a preview of No Regrets with all four men competing in the fatal four way pairing up in a tag-team match later with RVD and Samoa Joe taking on the team of Marcus Cor Von and Raven.

JJ: A main event you cannot miss. But lets not forget to congratulate last weeks winner of the No Limits Championship, Austin Aries. Who overcame 4 other men entering as number 3 in last weeks gauntlet.

DDP: Overcoming 4 other men is no easy task JJ, But not all of us are happy for Aries now are we?

JJ: Not at all DDP, Bryan Danielson gave a statement last week after losing to Aries, Saying and I quote . ."Aries bottomline . . I'm getting that belt . . one way . . or another! "

DDP: Those are only a few of the words The American Dragon has said and you could tell that he is serious about getting the No Limits Championship from Aries.

JJ: Well his gonna get his chance tonight in a Number One Contenders natch against Homicide.

DDP: Danielson better not underestimate his opponent, I've seen this kid fight and Homicide is one tough S.O.B. Especially after getting screwed by Morrison last week on the gauntlet match.

JJ: What about our next match? The return of Rhino to the squared circle. A man who is not afraid of anything and it seems that he has his eyes set on "The Monster' Abyss.

DDP: Well Rhino and Abyss go way back and it is only a matter of time before these two go at it, But before that Rhino has to face an obstacle by facing one of DZW's top stars. Vampiro.

JJ: Vampiro has proven that he is a tough competitor two weeks ago after getting a win against Delirious and Rhino better focus on his opponent tonight or Vampiro may walk out the winner.

DDP: Exactly, We also have to say that about our Tag Team Champions who has a non title match tonight against the team of Delirious and Sharkboy.

JJ: Triple X is known for their over confidence and for being opportunists. A solid example is last week when they attacked the Motor City Machine Guns in their own hometown.

DDP: Sheer sign of disrespect , What a way to get into the minds of the challengers.

The two commentators then get interrupted by Vampiro's theme which signals the arrival of the first competitor of the evening. The lights go dim and he comes out from behind the curtains.

Chris Reynolds: This is the opening match of the evening and is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds, from The darkest depths of Hell, Vampiro!

Vampiro slides into the ring and goes up the turnbuckles to taunt the fans as his entrance music slowly dies down. Rhino's theme then hits the PA and a huge pop can be heard coming from the fans. "The War Machine" comes out from behind the curtains with an intense look on his face. He raises his arms on the stage as pyros blast from underneathe the stage.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Detroit, Michigan, Rhino!


Rhino vs Vampiro

Rhino runs down to the ring and slides in. Upon his arrival inside the ring hew exchanges blows with Vampiro, The ref asks for the opening bell and the match is on their way. Rhino wins the exchane and runs to the ropes. He shoulder blocks Vampiro who falls to the mat back first. Rhino then runs to the ropes as Vampiro makes his way up and clotheslines Vampiro to the mat. He then grabs Vampiro by the head and Irish whips him to the ropes. Rhino catches Vampiro with a back body drop and the fans start to cheer "The War Machine" as he builds tremendous momentum. Vampiro favors his back as he uses the turnbuckle to stand up and as he gets to his feet, Rhino runs towards him and hits him with a huge corner splash. Vampiro gets knocked the air right out of him and collapses to the mat as Rhino plays to the fans. He then grabs Vampiro by the head and smashes his face to the turnbuckles. Vampiro favors his nose as Rhino continues his attack and whips Vampiro to the ropes once again. Rhino catches Vampiro with a huge powerslam and goes for the pin. 1 . .2 . .Kickout!

Vampiro gets an arm up and Rhino is surprised that his opponent had the strenght to kick out. Rhino picks up his opponent and Vampiro rakes Rhino's eyes. Rhino favors his eyes as Vampiro kicks him to the gut before whipping him to the ropes and hitting him with hiptoss, Rhino makes his way up and Vampiro pushes him to the corner. Vampiro then chokes Rhino with his boot on the corner and the ref counts to five. Vampiro breaks the choke on four and hits Rhino with a hard right hand to the side of the head before whipping him to the corner on the opposite side of the ring and hitting him with a corner clothesline. Rhino falls to the mat and tries to use the ropes to get up but Vampiro puts his knees on Rhino's neck and chokes Rhino by pressing his neck to the ropes with his knees. The ref once again counts to five and Vampiro breaks on four. The fans start to boo Vampiro's dirty tactics as he grabs Rhino by the head and whips him to the ropes before hitting a sidewalk slam. The ring shakes from the impact and Vampiro goes for the pin. 1. .2. .Kickout!

Rhino gets and arm up and Vampiro gets up hitting "The War Machine" with an elbowdrop to the chest. He then stomps on Rhino for a while and takes a breather. He then grabs Rhino by the head and drags him to the edge of the ring. Vampiro lays Rhino's head on the edge of the mat. Vampiro steps out of the ring to ringside and elbows Rhino to the neck causing Rhino to have a hard time breathing and favor his neck. Vampiro slides back into the ring and runs to the ropes before hitting Rhino with a leg drop to the neck. He then goes for pin as referee John Rice counts. 1. . 2. .kickout!

Rhino once again gets an arm up and Vampiro pulls on his hair showing signs of frustration. Vampiro stands up and stomps on Rhino. He then grabs Rhino by the head and kicks him to the gut before going for a swinging neckbreaker. Rhino favors his neck as Vampiro continues his attack and stomps away on Rhino. The momentum rolling fully with Vampiro as he grabs Rhino by the head and hits him with a belly-to-back suplex bringing Rhino down back first to the mat. Vampiro doesn't waste his time and grabs Rhino once again by his head and puts him up to his feet. Vampiro kicks Rhino to the gut and puts Rhino's head in between his legs. Vampiro lifts Rhino up in a powerbomb position and holds him up for a while before driving him down hard to the mat. Vampiro figures that it is over and goes for the pin. 1 . .2. .kickout!

Rhino manages to kick out off the pin attempt by Vampiro and Vampiro is showing signs of frustration. He then goes up to his feet and on to the turnbuckles. He climbs up the turnbuckle and as he reaches the top he gets hammered by Rhino who did it out of sheer instinct. Rhino starts to throw rights on Vampiros forehead causing Vampiro to sit on the top turnbuckle. Rhino then goes up the turnbuckle and puts Vampiro in poistion for a superplex. The fans are on the edge of their seats as Rhino and Vampiro stand on the top turnbuckle. Rhino brings up his opponent and they fall to the mat back first with full force. The two lay on their back, Breathing heavily in the middle of the ring after the high impact maneuver.

Both men lay motionless as the referee counts both men down. At the count of 7 both men use the help of the ropes and get on their feet. The meet in the middle of the ring and exchange blows. Vampiro hits Rhino with a knee to the gut and gains the advantage. He whips Rhino to the ropes and catches him for a belly-to-belly suplex but Rhino reverses it and executes a belly-to-belly suplex of his own. The fans start to cheer Rhino on as he starts to gain momentum. Vampiro favors his back as Rhino awaits for him to stand up. Vampiro gets to a vertical base and Rhino hits him with a clothesline. Vampiro stands right back up again and gets hit with another clothesline. Rhino is causing a frenzy. Rhino grabs Vampiro by his head and kicks him to the gut. He puts him in position for a seemingly vertical suplex. He raises Vampiro up for a few seconds and sends him down to the mat in a powerslam position executing a Suplex Powerslam made famous by Goldberg by the name of The Jackhammer. The fans are on their feet as Rhino sets Vampiro up by going to once corner of the ring and stalks his opponent. Rhino motions for Vampiro to go up and the fans are going crazy knowing that the end is near for Vampiro. Suddenly the lights turn red and Abyss' theme starts to play on the PA. Rhino turns to the stage and waits for the arrival of Abyss. He even provokes for Abyss to come down to the ring but after a few seconds it is apparent that Abyss wasn't showing up. Rhino along with the rest of the people in the arena are confused to whats happening. Unexpectedly Vampiro takes advantage and groggily puts Rhino in a school boy. The ref goes for the count 1. .2 . . 3!

Chris Reynolds: The winner of this match, Vampiro!

JJ: What the?!

DDP: Looks like Abyss is psyching out Rhino.

Vampiro rolls out of the ring and gets raises his arm in victory as he favors his back and has a grin on his face while Rhino is kneeling inside the ring. Shocked by his defeat as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens backstage where Rhino can be seen throwing a tantrum and frantically searching for Abyss. He is unsuccesful with his task and stops on his tracks breathing heavily and sweating bullets. He looks into the camera and begins to speak.

Rhino: Abyss! You wanna play games?! Well I got a game we can both enjoy! A game you know very well, A game you have played a couple of time already.It's called Barbedwire Massacre!

The fans let out a huge pop upon hearing one of the most hazardous matches made in professional wrestling. Rhino pauses for a while before continuing his challenge.

Rhino: Thats right, You and me at No Regrets in a Barbedwire Massacre match! Lets finish this once and for all! I'm giving you till next week to answer my challenge or I'm going to look for you myself and get the answer right out of you!

Rhino exits from the cameras range with an intense look on his face as the cameras fade to black for a quick commercial break.


The cameras come back from the break and opens at commentary with DDP and JJ.

JJ: A challenge has been issued by Rhino and what a match proposal. A Barbedwire Massacre.

DDP: A match not made for the human body, Theres a reason why I haven't competed in that kind of a match my entire career JJ. Theres a reason why there are only a handful of times that the Barbedwire Massacre match was sanctioned.Come No Regrets, If Abyss does accept the challenge you are all going to see why.

JJ: Well it looks like we have to wait for "The Monster" Abyss' answer by next week and see if this match is going to happen at No Regrets.

"Hybrid Stigmata" by Dimmu Borgir hits the arena and the unusual pairing of Delirious and Sharkboy come out from behind the curtains and play to the fans.

Chris Reynolds: The following match is a non-title match. On their way to the ring at this time, Delirious and Sharkboy!

They run around ringside exchanging high fives with the fans and enter the ring. Delirious sits in one corner as Sharkboy continues to play to the fans. Delirious' theme slowly fades and Triple X's theme starts to play. The tag-team champions walk out from behind the curtains with a not so warm welcome from the fans. They walk down the ramp with the look of arrogance coming from Skipper and intensity from Senshi.

Chris Reynolds: and their opponents. The DZW Tag-Team Champions . . . The team of Senshi and Elix Skipper. . Triple X!

Skipper and Senshi enter the ring and taunt the fans by crossing their arms making an X. Their music fades and the two teams go to their separate corners. Making last minute strategies.


Triple X vs Delirious and Sharkboy

The referee calls for the opening bell with Skipper and Delirious starting of the match for their teams. Delirious acts crazy after hearing the opening bell and slides to the outside causing a frenzy with the fans. Eventually he goes back in and meets Skipper in the middle of the ring where they lock up. Delirious goes behind Skipper and Skipper reverses it by applying an arm wrench to Delirious. Delirious rolls to the mat and gets out of the hold followed by an attempted clothesline but Skipper ducks out off it and runs to the ropes. He bounces of the ropes and hits Skipper with a lariat. Delirious' falls to the mat as Skipper gets right back to his feet. Skipper grabs Delirious by the head and picks him up for a backbreaker. Delirious favors his back as Skipper stands right back to his feet. Skipper runs to the ropes and hits Delirious with a knee drop to the face before attempting a quick pin. 1. . 2. .Kickout! Delirious kicks out off the pin attempt and Skipper grabs his opponent by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle. Skipper goes for a corner clothesline but is dodged by Delirious. Skipper bounces off the turnbuckles as Delirious runs to the ropes and hits him with a headbutt to the gut. Skipper favors his abdomen as Delirious applies an arm wrench to Skipper. Delirious goes to his corner and makes the tag still locking in the arm wrench. Sharboy goes up the turnbuckle and axe handles Skipper's arm. Elix Skipper favors his arm as Delirious goes to his corner and Sharkboy locks in an arm wrench of his own. He then attempts a clothesline but Skipper reverses it and hits Sharkboy with a Sambo suplex. Both men lay on the mat, Breathing heavily.

Elix Skipper gets up to his feet and waits for Sharkboy to get up. Sharkboy gets to a vertical base and Skipper hits him with kick to the gut before executing a well placed DDT. Skipper goes for the pin. 1. .2. .Kickout! Sharkboy kicks out off it to the relief of his partner. Skipper grabs Sharkboy by the head and smashes his face to turnbuckle and tags in Senshi. Skipper and Senshi stomp on Sharkboy on the corner and the ref counts to five for Skipper to go back to his corner. Skipper goes to his corner and Senshi rakes the eyes of Sharkboy whos laying on the bottom turnbuckle, with his boots. Senshi then grabs Sharkboy and whips him to the ropes before hitting him with a back body drop. Sharkboy gets to his feet favoring back and Senshi whips him to the ropes. Senshi goes to the opposite corner of the ring and cartwheel's to Sharkboy before hitting him with a High Angle Kick. Sharkboy collapses to the mat and Senshi goes for the pin. 1. .2. .Kickout!

Delirious breaks the pin attempt and exchanges words with Senshi before going back to his corner. Senshi grabs Sharboy by the head and snapmares him right in the middle of the ring followed by a stiff kick to the back. The kick echoes throughout the arena and Sharkboy favors his back. Senshi runs to the ropes and dropkicks Sharkboy who's in a seated postion to the face. Sharkboy favors his nose as Senshi tags in his partner and they grab Sharkboy and whip him to the ropes. They attempt a double clothesline but Sharkboy ducks out off it and bounces off the ropes hitting both of them with a double lariat. The fans let out a huge pop as Sharkboy crawls to his partner and makes the hot tag.

Delirious rushes in to the ring and clotheslines Skipper to the mat. He then goes to Senshi and clotheslines him as well. Delirious turns his attention back to Skipper and hits him with an atomic drop followed by a dropkick causing Skipper to fall to the mat. Senshi gets back to his feet using the ropes and Delirious clotheslines him to the outside. Delirious grabs Skipper by the head and whips him to the ropes. Skipper reverses causing Delirious to run to the ropes which he holds on to. Skipper runs towards Delirious and Delirious back body drops him to the outside with his partner. Delirious climbs up the turnbuckle and the fans are cheering him on as Delirious sentons off the top turnbuckle onto Triple X. All 3 men lay on ringside as Sharkboy goes into the ring and plays to the fans, Awaiting for Triple X to stand up. All 3 men stand up outside and Sharkboy goes for a Vaulting Body Press hitting all 3 men outside the ring. All 4 men lay outside and slowly get to their feet as the fans start to cheer.


Delirious gets up and slides Skipper into the ring before going for a pin. 1 . . 2 . . Kickout! Skipper gets an arm up and Delirious grabs Skipper by the head and vertical suplexes him to the mat. Skipper tries to make his way back to his feet as Delirious goes up the top turnbuckle, Suddenly a huge thud can be heard outside and it was Senshi whipping Sharkboy to the unforgiving steel steps. He then goes up to the apron and pummels on Delirious. Delirious sits on the ropes and Skipper capitalizes with top rope hurricanrana. Delirious lays on the mat and Skipper points up in the air signaling for the finish. Skipper goes to the top rope and so does Senshi on the opposite side. Senshi leaps up to the air and hits Delirious with a Ghetto Stomp! followed by a devastating leg drop by Skipper. Skipper goes for the pin. 1. .2. .3!

Chris Reynolds: The winners of this match, Triple X!

Triple X wins the match and they celebrate in the ring,Standing above the fallen Delirious. Sharkboy groggily slides into the ring to attend on his partner and Triple X sees this. Senshi kicks Sharkboy to the head and lays him out as Skipper picks him up in a bearhug position and Senshi springboards off the ropes and hits Sharkboy with a devastating springboard enziguri to the head. Sharkboy and Delirious lay motionless thanks to Triple X and Skipper grabs a microphone.

Skipper: Hey Machine Guns! We know you're watching! So you better have taken notes cause come No Regrets. . You will suffer the same faith as these punks!

As Skipper prepares to end his statement the MCMG's theme hits the PA and the fans start to cheer. The number one contenders comes from behind the curtains, Wearing casual clothes with Sabin having a mic at hand. They let the cheers die down before speaking.

Sabin: Last week! You assaulted us from behind on our hometown of Detroit,Michigan! and as far as were concerned we'd be more than happy to settle things right now!

Skipper: Tonight huh? Well since we're done warming up. Bring it!

Triple X prepares for the arrival of the Machine Guns who are marching down to the ring. Suddenly . .


The fans let out a huge pop as The GM of DZW steps out from behind the curtains with a mic at hand.

Ric Flair: Woah! Stop right there. See that right there is my ring. Thats why I'm not letting another brawl break out cause you four can't wait till Sunday. So since you can't wait till Sunday. Next week live on DZW Friday Night Fury! It'll be Triple X's Elix Skipper taking on The Motor City Machine Gun's Chris Sabin!

Both teams look satisfied and it looks like Skipper and Senshi already have plans for the match.

Ric Flair: Oh and before you get any ideas. Next week. . The partners are banned from ringside! Wooooo!

The Nature Boy's theme hits the PA as the MCMG look happy with the announcement and Triple X looks worried inside the ring after Ric Flair ruined their plans making the partner's banned from ringside. The Nature Boy goes to the back as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and opens backstage where Leticia Cline is in front of a set getting ready to conduct an interview. The camera shows her with a smile on her face and a mic at hand. She waits for her cue and begins to speak.

Leticia Cline: Welcome back to DZW Friday Night Fury and joining me here tonight is a man set for action in a matter of minutes. He is the Notorious 187, Homicide!

Homicide enters the set wearing his usual wrestling gear and a focused look on his face. Leticia Cline wastes no time and conducts the interview.

Leticia Cline: Thanks for giving us a little of you're time Homicide. Let me start off by asking how do you feel having a second chance at a shot at the No Limits title?

Homicide: First off Leticia, I am not even supposed to be in this match tonight! Last week , I should have been No Limits Champion if I wasn't screwed by John Morrison! Well John if you want a fight. You got it! See gringo, I don't respect you and I sure as hell don't fear you. So if you got what it takes to face The Notorious 187 then come step up to the plate esse and I'll drop you on you're head!

Leticia Cline: My next question would be, How do you feel minutes away before you're match against a fierce athlete, Bryan Danielson?

Homicide: How do I feel about facing Bryan Danielson? Thats a question not even needed to be asked, See Leticia me and that gringo Danielson have faced eachother mano-e-mano before and I came on top winning the ROH World Championship. So how do I feel? Well to simply put it, I'm confident entering a match against Danielson. See Mamacita, Danielson ain't gonna be a threat to the Notorious 187.

The cameras then close up to Homicide as he prepares to end his statement.

Homicide: Dragon! You better be ready for an ass kicking you will never forget esse! Because The Notorious 187 is about to go 5150 on you're ass! BRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAATTT!

Homicide gets out of the set and leaves Leticia behind as he prepares for his match that is coming up as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and "The Final Countdown" hits the building as "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson comes down the ring wearing a maroon robe and looks like is pumped up for his match.

Chris Reynolds:This match is for the number one contendership for the No Limits Championship!. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Aberdeen, Washington, Bryan Danielson!

Danielson slides into the ring and goes to one corner as he removes his robe and prepares for his opponent. "The Truth" by Beanie Siegel hits the arena and the fans are on their feet as Homicide walks from behind th curtains.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Die Brooklyn, New York, Homicide!

Homicide taps the hands of the fans as he walks down to the ring and rolls into the ring. He stares a hole through Danielson as he goe sup the turnbuckles and plays to the fans.


DZW No Limits Championship Number One Contendership
Bryan Danielson vs Homicide

Bryan Danielson tests out the ropes as the referee asks for the opening bell. The two meet up in the middle of the ring and tie up as Danielson immediately goes behind Homicide with an arm wrench. Homicide reverses with a wrist lock and Danielson rolls out of the hold and puts Homicide on his shoulders and goes for a fireman's carry. Homicide falls to the mat as Danielson gains confidence after out wrestling his opponent. Homicide makes his way to his feet and ties up with Danielson. Homicide then uses the knee and hits the gut of Danielson. He then whips Danielson to the turnbuckles and follows it up with a huge corner clothesline followed by another Irish whip to the corner. Bryan Danielson bounces off the turnbuckle due to the impact and Homicide rushes to him with a clothesline that causes The Dragon to fall tot he mat. Homicide then grabs Danielson by the head and hits him with a snap suplex. Danielson favors his back as Homicide goes for a quick pin. 1. .2. .Kickout! Danielson gets an arm up and Homicide grabs Danielson by the head. Homicide snapmares Danielson and dropkicks him to the back of the head. Danielson favors the back of his head as Homicide continues his offense. Homicide picks Danielson up hits him with a scoop slam. Danielson falls back first as Homicide runs to the ropes and attempts a back senton that does not find its mark after Danielson moves out of the way at the last minute. Homicide favors his back as he gets to his feet and he gets hit with a standing dropkick from Danielson.

Danielson is up and grabs Homicide by the head. He then goes for a double underhook suplex and immediately following it up with an armbar right in the middle of the ring. Homicide fights to get out of it but Danielson being a submission specialist locks the hold in with more pressure. Homicide starts to move to the ropes as the fans cheer him on. Homicide reaches the ropes and Danielson does not break the hold. The ref counts up to four and Danielson releases the hold. Homicide favors his arm as Danielson goes for the attack and kicks Homicide's hurt arm. He then grabs Homicide by the head and smashes it on the turnbuckle. Danielson then grabs Homicide's arm and wraps it around the ropes adding pressure executing an illegal hold. The ref counts to five as Danielson releases the hold on four avoiding a disqualification. He then turns Homicide around and lifts him up to the turnbuckle facing the fans. Danielson then moves up to the top turnbuckle as well and sets Homicide up for a belly-to-back suplex. Danielson wraps Homicide's hurt arm to his back as Danielson lifts him and hits an Avalanche Belly-to-Back suplex and the ring shakes from the huge impact as Homicide starts to favor his arm and the look of anguish can be seen coming from Homicide. Danielson takes a breather before going for the pin. 1. .2. . kickout!

Homicide somehow kicks out of the pin attempt and Danielson looks disappointed. Dragon goes up to his feet and brings Homicide to his feet. He then goes for a wrist lock and applies it at the center of the ring. The fans start to cheer Homicide on as The Notorious 187 attempts to get out of the hold. Danielson add more pressure to the hold as Homicide finds it in him to roll out of the hold and go for a clothesline that gets ducked out off by Danielson and he bounces off the ropes in the process. Homicide runs towards Danielson and Dragon attempts a clothesline of his own that gets ducked out of as well. Homicide turns Danielson around and kicks him to the gut before executing a nicely placed swinging neckbreaker that gets the fans going.

The two lay in the middle of the ring, Catching their breathe. The ref starts to count as the two competitors try to make it to their feet. The ref reaches eight as the both athletes get up to their feet and meet in the middle of the ring groggily exchanging blows to the head. Neither man gives up and both of them think of the same thing of running to the ropes. Homicide attempts a clothesline which Danielson dodges and as they bounce off another set of ropes Danielson hits Homicide with a running European elbow that sends Homicide falling to the mat. Danielson makes his way to his feet and awaits for his opponent. Homicide slowly makes his way to his feet and from behind is Danielson who hits him with a Regal Plex from behind. Danielson bridges for a pin and the ref counts 1. . 2 .. kickout!

Homicide kicks out and the fans cheer after thinking the match was over after the devastating offense of Bryan Danielson. Danielson gets agitated as Homicide uses the ropes to get to his feet and as he does Danielson rushes towards him for a clothesline. Homicide sees this and ducks out of the attempt and back body drops Danielson to ringside. Homicide takes a little breather as his opponent uses the barricades tog et to his feet and Homicide runs to the ropes and goes for a Topé con hilo through the top and middle ropes which finds its mark and causes both men to fall to the floor. The fans start to cheer Homicide on as he gets to his feet and grabs his opponent by the head. He attempts to Irish whip Danielson to the steel steps but Danielson reverses the Irish whip and causes Homicide to hit the steel steps. A huge thud echoes throughout the arena as Danielson slowly walks towards his fallen opponent and slides him into the ring. Homicide lays on his back in the ring as Danielson goes up the apron and on to the top turnbuckle. He then measures his opponent and goes for a Flying Headbutt that doesn't find its mark. Homicide rolls out of the way at the last minute and attempts to get to his feet using the ropes as Danielson lays on the mat face first.

Homicide and Danielson slowly make their way to their feet. Homicide whips Danielson to the ropes and gets reversed by Danielson who somehow reverses his opponent and whips him to the ropes in the process. Homicide bounces off the ropes and Danielson attempts a clothesline that Homicide ducks out off and as Danielson turns to face his opponent he gets nailed with an Ace Crusher! That causes Danielson to fall face first on to the mat. The fans are on their feet as Homicide signals for the kill. He measures Danielson and positions Danielson for a Gringo Killa but as Homicide holds Danielson up he sees someone come down the ramp. It was non other than the arrogant John Morrison who walks down to the ring causing Homicide to let go of Danielson. Homicide then exchanges words with Morrison. Morrison attempts to go in the ring and Homicide attempts a shot on Morrison who immediately fleas. Suddenly from behind Danielson hits Homicide with a devastating Tiger Suplex sending Homicide back first to the mat. Dragon bridges for the pin as the ref has no choice but to count. 1. .2. .3!

Chris Reynolds: The winner of this match, Bryan Danielson!

JJ: What the hell is Morrison doing there?!

DDP: Well Homicide should've been careful of what he wished for. He called out Morrison and here he is accepting the challenge.

Bryan Danielson wins the match with John Morrison once again screwing Homicide over. Danielson celebrates in the ring as Morrison has a huge smile on his face outside the ring. Homicide meanwhile lays on the mat almost unconscious after getting hit with a Tiger Suplex out of nowhere thanks to a little help from The Shaman of Sexy. Danielson makes his way to the back with his arms raised as Morrison just stares down Homicide from outside the ring as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens at the lockeroom area where RVD can be seen putting on his kneepads. Suddenly someone busts into the room which causes RVD to stand up in caution. It was apparent that it was his partner for the night, Samoa Joe who was wearing his wrestling gear and a Samoa Joe merchandise shirt. RVD and Joe look at each other and silence elopes the room.

Joe: Listen, I got no problems with you. In fact I respect you're abilities in the ring. Tonight we got a match against those two punks, Raven and Cor Von. 2 weeks thereafter we're going to No Regrets against eachother in a fatal fourway. So I just want to clear up with you that you stay out my business and I'll stay out of yours. Got it?

RVD: Woah Woah. . Joe you gotta relax dude. See we are going in a match at No Regrets against eachother but tonight were partners. So I say we got eachothers back for tonight and get the edge we want for No Regrets. Raven and Cor Von aren't in the same page as we are. You and I can take advantage of that. We take advantage and I promise you by the end of the night the winners will be announced as Samoa Joe and R-V-D!

Joe: You know what Rob? That sounds like a plan to me.

RVD and Samoa Joe exchange grins and proceeds to exit the lockeroom to prepare for their match as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and the fans are getting impatient as they await for the main event. The lights turn purple and Marcus Cor Von's theme hits the PA as the fans explode with boos. He comes out from behind the curtains and walks down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: The following match is a tag-team match, First from Detroit, Michigan. . Weighing in at 265 pounds. . . Marcus Cor Von!

The fans continues to boo as Cor Von enters the ring and goes up the turnbuckles to taunt them. He starts warming by bouncing off the ropes as the lights turn dim and Raven's theme plays on the PA. He walks out from behind the curtains wearing a black kilt and brown entrance coat with a Singapore at hand. He stops on the stage to do his signature cross pose before continuing to walk down the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and his partner. . From The Bowery. . Weighing in at 245 pounds. . . Raven!

Raven goes up the apron and on to the turnbuckle to do his cross pose once again before stepping down and entering the ring. He puts his Singapore cane in one corner as Cor Von gets on his face and they exchange words. The ref tries to stop them, Telling them that their partners but the heat between the two could just not be stopped.

JJ: Looks like the feud between these two just cannot be contained DDP.

DDP: Ya think?

((One Of A Kind!))

Rob Van Dam's theme suddenly hits the building and the fans let out a huge pop as he catches the attention of his two opponent who stop arguing. RVD then walks down the ramp.

Chris Reynolds: And their opponents. From Battle Creek, Michigan. . Weighing in at 235 pounds. . Rob. .Van . .Dam!

RVD simultaneously does his signature taunt as Chris Reynolds announces his name. He stops at ringside as he awaits for his partner. The fans start buzzing as everyone awaits the arrival of the "Samoan Submission Machine". Seconds after the titantron lights up and Samoa Joe's theme hits the arena. He comes out from behind the curtains with a towel around his shoulders.


RVD and Samoa Joe vs Marcus Cor Von and Raven

Chris Reynolds: and his partner. . Fro. . .

Before Chris Reynolds can even finish announcing the arrival of Samoa Joe, Both Raven and Cor Von rush to the outside and starts to exchange blows with their opponents. Raven hits Joe with huge right hands and rams Joe's head on the ring post. Meanwhile Cor Von Irish whips RVD to the barricades and RVD collapses to the floor, Favoring his back. Raven rolls Joe to the ring and he enters as well as Cor Von grabs RVD by the head and tosses him in the ring. Cor Von sends RVD in one corner and so does Raven sending Joe to the corner. The two Irish whip their opponent attempting to bump both men together but their plan backfires as RVD and Joe reverses sending Cor Von to Raven. The two bump heads and get dazed as RVD hits Cor Von with a spinning heel kick sending him to the mat and rolling to the floor. Joe on the other hand grabs Raven by the head and smashes him head first to the turnbuckle. RVD gets sent to the corner as the ref takes control of the match and asks for the opening bell. Joe Irish whips Raven to the opposite corner and hits him with a running corner clothesline. Joe walks across a few paces from Raven and hits Raven with a Pele kick. Raven falls to the bottom turnbuckle as Joe continues his attack by raking his boot to Raven's face. He does it a couple of times before running to the ropes and hitting Raven with a low Yakuza kick to the face that hits Raven with huge impact. Raven is knocked out of his senses as Joe drags him to the middle of the ring and goes for a pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

Raven gets an arm up to the surprise of Samoa Joe and RVD. Joe grabs the groggy Raven by the head and goes to his corner to tag in RVD. Joe goes for a side Russian legsweep at the same time as RVD hits the flying heel kick on to Raven and the fans cheer the functioning team of RVD and Samoa Joe on. Joe goes to his corner as RVD grabs Raven by the head and hits him with forearms. He then picks him up and scoop slams Raven right on the center of the ring followed by a standing moonsault. RVD plunges on to his opponents abdomen and goes for the pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

Cor Von kicks RVD from behind and breaks the count. RVD gets to his feet and exchanges words with Cor Von who's being backed up to his corner. RVD turns around and gets nailed with a strong clothesline from Raven which knocks both of them down. It could have very well been out of desperation. Both men lay in the middle of the ring and the ref counts them down. At the count of 7 both men slowly get to their feet and Raven goes for a tag. RVD inches away from Joe looks for a tag but Cor Von enters the ring swiftly axe handle smashes RVD from behind breaking the tag attempt. The fans start to boo as Cor Von grabs RVD by the head and Irish whips him to the ring following it up with a shoulder block sending RVD to the mat back first. He then runs to the ropes and goes for a running elbow drop that finds it mark. Cor Von grabs his opponent by the head and puts RVD on his shoulders. He goes to one corner of the ring with RVD on his shoulders and hits a running powerslam right to the center of the ring. RVD favors his stomach as Cor Von goes for the pin. 1. .2. . Kickout!

RVD gets an arm up and Cor Von gets to his feet to tag in Raven. He puts RVD to the corner and both he and Cor Von kick RVD to the abdomen area. RVD gets seated on the bottom turnbuckle due to the blows and Cor Von goes to his corner as Raven goes down to choke his opponent. The ref counts to five and Raven breaks the choke on 4 causing RVD to gasp for breathe. Raven gets warned by the ref and he shows no sign of fear to the authority as Raven grabs RVD by the head and whips him to the ropes followed by a knee drop. RVD drops face first to the mat and tries to get back up. Raven runs to the ropes and hits him with an elbowdrop to the back. Raven turns RVD over and goes for a pin. 1. . 2 . .Kickout!

RVD once again gets an arm up and Raven grows frustrated. Raven Irish whips RVD to the turnbuckle and goes for a running corner clothesline that misses due to RVD dodging away from it. Raven bounces off the turnbuckle due to the impact and RVD goes for a superkick causing both men to fall to the mat. Raven is out cold as RVD crawls to his partner. Raven regains composure and uses the ropes to get up. RVD inches away from his partner leaps and tags in Samoa Joe with a hot tag. Joe rushes into the ring and Raven charges towards him. Joe gets him with a clothesline and sends Raven down to the mat. Cor Von goes in to help his partner and Joe picks him up to hit him with a scoop slam. Cor Von falls to the mat back and Joe goes towards Raven and hit shim with a Samoan drop. Raven gets the wind knocked out of him and he crawls to the outside. Joe follows him as RVD goes to the top turnbuckle and hits Cor Von with a kick from the top rope.

Cor Von falls to the mat and the momentum has shifted fully to the team of RVD and Joe. Cor von rolls to the outside as a thud can be heard from the outside as Raven Russian legsweeps Joe to the barricades. The ref puts his attention to the outside to check out on Cor Von and see if he can go to his corner as Raven gets his Singapore cane and measure RVD who also has his attention to Cor Von. RVD turns around and ducks the Singapore Cane shot. He then kicks Raven to the gut and grabs the Singapore Cane. The fans are on their feet as RVD measures Raven. Raven ducks out of the way and causes RVD to miss his target but instead hits his partner who has just entered the ring to help him. Joe is knocked out cold from the Singapore Cane shot and the ref does not realize it. RVD checks out his partner in shock as Raven turns him around and kicks him to the gut before hitting a devastating Evenflow DDT. RVD is knocked down on the floor and Raven pins his opponent. The ref puts his attention back to the action in the ring and sees the pin attempt. He goes down for the count 1. . 2 . .3!

Chris Reynolds: You're winners . .The team of Marcus Cor Von and Raven!

Raven groggily gets his arms raised in the ring as he stands tall with the rest of his opponents lay in the ring and his partner for the night is outside trying to get up. Raven's music plays on the PA as he goes to the corner to catch his breathe and the fans continue to boo him.

JJ: What a sudden turn of events , How can the alliance of RVD and Samoa Joe stand after tonight? Having RVD hit Joe flat on the head with a Singapore Cane and causing them the match.

DDP: Looks like the plot thickens for No Regrets and we shall see how all this develops next week! Right here on DZW Friday Night Fury.

Raven looks at the destruction his has caused in the ring and simply grins knowing he has got to the heads of RVD and Joe, Breaking their alliance after the events that have happened. Raven continues to have the sadistic look on his face as the camera fades to black.


Quick Results:
Vampiro vs Rhino
Delirious and Sharkboy vs Triple X
Homicide vs Danielson
Raven and Cor Von vs RVD and Samoa Joe​

The Mac

Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
B/M: Bryan Danielson vs Homicide - John Morrison is the greatest, hope he beats up Homicide again

WM: n/a All were good

BP: The opener with Flair announcing that match that will go down in Btb history!


AF: Just keep up the good work, and think about were you place the commercials.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Joe vs 'Cide, I really liked how you put over what happened last week, and a feud with Morrison should be really good. I laughed when Danielson was billed as 225 pounds, he's probably 50 pounds less.

WM - None, all matches were amazing.

BP - Homicide's was very well written with all of his phrases in. If only if I could hear it and his messed up English

WP - Joe and RVD. Joe didn't sound like a badass, it came off to me as corny.

AC - Another great show with all the matches and promos. No Regrets is shaping up to be a pretty good PPV. The matches were great, and the promos were pretty solid, short and sweet. I'm looking forward to what's on the next show.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main event, but i also really liked the Danielson/Homocide match
WM: N/A all were good
BP: It joint for me with Homocide/Letica and RVD/Samoa Joe
WP: Flair announcing Sabin v Skipper. But still for what it was suppose to do it was good.
AC: Great show, Your writing style is excellent and it's hard to get bored of reading your shows. Your PPV is really shaping up and the shows are helping build it up brilliantly.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The main event was awesome, with the Number One Contendership coming in close second along with the Triple X tag match

WM: None

BP: I liked for some reason the interview of Homicide.

WP: None

AC: Good show, a lot of messages being sent toward No Regrets, and I like that kind of shows. Great work

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event tag and the Homicide/Danielson match.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Homicide Interview

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show and all feuds have been hyped towards the PPV. Flair is a great owner, lol... No Regrets is going to be a huge PPV.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity

Show Date: April,11.2008
Show Location:


Wachovia Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Kevin Thorn vs Rhino
Rhino is set out on regaining a win after his loss to Vampiro last week thanks to a little help from Abyss. Rhino has given Abyss a week to accept his challenge to a Barbewire Massacre Match on No Regrets. Will Rhino be focused for his match unlike last week or will Abyss continue to get into the mind of Rhino before answering his challenge?


Partners Banned From Ringside
Chris Sabin vs Elix Skipper

Two weeks ago the Motor City Machine Guns won the number on contendership for the titles from The Brood and got attacked by Triple X during their interview in their own hometown of Detroit, Michigan. Since then the Machine Guns wanted revenge before No Regrets and this coming Friday they might just get the edge they want especially now that its an even playing field with the partners banned from ringside.


John Morrison and Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries and Homicide
All four men have competed in the Gauntlet match two weeks ago for the No Limits Championship and there is no doubt that they made friends and enemies during the match. Morrison and Homicide were the first ones to enter the match and Morrison screwed Homicide over by pulling his tights. Homicide returned the favor thereafter causing Morrison to lose the gauntlet to Aries. Since then Homicide and Morrison wouldn't get out of eachothers hairs. Just like last week when Morrison caused Homicide the number one contendership for the No Limits Championship. Danielson meanwhile has had his eyes sets on Aries' gold since losing to him two weeks ago. All the emotion and hate will be shown this Friday on DZW and we shall see who gets the momentum coming into No Regrets.


Samoa Joe vs Rob Van Dam
These two men once had a mutual respect for eachother even after the announcement of them being in a fatal fourway against eachother together with Raven and Cor Von, But last week everything changed after RVD accidentally hit Joe with the Singapore Cane he took from Raven causing them the match. Joe wants revenge on something RVD didn't purposely do and that may just be Raven's gameplan. Will these two tear eachother apart before No Regrets giving their opponents the advantage or will they go on with the match and save some energy for the big one on No Regrets? Something we'll have to see this Friday on DZW.

Evil Austin

great show coming up, can't wait. ill be reading -

I think

Thorn will win
Elix Skipper will win
John Morrison and Brian Danielson will win
And Samoa Joe will win,

Great card, should be interesting to see what happens.