DZW-Danger Zone Wrestling

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Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
DZW starts to air and it opens with a short promo of last week's closing events.

Cor Von falls to the mat and the momentum has shifted fully to the team of RVD and Joe. Cor von rolls to the outside as a thud can be heard from the outside as Raven Russian legsweeps Joe to the barricades. The ref puts his attention to the outside to check out on Cor Von and see if he can go to his corner as Raven gets his Singapore cane and measures RVD who also has his attention to Cor Von. RVD turns around and ducks the Singapore Cane shot. He then kicks Raven to the gut and grabs the Singapore Cane. The fans are on their feet as RVD measures Raven. Raven ducks out of the way and causes RVD to miss his target but instead hits his partner who has just entered the ring to help him. Joe is knocked out cold from the Singapore Cane shot and the ref does not realize it. RVD checks out his partner in shock as Raven turns him around and kicks him to the gut before hitting a devastating Evenflow DDT. RVD is knocked down on the floor and Raven pins his opponent. The ref puts his attention back to the action in the ring and sees the pin attempt. He goes down for the count 1. . 2 . .3!

Chris Reynolds: You're winners . .The team of Marcus Cor Von and Raven!

Raven groggily gets his arms raised in the ring as he stands tall with the rest of his opponents lay in the ring and his partner for the night is outside trying to get up. Raven's music plays on the PA as he goes to the corner to catch his breathe and the fans continue to boo him.

JJ: What a sudden turn of events , How can the alliance of RVD and Samoa Joe stand after tonight? Having RVD hit Joe flat on the head with a Singapore Cane and causing them the match.

DDP: Looks like the plot thickens for No Regrets and we shall see how all this develops next week! Right here on DZW Friday Night Fury.

Raven looks at the destruction his has caused in the ring and simply grins knowing he has got to the heads of RVD and Joe, Breaking their alliance after the events that have happened. Raven continues to have the sadistic look on his face as the camera fades to black.

The promo closes and the DZW into starts to play.





The cameras open in the Wachovia Spectrum at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and pyros start to come out from the ring posts followed by a huge blast from the pyros that were set up from inside the ring. The fans let out a huge pop as they start to get off their seats cheering and getting pumped up to see some fast paced action. The cameras pan out to the audience who continue to cheer. The camera eventually goes to ringside with "JJ" Jeff Jackson and "The Master of The Diamond Cutter" Diamond Dallas Page on commentary.

JJ: Welcome folks for yet another edition of DZW Friday Night Fury! and we are just days away till our first Pay-Per-View No Regrets.

DDP: Thats right JJ, and what a Pay-Per-View it is shaping up to be.

JJ: What a Pay-Per-View its shaping up to be indeed, But we have to set our attention to tonight's event first cause tonight we got an amazing line-up that will no doubt excite all of you. First we got Rhino who had his fair share of bad luck last week thanks to Abyss' mind games. Rhino was setting up for the Gore when he was distracted by what we thought was Abyss' arrival which turned out to be false and Vampiro capitalized having Rhino lose his first match coming into DZW.

DDP: Losing you're first match is a big thing to lose JJ, See the first match is what defines you in front of these people. It's the match that makes the people have first impressions about you and after what happened last week. Looks like Rhino gave them a bad impression.

JJ; Now the question stands. Can Rhino redeem himself tonight and beat his opponent Kevin Thorn. A man who has been a threat to the company since day one. Also we got Abyss' answer towards Rhino's challenge towards him for a match on No Regrets.

DDP: and it is no ordinary match JJ. It's the Barbedwire Massacre match which just spells out trouble for both men entering the match.

JJ: Thats right DDP and from there we move on to Triple X and the Motor City Machine Gun's because tonight one member from each team is going to face off inside that very ring in singles action but heres the catch. Their partners are banned from ringside and you know Triple X has to be worried about that.

DDP: Worried? Well thats not a nice way to describe our Tag Team Champions. Now is it JJ?

JJ: Ohh, Give me a break. Triple X haven't won a match without cheating and losing one member from you're side is a big thing cause you know how their minds think when their together.

DDP: Well whatever JJ. Cause tonight we get a little preview of what were going to see on No Regrets because on Sunday these two, Together with their teamates will face off in a tag- team match for the DZW Tag-Team Championship.

JJ: Speaking of championships, The No Limits Championship has caused a little bit of a ruckus between some of our talent over the weeks after the huge gauntlet match we had two weeks ago.

DDP: Two weeks ago we crowned our first ever DZW No Limits Champion, Austin Aries who entered the gauntlet at number three.

JJ: and we can say that not everybody was happy for him that day.

DDP: Not at all. Bryan Danielson who was the last to enter put in a hell of a fight but in the end failed to do what he said he'd do and that was win the DZW No Limits Championship.

JJ: and at the other side of the story we got Homicide and John Morrison who have been at an all out war lately due to Morrison's actions during the gauntlet match. Well knowing the man Homicide is, He didn't find Morrison's actions acceptable and did something about it by causing Morrison the championship during the gauntlet match.

DDP: It's like a see-saw for these guys cause last week Morrison returned the favor by causing Homicide a shot at the championship after distracting him and helping the vengeful Danielson to take the win.

JJ: Well all four men are going to be seeing eachother later in the ring cause tonight we have them paired up and will be teaming up in a tag-team match later on the show with the team of our Number One Contender Bryan Danielson and John Morrison taking on the team of Homicide and our DZW No Limits Champion Austin Aries.

DDP: Speaking of champions. We have yet to crown a World Heavyweight Champion due to various controversies and tonight we see one get taken care the old fashioned way with Samoa Joe taking on RVD.

JJ: What entered as allies came out as bitter enemies due to a little misunderstanding during their tag-team match last week with a little help from Raven.

DDP: RVD accidentally hit Samoa Joe square on the head with a Singapore Cane which was brought into play by Raven while the ref was distracted and cause the match for the team of Joe and RVD.

JJ: Tonight we will have a word with both men and how they feel about last weeks turn of events and we shall see them but heads tonight. By Samoa Joe's request in singles action.

DDP: I've known Raven for years and I know this is what he planned inside that sadistic head of his.

JJ: Well you know what? I hope is sitting happy on his chair right now cause he just ruined a great friendship between RVD and Samoa Joe.

The commentators suddenly get cut off as the sound of the Brood's theme plays throughout the arena.

DDP: Well I guess its enough of that and now lets get into the action!

The stage produces a ring of flames and from under the stage comes Kevin Thorn with Gangrel being lifted up to the stage. He steps over the ring of fire and slowly walks down the ring.

Chris Reynolds: This match is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Parts Unknown accompanied by Gangrel, Kevin Thorn!

Thorn slides into the ring as Gangrel taunts the crowd at ringside. Thorn goes to one corner of the ring and gives the stage a cold stare as he awaits for his opponent. Rhyno's theme hits the building and he comes out from behind the curtains with an intense look on his face. He raises his arms on the stage as pyros blast from underneath the stage.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Detroit, Michigan, Rhino!

Rhino then runs down to the ring and slides in as he stares a hole through his opponent before climbing up the turnbuckle and playing to the fans.


Kevin Thorn vs Rhino

The ref asks for the opening bell and both men start to circle the ring, Jocking in position and the two men lock up. Both men looking equally strong continue to out do each other. Rhino then gets the upper hand and locks Thorn in a headlock. Rhino tightens the hold as Thorn pushes him to the ropes and Rhino bounces off the ropes before hitting Thorn with a shoulder block that sends Thorn down to the mat. Rhino grabs his opponent by the hair and smashes his face on the turnbuckle. Rhino then follows up with forearms to the face before Irish whipping him to the opposite corner and goes for a corner splash that gets dodged by Thorn and Rhino slams on to the corner followed by a big boot to the face from Kevin Thorn. Rhino falls to the mat favoring his face and Thorn just continues the assault with a blank look on his face. Thorn grabs Rhino by the head and hits him with a right hand to the face before whipping Rhino to the ropes and catching him for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Thorn can be seen breathing heavily after exerting extra effort to lift his opponent and slamming him to the mat. Thorn does not hesitate and goes for a quick pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

Rhino gets an arm up and breaks the count causing Thorn to get more aggressive. Thorn gets back to his feet and helps Rhino to his feet before whipping him to the turnbuckle and hitting him with a shoulder block to the stomach. Rhino gets the wind knocked out off him as Thorn continues the barrage of shoulder blocks to the abdomen. Thorn stops and brings his opponent to the center of the ring before carrying him in a fall away slam position but Thorn turns it into a backbreaker. Rhino screams in pain as he favors the right side of his abdomen with his left arm on the mat. Thorn then runs to the ropes and hits Rhino with an elbow drop to the damaged abdomen of Rhino. Thorn stands up with a blank look on his face and grabs his opponent by the hair and sends Rhino on the turnbuckle. Thorn then goes up to the middle turnbuckle and pummels on the forehead of Rhino. After a couple of shots Rhino uses every ounce of strenght left in the tank and spinebusters Thorn right to the mat.

Both men lay on the taking deep breathes as Gangrel urges Thorn to get up from the outside. The ref counts both men down and at the count of 7 both Rhino and Thorn are up with the help of the ropes. Thorn and Rhino exchange blows and Thorn uses a knee to the gut to get the advantage. He whips Rhino to the ropes and hits Rhino with a knee to the gut as Rhino bounced back from the ropes. Rhino falls to the mat favoring his abdomen as Thorn stomps on him before grabbing him by the hair and putting him on his shoulder. Thorn runs to the turnbuckle with Rhino on his shoulder and sends him face first to the turnbuckle with the Snake Eyes. Thorn then runs to the ropes for a lariat that Rhino ducks out off. Thorn turns around and he gets hit with forearm. Thorn falls back due to the force of the punch and Rhino hits him with a clothesline. Thorn falls to the mat and Rhino grabs him by the head. Rhino then whips Thorn to the ropes and catches Thorn for a belly-to-belly suplex.

Thorn lays on the mat as Gangrel looks on with a disappointed look on his face at ringside. Thorn uses the ropes to get up and Rhino goes for the offensive. Thorn sees this and low bridges Rhino to crash to the outside. Thorn tries to get to his feet using the ropes as Gangrel suspiciously gets closer to Rhino. Thorn then grabs the referees shirt and distracts him as Gangrel waits for Rhino to get to his feet and hits him with a hard clothesline. Rhino falls to the floor and the fans start to boo. Gangrel grabs Rhino by the head and slides him into the ring before Thorn lets go of the ref. Thorn slowly walks towards Rhino and stomps on him. Rhino tries to get up and Thorn kicks him to the back of the head to the disapproval of the fans.

Thorn grabs Rhino by the hair and scoop slams him to the mat. Thorn then runs to the ropes and hits Rhino to with a leg drop. Thorn then sits Rhino up and starts to pummel on Rhino's chest. Rhino gets all the air knocked out off him as Thorn stops and puts Rhino in a sleeper hold. Thorn puts all his weight on Rhino as he sends him down to the mat while applying the sleeper. Rhino slowly fades as Thorn puts more pressure to the hold making it impossible for Rhino to get out of hold. Thorn continues to apply pressure as the fans start to cheer for Rhino to get back to his feet. Rhino slowly gets to his feet and elbows Thorn to the gut causing Thorn to slowly let go of the hold. Rhino goes for a strong elbow causing Thorn to finally let go and Rhino runs to the ropes as he approaches Thorn, Rhino's built momentum fades as Thorn hits him with a strong powerslam to the middle of the ring. The ring shakes from the impact and Thron goes for a pin. 1. .2. .Kickout!

Rhino somehow gets an arm up, Refusing to lose. Thorn gets frustrated and grabs Rhino by the hair once again. This time he tosses him to the outside and Thorn follows. Referee John Rice then starts to count. (1)Thorn smashes the head of Rhino on the barricade and Rhino collapses to the floor.(2 . .3) Thorn picks Rhino up and Irish whips him to the ring post causing Rhino to fall to the floor favoring his face.(4 . .5 .. 6. .) Thorn slides back into the ring and once again distracts the ref as Gangrel walks towards Rhino at ringside. Gangrel measures Rhino with his goblet as the fans start to boo. Rhino gets to his feet and turns around to Gangrel who attempts to bash him over the head with the goblet but fails as Rhino dodges it. Gangrel moves quite a distance away from Rhino due to the force he exerted and as Gangrel faces towards Rhino. "The War Machine" runs towards him and hits him with The Gore! Causing Gangrel to drop the goblet and get knocked out at ringside. The fans let out a huge pop as Rhino slides into the ring to the shock of Thorn. Thorn rushes towards Rhino and Rhino dodges away from him and kicks him to the gut. He then lifts Thorn up to his shoulders and goes for a devastating TKO! Rhino hits the move in the middle of the ring and goes for the pin. 1 . . 2. . 3!

Chris Reynolds: and the winner of the match. . .Rhino!

Gangrel lays out cold on ringside as Thorn is inside the ring and Rhino starts to celebrate in the ring with his theme playing on the PA. Rhino takes a few minutes to catch his breathe before asking for a mic. He pauses for a while as the fans cheer for him. Thorn and Gangrel can be seen limping to the back as Rhino begins to speak.

Rhino: Abyss! Its been 7 days . . . 7 days since I issued my challenge to you for a match at No Regrets! So whats it gonna be?!

Everyone in the arena anticipates the arrival of Abyss as his theme suddenly plays on the PA and the stage lights turn red. Rhino asks Abyss to bring it as the stage remains empty.

JJ: Where is he? This looks like an absolute repeat of last week.

Rhino gets frustrated thinking that Abyss will not show up yet again. The fans themselves boo after getting disappointed.

Rhino: Whats the matter Abyss?! Sc. .

Suddenly from behind comes Abyss who passed through the fans area holding a barbedwired bat. Abyss drops his bat and slides into the ring. Rhino gets blind sided and is pummeled from behind. Abyss lifts Rhino on his shoulders for the Shock Treatment but somehow Rhino slides out and starts to throw right hands on Abyss. He then Irish whips Abyss to the ropes but Abyss reverses it causing Rhino to bounce off the ropes and as Rhino bounces back, Abyss lifts him up for the Black Hole Slam! Rhino gets knocked down to the mat with amazing impact as Abyss grabs the baseball bat wrapped with barbedwire. Abyss sits Rhino up and grinds the bat across the face of Rhino. The fans look on in shock as Abyss continues to grind the barbedwired bat on Rhino's forehead. Rhino can be seen slowly getting busted wide open and is screaming in pain. Abyss then measures Rhino from behind who's dazed and is barely making his way to his feet. Rhino slowly makes his way up and turns around only to be sent right back down with a barbedwired bat shot to the forehead further widening the wound of Rhino. Abyss looks down on Rhino and does his signature taunt of crossing his arms as his music hits the PA and he slowly exits the arena.

JJ: What a sadistic act by Abyss.

DDP: Looks like Abyss just accepted Rhino's challenge and like the saying goes. You better be careful of what you wish for.

Rhino remains in the ring, Wiping the blood off his face which is continuously flowing down from his forehead as Abyss walks up the ramp holding his barbedwired bat and the cameras fade to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial with the fans still in a state of shock after what just transpired earlier before the break. The camera then shifts to Leticia Cline who can be seen backstage with a mic at hand seemingly to conduct another interview.

Leticia Cline: Welcome back to DZW. Tonight we have a main event between two former allies turned foes due to last weeks events. Here with me at this moment is one of the men involved for tonight's main event. "Mr.Friday Night" . . Rob Van Dam.

The fans start to cheer as RVD himself enters the scene wearing an RVD merchandise shirt on top of his singlet, Typically having a smile on his face as he listens to the fans cheer his name.


The chants die down and Leticia begins to speak.

Leticia Cline: Thanks for being here Rob. Last week you accidentally hit you're partner and friend Samoa Joe across the head with a Singapore Cane which was brought in by Raven. With that said have you and Joe been in contact since then?

RVD: Well Leticia, I've actually tried calling him and each time he ends up not answering them. So sad to say. Me and Joe hadn't had any time to sit things through. Last week. I became careless and ended up losing not only a match but also a friend in the process. Well tonight I plan to patch things up with Joe before we can even exchange blows in the ring.

Leticia Cline: Speaking of you're match. Are you prepared to face Samoa Joe in the ring if ever he does decline you're offer of reconciliation?

RVD: Leticia, A match is a match. Once we go toe to toe in that ring tonight. It's going to be awesome. See Leticia. Me and Joe we're competitors. Friend or foe when you get signed up for a match you gotta go in there not thinking twice. A true warrior fights with no emotion and thats what me and Joe are. . . Warriors.

Leticia Cline: Rob last question. No Regrets you have a fatal fourway match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Any message for you're opponents?

RVD: No Regrets, Its going to be big no doubt and its going to be bigger once the match ends and we hear Chris Reynold's announce the new World Heavyweight Champion. . R-V-D. Theres a reason why they call me Mr.Pay-Per-View and at No Regrets you, Along with all these fans will find out why.

RVD walks out of the set, Leaving Leticia as the camera fades for a little while and shifts back to ringside. The cameras pan out around the audience when suddenly Elix Skipper's theme hits the PA and the fans show their hatred towards him with a barrage of boos. Skipper comes out from behind the curtains wearing his entrance jacket with the DZW Tag Team Championship on his shoulders and stops on the stage. He puts his arms up and makes an X showing his representation of Triple X. He then continues to walk down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: The following match is scheduled for one fall with the partners of the competing wrestlers banned from ringside! First weighing in at 223 pounds, from Atlanta, Georgia. One-half of the DZW Tag Team Champions. . Elix Skipper!

Skipper goes up the apron and once again does taunts the audience before entering the ring and removing his entrance gear. He then waits for his opponent as he warms up by stretching using the ropes. His music dies down and "1967" plays causing the fans to let out a huge pop. Chris Sabin comes out from behind the curtains and does his finger gun gesture towards Elix Skipper before running down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent! weighing in at 207 pounds, from Detriot, Michigan . . . Chris Sabin!


Partners Banned From Ringside
Chris Sabin vs Elix Skipper

Sabin slides into the ring and Skipper capitalizes by pummeling on Sabin's back as he slides in. Skipper continues his relentless attack as the referee asks for the bell and the match has officially started. Skipper stands up and stomps on Sabin persistently. He then grabs Sabin to his feet and hits him with a hard right hand that makes Sabin fall back to the mat. Sabin then tries to get up and almost gets hit with a crescent kick but he ducks out off it and runs to the ropes. Sabin bounces off the ropes and goes towards Skipper who jumps over him. Sabin bounces off the ropes once again and Skipper attempts a clothesline that Sabin ducks out off causing Sabin to go towards the ropes and as Sabin runs towards Skipper he gets lifted up in the air and in one solid motion Skipper's backfires as Sabin hits him with a dropkick. Skipper falls back to the mat and as Sabin gets to his feet and grabs him by the head. Sabin then brings Skipper to one corner of the ring and kicks him to the gut before lifting him in position for a crucifix powerbomb. Sabin runs across the ring to powerbomb Skipper to the corner but Skipper gets out out of the predicament in the process. Sabin turns around and gets hit with stiff kick to the gut. Sabin favors his abdomen as Skipper runs to the ropes and hits him with a neckbreaker. Sabin favors his neck as Skipper crawls towards him and goes for a quick pin. 1. .2 . .kickout!

Sabin gets an arm up as Skipper gets disappointed and grabs Sabin by the head and smashes his opponents face to the turnbuckle. Skipper then goes up the turnbuckle with his opponent on the corner and pummels his opponent with rights to the forehead. Skipper continuously pummels on Sabin till he reaches 10. Skipper steps down from the turnbuckle and Irish whips his opponent to the opposite corner of the ring. Sabin hits the turnbuckles and Skipper runs towards him for a corner clothesline. Sabin gets the wind knocked out of him and Skipper whips Sabin to the ropes. Skipper ducks for a back body drop but Sabin jumps over Skipper and goes for a sunset flip. He has Skipper rolled up and the ref goes for the count. 1. .2 .kickout!

Skipper kicks out and both men get to their feet. Skipper goes for a spinning calf kick but once again Sabin duck away from it and goes for a hurricanrana that finds its mark. Sabin then runs to the ropes and goes for a quick leg drop. Skipper favors his chest as Sabin sits him up and kicks his back before running to the ropes and dropkicks the face of the seated Elix Skipper. The fans start to cheer as Sabin goes foe the pin. 1 . .2 . .kickout!

Sabin gets to his feet and goes to the apron awaiting for his opponent to stand up. Skipper gets to his feet and as he stands up Sabin springboards towards him for a missile dropkick that sends Skipper back to the mat. Sabin gets to his feet and grabs Skipper by the head and lifts him up to his shoulders for a Cradle Shock. The fans are on their feet anticipating the finishing move but Skipper slides out of it to the back of Sabin and positions him for a reverse suplex. Skipper lifts Sabin up and hits him with the reverse suplex to the ropes. Sabin can be seen hanging on the ropes as Skipper slowly goes to the turnbuckles and measures Sabin. He jumps from the turnbuckle towards Sabin whos hanging on the ropes for a vicious leg drop to the back of the head of Sabin. Sabin falls off the ropes after getting hit with the leg drop and Skipper goes for the pin. 1. .2. . kickout!

Sabin once gets an arm up and Skipper does not believe it. Skipper grabs Sabin by the head and kicks him to the gut. Sabin favors his abdomen area as Skipper sets him up for the Play Of The Day. Sabin somehow gets out of it and kicks Skipper to the gut followed by an enziguri to the back of the head of Skipper. Skipper falls to the mat as Sabin helps him up to his feet and scoops him up to the turnbuckle and hangs him in the tree of woe. Sabin goes to one corner of the ring and runs towards the hanging Skipper and leaps to the air for the hesitation dropkick. Skipper gets hit right to the face and crumbles out of the tree of woe to the mat. Sabin then drags Skipper to the center of the ring and goes for a pin. 1. . 2. .kickout!

Skipper gets a shoulder up and Sabin is shocked. Sabin slowly gets to his feet and waits for Skipper to get up. Skipper slowly gets to his feet and Sabin turns him around and carries him to his shoulders as Sabin has Skipper on his shoulders he accidentally hits the referee with Skippers leg causing referee Mike Ferrer to fall to the mat favoring the side of his head. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock with the pin and there is no on to count. Sabin lets go of Skipper and checks on the ref when suddenly from the audience comes a man wearing a black burglar mask who slides into the ring. He turns the unsuspecting Sabin around and lifts him up to his shoulders to hit him with a Backbreaker rack dropped into a facebuster right in the middle of the ring. He then puts Skipper over Sabin and rolls out to ringside and goes over the barricades to exit the arena.

JJ: Who the hell was that?!

DDP: Well no ones gonna find out now that his left the building but hey the rules are the partners are banned from ringside and as far as I know that wasn't his partner.

JJ: Oh you've got to be kidding me.

Referee Mike Ferrer groggily crawls towards the two competitors and sees the pinfall. He counts with the fans booing. 1 . .2. .3!

Chris Reynolds: You're winner . . Elix Skipper!

Senshi with his Tag Team Championship belt at hand comes from the back to celebrate with his partner and the fans are still confused as to who the masked man that helped Skipper gain the victory was. Senshi slides into the ring and celebrates with his partner as Skipper is handed his belt. The two taunt the fans and eventually stop as they look at the fallen Sabin. Shelley then runs down to the ring to tend to his partner as Triple X exits the ring and talks trash to Shelley while showing off their belts as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial somewhere backstage inside a very dim room. It was unknown as to where the exact setting was. Two men then enter the scene limping and furious. They were non other than the team of Gangrel and Kevin Thorn. The Brood. Who have had their share of bad luck earlier in the night after getting beat by Rhino. Gangrel and Kevin Thorn both look upset as Thorn favors his neck and Gangrel favors his abdomen.

Gangrel: Tonight we were humiliated. Put to shame as the thousands in the arena take joy of our mortification.

Gangrel pauses for a little while as Thorn continues to look furiously at the camera.

Gangrel: Well come No Regrets we will make someone else feel our pain! Cause we challenge any tag-team, Foolish enough to face The Brood on No Regrets. And believe me there will be a bloodbath!

Gangrel and Thorn furiously leave from the sights of the camera as the camera fades to black for a second and shifts to Elix Skipper and Senshi who can be seen happy of themselves inside their lockeroom, Celebrating their victory over the Motor City Machine Guns. Leticia Cline then enters with a mic a hand to conduct a post-match interview.

Leticia Cline: Hey guys, I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions. Elix, Well this coming Sunday you got a match for you're DZW World Tag Team Championship. How do you guys feel after gaining momentum tonight?

Elix Skipper: Plain and simple. We feel great. Tonight we showed each and everyone of you that Triple X can get the job done with whatever stipulation you put us in.

Leticia Cline: Tonight you were victorious over Chris Sabin with a little help from a masked man who came from the fans area. Do you happen to know who that man was?

Elix Skipper: Leticia, Earlier tonight I decimated Chris and I could have walked out with my arms raised with or without that "masked man" you're referring to. Did we know him? Maybe. Maybe not. All will be answered at the right place at the right time. . . No Regrets the Motor City Machine Guns are going to need all the support they can get from the dump they call home Detroit Michigan because come Sunday. We will retain these belts and show them that theres no stopping Triple. .X . . Now if you could excuse us. We got some celebrating to do.

Elix and Senshi grab their bags with their belts on their shoulders and exit their lockeroom for a night at the town as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial as "Ain't No Make Believe" by Stonefree Experience hits the PA and Morrison arrogantly comes out from behind the curtains. He poses and the camera does a slow motion effect as he does it. He then walks down the ramp and goes up the apron once again posing before going into the ring to go to the turnbuckle and taunt the fans.

Chris Reynolds: The following match is a tag-team match, Scheduled for one fall! First in the ring. . From Los Angeles, California . . Weighing in at 201 pounds. . John . .Morrison!

The fans boo Morrison as he removes his coat and waits for his partner. The Final Countdown hits the building and The American Dragon comes down the ring wearing a maroon robe.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent. . . From Aberdeen, Washington . .Weighing in at 185 pounds . . "The American Dragon" . . Bryan Danielson!

Dragon slides into the ring and removes his robe. He stretches out using the ropes as he and his partner wait for their opponents. Homicide's theme hits as he walks out from behind the curtains with a bandanna around his face, Covering his mouth.

Chris Reynolds: and their opponents. . First from Die Brooklyn, New York . . Weighing in at 220 pounds. .Homicide!

Homicide removes bandanna from his face and tosses it to the fans as he exchanges words with his opponents who are in the ring. He then stops at the edge of the ramp and awaits his partner. Buzzing could be heard as everyone in the arena grows impatient for the arrival of the No Limits Champion. "Personal Jesus" then hits the arena and the fans let out a huge pop. The fans start tapping the barricades to the beat of Aries' theme music as he walks out from behind the curtains with his belt at hand and stops next to his partner.

and his partner! . . .From Milwaukee, Wisconsin . . Weighing in at 205 pounds! He is the DZW No Limits Champion. . .Austin Aries!


John Morrison and Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries and Homicide

Aries and Homicide acknowledge each other and suddenly Aries drops his belt to the floor and they start rushing into the ring. Their opponents ambush them as they slide in and start pummeling on them. Aries and Homicide make their way up and start exchanging blows with their opponents. Homicide ducks from a clothesline attempt from Morrison and clotheslines Morison to ringside. Aries on the other hand continues to exchange blows with Danielson and Irish whips him to the ropes. Danielson bounces off the ropes and gets caught with a hurricanrana from Aries. Danielson falls to the mat as Homicide is sent to his corner. Aries waits for Danielson to stand up and locks him in a headlock. Danielson reverses this with a wrist lock and Aries rolls out off the hold and attempts a clothesline. Danielson ducks out away form it and hits Aries with huge European uppercut. Aries falls back as Danielson hits him with another uppercut and he goes reeling to the ropes. Danielson whips Aries to the ropes and hits him with a dropkick across the head. Aries falls to the mat and Danielson grabs Aries' arm. He locks Aries in a wrist lock and goes to his corner. Danielson tags in Morrison who springboards off the ropes and hits Aries' arm with an axe handle. Aries favors his arm as Danielson goes to his corner and Morrison locks Aries in a hammer lock. Morrison applies more pressure as he locks the hold standing behind Aries. Aries screams in pain as he tries to get out of the hold. Aries reverses the hold to a wrist lock. Morrison reverses to a wrist lock himself and does it with power sending Aries down the mat. Aries favors his arm as Morrison wipes his hair away from his eyes and smirks. Morrison measures Aries and stomps on his arm. Aries continues to favor his arm as Morrison grabs him by the head and hits him with a standing dropkick to the head sending him back down to the mat. Aries is in bad shape as Morrison drags Aries to their corner. Morrison tags in Danielson and Dragon stomps on Aries. Morrison goes back to their corner and Danielson picks Aries to his feet. He then Irish whips Aries to the ropes and attempts a huge clothesline but Aries ducks out and comes bouncing off the opposite set of ropes. Dragon lays on the floor chest first as Aries jumps above him and once again bounces off the ropes. Danielson swiftly gets to his feet and arm drags Aries followed by a crucifix judo-style armbar. Aries lays in the middle of the ring threatened to tap as Danielson applies more pressure as the seconds pass. Homicide looks worried for his partner as Aries screams in pain. Aries then uses every ounce of strenght he has left to put his foot on the bottom rope.

The ref asks Danielson to let go of the armbar and he does so. Danielson gets to his feet and drags Aries to the middle of the ring. He then grabs the amr of the laying Aries and puts it in between his knees before he drops his knees to the floor sandwiching Aries' arm in between his knees. Aries favors his arm and Danielson tags Morrison back in. Morrison goes in the ring and lifts Aries to his feet. He then attempts a kick to the mid section but Aries catches his leg. He then attempts an enziguri but Aries ducks out of it and has Morrison in wheel-borrow position. He lifts Morrison up and Morrison counters by rolling him up for a pin.1. .2 . .kickout!

Aries finds it in him to kick out and Morrison gets to his feet. Aries rushes to Morrison to try and turn the momentum but is caught with an arm drag followed by an arm bar. This time it is the arm bar is of a different variant and is what you usually see in professional wrestling. The hold is locked in perfectly and Aries screams in pain once again. The fans start to cheer him on and Aries slowly gets to his feet. The armbar is turned into a wrist lock as Aries rolls and sweeps the leg of Morrison. Morrison falls to the mat but swiftly gets to his feet, As he stands up he gets hit with an amazing standing dropkick from Aries. Morrison once again falls to the mat and Aries grabs his opponent by the head. Morrison rakes him in the eyes and Irish whips Aries to the ropes. Aries reverses sending Morrison to the ropes instead. Aries then catches his opponent with a spinebuster. Morrison favors his back as Aries crawls to his partner for the hot tag. Homicide enters the ring and Danielson enters to help his partner. Homicide attempts a clothesline for Danielson but Danielson ducks away from it and hits his opponent with a European uppercut. Homicide falls back to the ropes as Morrison helps his partner and they Irish whip Homicide to the ropes. They attempt a double clothesline but Homicide ducks off of it. He then bounces back and attempts a double running body press, But his opponents catch him instead. Danielson and Morrison with grins on their faces turn around with Homicide on their arms and off from the top rope comes Aries who dropkicks the back of Homicide from the top rope causing Homicide to complete the body press on his opponents. Homicide and Danielson fall to the mat and both men roll to the outside.

Danielson and Morrison take deep breathes outside to recuperate as Homicide attempts a Topé con hilo. Danielson and Morrison get out of the way and grin but in turns out Homicide landed on the apron faking their opponents, As Danielson and Morrison high five eachother acknowledging their smart move from inside the ring comes Austin Aries who hits them with the Heat Seeking Missiles as he dives in between the 2nd and bottom ropes hitting both his opponents in the process. Homicide then goes to ringside and grabs Morrison before Irish whipping him to the barricades. Morrison falls and favors his back as Homicide grabs him by the head and brings him in the ring. Homicide then rolls into the ring and stomps on Morrison. Homicide then grabs Morrison by his long hair and hits him with a snap suplex and goes for a quick pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

Morrison gets an arm up and Homicide gets to his feet to pick up his opponent and Iris whip him to the ropes. Morrison attempts to clothesline Homicide as he bounces off the ropes and Homicide ducks away from it. Morrison then stops on his tracks as Homicide runs to the ropes and as Morrison turns around he gets hit with a huge Yakuza kick to the face! Morrison lays on the mat as Homicide grabs the leg of the almost unconscious Morrison and drags him to the middle of the ring. He then turns him around and goes for the STF. Homicide has it locked in and Morrison looks to be in the verge of tapping. Homicide locks in the hold with more pressure as Danielson enters the ring and kicks Homicide to the face making him let go of the hold. The fans boo as Danielson is sent out to his corner. Homicide then gets to his feet and exchanges words with Danielson not knowing from behind is Morrison who pummels Homicide from behind and lifts him up in a belly-to-back suplex position but he plants Homicide face first to the mat instead. Homicide lays on the mat favoring his face as Morrison tags in his partner. Danielson then comes in the ring and grabs Homicide by the head. He raises him up to his feet and hits him with a European uppercut sending Homicide to fall back to the ropes. He then Irish whips Homicide to the ropes and hits him with a powerslam. Homicide is knocked the wind out of him as Danielson gets to his feet and sits up his opponent. He then goes behind Homicide and starts to go for repetitive MMA elbows across the face. The great impact of each shot can be seen clearly as Danielson continous to hit his opponent. Homicide can be seen fading when suddenly from behind is Aries who kicks Danielson to the back of the head.

Danielson lets go of Homicide and starts to exchange blows with Aries. Morrison enters the ring and helps his partner. They have Aries cornered on the turnbuckle and they continue to take shots at him. Morrison and Danielson then Irish whip Aries to the opposite corner and Morrison follows him for a clothesline but Aries lifts his body up as he gets to the turnbuckle. He has he legs on the shoulders of Morrison and Morrison tosses him to the outside. Aries crashes at ringside as Morrison goes after him. He exchanges blows with Aries at the outside meanwhile in the ring Danielson grabs Homicide by the head an picks him up. Homicide counters and takes the arms of Danielson off him and starts to hit Danielson with jabs to the face. Homicide then Irish whips Danielson to the ropes but Danielson counters and sends Homicide to the ropes instead. Homicide then bounces back attempting a huge lariat but Danielson sees it coming and ducks away from it. Danielson swiftly goes behind Homicide and puts him in the School Boy pin. 1. . 2. .(Danielson then grabs the ropes for extra leverage and the ref doesn't see it). . . 3!

Chris Reynolds: The winners of the match John Morrison and Bryan Danielson!

Aries can be seen rushing to the ring trying to get a piece of Danielson but Danielson rolls out from the ring with a huge smile on his face. He walks up the ramp looking at Aries motioning for the belt. Aries can be seen totally in rage as he checks on his partner who was screwed by Danielson as the camera fades to black.

The cameras come back and it opens backstage where the beautiful DZW announcer Leticia Cline can be seen waiting for someone to enter the arena. A few seconds pass and the doors open. From behind the door is a not so happy Samoa Joe who can be seen holding his bags and wearing his street clothes. The fans let out a huge pop upon the arrival of Samoa Joe and Leticia Cline attempts to grab a hold of an interview with "The Samoan Submission Machine".

Leticia Cline: Joe! Excuse me. Can we please have a word with you about you're situation with Rob Van Dam?

Leticia Cline puts the mic in front of the mouth of Joe and Joe does not say a thing. He looks at the camera with an enraged look on his face before putting aside the mic and hand of Leticia leaving the set to go to his lockeroom to prepare for his match as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens with DDP and "JJ" Jeff Jackson on commentary.

JJ: The look on Joe's face said it all, It looks like RVD is in for a fight.

DDP: This thing has escalated to a feud between two friends JJ. These two men have been friends for a long time and tonight they are going face to face in that very ring because of what Raven led them to do.

JJ: Like you said DDP, Raven is a sick, demented man who is willing to do anything to get that championship and tonight it seems like his plan is going into play.

DDP: Thats right JJ. All of this if from Raven's playbook. Tonight Samoa Joe and RVD not only lose a piece of their friendship if not lost it fully but also they are going to put their bodies on the line while Raven and Cor Von get to rest for their match on Sunday at No Regrets.

((One Of A Kind!))

The commentators are then interrupted by the sound of RVD's theme and the fans start to let out a huge pop. Rob Van Dam walks from behind the curtains and starts to walk down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 237 pounds, from Battle Creek, Michigan, Rob Van Dam!

RVD does his signature taunt of pointing to himself in unison with Chris Reynolds' announcement of his name. He then goes up the top turnbuckle to play to the fans as his music fades. The fans start to buzz as they await the arrival of RVD's former friend and opponent. RVD circles the ring and "Crush U Up" by Dale Oliver plays on the PA. The fans start to let out another huge pop as Samoa Joe comes out from behind the curtains with a towel wrapped around his shoulders and he has an intense look on his face. He stops on stage to stare down the man inside the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent weighing in at 280 pounds, from American Samoa, Samoa Joe!


Samoa Joe vs Rob Van Dam

Joe marches down the ring and the fans are at the edge of their seats knowing that they are up for one hell of a match. Joe slides in and immediately stands face to face with RVD. RVD tries to explain what happens but is unsuccesful. Joe throws his towel outside the ring and starts to exchange blows with RVD as the ref asks for the bell. The atmosphere is unbelievable as the fans are cut in two with one half cheering for Joe and the other for RVD. Their exchange of blows end in a stalemate as neither man seem to lose the exchange. Joe then goes for the headlock being the aggressor and RVD gets out of it by pushing Joe to the ropes. Joe hits him with a shoulder block and RVD falls to the mat. He then runs to the ropes and RVD turns over as Joe jumps over him. He then stands up and Joe bounces off the ropes again. RVD jumps above Joe as The Samoan Submission Machine runs to the ropes once again and on his way back RVD catches him with a spinning wheel kick. Joe falls to the mat and immediately gets to his feet as he and RVD lock up. Joe then has RVD in the corner and the ref asks for them to break it up. Joe slowly lets go and they once again circle the ring. They lock up once more and this time RVD has Joe on the corner and much like earlier they are asked to release the tie up. They let go once again and the fans cheer. The two men looking equally matched circle each other around the ring. They tie up yet again and this time Joe goes for a wrist lock. RVD tries to get out of the hold but Joe adds more pressure. RVD then rolls out of the hold and attempts a clothesline but Joe ducks away from it and goes behind RVD before hitting an amazing release German suplex. RVD lays on his back as Joe goes towards him and goes for the quick pin. 1. .2. .kickout! RVD gets an arm up from the pin attempt and Joe gets to his feet to pick up his opponent. Joe then hits the barely standing RVD with a stiff kick to the chest. RVD favors his chest as Joe grabs him by the head and smashes it on the turnbuckle. He then Irish whips his opponent to the opposite corner and hits RVD with a shining wizard. RVD is dazed as Joe hits him with a C.C.S enziguri and sends RVD to the bottom turnbuckle. Joe then rakes his boots across the face of RVD before running to the ropes and goes for a facewash. RVD looks unconscious as Joe drags RVD to the middle of the ring and goes for the pin. 1. .2. .kickout!

RVD once again kicks out and Joe continous the attack. He picks RVD up and goes for an atomic drop before running to the ropes and goes for a single leg running front dropkick to the face sending RVD to the mat. He then tries to go for a running senton but RVD rolls out of the way showing just how much he knows his opponent. RVD slowly gets to his feet and so does Joe but in a faster pace. RVD and Joe meet in the middle of the ring and groggily exchanges blows. Joe then attempts a kick to the mid section but RVD catches it and goes for a step-over wheel kick. Joe falls to the mat and RVD stalks his opponent from behind. Joe gets to his feet and RVD carries him above his shoulders and goes for a Rolling fireman's carry slam. RVD then attempts a corkscrew leg-drop but Joe rolls out of the way and stiff kicks the seated RVD. RVD lays on the mat and Joe attempts a Samoan Elbow but RVD gets out of the way and RVD attempts a standing moonsault and it doesn't find its mark as well. Joe rolls out of the way and both men stand across each other in the ring in fighting stance as the fans start RVD and Joe chants.

The match is slowly turning into DZW's best match as of late as both men tie up once again and Samoa Joe puts RVD in a headlock. RVD then pushes his opponent to the ropes and Joe ducks for a back body drop but RVD goes for a sunset flip. 1 . .2. . kickout! Joe rolls out and goes for a roll up pin. 1. . 2. .kickout! RVD kicks out and both men stand up. RVD goes behind Joe and goes for a backslide. 1. . 2. . kickout! Joe kicks out and both men stand up once again. Joe then sweeps the leg of RVD with his arm and goes on top of his opponent for the pin. 1. .2. . kickout! RVD kicks out yet again and both of them once again get to their feet. They stand across each other once again as the fans let put another pop. The match has been a see-saw battle thus far and both competitors are not going to afford to lose. Both men tie each other up. RVD then goes for the headlock and Joe pushes RVD to the ropes. RVD hangs on the ropes and Joe runs towards him. RVD tries to back body drop Joe to the outside but Joe lands on the apron. RVD then springboards and hits Joe with a diving kick sending Joe to the floor. Joe tries to recover as RVD runs to the ropes and as Joe gets to his feet RVD goes for the diving senton. Both men lay on the floor as the fans start DZW chants.


RVD gets to his feet faster after receiving the less damage. Van Dam grabs Joe by the head and puts him in vertical suplex position. He then lifts Joe up and goes for front suplex on to the barricade. Joe lays on the barricade as RVD goes on the apron and goes for a leg drop on the back of the head of Samoa Joe. The fans start to RVD on as he picks Joe up and slides him into the ring. RVD rolls into the ring as well and drags Joe in the middle of the ring. RVD then goes for a standing moonsault and the pin. 1. . 2. . kickout! Joe gets an arm up and RVD can't believe it. Van Dam then grabs Joe by the head and smashes Joe's face on the turnbuckle followed by shoulder thrusts to the mid-section. RVD goes for two and back flips before attempting a monkey flip but Joe catches him with the STJoe! RVD falls on the mat with great impact and Joe exhaustingly crawls towards his opponent for the pin. 1. .2 . .kickout! RVD kicks out and the fans are irate with excitement!

JJ: Can you believe this match? It has gone back and forth with no one wanting to give it up!

DDP: This match has to be one of the best if not the best match we have ever had here on DZW!

Joe looks exhausted as he grabs RVD by the head and lifts him up to his feet. Joe then hits RVD with a snapmare as Joe sits up RVD and chops him on the chest followed by a stiff kick on the back. RVD falls back to the mat favoring his back as Joe runs to the ropes and goes for a huge knee drop to the face and goes for the pin. 1. . 2. . kickout! RVD once again kicks out and Joe looks frustrated. He does a cut throat motion and lifts RVD up and puts him on his right shoulder. Joe then goes for the Island Driver right in the middle of the ring! Joe goes for the pin 1. . 2. .kickout! RVD gets arm up and Joe can't believe it. Joe then helps RVD to his feet and sends carries him towards the turnbuckle and places him on the top turnbuckle. It looks like Joe is looking for a Muscle Buster but before Joe can even attempt his finishing move RVD kicks Joe to the face and Joe staggers. Joe favors his nose and as he turns around he gets hit with a Diving kick to the chest. Joe falls to the mat and RVD goes for the pin 1. . 2. .kickout! RVD groggily gets to his feet and hits Joe with a huge northern lights suplex followed by a bridge for the pinfall. 1. .2. . kickout! RVD pulls his hair out of frustration and grabs Joe by the head. He then lifts Joe up and hits him with a falling powerslam across the turnbuckle followed by a Hollywood Star Press. RVD then hooks the leg. 1. .2. .kickout!

Joe kicks out once again and RVD is in disbelief as the fans start DZW chants once again. RVD lifts his opponent up and scoop slams Joe on the edge of the ring before going for the rolling thunder. It finds its mark as Joe favors his abdomen and RVD drags him to the middle of the ring. The fans are on their feet as RVD goes to the top rope and looks around signaling the 5 star frog splash. Joe quickly yet groggily gets to his feet and hits RVD who is now seated on the turnbuckle. The fans are on their feet with anticipation as Joe puts RVD in position for the Muscle Buster. Joe has him in position and lifts him up away from the turnbuckle and slams him right into the middle of the ring followed by the pin. 1. .2. .3!

Chris Reynolds: You're winner . . Samoa Joe!

Joe gets his arm raised when suddenly from behind the curtains comes Marcus Cor Von. Cor Von runs to the ring and pummels Joe from behind and mounts Joe. He then starts to pummel on the forehead of Joe almost savage like as the fans start to boo.

JJ: This man has just come from a grueling match and Cor Von being the opportunist that he is has taken advantage of the fact that Joe is fatigued and attacks his opponent on Sunday to soften him up.

DDP: and his doing it like theres something left to soften up. Joe and RVD have reached over their limits as it is.

Cor Von continous his attack when suddenly RVD groggily helps his opponent earlier by hitting Cor Von at the back of the head. He then grabs Cor Von by the head and hits him with forearms across the face when from the fans area comes Raven. Raven slides into the ring and hits RVD with stiff jabs. Cor Von and Raven double team RVD on the corner and the fans continue to boo followed by "F**k you Raven" chants. Raven starts choking RVD with his boot. Cor Von then pushes Raven away wanting RVD for himself and this starts an argument between the two. Raven and Cor Von staredown and starts exchanging words when suddenly from behind comes Joe who hits both of them with a double clothesline. Cor Von and Raven then use the ropes to get up on opposite corners and RVD clotheslines Raven to the floor, So does Joe who clotheslines Cor Von to ringside. The fans start to cheer as Raven and Cor Von retreat their separate ways as Joe and RVD stand tall in the ring. They then turn around and see each other causing a stare down between the two. They start talking trash to each other concerning their match on Sunday as the cameras fade to black marking the end of the show.


Quick Results:
Thorn vs Rhino
Sabin vs Skipper
Morrison and Danielson vs Aries and Homicide
Samoa Joe vs RVD​

The Rated R CMStar

BM: In my opinion, it's a tie. I am going with both the main event, which was amazing as you blended perfectly both styles of wrestlers. And the other match is the tag team match between Morrison/Danielson and Aries/Homicide.

WM: None

BP: I liked the interview with Rob Van Dam, very in character and hyping his situation with Samoa Joe.

WP: None

AC: Great comeback show. No Regrets is truly shaping to be a hell of a PPV. I didn't like in the show the large exchange between the commentators at the beginning of the show, went way too long in my taste, matches were amazing, keep up the good work

Check out BTW, show has been posted

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - I was a fan of the tag match between Morrison and AmDrag vs Aries and Homicide. I'm not fan of the pairing, and I think they should be switched, but it was still very well written. The feud for the no Limits Title is going Good, I'm actually liking super Heel Danielson rather than "Best in the World" Danielson the way you write your shows.

WM - N/A

BP - The RVD interview with Leticia was a good one, and his feud is going great too.

WP - Hell nah

AC - Nice to see you back after your brief hiatus. All the feuds going into No Regrets is doing well, and my favorite is the NO Limits Title feud. The Joe/RVD feud is pretty good too, I can't wait to see if you have AmDrag feud with Joe. Every thing in your BTB is good, and I love your entrance video. I would do that too, but I gotta ball, and I can only do matches. Anyways, good work man, I'll check out the next show.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: RVD vs. Samoa Joe is definitely a great match but the Morrison/Danielson vs. Aries/Homicide is damn great as well.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Well, it's none other than RVD's interviews. He made to hype evervything from his feud to his No Regret's match.

Additional Feedbacks: You're first PPV is going to be great especially on the Fatal Four Way match. I wonder if RVD is going to win the title, I just feel it lol... I am looking forward to No Regrets.


BM: Well I liked all of the matches, the opening match between Rhino and Kevin thorn was good and I like both of them. I also really liked Morrison/Danielson vs Aries/Homicide it was very entertaining and a good length. The Main Event was also very good, Everything about it was great.

WM: None, my least favourite was Skipper Vs Sabin but even that was quite good.

BP: The RVD interview was definatly the best of the show.

WP: None

AF: The show is very good, I really love to read your matches and I like all the superstars you write for. Your promo's are good to but the matches are just better, Your next PPV looks good and I will definatly be reading...

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Rhino vs Thorn: A basic kind of face vs heel match where Thorn dominated throughout, and Rhino had the big comeback, then came out with the win. The match as a whole flowed pretty well.

Aftermath: Rhino seemed in character, and the storyline continues with Abyss sneak attacking Rhino. Kind of saddistic from Sbyss lol.

RVD promo: RVD got to talk about everything, including PPV hype as well as Main Event hype. This really does build interest in the main event.

Sabin vs Skipper: A very interesting finish to this one. One would assume it was Senshi who interfered, but with the move used, I'm not so sure.

The Brrod promo: Showing their disgust in their loss, this promo could set up an interesting match. We will see.

Skipper promo: This promo makes me really think it was Christopher Daniels. We shall see, but I think I'm right lol.

Morrison/Dragon vs Aries/Homicide: Danielson looks like a star in this match, and you really emphasized him as a heel with your finish. The action really flowed throughout.

Joe promo?: Great, makes Joe really want to seek vengeance against RVD.

RVD vs Joe: You made both men's styles compliment each other in this match, and it made for a great match. Joe going over clean so close to the PPV makes me think that he won't be successful there. A very good match. Aftremath was great too.

BM: Main event, just.
WM: n/a
BP: RVD was mt favourite
WP: n/a
AC: Nice show Horza, some good hype for No Regrets. Really liked everything throughout this show. :)


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event. It was a real wrestling match, something I would definitely spend money on to watch irl.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Elix Skipper promo. A fun read.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Comment: This is the first DZW show I've read, and to be honest with you I really enjoyed it. I'm definitely interested in DZW and No Regrets.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity


After being humiliated last week by Rhino. The Brood has taken it upon themselves to challenge any tag-team promising a bloodbath. Who will answer The Brood's open challenge? We will have to find out this Sunday on No Regrets.


2 weeks ago a Gauntlet for the DZW No Limits Championship was held and in it, Feuds have been made. John Morrison has cost Homicide the No Limits title not once but twice. Can Homicide finally get the revenge his been dying to get or will John Morrison once again get the final laugh?


These two monsters have had history way before DZW. The two haven't faced each other in the since their last match at their previous company. 2 weeks ago they once again cross paths after having Rhino save Sharkboy and attack Abyss saying they have unfinished business. Abyss later returned the favor by causing Rhino his debut match against Vampiro which led to Rhino challenging Abyss at No Regrets giving him a one week deadline. Last week after an exhausting match against Kevin Thorn. "The Man Beast" asked for "The Monster's" answer and Abyss answered with authority by attacking Rhino from behind and opening him up with a barbedwire wrapped bat. They have been through hell fighting each other and come No Regrets they come face to face with the devil once again as they face off in a Barbedwire Massacre match.


3 weeks ago at the debut show of DZW, The Motor City Machine Guns and Triple X had a match for the DZW Tag Team Championships. Team Triple X came up on top after cheating their way to victory. Since then the boys from Detroit have had their eyes set on getting the belts from Triple X. Over the weeks the two teams have been at it including one incident in Detroit a week after their match with Triple X attacking and humiliating the Machine Guns in their own hometown after winning a match prior for the Number One Contendership of the tag team straps.

This past Friday on Fury Sabin and Skipper faced off in singles action with their respective partners banned from ringside. Both teams complied with the stipulation "The Nature Boy" himself handed out however a man from the audience wearing a mask interfered, Helping Skipper get the win. Triple X have not yet denied their relationship with the masked man. Who it was remains a mystery but we must watch out this Sunday at No Regrets if the masked man will once again show up and reveal his true identity.


Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries are two of the biggest stars ROH ever had. Both former ROH World Champions and now they fight for a different type of gold. The DZW No Limits Championship. Austin Aries overcame the obstacles after entering the 3rd in the DZW No Limits Championship gauntlet and winning it after pinning the last entrant, Bryan Danielson. Dragon was furious after losing to Aries and had his eyes set on taking the title from Aries ever since. This Sunday the two face in the ring to once again put up a great match. Who will come out victorious? We shall see this Sunday on No Regrets.


The DZW World Heavyweight Championship has been long overdue to have a rightful holder. The debut show of DZW was set to be the mark of the first Heavyweight Champion but thanks to Marcus Cor Von, The title match ended in a no contest after hitting both competitors with the Pounce making them fall from the stage. DZW Chairman Michael Taylor has then appointed General Manager Ric Flair to take charge of the title picture and his answer was pitting the four men who were running for it against each other. This has lead to a feud between RVD, Raven, Marcus Cor Von and Samoa Joe. Last week Joe was accidentally hit by RVD with a Singapore Cane causing them their match. It was of course Raven's doing of putting the foreign object into play. RVD and Joe's friendship plummeted to the ground after that and they had a match this week with Joe taking on RVD. Joe came out victorious after a long grueling match against RVD. All four men have made their intentions clear of wanting the DZW World Heavyweight Championship and are willing to do anything to get it with no regrets. . .

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Yeah, so I guess I'll make some predictions :)

The Brood vs ???

Homicide vs John Morrison

Barbwrire Massacre
Abyss vs Rhino

DZW Tag Team Championships
MCMG vs XXX (c)

DZW No Limits Championship
Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries (c)

Fatal Four Way for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship
Marcus Cor Von vs Raven vs Rob Van Dam vs Samoa Joe

Evil Austin

The Brood vs ???

Homicide vs John Morrison

Barbwrire Massacre
Abyss vs Rhino

DZW Tag Team Championships
MCMG vs XXX (c)

DZW No Limits Championship
Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries (c)

Fatal Four Way for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship
Marcus Cor Von vs Raven vs Rob Van Dam vs Samoa Joe

Good card, expect a review from me. Feel free to check out one of my shows if u like....


Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
The Brood vs ???

Homicide vs John Morrison

Barbwrire Massacre
Abyss vs Rhino

DZW Tag Team Championships
MCMG vs XXX (c)

DZW No Limits Championship
Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries (c)

Fatal Four Way for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship
Marcus Cor Von vs Raven vs Rob Van Dam vs Samoa Joe

Looks good so far :) looking forward to it :D


The Brood vs ???

Homicide vs John Morrison

Barbwrire Massacre
Abyss vs Rhino

DZW Tag Team Championships
MCMG vs XXX (c)

DZW No Limits Championship
Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries (c)

Fatal Four Way for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship
Marcus Cor Von vs Raven vs Rob Van Dam vs Samoa Joe

looks great...thats pretty much it lol. I will be reading